Platelet Profile in Patients with Dengue Hemoragic Fever-USU
N. K. Arrasyid
, D. I. S. Siregar
, and K. P. W. Dasopang
Parasitology Departmen, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Jl. Universitas No.1 Kampus USU Medan 20155
Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Jl. dr. Mansur No. 66 Kampus USU Medan 20155
Keywords: Platelet, Dengue Hemoragic Fever.
Abstract: Medan is a DBD endemic area. There were 15 death cases in 2014 caused by DBD (Dinas Kesehatan
Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 2015). In dengue infection case, usually objects/patients will
(have/experience/suffer from) trombositopenia after they (have/experience/suffer from) fever which
excalate bleeding risk and complication. This research aims to see platelet profile on DBD patients at
Rumah Sakit Universitas Sumatera Utara. After gaining ethical clearance, blood samples are taken on the
research subject and then trombosit examinations, Mean Platelet Volume (MPV), and Platelet Distribution
Width (PDW) are performed using sysmex XT-2000i with impedance method. The gathered results are
mean trombosit of the patient is 93,9x103+-53,5x103. There are 69,6% of patients have the MPV level <9,6
fL and 65,2% of them have the PDW level ,9,2 fL.
DBD is a reversible and life threatening dengue
vascular complication and related with severe
trombositopenia and increased vascular permeability
(Jayashree, Manasa, Pallavi, and Manjunath, 2011).
Trombositopenia can increase the risk of bleeding
and complications in DBD patients (Kumar, Vyas,
and Krishna, 2017). Lately, researches show that
platelet index such as MPV and PDW can be a sign
of platelet activity. The volume of platelet which is a
sign of platelet function and activity is assessed
based on MPV. Platelet activity will also cause
morphology changes from platelet into sferis form
side by side with formation of pseudopodia. In the
end, platelet with changed form and size can affect
PDW value (Navya, Patil, and Kariappa, 2016).
Medan is one of many DBD endemic areas. There
were 15 death cases in 2014 caused by DBD (Dinas
Kesehatan Provinsi Sumatera Utara, 2015).The most
prevalence of DBD case is in the group of 5-14
years old female (Departemen Kesehatan RI, 2008).
This research aims to see platelet profile on DBD
patients at Rumah Sakit Universitas Sumatera Utara.
After gaining ethical clearance, samples are taken on
the research subject who has filled out the informed
concern by purposive sampling. On the selected
objects, trombosit examinations, MPV, and PDW
are performed using sysmex XT-2000i with
impedance method.
This research is done on patients whos come to RS
USU from March 2018 to May 2018 and obtained
the result that shows 23 DBD patients who met the
inclusion criteria where male patients are more that
female patients with a percentege of 52,17% (table
1). This result is different from the statement of
Departemen Kesehatan RI (2008) that says the most
prevalence of DBD case is in the group of 5-14
years old female. This difference occurs might be
because men have more activity outside the house,
and vise versa.