The Correctional Research of Correctional Center (Bapas)
in Juvenile Justice System
and Mahmud
Depactement Criminal, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Universitas No. 4 Kampus USU, Medan,
Keywords: The Correctional research, Correctional Centre, Restorative Justice.
Abstract: The philosophy of juvenile justice that promotes the best interests of the child give concept of diversion with
a restorative justice approach. Diversion for children must be appropriate and correct in accordance with the
objectives and rules of the law. Correctional research is a component that plays a role in realizing restorative
justice. The problem is how Correctional Centerin juvenile justice system? Tthe obstacles to make
correctional research which the interest of the child. The The research method is normative legal research that
is supported by interviews with components of juvenile criminal justice system and correctional centers, and
qualitative analysis. The results of correctional researcht of correctional center important in the Juvenile
Justice Systemin Indonesia.All of the the componen juvenile justice system need the Correctional reseacht of
correctional Centreto decision diversion in Juvenile Justice SystemThe obstanlesCorrectional Centreis short
time, the breadth correctional center working area,the number of correctional center personnel is minimal,
lack op publik understanding of the importance of correctional reseacht, there are still law enforcement
officials in the Juvenile Justice System who are less in favor of childrent so corecctional reseacht are not
Litmas (correctional research) is a social research
made by Correctional Center (Bapas). The statute will
describe the condition of children in conflict with the
law. When the child has been designated as a criminal
suspect, then at that stage the investigator will contact
the Correctional Center party to request the
correctional research be carried out. Since the request,
Correctional Center will conduct research on child-
related conditions. Correctional Center in conducting
research will ask children according to the research
components that already exist in the correctional
research form. Correctional Center sometimes
becomes the facilitator in the settlement process by
presenting the parties related to the restorative justice
process. The problem of this research was: how does
correctional research position in the Juvenile Justice
System and what are the obstacles of Correctional
Center to makes correctional research which
describes the best interest of the child.
The Reaearch method is Normative legal research
with library study data collection that is supported by
field studies. Data sources consist of primary data,
secondary data and tertiary data. Interviews are
component of the juvenile justice system in this case
the police, prosecutors and judges and correctional
3.1 Correctional Research in the
Juvenile Justice System
Correctional Center (BAPAS) is a institution for
carrying out community guidance. In Law No. 12 of
1995. The definition of Correctional Center is
referred to article 1 number 4, namely the
Correctional Center, here in after referred to as
BAPAS, is an institution for implementing
community service clients. In Correctional Center,
Marlina, . and Mahmud, .
The Correctional Research of Correctional Center (Bapas) in Juvenile Justice System.
DOI: 10.5220/0010101017911794
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
community clients who are referred as clients must
follow an orderly balance program carried out by
Correctional Center. This is in accordance with
Article 39 of Law No. 12 of 1995 concerning
Community. (‘Undang-Undang No.12 Tahun 1995
tentang Pemasyarakatan’, 1995)
Article 6 Law No. 12 of 1995 concerning
Correction, stated that the formation of correctional
prisoners was carried out in Correction Institution and
the guidance of prisoners was carried out by
Correctional Center.
The Correctional Center, through its social
assistance role, plays an important role in the chilren
in conflict with the law judicial process in accordance
with applicable laws and regulations. This article will
describe the implementation of the role of
Community Facilitator in carrying out the
Correctional Center function in handling children in
conflict with the law. (Di et al., 2017)
Children are an inseparable part of human
survival, of a nation and state. In the Indonesian
Constitution, children have a strategic role that
expressly states that the state guarantees the right of
every child to survival, growth, development and to
protection from violence and discrimination. The
child is not a miniature adult, so with the
characteristics and characteristics of a typical child
needs to be determined differentiation of treatment.
This is intended to better protect and protect children
so they can meet their future. (Meilanny Budiarti S
dan Rudi S. Darwis, 2016) As suggested by Clemens
Bartollas, there are many factors behind the personal
background of children who are at high risk of being
delinquency actors, namely age factors (younger
children will be at higher risk), psychological
variables (disputing, unruly, feeling undervalued),
school performance (problem in school with
behaviour, truant), home adjustment (lack of
interaction with parents and siblings, lack of
discipline and supervision, running away), alcohol
and drug users, neighbouring environment, and the
influence of peer strength. (clemens Bartollas, 1985)
The results of the study show that Correctional
Counselor cannot provide full assistance as
appropriate to child in conflict with the law who
undergo the judicial process. This is partly caused by
the limited number of Correctional Counselor owned
by Correctional Center so that a Correctional
Counselor must cares several child in conflict with
the law who are often located far apart with limited
time they have. Nevertheless, the Correctional Center
function in process handling child in conflict with the
law can be carried out according to the stages set.
Correctional Center can function as an institution that
handles child in conflict with the law differently with
adults according to legislation.
Community research must be conducted by
correctional centers within three days and a
community, research report must contain the
following information: (Kementerian Hukum dan
Ham RI, 2015)
a. Child identity: child identity and relation between
the child and his or her parents, religious piety and
child’s behaviors at school, informaton from
teacher, friend and child.
b. Parents Identity : parent identity parent or
guardian, marital status, social reaction to family,
home conditions, lighting, neighborhood
conditions, relation with community.
c. Biography and Child development: psychosocial
growth, Educational background, Behavior
history, obedience to religion, attitude in
education, violation of law, use of cigarettes,
drug, alcohol, information from parent or
guardian, teacher, community.
d. Condition of child clients
e. Parents Condition: social condition, history of
criminal acts, party response (child, parents,
victim, community)
All information to analyze Correctional Center
using relevant theories such as child social
development theory, adolescent psychological
development theory, criminological theory, etc.
Recommendation and analysis to law enforcement
apparatus for diversion process at all level.
