Year Indirect
Capital Expenditure
2012 6,279,156 803,608
2013 5,985,677 760,722
2014 4,969,775 1,145,972
2015 6,037,175 932,244
2016 7,188,137 1,019,855
Regional financial performance can be measured
using regional financial ratio such as ratio of local
financial independence, ratio of local revenue
effectiveness, and ratio of local financial efficiency
(Ardhini, 2011). Financial ratio information can be
used to: assess regional financial independence in
financing regional autonomy, measure efficiency and
effectiveness in realizing regional income, determine
the extent to which local government activities in
spending their local income, and evaluate the
contribution of each source of income in the
formation of regional income. Finally, financial ratios
also describe the growth of income and expenditure
over a period of time (Halim, 2008).
1.1 Capital Expenditure (Y)
This study describes the definition of capital
expenditure based on Regulation of Ministry of Home
Affairs, Number 13 of 2006, concerning Guidelines
on Regional Financial Management Article 53
(PMDN, 2006). Capital expenditure is the budget for
regional income and expenditure which is used for
expenditures made in the framework of the purchase
/ procurement or construction of fixed assets with a
benefit value of more than 12 (twelve) months for use
in government activities, such as in the form of land,
equipment and machinery, buildings and buildings,
roads, irrigation and networks, and other fixed assets.
Based on the Regulation of Ministry of Home Affairs,
capital expenditure consists of five types, such as,
capital expenditure of machine equipment, land
capital expenditure, capital expenditure of building,
capital expenditure of road, irrigation and network,
and other physical capital expenditure.
1.2 Local Financial Independence (X1)
Local financial independence indicates the level of
ability of a region in self-financing government
activities, development and services to the
community who have paid taxes and levies as a
source of income required area. Ratio of local
financial independence is indicated by the amount of
local revenue compared to regional income derived
from other sources (revenue transfer), among others:
tax-sharing, tax-sharing share of natural resource
taxes, general allocation funds and special
allocations, emergency funds and loans (Halim,
2008). If the level of regional dependence on the
assistance of external parties of the central and
provincial governments is low, the independence of
the regional will be even higher. However, if the
independence of an area falls, the dependence of the
region on the central government will be even higher.
It can be indicated that if local original income is
high, the allocation of capital expenditure can be
realized smoothly. Therefore, this study argues the
regional financial independence ratio is positively
related with capital expenditure.
1.3 Local Revenue Effectiveness (X2)
Local revenue effectiveness shows the ability of local
governments to realize the planned local revenue in
accordance with the target set based on the real
potential of the region itself (Mahmudi, 2010). The
effectiveness of local revenue is categorized into 5
levels of effectiveness, namely: very effective
(>100%), effective (90% -100%), effective enough
(80% -90%), less effective (60% -80%), not effective
(< 60%). Thus, this studies hypothesize that the
higher the ratio of local revenue effectiveness, the
better the performance of the local government and
then the higher the capital expenditure.
1.4 Local Financial Efficiency (X3)
The local financial efficiency illustrates the
comparisons between the amount of costs incurred for
income generation and the realization of received
revenues (Paul and Kenneth, 2003). An activity has
run efficiently if the implementation of the work has
reached the output with the lowest cost or with a
minimal cost of the desired result. The allocation of
capital expenditure is important to be realized
effectively to meet the demands and needs of the local
community and to facilitate development and
improve public service facilities. Thus, this studies
hypothesize that the higher the ratio of local financial
efficiency, the higher the capital expenditure.
1.5 Balancing Fund (Z)
According to Law No.33 of 2004 (BPK, 2004), the
central and regional financial balances are a system
of government financing in order to minimize the
fiscal gap between central and regional government.
It includes the financial distribution between the
central and regional governments as well as equitable,