Slag Cement Optimization on Flexture Strength of High Quality
Concrete with Various Treatment
Rahmi Karolina
, Syahrizal
, M. A. P. Handana
, Anggi Syafitri
Department of Civil Engineering Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Slag Cement, Flexure Test, Concrete.
Abstract: Concrete technology to date continues to grow. The need for efficient constructions that are often viewed
interms of concrete mechanical behavior, on-the-filed application, to the estimated cost of its
implementation increasing lyrequire construction actors to optimize construction engineering materials,
especially concrete engineering materials. Various types of concrete now a days have been developed
according to its needs, one of which is high quality concrete.In designing high quality concrete, it should be
noted that several factors will affect the achievement of the quality of the plan, which is cement.
Environmental issues are now a national and international issue in every establishment and operation of the
company that is about CO2 emissions from cement production and the existence of B3 waste from steel
production. In this research the use of slag cement from PT.Indocement Indonesia as a substitute for the
type I Portland cement in the substituted concrete mixture to create an environmentally friendly high quality
concrete with high initial durability and strength. The use of slag cement optimization is coupled with the
use of the Master Ease 3029 superplasticizer. This research aims to compare slag cement-based high-quality
concrete and high-quality concrete with conventional mixture. From the result of the research which has
been done on the concrete of 28 days of age, the average of absorption of slag cement concrete that
happened at PDAM water, sea water, acid water, and compound curing compared to normal concrete is
13,952%, 13,724%, 18,835% and 47,511 %. The increase of slag cement concrete modulus on PDAM
water, seawater, and acid water curing compared to normal concrete break modulus is 11,333%, 6,517%,
and 10,858%. However, the fracture modulus of slag cement concrete of compound curing decreased by
1.670% compared to the normal concrete of compound curing. The maximum deflection is owned by high
quality concrete with PDAM water treatment that is on the slag cement concrete of 0.77168926 mm and in
the normal concrete of 0.168302511 mm. The result of crack pattern observation during the test can be
concluded that the crack pattern that occurs on the concrete beam with various curing that is formed is in the
middle of the beam between the load point which is 1/3 of the effective length of the beam. The slump value
of both concrete showed results that did not give a significant effect due to the use of superplasticizer.
Based on the Indonesian National Standard 03-6468-
2000, high quality concrete is a concrete that has
characteristics as a solid material unity with a
compressive strength greater than 41.4 MPa. Often
people think that to produce high quality concrete
requires a lot of cement. However, the use of cement
in large quantities will increase the heat of
hydration. The high heat of hydration causes
shrinkage and cracking in the beginning of the
hardening process of concrete which can reduce the
strength and durability of the concrete.
Environmental problems are now a national and
international issue in every establishment and
operation of the company that is about CO2
emissions and the existence of waste products from
every activity.
Cement production produces CO2 emissions of
about 7% of total CO2 emissions. Sources of CO2
emissions in cement production come from 50-55%
calcined limestone (CaCO3), 40-50% fuel
combustion and 0-10% of electric power. It is
difficult to replace cement in producing concrete,
but can be minimized by using supplementary
cementitious materials such as Granulated Blast
Furnace Slag (GBFS). (Gidion, 2013).
In Indonesia, many industries engaged in steel
smelting and refining, including PT Krakatau Steel
in West Java, which produces at least 150 tons of
Karolina, R., Syahrizal, ., Handana, M. and Syafitri, A.
Slag Cement Optimization on Flexture Strength of High Quality Concrete with Various Treatment.
DOI: 10.5220/0010094203280331
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
slag every day. Every ton of steel production
produces 20 percent of slag waste. Slag by-products
resulted from the steel smelting and refining
companies can be utilized to be a more valuable
materials through waste co-processing. If not
utilized, the waste is included in the category of
toxic and hazardous waste (B3).
(PuslitbangJalandanJembatan, 2011).
In September 2017, two of Indonesia's largest
cement companies developed technology and
industrial waste utilization from other companies as
raw materials to become a more valueable products
and provide efficiency benefits to the company. One
of the industrial waste companies that can be utilized
for raw materials for cement-making is slag.
(Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup
Nomor 231 Tahun 2010).
In good fineness, slag cement exhibits the same
or higher quality compared to portland cement (type
I) and has the "Low Heat Hydration" property that
produces low hydration heat and CO2 emissions
produced when the production is very low.
Therefore, , can replace portland cement function
with a certain mass comparison ratio. Various
replacement levels (Substitutions) starts from 30% -
70%. (Semen Indonesia, 2017).
Slag cement is the result of Granulated Blast
Furnace Slag addition which has a slag / clinker
property into a final mill of cement at the finish mill
as an additional substitution material. The content of
the dominant chemical composition in slag contains
iron oxide and silicate. The physical and chemical
composition of the slag is similar to a blast furnace
slag or clinker.
Production of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace
Slag requires a little extra energy compared to the
energy needed for Portland cement production. The
replacement of Portland cement with GGBFS will
lead to significant reductions in carbon dioxide
emissions. Therefore, construction materials are
environmentally friendly. GGBFS with modern
technology can replace as much as 30% to 80% of
Portland cement used in concrete.
GGBFS has better water impermeability
characteristics as well as improved resistance to
corrosion and sulfate attacks. GGBFS can increase
lower hydration heat which reduces the risk of
cracking. In addition, it has a higher resistance to the
sea and sulfate, workability, reduce permeability,
which helps in making, placing and compacting.
And fix the final settlement and give a bright color
on the concrete. The chemical element content in the
slag cement can be seen in table 1 below.