Correctional Center in carrying out the constraints
of the mostly cases in conflict with the law, the
number of Correctional Center, distance, duty
coverage area and the time in correctional research
process is shortly, the attention of the community and
the victim and offender’s parent. As the result
Correctional Center must has a high level of duty and
dedication for the good correctional research.
A popular Instrument used to classify juvenile
offenders risk, need, and responsitivity factor found
in various correctional, residential, and community
settings is the youth level of service/case management
inventory. While appropriate warnings about the
universal aplicability of risk screening instruments
and offender classification schemes found in
correctional and judicical decision-making are noted.
(Kristin Bechtel, Christopher T. Lovenkamp, 2007).
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
3.2 The Obstance Correctional Center
Making Correctional Reseacht to
the Best Interest of the Child
Since adoption of Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning
Juvenile Justice System Article 7 paragraph (1)
stipulates the existence of obligations to law
enforcement officials to carry out diversion to
children that conflict with the law starting from the
stages of investigation, prosecution and court.
Consideration of philosophical diversion to protect
and rehabilitate the offender. (Indonesia, 2012)
Diversion is the initial way to diverting the settlement
of criminal act, which is then carried out by a
diversion settlement with a restorative justice
approach. Restorative Justice aims to ensure that a
child who has committed a crime can be restored so
that he or she does not return to being a criminal by
determining the decision that is most appropriate for
the child through the meeting of all parties involved
in the crime. (Marshall, 1998)
This program considers the offender and victims
to get the best benefits so that they can reduce the
recidivism rate among children who commit crimes
and give a sense of responsibility for each party.
(Morris, 2001) The diversion process that commited
with a restorative justice approach that is regulated by
the Law No. 11 of 2012 on Juvenile Justice System is
the all parties approach to think together to decide the
best punishment with child.Some principles that must
be done in implementing restorative justice they are
namely: (Sharpe, 1998),
1. Restorative justice contains full participation
and consensus
2. Restorative justice seeks a solution to restore
and heal damage or loss due to a crime
committed by the offender, including efforts
to heal or recover victims for the crime that
happened to them;
3. Restorative justice provides a sense of
complete responsibility for the offender to be
responsible for his actions;
4. Restorative justice seeks to reunite the
offender as citizens of the community with the
people who have been separated due to
criminal acts;
Restorative justice gives strength to the
community to prevent the recedivism. Crime brings
damage to people's lives, but crime can be a lesson for
people to open true justice for all people.
The philosophy of the Juvenile Justice System
prioritizes protection and rehabilitation of children
(emphasized the rehabilitation of youthful offender)
as people who still have a number of limitations
compared to adults. The Child need protection from
the state and society for their future. (Marlina, 2010)
The five principles of restorative justice should be
applied in the efforts to resolve criminal cases that are
carried out by giving a sense of responsibility to all
parties, including the community itself. In addition, it
can also provide educational nuances to victims and
offender to respect each other in achieving happiness
in life together. (Marlina, 2016) Correctional research
that are made in the process of making the effort so
that the people involved can provide input related to
the crime that occurred and convey the condition of
the child to his family and community as well as the
development and remorse of the child and family for
the criminal acts he committed. Correctional Centerin
his correctional research process to divert and
regarding and any variation in the implementation of
the process.
Indonesia does not have a form of Restorative
Justice yet, but in its implementation it is left with the
facilitator and the conditions of the community and
the parties involved. In theory, in some countries the
4 variations of the restorative justice process are
Victim offender mediation (VOM), (Marlina, 2012),
Family group conferencing, (Umbreit, 1997), Circles,
(Morris, 2001), Reparative Board, (Maxwel, 2001)
Definition of Restorative Justice in Law No. 11 of
2012 concerning Restorative Justice is the settlement
of criminal cases by involving the offender, victim,
family of the offender/victim, and other related
parties to joint seek a just solution by emphasizing the
restoration of the original state, and not retaliation
(Indonesia, 2012) has referred to Family Group
Conferencing, but its implementation still requires the
participation of all parties and requires special
mediators who understand and have special expertise
in mediation.Initiating of mediationdepends on
prosecutors’ evaluation of the case and on victims’
consent withmediation. The onus to determine if a
case is eligible for mediation rests withthe prosecutor.
(Wasileski, 2015) So that Restorative justice is a
process that all of them are good at dealing with
resolve together to resolve collectively how to deal
with the aftermath of the offence and its implications
for the futureto Tony F. Marshall achieved (Marshall,
1998) In theory, any intervention within a particular
youth justice system must now account for an
increasingly globalized complexity within the social
worlds of young people while moving towards
upholding their human rights. (Moore and Mitchell,
The Correctional Research of Correctional Center (Bapas) in Juvenile Justice System
Correctional reseacht make by cerrectional center are
very important in the juvenile juscite system. All
component of the Juvenile justice sytem need
correctional reseacht of correctional center to take the
act of divertion in the Juvenile justice system starting
from the stage ong investigation , prosecution and
coutd. The research results show that 80% of law
enforcers agree that community research conducted
by correctional centers is important for components
of sub-system of criminal justice system such as
investigators, prosecutors and court. 80% of law
enforcers says that community research report
prepared by correctional centers becomes the
consideration of investigators, prosecutors and courts
in diversion process. Therefore the correctional
reseacht made by correctional centers must decribe in
a comple and systematic condition and existence of
childen and the people’s view of the crimes that
occur, so as to provide protection to victim. Offender
and community. The obstance correctional center
make corectional reseacht fot the best interest of the
child breadth of correctional center working area, the
number of correctional center personnel is minimal,
lack op publik understanding of the importance of
correctional reseacht, there are still law enforcement
officials in the Juvenile Justice System who are less
in favor of childrent so corecctional reseacht are not
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches