Performance of Basic Specialists Doctor in USU Hospitals and
the Influencing Factors
, Gerry Silaban
, Arfah Mardiana Lubis
and Putri Citra Cinta Asyura Nasution
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Universitas No. 21, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Performance, Factor affetcing performance, Basic specialist doctor, Universitas Sumatera Utara Hospital.
Abstract: Performance of basic specialist doctor is accomplishments by internist, pediatric, general surgery, or
obstetrics and gynecology in doing his job corresponding with standard and criteria the specified
performance for work. However, there is no known picture of the performance of basic specialist doctors
and the factors that influence them. This qualitative research is done with interview to 4 informants,
incidentally, performance and work environment measurement at 4 rooms where informants work. Based on
the results, the performance of basic specialist doctors is less than the standard, especially in the aspects of
behavior and quantity of work. This is influenced by dissatisfaction factors on financial and organizational
culture in Universitas Sumatera Utara Hospital that is not results and people oriented, and there is no culture
of aggressiveness. This is made worse by the condition of the doctor's work environment that is not suitable
for working. Therefore, hospital management needs to pay attention to the financial benefits of basic
specialist doctors, results-oriented, people-oriented, and a culture of aggressiveness. The working
environment around the basic medical specialists also need to be improved, such as dry temperature 21-
24°C, the maximum noise intensity 45dBA, and the intensity of illumination 300-500 Lux.
Based on opinion Rethans, et al. (2002), Rival, et al.
(2008), Mejia, et al. (2010), and Aamodt (2016),
performance is accomplishments by someone in
doing his job or his job corresponding with standard
and criteria the specified performance for work that.
Performance standards can be seen from four
perspectives, namely from the competence of the
doctor, from the tasks that must be completed by the
doctor, the purpose or work of the doctor, and the
nature of the doctor's work during work. Doctor
specialist basic is a doctor who specializes in
internist, pediatric, general surgery, and obstetrical
and gynecology (Tim Penerbit, 2002). By because
that, which is called as performance basic specialist
is accomplishments by a doctor who specializes in
internist, pediatric, surgery general, or obstetrics and
gynecology in doing his job or his job corresponding
with standard and criteria the specified performance
for work that. The basic specialist doctor
performance should be assessed so as to know the
level of achievement by the doctor.
According to Subanegara (2011), indicators
performance medical personnel who work at
hospital on a general is all over medical personnel
have privilege, completeness amount and type
specialist, have permission legitimate practice,
certified ATLS (Trauma Life Support) for doctor
who works in the IGD (Emergency Installation),
follow training technical 20 hours a year, accuracy
time service, time response service, time motion
service, service corresponding, procedure and
standard quality, implementing a patient safety
program, no error, the number of patients served,
satisfaction patient to doctor, magnitude revenue
generated doctor, and no malpractice demands to
doctor. Specifically for basic specialist doctor,
indicator performance used only based on coaching
and training obtained through various activities
scientific with collect 250-300 SKP (System Credit
Points) every five years later converted to
competence (Zulfendri, 2014). However, to achieve
this achievement is not easy. There are many factors
that influence the performance of the basic specialist
Some research results by Nofrinaldi, et al.
(2006), Rejeki (2012), Cahyani, et al. (2013),
Arigemilia, et al. (2016), and Erlangga, Kasim, and
Meliala (2016), revealed that factors that affect
Zulfendri, ., Silaban, G., Lubis, A. and Nasution, P.
Performance of Basic Specialists Doctor in USU Hospitals and the Influencing Factors.
DOI: 10.5220/0010098008760879
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
performance basic specialist doctor is satisfaction
with services (medical services or remuneration),
satisfaction with the performance of doctors,
relationship between doctors and superiors,
organizational culture, work environment conditions
(good lighting and circulation, without noise and
odor and security at work), supervision, career level
clarity, and clarity of employment status.
Universitas Sumatera Utara Hospital (USU
Hospital) is one of the teaching hospitals in Medan.
