Conversion of Paddy Straw into Fertilizer and Animal Feed at
Tanjung Rejo Village, Deli Serdang Regency, Medan, Indonesia
, Ternala Alexander Barus
and Mayang Sari Yeanny
Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Bioteknologi No.1
Padang Bulan, Medan, 20155, North Sumatera, Indonesia
Keywords: Paddy Straw, Organic Fertilizer, Animal Feed, Tanjung Rejo Village.
Abstract: Community service activities was conducted in agricultural area of Tanjung Rejo Village in Deli Serdang
Regency, Medan, Indonesia. The aim of this activity was to improved and to trained the farmer and rancher
knowledge about converted technology of paddy straw to organic fertilizer and animal feed. The specific
target was to help farmer and rancher community be able to produce fodder and organic fertilizer by their
self, and prospected to improve their welfare. The community service activities were consist of counseling,
training, practicing of paddy straw conversion methods directly in paddy fields and evaluation of results. The
counseling was conducted in meeting hall of the village head's office of Tanjung Rejo Village and attended
by headman, farmers and ranchers of village. The head team and members of community service from
Department Biology of Universitas Sumatera Utara were explained the theory and techniques of conversion
of paddy straw become organic fertilizer and animal feed. Some villagers asked some questions and after
discussion, the farmers and ranchers practiced the straw chopper methods. The training has done proactively
by the village communites. One unit of straw chopper machine were granted to the villagers. Monitoring and
evaluation of paddy straw conversion activity were also done in the paddy field location. Community service
teams were needed to confirm that the conversion paddy straw activities were done well. Monitoring and
counseling also conducted by phone to provide solutions if the villagers had the problems. Generally, the
results of community service activities were successful. The farmers and rancher were able to convert paddy
straw to animal feed and organic fertilizer respectively. Another benefit of this activity was to established of
good relationships between communities and Universities peoples. The members of community service could
be applied and shared their knowledge to the communities.
Deli Serdang Regency in Province of Sumatera Utara
has big area of paddy fields which potential producing
large amount of paddy straw waste. The coastal area
of 63,002 Ha consists of 4 districts, namely: Sub-
district of Labuhan Deli, Hamparan Perak, Percut Sei
Tuan and Pantai Labu. Percut Sei Tuan sub-districts
is one of the coastal areas that need to be developed
through the management of coastal areas, one of
which is the beach in the village of Tanjung Rejo.
Deli Serdang Regency has a long beach of 65 km.
Along the coastal, the potential areas are within 15
villages and 711,663 inhabitants. Coastal villages
have 4 districts as shown in Table 1. The village of
Tanjung Rejo, located in Deli Serdang Regency is a
development area of Sumatera Utara East Coast
which has high enough fishery and marine potential,
where the average people work as fisherman.
However, because the condition of fishermen is now
catching less and less fish so many fishermen are
changing professions as farmers and ranchers.
The average of Tanjung Rejo village farmers
grow paddy. Production of paddy straw can reach 12-
15 tons per ha / round harvest or 4-5 tons of dry
material depending on the location and variety used.
(Yunilas, 2009). One alternative to the provision of
cheap and competitive feed is through the utilization
of agricultural waste, especially paddy straw. To
increase the nutrient content of paddy straw, it is
necessary to do the processing/fermentation.
(Sugama, I.N, and N. L. Gede Budiari, 2012).
Yurnaliza, ., Barus, T. and Yeanny, M.
Conversion of Paddy Straw into Fertilizer and Animal Feed at Tanjung Rejo Village, Deli Serdang Regency, Medan, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010097410571061
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Farmers grow crops and ranchers keep chickens,
ducks and cattle. The condition of farmers and
ranchers in the village also get a simple knowledge
about farming and livestock. Crops and livestock
products can only meet the daily needs, because the
production process both farming and ranching
requires a large cost, so that farmers and ranchers
borrow money first from a money lender for the
production process.
The benefit of this activity is to help the people of
Tanjung Rejo village in terms of making fertilizer and
animal feed and introducing the culture of paddy
straw in daily life to reduce family needs so that the
family economy will be better.
2.1 Materials and Methods
This activity was used the counseling and lecturing
methods. The community service teams were
explained the theory and techniques to converted of
paddy straw to farmer and rancher group community
in Tanjung Rejo Village. The farmers and ranchers
were tried the theory of paddy straw processing,
started from chopped straw from raw material until
ready to use for organic fertilizer and animal feed.
All do this activity by proactively doing the training
to get the result of organic fertilizer and animal feed.
The Equipment for paddy straw cutter machine has
been given so that the community groups can make it
by their own self.
Monitoring and evaluation of the success of paddy
straw utilization, monitoring of field work will be
done by going directly to the field jointly, monitoring
with visits to see if the community already can make
organic fertilizer and handicraft materials. In
addition, the relationship will be done by phone to
overcome the problems if arise.
In general, community service activities are
successful and there is a good relationship between
universities, especially the Implementation Team,
government officials and farmers / ranchers
community in Tanjung Rejo Village. The people of
Tanjung Rejo Village realize the importance of
saving the environment while improving living
standards because they can make their own organic
fertilizer and feed for animals.
