presented by the community service team (Figure 1).
The material presented concerns about the benefits of
paddy waste as organic fertilizer and animal feed.
It is expected that community groups can reduce
the cost of household production because they can get
and produce organic fertilizer and animal feed
themselves in accordance with their needs. So
community groups can save the environment and
improve the living standard of their families.
The training was conducted by community groups
in Tanjung Rejo village trained by a community
service team. All conduct this activity by proactively
conducting training to obtain results in the form of
organic fertilizer and animal feed from paddy waste.
Results are seen directly for the utilization of paddy
waste within a few days. Tools in the form of counter
tools have also been given so that groups of farmers
and ranchers can make their own.
The community service team granted the machine
of paddy straw chopper to the farmer and rancher
(Figure 2). The chopper machine was able to crushed
paddy straw into small grain. The machine was very
helpful and will reduce time consuming in converted
paddy straw to the final product.
The waste of paddy straw in Tanjung Rejo village
was abundant especially when harvesting time. The
farmer and rancher were able to use it freshly. The
people were very easy to use it directly as a raw
material for making organic fertilizer (compost) and
animal feed. The tools used for making compost and
animal feed in the form of straw chopper have been
given so that the village community can make their
own. In addition, the villager was able to save their
agricultural land from paddy waste while improving
living standards because they can make organic
fertilizer and animal feed themselves.
Figure 3. The farmer and rancher practiced the chopper
machine to reduce size of paddy straw before make a
fertilizer and animal feed.
The making of fertilizer and animal feed takes
time to produce the product, because the process
should be silenced or fermented for several days. So
community groups should have technical use and
Community service of team USU in Tanjung Rejo
village was success to teach the farmer and rancher to
convert paddy straw to fertilizer and animal feed and
the communities listened and implemented that
theory enthusiastically and cooperatively.
The community service team were very grateful to
Universitas Sumatera Utara for non PNBP
Community Service Grand 2018.
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