Utilization of Android Smartphones by Students in Information
Searching at the University Library of North Sumatra
Eva Rabita
, Zaslina
and Dirmansyah
Lecturer of Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Keywods: smartphone, information searching, student
Abstract : This qualitative research methods, collected data through observation and interviews conducted on students
of various faculties of Universitas Sumatera Utara, who regularly use smartphone for information searching
especially at the libraries area. The data collection techniques used in this study are as follows. (1).
Observation, (2). Interviews, and (3). Library study. This research take as the informants were the year of
2016 and 2017 active-students of the faculties of CulturalSience at Universitas Sumatera Utara. Seen in the
results of the study that the authors found that smartphones are said to be one type of new media because
they can access information quickly through their internet facilities. In addition, humans can communicate
remotely by using smartphones that have diverse facilities not only limited to telephones, SMS, but
developing smartphones currently offer video call features that provide a transformation in communication
The civilization of human life in the modern era as it
is today is in the 2000s era where we as an
information society that has known a technology that
is a means or media tool that facilitates access to
information such as through online networks.
Information can be accessed by anyone without
limitation of space and time, because the right to
obtain information is human rights, while public
information disclosure is one of the important
characteristics of a democratic country that upholds
the sovereignty of the people to realize a good state
administration.For freedom of communication with
the media regulated in the 1945 Constitution
precisely in Article 28, which reads: "Everyone has
the right to communicate and obtain information to
develop their personal and social environment, and
the right to seek, obtain, possess, store, process and
convey information by using all types of available
channels ". If you see internet users in Indonesia,
then the number is quite large. More than 50% of
Indonesia's population has devices (gadgets) in their
daily lives. Whereas from the results of a survey
conducted by the Indonesian Internet Service
Providers Association (APJII) and the 2016
Indonesian Poll, it was noted that 132.7 million
people or more than half of Indonesia's population
(51.5%) of the total Indonesian population amounted
to 256.2 million had used Internet.
One of the form cellular phone technology
development is now manifested by the proliferation
of smartphones which are mobile phones that have a
high level of ability, sometimes with functions that
resemble computers. There is no factory standard
that determines the meaning of smart phones. For
some people, a smart phone is a telephone that
works using all operating system devices that
provide standard and fundamental relationships for
application developers. For others, smart phones are
just a telephone that provides advanced features such
as e-mail, internet and the ability to read electronic
books (e-books) or there are keyboards (both as
finished and outgoing) and VGA connectors. In
other words, a smart phone is a small computer that
has the ability of a telephone. Operational systems
that can be found in smartphones such as Symbian
OS, Apple OS, Blackberry OS, Windows Mobile,
Android, Linux. Here the interaction is formed and
then "accelerated" the process through sound and
text or writing (Brotosiswoyo, 2002).
Rabita, E., Zaslina, . and Dirmansyah, .
Utilization of Android Smartphones by Students in Information Searching at the University Library of North Sumatra.
DOI: 10.5220/0010095616931697
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
With the development of technology where
everything becomes digital, it will provide instant
services that benefit the needs of the community.
The use of technology in the present is very diverse
with the existence of new innovations from the
technology itself, including the increasing use of
smartphones or gadgets. Where we don't realize that
smartphone has become a necessity of modern
society. This is evidenced by the existence
smartphone users in Indonesia according to
Emarketer estimate in 2018 the number of active
smartphone users in Indonesia is more than 100
million people. With that amount, Indonesia will
become the fourth largest smartphone active country
in the world after China, India and America.
According to APJII 2016 survey, the mobile phone
was indeed chosen by the majority of internet users.
According to Kaplan &Haenlein, formulating
social media is an internet-based application that
allows the creation and exchange of content created
by its users. The use of smartphones which is
increasingly increasing by users is very possible to
chat and various activities on various social
networks in cyberspace. The problem is how is the
behavior of the librarian itself in addressing changes
in technology-based media services. In line with
these personalities Dickson and Holley stated that
university librarians must be proactive in social
networks and actively participate in the process.
Social networks that are part of social media to
socialize and interact in the form of the use of social
media to build various networks, be it friendships,
business, demonstrations, and others that require
librarians to have digital media literacy related to
new media.