However, from the results of interviews and
literature searches, it is not known the picture of
basic specialist doctor’s performance at USU
Hospital and the factors that influence it. Therefore,
this study was conducted to find out the description
of the performance of basic specialist doctors at
USU Hospital and the factors that influence it.
This research is qualitative research and done at
Universitas Sumatra Utara Hospital. The data is
obtained with interview with 4 informants and
measurement of work environment. Determination
informant on incidental, ie doctors who are in place
when research do.
The results showed that the performance of all
informants (4 people) less than the standard that has
been determined, especially on the behavioral
aspect, and 2 informants (obstetrics and gynecology
specialists and internist) on the aspect quantity of
work. The level of performance of these basic
specialist doctors is influenced by several factors.
On work satisfaction factor, basic specialist doctors
satisfied in several aspects, such as volume of work,
actual tasks, opportunities to progress, relationships
with colleagues, and attention of superiors, except
financial benefits.
Results revealed that all informants (4 people)
felt satisfied with the actual task, while the volume
of work, 3 informants (75%) feel satisfied and 1
informant (25%) felt enough satisfied. Satisfaction
that seen on some expression the informant who is
doctor specialist in obstetrics and gynecology "no
problem anyway, enough to be satisfied" related
time practice, because advantages patients amount
who have to served, and informants who are doctors
pediatric stated "yes it's okay, we are limited in time,
but we still serve patients".
Research results related to the work environment
reveal that 2 informants (50%) very satisfied and 2
informants (50%) felt satisfied. The results of this
questionnaire are supported by the statement of the
informant who was doctor pediatric "eee, there is no
dust, satisfied" related existence said a dust in room
practice. The results of questionnaires and
interviews with informants are in line with the
results of the measurement of dust concentration in 4
rooms where the informant work. The measurement
results in each room: 0.105 mg/m3, 0.102 mg/m3,
0.074 mg/m3, and 0.057 mg/m3. Based on the
Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia No. 1204 of 2004 concerning Hospital
Environmental Health Requirements, the standard
concentration of dust in a room in a hospital is not
exceeding 0,150 mg/m3, so it can be concluded in 4
of these rooms that it meets the standards.
The measurement results working climate, dry
climate, in each room: 23.1°C, 22.9°C, 23.5°C, and
25.2°C. Based on the Decree of the Minister of
Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1204 of
2004 on Environmental Health Requirements
Hospital, standard dry at room temperature in the
hospital, particularly the administrative and meeting
space, is 21-24°C, so it can be summed up in three
places already meet the standards, except Obstetrics
and Gynecology room, at 25.2°C.
Results of measurement of noise intensity level
in each room: 61.2dBA, 63.5dBA, 60.1dBA, and
64.4dBA. Based on the Decree of the Minister of
Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1204 of
2004 concerning Hospital Environmental Health
Requirements, standard noise intensity levels in
rooms in hospitals, especially public spaces, a
maximum of 45dBA, so it can be concluded, in 4
rooms that it does not meet the standards.
Results measurement of the intensity of lighting
in each room: 153 Lux, Lux 203, 184 Lux, and 183
Lux. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Health
of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1204 of 2004
concerning Hospital Environmental Health
Requirements, the standard intensity of lighting in
rooms in hospitals, especially public spaces, is a
minimum of 300 Lux and a maximum of 500 Lux,
while based on the results of measurements of 4
rooms under 300 Lux, so that it can concluded in 4
rooms that did not meet the standards.
Work climate, noise intensity, and lighting
intensity that do not comply with these standards
indicate poor environmental conditions for basic
specialist doctors to work. Whereas the condition of
Performance of Basic Specialists Doctor in USU Hospitals and the Influencing Factors
a good work environment, such as appropriate
conditions of repression, good circulation, and not
relevant, can affect the doctor's performance. Need a
comfortable work space that can create a
comfortable, quiet and safe work atmosphere that
supports the comfort of doctors in working (Hussin,
2011; Untari and Wahyuati, 2011; Cahyani, et al.,
2013; Rahmah, et al., 2013).