Table 1 Chemical elements in stell slag
Oxide % Wei
CaO 51,68
MgO 2,11
as Na
LOI 0,21
IR 0,95
If Cao 0,18
Source : Indocement, 2017
Table 2 Slag cement physical characteristics
Description Test
Water content, % 5,4
Blaine, Fineness, m
/kg 388
Residue 45 mm, % 5,9
Autoclave Expansion, % 0,00
Shrinkage, 28 days 0,08
Compressive Strength :
3 Days, kg/cm
7 Days, kg/cm
28 Da
s, k
ormal Consistenc
, % 26,13
Time of Setting, Vicat Test:
Initial Set, min
Final Set, min
False Set, % 87
Heat Hydration:
7 Days, cal/g
28 Da
s, cal/
Source: Indocement, 2017
2.1 Fine Aggregate
Fine aggregate (sand) is derived from the natural
disintegration of natural rocks or artificial sand
resulted from stone crusher and has a 5 mm grain
size. The fine aggregate to be used shall meet the
specifications set by ASTM. If all the existing
specifications have been met, then it can be said that
the aggregate is a good quality.
Slag Cement Optimization on Flexture Strength of High Quality Concrete with Various Treatment
2.2 Coarse Aggregate
Coarse aggregate (gravel / split) are derived from
natural disintegration of natural rocks or in the form
of split produced by stone crusher, and has grain size
between 5-40 mm.
2.3 Water
Water is needed on the manufacture of concrete to
trigger cement chemical processes, moisturize
aggregates and provide ease in concrete work. Water
containing harmful compounds, contaminated with
salt, oil, sugar, or other chemicals, when used in
concrete mix, it will degrade the quality concrete,
can even change the properties of the resulted
2.4 Superplasticizer
Superplasticizer used in this high quality concrete
mix is Master Ease 3029. Master Eease 3029 is a
type of high range water reducesuperplasticizer
produced by BASF. Master Ease is designed to
provide high rheological properties in fresh concrete
thus enhancing the ease of placement and
completion of concrete, as well as concrete pumping
for all construction activities.
2.5 Concrete Treatment (curing)
This treatment is done so that the next hydration
process is not disturbed. If this happens, the concrete
will crack due to the rapid loss of water. The
treatment is done at least 7 days and the high initial
strength concrete is minimum for 3 days and must be
maintained in humid conditions, unless it is done
with an accelerated care. (PB, 1989: 92). Concrete
treated for 7 days will be stronger about 50% than
the untreated concrete. (Paul Nugraha, 2007). In
concrete treatment the means and materials and
equipments used will determine the properties of
hard concrete made, especially in terms of strength.
In this test, two different ways of treatment are
soaked (PDAM water, seawater, acid water) and
compound curing.
2.6 Crack
If the new concrete dries quickly, the surface will
experience a tensile stress higher than its tensile
strength. This will cause cracks. Cracking may also
occur when there is a high temperature difference
(up to 200c) between the inner and outer part of the
concrete, due to the difference of expansion.
2.7 Durability
The amount of damage that arises depends heavily
on the quality of concrete, although in extreme
conditions, even a well-protected concrete will be
destroyed. Extremely dangerous outer material
attacks usually can not be avoided completely due to
natural conditions and also increase the cost of
making concrete. Protection against attacks can be
done by improving the quality of concrete so as to
provide defense of the concrete significantly.
Based on the research that has been done, it can be
concluded that:
Slump flow test between normal concrete
and slagcement concrete did not show any
significant effect on workability.
Concrete absorption value of normal concrete
of PDAM water, acid water and compound
curing decreased compared to normal
concrete of sea water curing that is equal to
24,114%, 186,888%, 53,144%. While
concrete absorption value of slag cement
concrete of PDAM water, acid water and
compound curing decreased compared to slag
cement concrete of sea water curing that is
equal to 24,363%, 200,685%, 98,642%.
The absorption average decrease of slag
cement concrete occurring in PDAM water,
sea water, acid water, and compound curing
compared to normal concrete is 13,952%,
13,724%, 18,835% and 47,511%.
Based on the results of absorption test with
different water PH treatments showed that the
higher PH water used in concrete treatment
will also result in a high absorption value.
The fracture modulus of normal concrete of
seawater, acidic water, and compound curing
has been decreased compared to the normal
concrete of PDAM water curing which is
12.343%, 9.554%, 29.331%. While the slag
cement concrete fracture modulus of
seawater, acid water, and compound curing
also decreased compared to slag cement
concrete of PDAM curing that is respectively
17,423%, 10,023% and 46,364%.
The magnitude of the increasing fracture
modulus of slag cement concrete on PDAM
water, sea water, and acid water curing
compared to normal concrete fracture
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
modulus is 11.333%, 6.517%, and 10.858%.
However, the slag cement concrete fracture
modulus is decreased by 1.670% compared to
the normal concrete of compound curing.
Concrete treatment with PDAM water has a
greater maximum moment compared to other
concrete treatments. In addition, the
maximum moment of high quality concrete
with slag cement concrete is higher compared
to high quality concrete with normal concrete
with various treatments that has been done.
The result of crack pattern observation during
the test can be concluded that the crack
pattern that occurs in the concrete beam with
various treatments (curing) formed is in the
middle span of the beam between the load
point that is 1/3 of the effective length of the
The maximum deflection is owned by high quality
concrete with PDAM water treatment that is on the
slag cement concrete of 0.77168926 mm and on the
normal concrete of 0.168302511 mm.
Thank you to KEMENRISTEK DIKTI for funding
this research.
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Slag Cement Optimization on Flexture Strength of High Quality Concrete with Various Treatment