research will find various principles of national
engagement law abstracted from proverbs, pantun,
poetry and various forms of agreements that take
place in the community in the research area. In turn,
these legal principles can be used as a basis for the
formation of the Indonesian national engagement law.
3.1 Choice of Legal Policy : Pancasila
After Indonesia gained its independence, Indonesia
should have drafted the law of the country with a law
derived from the ideology of its own people. The
Pancasila which is a Groundnorm hides many
principles of law, including the principle of the law of
The principle of law always follows the
underlying ideology. If the legal norms of agreement
come from the Netherlands, of course the legal norms
are derived from values that originate in the ideology
that grew out of Western civilization, European
civilization.(Mahadi, 1986)
For example, agreement law which refers to the
principle of freedom of contract, has moved towards
capitalists. Many agreements in the field of civil law
(business and economics), no longer refer to the
values of freedom derived from customary law and
habits that grew in the Indonesian civilization.
Communal principles and alignments to people's
economy no longer underlie the making of an
agreement. Ranging from credit agreements, lease
purchases, franchising, licenses to agreements that
fulfill consumer rights. The shift of Pancasila values
crystallized from the original paradigmatic values of
Indonesian culture and society is increasingly
exploding that not only happens in the urban
community with all big business but also has
penetrated into the village community with a small
business scale (OK. Saidin, 2, 2016)
This situation is certainly not beneficial for the
future development of Indonesian civilization.
Indonesia's future is very much determined by the
choices of the current generation, including the
choices in the legal field.
The richness of Indonesian civilization that
originates from cultural values with cultural
background, plural ethnicity if it is not immediately
removed will sink and be buried and will eventually
disappear in the days. Like the sinking of the value of
"Representative Consultative Democracy" in the
system of election of the Head of State and Regional
Head which has been going on since the "reform"
government order. There is no more questioning
about our politics, with the principle of consensus.
The values of the fourth principle of Pancasila in our
democracy are moving towards liberal democracy.
Likewise, the people's economic system desired by
the 5th Sila Pancasila has moved towards capitalist
economy, as evidenced by the many laws and
regulations that apply in this country related to the
economic field that refers to the American legal
system. For example, Law on Limited Liability
Companies, Capital Markets, Consumer Protection,
Legislation on Intellectual Property Rights such as:
Copyright, Patents, Brands, Industrial Designs, New
Plant Varieties, Integrated Electronics Layout
Designs, and others others are largely compiled with
reference to the capitalist legal system.
All of the Laws mentioned above are based on the
legislation produced by the legislature in this country
which largely ignores the ideological and
philosophical values of Pancasila. Therefore, there
needs to be an effort to raise and explore the values
hidden behind Indonesian culture and civilization.
These values are important today to be inventoried,
collected and searched and explored to find the
principles of national law. The principles that are
hidden in the culture and civilization of the
Indonesian nation that have been explored, searched
for, adopted and then through the process of
abstraction with the method of induction of specific
things into things that are general are drawn to the
summit to find the principles of law which later used
as a concrete legal norm to replace the national legal
norms from the Dutch Colonial (Mariam Darus
Badrulzaman, 2006).
3.2 Position of Contract Law in the
Civil Law System
Civil law is a system (Mariam Darus Badrulzaman,
2006). In the legal system (civil) there are several
components or sub-systems, whether in the form of
legal principles, legal norms or legal notions
(Sudikno Mertokusumo, 2009:102).
Soedewi argue that, Civil Law is the law that
regulates the interests between individual citizens and
other individual citizens (Sri Soedewi Masjchoen
Sofwan, 1981:1). This formulation is not final
nonetheless. Because there are still many other
formulations put forward by experts in the field of
legal science. But for a reference, the limit above can
be taken, which is actually a translation from Privaat
Recht (Utrech and Mohd Saleh Djindang, 1983:50).