purposes by changing or processing the waste become
new goods. According to Aryenti (2011), improper
waste management method can cause various risks to
human health and the environment.
The 3Rs waste management offers environmental,
social, and economic benefits (Suwerda, 2012). A
proper method in waste management can reduce the
waste piles around the settlements and eradicate
resting sites and breeding sites of vectors. Thus, the
environment becomes cleaner and more comfortable
for the human. Moreover, recycling the solid waste
will produce products which can be sold to strengthen
household economically.
Apinhapath (2014) states a sustainable waste
management is required to solve waste problems and
to achieve environmental sustainability. It is effective
to reduce waste management costs of each process
including collection, transportation, processing, and
recycling or final disposal.
Waste is usually produced where people gather to
do certain activities such as schools. Students carry
out various activities that can produce solid waste.
Sadly, schools as a second home for students
generally still do not have good waste management.
School should be clean so that students are
comfortable to learn. But, several schools still have
scattered waste around the school environment.
Taufik (2016) conducted a study on school waste
management and found that 39.87% of students
sometimes put the waste in any area in the school
environment and 19.26% of students never put waste
into a trash can. School activities were finished and
solid waste was scattered around the school
environment. The materials of school waste were
very diverse such as paper, plastic food packaging,
and water bottle waste. Even though the slogan “keep
the school clean” was instructed to students, but they
still left waste everywhere, including in the desk
drawers. The researcher suggested the other
researchers provide trash cans in that school and hold
an extracurricular program to teach students about
waste management, at least about personal waste
management since another study found that personal
waste can reach o.8kg/day.
Karlina (2017) studied eco-literacy (ecological
awareness) of students in waste management
activities. The study found that after following two
cycles of outdoor-based learning study, students' eco-
literacy increased in several aspects: knowledge
(20%), application 49.6%, and attitude (19.4%).
According to Widyaningrum (2015), the participation
level of high school students in managing school
waste was active category with a mean score of 166.5.
Meanwhile, students' knowledge of waste
management was good enough with a score of 15.2.
According to Boiyo (2015), students generally have a
negative attitude toward student participation in
environmental cleanliness in school. Students often
assume that school environmental cleanliness is the
responsibility of school janitors.
According to Musfirah (2017), school waste
management needs to be taken seriously. Students
generally still do not manage waste optimally. In
Musrifah’s study, the students were taught
theoretically and practically about waste
management. After the treatments, it was found that
the experimental group and control group were
different with a p-value of 0.041.
This study is a public service as an intervention in
environmental health by implementing the 3Rs and
providing trash cans with attractive pictures,
especially interesting images, at two high schools in
Percut Sei Tuan Sub-district, Deli Serdang Regency.
It is regrettable that schools as the second place for
students still do not implement a proper waste
management. Solid waste is still scattered around the
school environment. Therefore, this activity will help
schools to create a better waste management. Trash
cans with attractive pictures of interesting images
provided in schools are expected to attract students to
actively participate in waste management.
The target of this study was people who are
economically unproductive. Therefore, students were
choosen to be the participants. The activity involved
50 students from two high schools in Deli Serdang
Regency: 25 students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Aisyiyah and 25 students of SMK Mandiri. Students
were trained to implement the 3Rs to ensure that
students will be able to practically reduce, reuse, and
recycle waste in school and other environments.
Through this training, students were expected to have
skills in recycling solid waste to be beneficial goods.
To support the training, trash cans with attractive
pictures were provided in several strategic areas in the
schools. Trash cans with attractive pictures were
expected to attract students to actively participate in
waste management.