The library is a gate of knowledge, while
librarians act as guardians of the flow of
information. It is realized or not that the impact of
the digital era on libraries and users has presented
what is called social networking. For librarians who
have entrepreneurial spirit, social media is very
much needed in addition to the interests associated
with the library. This is because it can be used to
build networks related to business needs and
broaden horizons. Besides that, the use of
smartphones for information retrieval greatly helps
the learning process for students. If you look at the
level of internet usage in USU's library, it increases
when compared to the use of other facilities.
As with research on smartphones, Masyitoh
(2010) has discussed the effects of blackberry as a
means of accessing information among students at
Airlangga University. This study uses quantitative
methods. However, the research is still discussing
the usefulness of smartphones as a means of
accessing information. .In fact, it can be argued that
the use of smartphones at this time is not only
limited to access to information. In line with
Needham (2008) 's opinion in Mills (2009) which
describes M-Libraries as a way by libraries to
provide library services to be affordable by users of'
mobile phones' or 'smartphones' whenever and
wherever they are. Needham (2008) illustrates that
the concept of M-Libraries can only be a simple
message through simple text delivery (via SMS or e-
mail) related to book ordering, late borrowing,
change to a very complex one where users can
access complete e-books or e-database subscribed by
the library through their mobile devices. Based on
the above, the researcher wishes to know about
Smartphone Usage Analysis for students in
This research method uses a qualitative descriptive
approach. According to Arikunto (2009, 234),
descriptive research is research that is not intended
to test a particular hypothesis, but only to describe
what it is about a phenomenon or condition. The
researcher describes or constructs in-depthinterviews
with the research subject. Here the researcher acts as
a facilitator and reality is constructed by the research
subject. Furthermore, the researcher acts as an
activist who gives critical meaning to reality
constructed by the research subject.This research is
located at the University Library of North Sumatra /
USU. The library is chosen as the object of research
because the library is a learning facility for students
in addition to the campus. The subjects of this study
were students in the library environment, using
smartphone communication technology in
conducting information searches. Collection method
that will be used. In this case the researcher sets the
sample with the accidental sampling method which
is where the intended elements in the sample are
taken deliberately because they are found using a
smartphone. The number of samples taken is as
many as 25 respondents who use a smartphone in
areal libraries
Data analysis that will be used in this study is a
form of qualitative descriptive analysis. This
analysis will describe the results of the study based
on the findings in the field of how much the
smartphone is used for students in conducting
information tracking in the library and then given
interpretation and conclusions. This qualitative data
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
is described by using sentences logically then linked
to relevant theories.
Data sources or informants are key in this
study. Informants according to Moleong (2006) are
people who are used to provide information about
the situation and background conditions of the study.
So, he must have a lot of experience about the
research setting. To conduct this study, the authors
used purposive sampling. Sugiyono (2011: 84)
explains that purposive sampling is a sample
determination technique with certain
considerations.Data collection techniques used in
this study are: 1.Observation, namely data collection
techniques through the process of observing the
object of research in the field. 2 Interviews are data
collected by giving questions to informants related
to the problems studied, with direct question or face
to face with informants using interview guidelines.
And in this study the author uses structured
interviews.3. Documentation, is a complementary
source of research methods used in social sciences
research as a complementary source by collecting
data in multiplying the data needed for researchers
with the intention that the data collected is more
Smartphones are one of the most new types of media
we encounter everywhere and at any time so that this
new media is no stranger to our society and this type
of new media is used by all people, especially
among students of Faculty of Cultural Sciences in
the library University of Sumatera Utara. Seen in the
results of the study that the authors found that
smartphones are said to be one type of new media
because they can access information quickly through
their internet facilities. In addition, humans can
communicate remotely by using smartphones that
have diverse facilities not only limited to telephones,
SMS, but developing smartphones currently offer
video call features that provide a transformation in
communication activities.Students of Faculty of
CultureSciences is used to using smartphone media
as a communication tool and supporting the lecture
process in information retrieval. Old media is said to
emphasize information dissemination which reduces
the chance of interaction. Instead, new media is
more interactive and creates a new understanding of
personal communication. All respondents are
students who frequently visit the library and use
smartphones as information seeking tools both in
doing lecture assignments and in searching books in
the library. For those who want the convenience and
full access to information seeking, they are also fully
connected to a wider network in terms of using
mobile phones that can provide new ways for them
to support their various activities especially in their
lecture activities such as when they will search for
assignments via the internet.
