The Effects of Local Financial Independence, Local Revenue
Effectiveness and Local Financial Efficiency on Capital Expenditure
with Balancing Fund as Moderating Variable: Empirical Study at
Province of Sumatera Utara
Rina Br Bukit
, Anita Saragih
and Sri Mulyani
Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, 20155, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Local-Financial-Independence, Local-Revenue-Effectiveness, Local-Financial-Efficiency, Balance-Fund,
Abstract: This study aims to test the effects of local financial independence, local revenue effectiveness and local
financial efficiency on capital expenditure in the Regencies/Cities of North Sumatera Province in the period
of 2014-2016. This research uses 99 samples consisting of 33 regencies/cities. The data is obtained from the
Directorate General of Fiscal Balance in the form of local government financial reports. The result of this
study shows that local revenue effectiveness and local financial efficiency have positive and significant
influence on capital expenditure. However, the local financial independence has no significant effect on
capital expenditure. This study also finds that balancing fund can moderate the effects of local financial
independence, local revenue effectiveness and local financial efficiency on capital expenditure.
Regional expenditure is prioritized to protect and
improve the quality of community life in an effort to
fulfil regional obligations. Regional expenditure is
divided into two, namely direct and indirect regional
expenditure. Direct regional expenditure is the
expenditure of local budget activities and directly
related to the implementation of local government
programs and activities. Regional expenditure is
directly divided into personnel expenditures, goods
and services expenditures, and capital expenditures.
While, indirect regional expenditures are local
budgeted activities and have no direct relationship
with the implementation of programs and activities.
Indirect expenditure is divided into personnel
expenditures, interest, subsidies, grants, and social
assistance, revenue-sharing, unexpected financial and
shopping assistance.
Based on the principle of regional autonomy that
is concerned with people's welfare, direct expenditure
is the expenditure that should be the government's
priority, especially in capital expenditure. Capital
expenditure is a regional government expenditure that
has an important
influence on the economic growth of a region and will
have leverage in moving the wheels of the regional
economy. Therefore, local governments should make
a shift in the composition of expenditures that would
later increase public confidence (Kuncoro, 2004).
Local governments allocate funds in the form of
capital expenditure budget to add fixed assets. The
allocation of capital expenditure is based on regional
needs for facilities and infrastructure, both for the
smooth implementation of government tasks and for
public facilities. However, many local governments
do not properly allocate their budget.
This research uses government financial report
data in North Sumatra Province. Table 1 below shows
that the average proportion of capital expenditure in
North Sumatera has fluctuated every year (MFI,
2018). However, the proportion of capital
expenditure in North Sumatra province is generally
still low. Table 1 show that indirect expenditure is
greater than capital expenditure. The government
must be able to allocate a proportion of regional
spending that is better to improve the welfare of the
community. Thus, the success of regional autonomy
is also inseparable from financial performance.
Table 1: Capital expenditure in North Sumatera province.
Bukit, R., Saragih, A. and Mulyani, S.
The Effects of Local Financial Independence, Local Revenue Effectiveness and Local Financial Efficiency on Capital Expenditure with Balancing Fund as Moderating Variable: Empirical
Study at Province of Sumatera Utara.
DOI: 10.5220/0010102618211825
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Year Indirect
Capital Expenditure
2012 6,279,156 803,608
2013 5,985,677 760,722
2014 4,969,775 1,145,972
2015 6,037,175 932,244
2016 7,188,137 1,019,855
Regional financial performance can be measured
using regional financial ratio such as ratio of local
financial independence, ratio of local revenue
effectiveness, and ratio of local financial efficiency
(Ardhini, 2011). Financial ratio information can be
used to: assess regional financial independence in
financing regional autonomy, measure efficiency and
effectiveness in realizing regional income, determine
the extent to which local government activities in
spending their local income, and evaluate the
contribution of each source of income in the
formation of regional income. Finally, financial ratios
also describe the growth of income and expenditure
over a period of time (Halim, 2008).
