in Commodity Futures Trading; or 16. A Remittance
Business Organizer. b. provider of goods and/or
other services: 1. Property Company/Agents; 2.
Motorized Vehicle Trader; 3. Pearls and
Jewelries/Precious Metal Trader; 4. Arts and
Antique Trader; or 5. Auction Room.
Preventing money laundering may be applied
through conducting customer due diligence
especially on banks to prevent savings that were
received through money laundering.
3.3 The Obligation to Conduct
Customer Due Diligence Principle
In Indonesia, customer due diligence principle was
introduced on Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI), it
adopted the recommendation that was issued by
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) with regard to
the efforts of preventing money laundering and
preventing terrorism funding by using banking
facilities and products. Within this regulation, the
terminology of “know your customer” was
converted to “customer due diligence (CDD)”. CDD
is an “activity in a form of identification,
verification, and supervision that a Bank conducted
to ensure that a transaction is in accordance with the
profile of the future customer, WIC (Walk in
Customer), or customer. Besides the CDD there is
also a term called “enhanced due diligence” (EDD).
EDD is an in-depth CDD activity that a Bank
conducted when they are encountering their future
customer, WIC, or a high risked classified customer,
such as politically exposed person, and the
possibility of money laundering and terrorism
funding.” (Article 1 Point 7 & 8)
In order to prevent and eliminate money
laundering it is mandatory that all of finance
services corporation to conduct a customer due
diligence. With the following interests: 1.To
avoid/reduce the Business risk, Banks must conduct
a cautious principle, and one of the efforts of
conducting a cautious principle is to conduct the
CDD, 2. To avoid money laundering and terrorism
financing in banks, 3. To aid the efforts of law
enforcement, especially on money laundering.
Based on the results of researches that was
conducted on financial services corporations, one
can learn that the customer due diligence principle
has yet to be conducted by a considerable amount of
the financial services industry, with various reasons
such as the company claimed that they did not know
the principle, they knew about the principle but
chose to prioritize their business interest rather that
the rule of law. Even though through preventing
money laundering it will also prevent the negative
implications of money laundering itself which are:
Letting the society enjoy an illegitimate funds,
which means an organized crime is authorize to
build an illegal business foundation and letting them
enjoy their labors of crime. This practice will cause
a dishonest competition. With a permissive
treatment on money laundering, aren’t we taking
part on building the ethos of a dishonest competition
as well? The decrease of business moral, legal
authority will drop dramatically, materialistic
oriented world is strengthened and so forth. The
development of this practice will weaken the
financial strength of society in general. The numbers
that reflects the indicator of society’s macro
economy level of reliability will drop owing to the
fact that there is too much money flowing around
outside the economic system’s control in general
(Meliala, 1993).
The responsibility to conduct a customer due
diligence principle has a strong legal basis behind it,
it is regulated under Law No. 8 of 2010 on
Preventing and Eliminating Money Laundering and
also under Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI) No.
3/10/PBI/2001 on Implementing Know Your
Customer Principles which was later converted to
Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI) No.
5/21/PBI/2003. On 2009, Bank Indonesia Regulation
(PBI) No. 5/21/PBI/2003 on Implementing Know
Your Customer Principles was perfected on Bank
Indonesia Regulation (PBI) No. 11/28/PBI/2009 on
Implementing Anti-Money Laundering Program and
Preventing Terrorism Funding For Commercial
Banks, which was later updated to Bank Indonesia
Regulation (PBI) No. 14/27/PBI/2012. Only banks
and insurance companies that has formed a taskforce
specifically to eliminate money laundering, financial
services corporation industries however has yet to
conduct those responsibilities. This causes
difficulties to prevent and eliminate money
laundering. The regulatory and supervisory
institutions has yet to conduct itself optimally on
supervising the implementation of customer due
diligence principle on financial services corporation
industries. Viable solutions includes socializing,
constant and gradual supervision, and giving out
strict sanctions.