Aid only recognizes the terms "Legal Aid
Institutions" and "Community Organizations".
However, nowadays, the terminology of OBH is
more popular rather than other terms in legal aid
context. People who need legal assistant can take the
form of a foundation, legal Aid Centre (Pos Bantuan
Hukum/Posbakum), legal aid institution (Lembaga
Bantuan Hukum/LBH), etc., In regard to the popular
term, hereinafter referred to as OBH. Based on this
situation, this paper will discuss about legal
assistance carried out by OBH in Medan for children
victims of sexual violence. This legal assistance can
be in the form of legal consultation and assistance at
the court level.
This research is intended to examine and answer
the main problems regarding the advocacy model of
OBH in providing protection for children victims of
sexual violence. Furthermore, this main problem
was developed into 2 research questions such as
what is the model of community advocacy for girl
victims of sexual violence in Medan? And what is
the challenge for OBH in providing protection like
the girls victims of sexual violence in Medan?
This research was conducted using empirical
normative research in order to figure out the
implementation of Law No 35/2014 as an amended
Law no 23/2002 concerning child protection and
Law No. 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid (Irianto,
2013). The study analyzed the norms contained in
the legislation and continued with proof empirically
involving key informants so that the problems being
discussed can be obtained. The location of the
research was Medan as the capital of Sumatera Utara
province. This research involved informants or
resource persons in in-depth interviews and focused
discussions of 11 staff from 5 Ministry of Law and
Human Rights partners who provided legal
assistance to the community in Medan City. The
interview guide is used by researchers when
conducting in-depth interviews and Focused
The amendment to Law No 23 year 2002 concerning
child protection which now became Law No 35 year
2014 is a form of Indonesia's responsibilities and
obligations in accordance with the mandate of the
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) article
4 which has been ratified by Indonesia through
Presidential Decree No. 36 of 1990 (Rumble,
2018). The steps taken by the Indonesian
government by changing the UUPA are legislative
steps. The government's obligation is not to be here
in child protection, the UUPA mandates the role of
the community in the implementation of child
protection which is carried out by involving
community organizations, academics, and child
Thus, community organizations, academics and
observers of children should go directly to the field
to do prevention by doing a lot of education in terms
of protection for children, so that cases of crime
against children (especially sexual crimes) which
recently haunt many can be minimized.
Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre, a research
institute that focuses on issues of civil liberties and
human rights in Canada, shares the concept of access
to justice, one of which includes advocacy for those
who cannot afford it. This concept holds that the aim
of access to justice is to provide legal assistance to
people who cannot afford legal services (The Law
Society of Canada, 2014). In this case, the OBH
plays a role in providing legal assistance to girls who
are victims of sexual violence who seek justice for
themselves. One way to access justice can be seen in
the legal regulations concerning OBH through Law
No. 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid.
Furthermore, the existence of OBH in the
framework of the legal objectives itself uses the
opinion of Gustav Radbruch. According to Gustav
Radbruch there are three legal objectives known
namely justice, legal certainty, and legal benefits
which using by these three legal objectives.
However, justice must occupy the first and foremost
position of certainty and benefit. Of the three legal
objectives, it cannot be carried out jointly because as
is known, in reality there is often a conflict between
legal certainty and legal benefit, or between justice
and legal certainty, or between justice and
expediency (Arifin, 1994).
Relating to this research, the girl of a victim of
sexual crime must obtain justice in the form of a
legal process of the perpetrator who committed the
crime against him. Moreover, the girl of the victim
of sexual crime gets legal certainty in the form of the
conviction of the perpetrator of the crime in
accordance with the laws and regulations. Finally,
the law against girls victims of sexual crimes can be
beneficial for themselves as victims and for
perpetrators in the form of deterrent effects
According to the Annual Report on the
Implementation of Law No. 16 of 2011 concerning
legal assistance issued by the Ministry of Law and
Human Rights, there are 593 OBH who registered
into the verification process. From there were 310