Based on the results of interviews related to the
attention of a supervisor, s, all informant feel there is
attention from the boss and is satisfied with the
attention. This was stated by the lack of oversight of
the performance of the entire informant, the
increased competence of all informants, and there
were career paths felt by 3 informants (75%).
However, the improvement in perceived competency
does not include the assistance of costs to develop
career profession from specialist become a sub-
specialist, as stated by one of the informants who is
a doctor specialist obstetrics and gynecology, "there
are, but pay for your self". While there is an
informant who is a doctor pediatric who does not
feel the opportunity at all for develop career from
functional to be structural, such as the statement of
the informant, "functional to structural! We have no
career path from functional to structural".
Intrinsic motivation (success, recognition/
appreciation, work itself, responsibility, and career
development) has a positive and significant effect on
the performance of doctors (Rahmah, et al., 2013).
Based on the results of the research by Untari and
Wahyuati (2014) and Suryani and Yarosi (2015), not
only intrinsic motivation can affect a person's
performance, but also competence and supervision.
Competency enhancement is needed which aims to
increase knowledge, skills and attitudes and existing
behavior (hard competency and soft competency).
Based on research, that supervision relates to
employee performance. Oversight is needed to
compare actual performance with established
standards, so it can find out if there is a deviation or
an improvement needs to be done.
Interview result related relationship with
colleague work, 1 informant (25%) felt very
satisfied and 3 informants (75%) felt satisfied. The
results of Rahmah's research (2013). revealed that
extrinsic motivation (interpersonal relationships and
working conditions) also influenced the performance
of doctors. The relationship between humans is a
characteristic of humans as social beings. Humans
need the existence of other human beings to give
each other judgment, communicate, help, support
and cooperate in life. Doctors also have a need for
good relationships with direct supervisors and
Based on the results of interviews regarding
financial factors revealed that 3 informants (75%)
felt enough satisfied and 1 informant (25%) felt less
satisfied with profit financially. Lack of feeling
satisfied seen on statement an informant who is a
doctor pediatric. The informant stated "incentive!
Less satisfied, we don't accept incentives" related
satisfaction doctor about magnitude incentive
received (excluding salary/services medical).
According to Aziri's research (2011) and
Dinarianti’s research (2011) that there is an
influence between incentives on performance.
In the organizational culture factor, all
informants feel that in USU Hospital, especially on
aspects innovation and risk taking, attention to
details, the team orientation, and stability. But the
informant who is an obstetrician and gynecologist
did not feel aspect result orientation, people
orientation and aggressiveness in the organizational
culture at USU Hospital. This will affect the
performance of basic specialist doctors. This is
supported by the results of research from Rejeki
(2012) and Handayani (2016) which revealed that
there was an influence of organizational culture on
the performance of doctors. The attitude and
behavior of human resources can change if they
consistently carry out work culture so that they can
achieve higher work productivity (Sudaryono,
Based on the results of the research and discussion at
this point, it can be concluded that the performance
of basic specialist doctors is less than the standard,
especially in the aspects of behavior and quantity of
work. This is influenced by dissatisfaction with the
financial and organizational culture in USU Hospital
that is not results oriented and people oriented, and
there is no culture of aggressiveness. This is made
worse by the condition of the doctor's work
environment that is not suitable for doctors in
Therefore, hospital management needs to pay
attention to the financial benefits of basic specialist
doctors, people and results-oriented organizational
culture, and a culture of aggressiveness. The
working environment of all basic specialists also
needs to be improved, such as dry temperatures of
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
21-24°C, maximum noise intensity of 45 dBA, and
lighting intensity of 300-500 Lux, thus supporting
the comfort of basic specialist doctors in working.
Thanks to the Universitas Sumatera Utara which has
funded this applied research through DRPM
Kemenristekdikti funds for the fiscal year 2018.
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