Services Quality Improvement for Children
with Disabilities through Resource Development
Hairani Siregar
and Elmaida
Departement of Social Welfare, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Dr. A Sofyan No.1
Medan 20155 ,Indonesia
Departement of Psychiatric, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Dr. A Sofyan No.1
Medan 20155 ,Indonesia
Keywords: Children, Disability Services.
Abstract: If countries have ratified to a convention, then it is legally and politically bound. In juridical, by having ratified
the CRC, Indonesia has an obligation to develop a national system of child welfare and protection in the
means of policies, legislation, strategies and programs aligned with State obligations under the Convention.
Politically, a state is obliged to actively develop a system that can ensure the creation of welfare and protection
for children. Therefore, the convention obliges the states to make the non-discriminative principle, the best
interest for the child, right to life, life perpetuity and development, and respect for the child’s views should
be included in all national planning and policy in the government and parliament, including ensuring provision
of adequate budget for child protection. Currently, the data shows that families with children with disability
have increased anually. Not all the families understand how to provide the best protection for the disability.
Therefore, the service is trying to improve human resources in delivering services to disabled children
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC / CRC)
is an instrument / international law concerning the
children’s rights. Indonesia has ratified the CRC
through Presidential Decree No. 36/1990. Countries
that have ratified a convention will be bound legally
and politically. In juridical, to have ratified the CRC,
Indonesia has an obligation to develop a national
system of child welfare and protection in the form of
policies, legislation, strategies and programs are
aligned with state obligations under the Convention.
Act No. 23 of 2002 which has been revised to Act No.
Politically, the state is obliged actively to develop
a system that can ensure the creation of the welfare
and protection for children. Therefore, the convention
obliges the states to make the non-discriminative
principle, the best interest for the child, right to life,
life perpetuity and development, and respect for the
child’s views should be included in all national
planning and policy in the government and
parliament, including ensuring the provision of
adequate budget for the children’s protection.
Children's rights are an integral part of human rights
relating to the state role. Each country has several
obligations: to protect, to fulfill and to respect.
On the other hand, it is clear that not all children
can grow flowers as expected in general. One of the
examples is disabled children. Children raised in
families that do not understand how to treat the
children with disabilities in best way may deal with
further problems. The disabled children are children
with their limitation or exceptionalism, whether in
physical, mental, intellectual, social, and emotional,
having a significant effect in the growth process o
Development compared to other children of the same
age. Act No. 8 Year 2016 regarding to children's
disabilities, on Article 1 stated that persons with
disabilities are all people who have physical
limitations, intellectual, mental, and / or sensory
during such long periods which in interaction with the
environment can experience obstacles and difficulties
to participate fully and effectively with other citizens
based on equality
In Chapter III, Section 5, further mentioned that
in addition to the rights of persons with disabilities as
well as on Verse (1) children with disabilities have
the right:
a) Getting Special Protection from
discrimination, neglect, abuse, exploitation,
and violence and sexual abuse;
Siregar, H. and Elmaida, .
Services Quality Improvement for Children with Disabilities through Resource Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0010100509080910
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
b) Gaining care from family or substitute
family for optimal growth and
c) Protected its interests in decision-making;
d) Treatment of children humanely in
accordance with dignity and child’s rights;
e) Particular needs;
f) The same treatment as other children to
achieve social integration and individual
development; and
g) Get social assistance.
Currently, the data shows that families with disabled
children increased each year. Not all the families
understand how to provide the best protection for the
child's disability. Institutions concerning about the
protection for children are also very limited in North
Sumatra. There are two agencies that currently
provide services to the child's disability: Community
Learning Center (CLC) Tali Kasih School at Jalan Sei
Sei Alas No. 18 Sei Kambing D, Medan Petisah. This
foundation was established in 1999. In general, the
disabled children who are under the foundation
suffered from autism and mental retardation. At this
time, sixty children receive the services. The
problems experienced by the foundation is the limited
availability of supporting infrastructure and experts in
handling disability service, such as speech therapists,
occupational therapists, nutritionists, adaptive sports.