The informant stated that the reason they used a
smartphone was for association and lifestyle. Having
a smartphone means you can follow whatever
happens in cyberspace with access to information
and faster communication. Regarding the new media
theory which states that indeed new media - in this
case smartphone - contain power and limitations in
its use it also has losses and benefits and even
doubts as experienced by some informants in
accessing information in order to find tasks or other
material feel that not all the information accessed is
true or accurate because some articles that are
loaded do not have clear references. In addition,
smartphones can be used for multimedia purposes,
including photos, videos, audio, text, and more.
Informants from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences
convey their goals of accessing information through
Android smartphones for learning needs and medical
practicum tutorials. Follow the development of the
field of medical knowledge by downloading and
using electronic articles and books. Smartphones are
also used to broaden the world and friendship both
domestically and abroad. The camera that is owned
by a smartphone is very useful for documenting the
practicum that is being done. On the other hand,
finger print that is owned by a smartphone has a
great function for the security and confidentiality of
the lab data and other data.
The complete features of the respondents are
social media, namely Facebook, Instagram,
WhatsApp. In addition, features are used to help
lectures such as pdf, wps office and google chrome
openers. Applications in accessing information
search often use youtube for tutorials related to
medical practice. Access health information and
journals using the Google Chrome browser.
Informants often use this type of educational
information in terms of accessing online journals in
the fields of medicine, text books and lecture files in
the form of pdfs. Smartphones make it easy to read
e-books because the reader application is available
in the play store. Books for lecture needs are found
and can be downloaded in various online providers
such as academia education. Academic portal is used
to meet the needs of lectures such as filling out the
Study Plan Card and viewing the Study Results
Card. Scientific literature and scholarship
Utilization of Android Smartphones by Students in Information Searching at the University Library of North Sumatra
information are types of information that are often
accessed, can be stored and reused.One reason also
strengthens students of Faculty of Cultural Sciences
uses smartphone in supporting its lecture activities,
namely the time in its unlimited use, where all the
things they have accessed can be stored on a
smartphone so that they can access it later;
repeatedly. The form of a smartphone that is
lightweight and easy to enter and its use only by
touching the screen all the information we need is
available. The development of the times requires us
to know information quickly such as reading the
latest and viral news. Using a smartphone to find
lecture materials assigned by lecturers is also easy.
The feature that many smartphones have makes their
use more complex and fast in finding the need to
become a smartphone advantage. A lot of
applications can help us live our lives. This
convenience is also supported by a smartphone that
is easy to carry and hold.
Not much different from the informants from the
Faculty of Cultural Sciences, often using browsers to
find information such as scholarships and the needs
of college or organizational assignments.
Application features that are often used are
browsers, social media such as Instagram, Line,
WhatsApp, Facebook and others. The smartphone
has provided a chrome application to access
information search and its use is easy and smooth
when the connection is stable. The type of
educational information accessed is online media
such as compass, republika, viva and others. General
knowledge and lecture material material either
access Wikipedia or other websites and journals
such as usu repository or other campus repositories.
Smartphones make it easy to read e-books, but
informants prefer to read printed books because
smartphone lighting does not last long. Unlike the
case with printed books, they are lighter and more
flexible and not afraid if they are damaged.
The use of smartphones by informants from the
Faculty of Culture states that it is never for them not
to access smartphones during lectures so that
sometimes they are no longer focused on listening to
the material given by lecturers but they are busy
fiddling with the smartphone sometimes even not
looking for tasks but doing things outside the
context lectures such as accessing social media or
playing games and this can have an adverse effect on
lectures, even they can spend most of the day to
access their smartphones and this can be a problem
in their real social life. However, in reality students
are more likely to use smartphones to support their
lecture activities seen from the various use processes
they have done in the results of the study.
The use and search of e-books through
smartphones is very helpful for them in doing the
tasks given by the lecturer. Making a smartphone in
completing recovery tasks, only with a smartphone
in hand can directly send tasks via email. The
camera that is used is used to photograph
explanatory material on the board, because
sometimes it cannot be recorded as a whole quickly.
