Mpa. Furthermore, the normal high strength
concrete compressive strength substitution of 15%
Microsilica of Bangka variation to Portland cement
at 3,7,14, and 28 days curing respectively are
46,193 Mpa, 53,965 Mpa, 61,296 Mpa and 66,684
Mpa. Furthermore, the normal high strength
concrete compressive strength substitution of 20%
Microsilica of Bangka variation to Portland cement
at 3,7,14, and 28 days curing respectively are
31,266 Mpa, 43,543 Mpa, 48,357 Mpa and 53,347
Mpa. So it can be concluded that high strength
concrete substitution of 1% Microsilica of Bangka
variation to Portland cement at 28 days curing has
greater compressive strength than another high
strength concrete substitution variation.
The use of Microsilica of Bangka as a variation of
substitution to Portland Cement on high strength
concrete is considered very effective because it
reaches the optimum compressive strength of
concrete at 28 days curing at 15% variation, thus
reducing a very significant use of Portland Cement
and it turns out 15% of Microsilica of Bangka
substitution makes the Interfacial zone are to be
better which is increasing the density between
aggregates and paste so that the binding ability
increases. This results is considered very good
compared to the previous research conducted by
V.Bhikshma, et al in 2009 which is the optimum
compressive strength on 28 days curing is on the
substitution of 12% of Microsilica (silica Fume)
variation to Portland Cement.
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