Data in this study was obtained directly through and
reference books relating to human resources (HR),
especially those related to Recruitment.
3.1 Human Resource Management
According to Mondy, human resources are Brands or
Branding that are very important for an organization
(Mondy 2008), human resources (HR) in running
their business must have various abilities to develop
and implement environmental technology and can see
opportunities and face failure in every activity do it.
this is, of course, difficult for SMEs who have limited
resources. Therefore, need to be accompanied by an
institution so that the SMEs can optimize their
business. In order for SMEs to succeed in their
Business Incubis Center and technology, USU needs
to recruit tenant SMEs so that the right people can be
found as new entrepreneurs. Therefore, the
competitiveness of SMEs from year to year should be
increased due to joining an institution such as a
cooperative or the Business and Technology
Incubator Center (Dalimunthe 2015).
Human resource management is the management
of a number of individuals in the organization of
Human Resources (HR) to occupy the most important
position. Therefore, in obtaining prospective Tenant
SMEs at the USU-style Technology Incubator Center.
need to select, place and recruit appropriately
prospective Tenant SMEs to obtain competitive
Tenant SMEs. Resources will be useless if not
handled by incompetent human resources (Suryana
2015). Efforts to plan and obtain candidates for the
USU-based technology Tenub UKM center. by
holding, selecting, placing and assigning members
appropriately has become an important concern for
every competitive organization. Human Resource
Management aims to formulate the needs of business
incubator centers in obtaining HR that can be used as
Tenant SMEs as successful new entrepreneurs.
Therefore, to develop and empower the SMEs so that
the optimization of individuals concerned,
organizations, communities served.
The goal of human resource management is
related to all activities that can ensure that human
resources can be used effectively and equitably for
the benefit of individual organizations and society.
Human resource management is also a development
and human empowerment so that it can improve the
commitment competence of the Tenant UKM. As
USU, human resource management has a role to
improve the competence of human resources that
become Tenant. Human resource management at the
business incubator center aims to be used as a
beginner in the development and empowerment, so as
to obtain a level of optimization for individuals who
want to become start-ups or new business people.
with appropriate qualifications so that prospective
Tenant SMEs can grow to become successful and
successful new entrepreneurs. So as to make a
productive contribution to economic growth,
especially in North Sumatra, as well as being a human
resource that can contribute to the economy in the
North Sumatra region as a successful entrepreneur
and has the competitiveness and is responsible for
social conditions and has ethics and strategic
objectives in developing his business. Meanwhile,
according to Hasibuan (2012: 244) and Sulistiyani
(2012: 10 "Human Resource Management is the
human potential inherent in a person that includes
physical and non-physical potential, as well as an
integrated ability of physical power possessed by an
individual, namely behavior and nature determined.
by heredity and environment, while her work
performance is motivated by the desire to fulfill her
3.2 Definition of Recruitment and
Recruitment is a process or activity in attracting
people at the right time with sufficient amounts and
having the right conditions to apply to an organization
(Moundy 2008). Therefore the organization in
seeking and attracting job applicants should be able
to motivate, to demonstrate the skills, expertise, and
knowledge needed for applicants.
In the recruitment process consists of two phases,
.In disseminating information to potential
applicants that there are job openings, thus attracting
the applicant concerned and can directly exclude
applicants who do not meet the qualified
qualifications. Key wishes that are part of the
recruitment are as follows.
1. Determine the HR requirements in the term
determined by the organization about the type of
work (job title) and its level in the organization. As
well as trying to get information about the
development of market conditions related to human
resources. then make a systematic and integrated
recruitment program.
3.3 Objectives of Recruitment and
In an organization to determine someone who is a
qualified candidate. It is necessary to think about the
recruitment process so as to produce good individuals