Likewise, this is also experienced by Alifah
Educational Foundation. The foundation still has
such services with limited supporting infrastructure
and experts in handling disability service, such as
speech therapists, occupational therapists,
nutritionists, adaptive sports. Adaptive sports. Alifah
Foundation serves those twenty disabled children,
addressed at Jalan Sei Mencirim Medan Krio, District
Sunggal, Deli Serdang. In order to improve the
quality of service in both foundations, it is expected
that the availability of particular tools associated with
media learning, such as ball pit, puzzles, plas card
(color cards, fruit cards, number cards, vegetable
cards, animal cards, letter cards transport cards,
profession cards, activity cards), physio-theraphy
service tool. In addition, to improve the competence
of the human resources is either speech development
training or occupational training.
Related issues and programs that will be done to
overcome the problems mentioned above and in line
with the concept and the theory of empowerment, the
solutions proposed to address and solve these
problems conducted by these method
2.1 Focus Group (Focus Group
This method is done so that the covered material of
group discussions is focused on brainstorming about
the problems faced by the partners in delivering
services to disabled children. This FGD was done in
two groups. The first group was followed by the
disabled child’s companion in the foundation and the
second group was the one conducted with childrens
parents who receive partner services.
2.2 Training to Improve the
Competency Companion (Speech
Development Training and
Occupational Therapy for Disabled
Children’s Companion Who
Worked in Their Partner
The training was conducted on two groups of
partners, namely the partners of Tali Kasih
Foundation and Alifah Educational Foundation. The
stages of training are:
Provide an insight to an important
companion about companion quality
improvement in providing services to
partner’s disabled children.
b) preparation Training
No Justification
1 determining
2 persons
2 Module 44 ex
3 Projector
2 unit
4 Training
20 sets
5 Laptop 2 unit
c) The provision of learning tools, among
Ball pit, puzzles, color cards, fruit
cards, number cards, vegetable cards,
animal cards, letter cards,
transportation cards, profession cards
and activity cards.
Services Quality Improvement for Children with Disabilities through Resource Development
d) Another thing to note:
1. Speech development training for such
companions take a required pattern of 30
2. Occupational therapy training for assistant
take a required pattern of 30 hours;
3. Once the means of education are given to
the partner, the partner will introduce all
the educational facilities to the disabled
children in the ministry;
4. An educational tool used in learning;
5. Children with disabilities are given
learning about making an educational tool;
6. Children with disabilities are given
learning how to use instructional media;
7. Children with disabilities are given
pembelajara about how the storage
medium of learning
e) K The benefits of learning media
1. Higher quality of speech therapy
2. More effective Occupational therapy
3. More fun and effective learning
4. Increased motivation to learn.
The execution of the training was conducted for 3
days in a row, housed at the Alifah Educational
Foundation. The training took place in some of the
activities: delivery of material. The service team
explains that for children with disabilities, the
fulfillment of these rights is essential in order to grow
and develop into an independent individual. Children
with disabilities and their families should have the
opportunity and access to services that can support
the child's independence. For normal people in the
best situations, Childhood and adolescence is still a
challenging time, especially with children and
adolescents with disabilities, whether by accident or
congenital since birth or genetics.
The next step, the service teams deliver a variety
of training methods for children with special needs.
At the end, the team committed such educational
practice and symbolically distributed learning tool.
The delivery of this educational tool was immediately
accepted by the head of Alifah Educational
Foundation, Ms. Suwarni, S.Pd, M.Pd.
We can see that the limited availability of
supporting infrastructure and experts in handling
disability service, such as speech therapists,
occupational therapists, nutritionists, adaptive sports
can bring harm to disabled children's services. Thus
the team brought up such training on children's
services disabilities, speech therapist, occupational
therapist, nutritionist, exercise adaptive service
partners. Training will be conducted intensively for
two months. This is done so that the method of
therapy given to human resources partner has to do
with the next maximum.
Next, the team will carry out evaluation activities
directly to the Alifah Educational Foundation by
assessing the implementation of the method that has
been given during the activity
During observation, The service team viewed a lot of
children with disabilities services using methods play
in everyday life. But mostly a lot of them ignore the
needs of each disabled child. The Method specially
was aimed to give attention to each child according to
his needs.
The team hope the foundations create education plans
that guarantee every child or student to obtain
appropriate learning method. Every individual who
has committed to carry out social services to children
with disabilities should be more sensitive to the
potential and needs of each of their students. And
most importantly, the government must have special
concern for children's disability services both in terms
of regulation and implementation in the future .
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Hak Ekonomi, Sosial dan Budaya , RajaGrafindo
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches