carried out by the Indonesian government. The
regulations and laws made by the government
basically cannot answer the problem of refugees in
Indonesia anymore.
Indonesia is a participating country that ratifies
the Convention on Civil and Political Rights. That
ended with the birth of Law Number 12 of 2005
which was the endorsement of the convention. Article
12 paragraph (2) of Law Number 12 of 2005 states
that: ”Everyone is free to leave any country including
his country".
Article 1 paragraph (9) of Law Number 6 of 2011
concerning Immigration is stipulated in the provision
for foreigners that foreigners are people who are not
Indonesian citizens. In the Immigration Act, a refugee
or asylum seeker refers to the article that they are still
in the general category, namely called and equalized
as foreigners. That is why Indonesia has not yet
ratified the 1951 Refugee Convention because there
is still a national legal instrument concerning
The mechanism for handling refugees in Indonesia
depends on how we see these refugees and from
which point of view. So far the problem of refugees
in Indonesia is only seen from the point of view of
immigration. The refugee problem in Indonesia has
not been seen from the point of view of human rights.
Refugees and asylum seekers are still compared to
immigrants. Even though the definition between
refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants is different
from each other.
The limited capacity of UNHCR in Indonesia to
deal with the increasing number of asylum seekers
and the lack of places for placement in third countries
results in long waiting times. The lack of information
and assistance available to asylum seekers and
refugees to help themselves and their families results
in frustration and depression for many of the people
In general, the lack of access to the right to health
care, education and employment resulted in refugees
and asylum seekers becoming very vulnerable to
health emergencies and daily life. The waiting list for
assistance such as shelter and health care is very long.
Without the right to work, there is no means for
asylum seekers to support themselves and their
families when they transit in Indonesia or when
waiting for the placement process to a third country.
UNHCR reported that as of December 2013, only 322
vulnerable people were served, through the services
of implementing partner institutions, Church World
Service (CWS). Other civil society organizations
such as Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) in Indonesia can
only provide limited assistance for food and shelter.
In 2013, JRS assisted 143 people located in Bogor
and Jakarta. Even for asylum seekers and refugees
who have received assistance, financial assistance
from UNHCR is reported to be very small.
Asylum seekers and refugees can only receive
services from the International Organization for
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Fakultas Hukum Universitas Hasanudin Departemen
Hukum Internasional, Makassar: 2014.
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A. Krustiyati, Kebijakan Penanganan Pengungsi di
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Fakultas Hukum Universitas Surabaya. Vol. XXI,
Nomor 2. Edisi November 2012.
Lembar disposisi Direktur HAM dan Kemanusiaan, 2010,
Naskah Akademik Rancangan Undang-undang
Pengesahan Konvensi Pengungsi, (Jakarta: Direktorat
kerjasama HAM Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi
Manusia Republik Indonesia).
Training Module RLD 1 june 1992 UNHCR, An
Introduction to the International Protection of