As an informant from the Faculty of Cultural
Sciences uses online game features, social media as
well as the Google Chrome browser. In addition
there is a WPS office as an opening file with
documents and pdf forms commonly used in
lectures. Look for the information they need using
the Google Chrome and Opera Mini applications.
Regulations, course modules (e-learning) and
educational information wikipedia accessed. And
searching and opening downloaded e-book files,
smartphones are very helpful and easy. In terms of
supporting lecture activities, students of the Faculty.
Cultural Sciences builds a communication between
their classmates through group messages made
through social media to share information about
lecture activities and even the materials and tasks
they have to do
According to the informant, smartphones provide
convenience in communicating with friends and
family. Smartphones are also very useful for
shopping online, without going to the store we can
buy items of necessity. Buying food and looking for
transportation is very easy by using an online
transportation application. Tasks given by lecturers
can be done from smartphones and the latest
information is often searched via smartphones. The
latest information can be viewed directly through
online news portals or access youtube. The camera is
good for capturing important moments, and can
share directly with the closest person. The use of
smartphones is even easier with the usual connection
to the smartwatch, picking up the phone and entering
messages can be seen with a watch. Informant
Faculty of. Culture often uses social media features
to share with friends close to whatsapp and line and
share their activities on Instagram. The browser used
to search for information is chrome and safari.
Youtube is also used by both to see the latest news
and other knowledge such as tutorials. They also
sometimes play online games as everyday
Look for additional work during the lecture
process and download the ability test application to
prepare for training, through smartphone learning
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
actively on the Teacher Room site anywhere and
anytime accessible. Search and complete college
assignments by accessing usu repositories and other
journal providers. Smartphones make it very easy
for informants to get e-books because they are
cheaper and sometimes free. So the students of
Faculty of Law Culture chooses to use a smartphone
not only because of the advantages and advantages
of the smartphone itself, but because this media is
growing rapidly in the midst of the rise of other
technologies and become one of the 'icons' for young
people today. In reality, students actively choose
smartphones and use them to support their lecture
activities because they believe in the superiority of
the services provided by the smartphone itself so
that their lecture activities are supported efficiently
and effectively.
From the results of the research and discussion it can
be concluded that;
1. Utilization of Android smartphones for USU
students in the search for educational
information is quite effective because in
general students have made use of android
smartphones for information retrieval such as;
for lectures is quite satisfying because it has a
lot to support their activities / activities such as:
Academic Portal, Wikipedia, Online & Offline
Dictionary, Ebook, e-journal and news sites.
Reasons for Use of Smartphones for USU
Faculty of Cultural Informants in searching /
accessing information have gone well because
seeing the smartphone utilization process
students are more likely to facilitate
information retrieval, especially helping to
complete tasks given by lecturers to access
educational information.The use of
smartphones in searching / accessing education
information can make it easier for students to
search for lecture materials, such as practicum
tutorials, accessing electronic journals both in /
abroad, documenting practicum results and
learning through existing features on
smartphones such as: social media, Facebook,
Instragam, Whassap. Document PDF, WPS,
Office, Google Chrome, Safari and Youtube,
which can increase knowledge in their
respective fields
2. The use of smartphones for students because
they want to follow the trend and
lifestyle.includes to communicate, socialize,
share information, find information, seek
entertainment, media friendship, to do
assignments, study, to share or gain knowledge
and to always be connected to the community.
3. The use of smartphones is felt by USU students
to fulfill other needs in addition to lectures
such as filling in Study Plan Cards / KRS and
Study Results Cards / KHS for each semester
4. The USU Library has launched an online
circulation book by application system, through
a smartphone network but this system cannot
be implemented at this time.
The athor would like to say thank to the Chansellor
of University of Sumatera Utara and the Chairman
of University of Sumatera Utara Research Institute
and Directorate of Research, and CummunityService
of the Directorate General of Research and
Development Strengthening the Ministry of
Research, Technology, and Higher Education who
have provide financial assistance so that the DRPM
Research for 2018 fiscal year can be completed
contract : 222/UN5.2.3.1/PPM/KP-TALENTA
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Indonesian Internet Service Provider Association. 2016.
Indonesian Internet User Penetration & Behavior
Information, APJII 2016 Survey.
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Utilization of Android Smartphones by Students in Information Searching at the University Library of North Sumatra