The success of community service activities
cannot be separated from the participation and
support of village officials such as Tanjung Rejo
Village chief and staffs, Farmers and Ranchers
groups to participate in this activity.
2.2 Description of Paddy Waste
Utilization as Animal Feed
2.2.1 Counseling
Topics covered in the counseling meeting with the
farmers and ranchers were how to make animal feed
and organic fertilizer, and also tools and materials
2.2.2 Training of Making Animal Feed
Before starting to make a animal feed, location
selection is a factor that need to pay more attention.
Ground floor and shade (not exposed to heat and rain)
was the best choice. Paddy straw was stacked as thick
as 20 cm from the floor then compressed by being
trampled on. Microorganism starter for process
fermentation were made from mixture of Tapai
(fermentation food from Cassava), yeast, straw and
then suspended it in water. The microorganism
starter was inoculated on the haystack until wet. The
water content in suspension was according to water
content of paddy straw. Step by step process to
stacking of paddy straw as above procedure were
repeated for several times until the straw runs out.
Paddy straw stacks were covered with plastic or dried
straw and incubated for 7-10 days. Process
fermentation was finished when the haystack hve
Table 1. Coastal Villages in the Four District of Deli Serdang District
No Coastal Village Area
Hamparan Perak Sub-D
Paluh Manan
Paluh Kurau
Sei Baharu
Lama Kp. Lama
Hamparan Perak
wide : 230,15 km
Total population =
112.967 jiwa
Labuhan Deli Sub-D
Karang Gading
Pematang Johar
wide : 127,23 km
Total population = 45.261
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
Table 2. Coastal Villages in the Four District of Deli Serdang District
Percut Sei Tuan Sub-D
Tanjung Rejo
Pem. Lalang
Tanjung Selamat
wide : 190,79 km
Total population =
Pantai Percut Sub-D
Paluh sibaji
Deni Kuala
Bagan Serdang
Sei Tuan
wide : 81,85 km
Total population = 38.205
produced a caramel/tapai smelly, the texture of straw
fibers become smooth (check by hand or kneading),
and found a white and yellow mushroom. The
fermentation process was continued for 10 days ehen
the straws weren’t mature.
2.2.3 Training of Fertilizer Production
First, chopped hay were stack as high as 25 cm. . The
haystack was made up to 4 layer. Each layer was
added manure and fungus of Trichoderma. The
haystack then watered and covered with plastics. The
compost will be matured when it’s colour turn
brownish black and smell like soil odour.
Implementation of activities carried out by way of
counseling and lecturing, explanation of the theory
and techniques of paddy straw utilization, followed
by community groups in the village of Tanjung Rejo
Deli Serdang District. Villagers listen to the material
Figure 1. Community service team from Universitas Sumatera Utara presented the theory and technique to convert paddystraw
to fertilizer and animal feed (a), the leader of community service team, Dr. Yurnaliza, M.Si.
Figure 2. Paddy straw chopper (a), Handover of chopper to farmer (b) and rancher (c).
Conversion of Paddy Straw into Fertilizer and Animal Feed at Tanjung Rejo Village, Deli Serdang Regency, Medan, Indonesia
presented by the community service team (Figure 1).
The material presented concerns about the benefits of
paddy waste as organic fertilizer and animal feed.
It is expected that community groups can reduce
the cost of household production because they can get
and produce organic fertilizer and animal feed
themselves in accordance with their needs. So
community groups can save the environment and
improve the living standard of their families.
The training was conducted by community groups
in Tanjung Rejo village trained by a community
service team. All conduct this activity by proactively
conducting training to obtain results in the form of
organic fertilizer and animal feed from paddy waste.
Results are seen directly for the utilization of paddy
waste within a few days. Tools in the form of counter
tools have also been given so that groups of farmers
and ranchers can make their own.
The community service team granted the machine
of paddy straw chopper to the farmer and rancher
(Figure 2). The chopper machine was able to crushed
paddy straw into small grain. The machine was very
helpful and will reduce time consuming in converted
paddy straw to the final product.
The waste of paddy straw in Tanjung Rejo village
was abundant especially when harvesting time. The
farmer and rancher were able to use it freshly. The
people were very easy to use it directly as a raw
material for making organic fertilizer (compost) and
animal feed. The tools used for making compost and
animal feed in the form of straw chopper have been
given so that the village community can make their
own. In addition, the villager was able to save their
agricultural land from paddy waste while improving
living standards because they can make organic
fertilizer and animal feed themselves.
Figure 3. The farmer and rancher practiced the chopper
machine to reduce size of paddy straw before make a
fertilizer and animal feed.
The making of fertilizer and animal feed takes
time to produce the product, because the process
should be silenced or fermented for several days. So
community groups should have technical use and
Community service of team USU in Tanjung Rejo
village was success to teach the farmer and rancher to
convert paddy straw to fertilizer and animal feed and
the communities listened and implemented that
theory enthusiastically and cooperatively.
The community service team were very grateful to
Universitas Sumatera Utara for non PNBP
Community Service Grand 2018.
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Conversion of Paddy Straw into Fertilizer and Animal Feed at Tanjung Rejo Village, Deli Serdang Regency, Medan, Indonesia