(CaMg (CO
) as Al setters, polybags the equivalent
of 10 kg of soil as soil container, pesticide as
controlling plant pest organism, NPK 15:15:15 as
nutrient additive, sulfate reducing bacteria isolate
from sludge paper waste Toba Pulp Lestari with code
4 as sulphate reducing agent, palm empty fruit bunch
compost from PT. Socfindo as land amendment
material, chemicals for the manufacture of media
(posgate-E) as well as other materials used in this
This research uses Randomized Block Design
method. If the results of the analysis of variance
showed a significant effect then it will be continued
with the average difference test based on Duncan
Multiple Range Test test at α 5% level.
Soil pH measurements were made at the time after
incubation of dolomite lime and inoculum of sulfate
reducing compound bacteria. The method used is
electrometry method with the ratio of soil and water
1: 2,5.
Plant height is measured by calculating the plant
height increase in every two weeks observation for up
to 4 months by making a marker which is the standard
starting point for measuring plant height by using
meter gauge.
Plant stem diameter was measured by calculating
the increase of plant diameter in every two weeks of
observation up to 4 months by making a marker for
the stem diameter data retrieval done on the same
stem using a digital thrust tool.
From observation for ten weeks after planting, it is
known that the influence of each factor of amendment
material, chemical fertilizer, and sulfate reducing
bacteria all interaction of two factors or from three
factors consistently has no significant effect on the
vegetative variables of oil palm, namely the
parameters of plant height and stem diameter at the
age of 10 weeks after planting.
Plant High Increase
Amending substances, chemical fertilizers, and
sulfate reducing bacteria at week 10 did not
significantly affect plant growth. The highest increase
of plant height was found in A2P1B0 treatment and
the lowest was in A0P0B0 treatment.
In Table 1 it can be seen that the best treatment at
week 14 was A2P1B0, in which palm oil treatment
was treated with lime and chemical fertilizers. This is
because ameliorant is able to increase pH in acid
sulphate soil, which makes sulfate form gypsum
deposits and chemical fertilizers are well absorbed by
plants because soil pH has increased.
Resulted in this research indicated that single
factor treatment of ammendment materials,
calcification is always the best treatment every week,
compared with no amendment or compost, but at
week 14 the best compost treatment is obtained.
Compost has slow release properties and is capable of
chelating Al but the lime reaction is much faster than
Compost this is what causes liming much better every
The interaction between ammonia and sulfate
reducing bacteria (BPS) shows that bacteria would be
better given in anaerobic state by inoculation with
bacteria, interaction between compost and BPS that
can increase the height of oil palm crop, interaction
others indicated that treatment without BPS was
better than bacteria at age 10 weeks after the main
nursery. In the context of sour soil sulfate, composts
can maintain a reduction atmosphere, and organic
matter provides energy for growth and organic matter
provides carbon as an energy source.
Stem diameter increase
Amending substances, chemical fertilizers, and
sulfate reducing bacteria at week 10 did not
significantly affect plant stem diameter. The highest
Table 1. Increases stem height fourteen weeks after application of dolomite, chemical fertilizer and sulphate reducing
composite bacterial inoculum.
P1 (NPK fertilizer 100kg/ha)
A1 (Composs of TKKS 30
The Effect of Ameliorant and Bacteria Reducing Sulfate on Plan Growth in Acid Sulphate Land