1.1 Capital Expenditure (Y)
This study describes the definition of capital
expenditure based on Regulation of Ministry of Home
Affairs, Number 13 of 2006, concerning Guidelines
on Regional Financial Management Article 53
(PMDN, 2006). Capital expenditure is the budget for
regional income and expenditure which is used for
expenditures made in the framework of the purchase
/ procurement or construction of fixed assets with a
benefit value of more than 12 (twelve) months for use
in government activities, such as in the form of land,
equipment and machinery, buildings and buildings,
roads, irrigation and networks, and other fixed assets.
Based on the Regulation of Ministry of Home Affairs,
capital expenditure consists of five types, such as,
capital expenditure of machine equipment, land
capital expenditure, capital expenditure of building,
capital expenditure of road, irrigation and network,
and other physical capital expenditure.
1.2 Local Financial Independence (X1)
Local financial independence indicates the level of
ability of a region in self-financing government
activities, development and services to the
community who have paid taxes and levies as a
source of income required area. Ratio of local
financial independence is indicated by the amount of
local revenue compared to regional income derived
from other sources (revenue transfer), among others:
tax-sharing, tax-sharing share of natural resource
taxes, general allocation funds and special
allocations, emergency funds and loans (Halim,
2008). If the level of regional dependence on the
assistance of external parties of the central and
provincial governments is low, the independence of
the regional will be even higher. However, if the
independence of an area falls, the dependence of the
region on the central government will be even higher.
It can be indicated that if local original income is
high, the allocation of capital expenditure can be
realized smoothly. Therefore, this study argues the
regional financial independence ratio is positively
related with capital expenditure.
1.3 Local Revenue Effectiveness (X2)
Local revenue effectiveness shows the ability of local
governments to realize the planned local revenue in
accordance with the target set based on the real
potential of the region itself (Mahmudi, 2010). The
effectiveness of local revenue is categorized into 5
levels of effectiveness, namely: very effective
(>100%), effective (90% -100%), effective enough
(80% -90%), less effective (60% -80%), not effective
(< 60%). Thus, this studies hypothesize that the
higher the ratio of local revenue effectiveness, the
better the performance of the local government and
then the higher the capital expenditure.
1.4 Local Financial Efficiency (X3)
The local financial efficiency illustrates the
comparisons between the amount of costs incurred for
income generation and the realization of received
revenues (Paul and Kenneth, 2003). An activity has
run efficiently if the implementation of the work has
reached the output with the lowest cost or with a
minimal cost of the desired result. The allocation of
capital expenditure is important to be realized
effectively to meet the demands and needs of the local
community and to facilitate development and
improve public service facilities. Thus, this studies
hypothesize that the higher the ratio of local financial
efficiency, the higher the capital expenditure.
1.5 Balancing Fund (Z)
According to Law No.33 of 2004 (BPK, 2004), the
central and regional financial balances are a system
of government financing in order to minimize the
fiscal gap between central and regional government.
It includes the financial distribution between the
central and regional governments as well as equitable,
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
democratic, equitable and inter-regional split between
regions transparent with due regard to local
potentials, conditions and needs in line with the
obligations and distribution of authority and
procedures for the administration of such authority,
including the management and oversight of its
finances. Balancing Funds are divided into profit-
sharing funds, general allocation funds and special
allocation funds.
This study constructs a model of multiple regression
equation to the relationship between local financial
independence, local revenue effectiveness, local
financial efficiency and capital expenditure with
balancing fund as moderating variable.
2.1 Operational Definition and
Measurement of Research
The variables of this study are one dependent
variable, three independent variables, and one
moderating variable. The explanation of each variable
as below:
2.1.1 Dependent Variables
Dependent variable in this research is capital
expenditure (CE). Capital expenditures are the
expenditures of local governments with benefits
exceed one year. The expenditures will add to the
assets or wealth of the area and will subsequently add
to routine expenditures.
2.1.2 Independent Variables
Independent variables in this study are local financial
independence, local revenue effectiveness, and local
financial efficiency. First, local financial
independence indicates the ability of a region in self-
financing government activities, development and
services to people who have paid taxes and levies as
a source of income required by the region. Second,
local revenue effectiveness reflects the ability of local
governments to realize the original planned regional
revenues compared to targets set by the real potential
of the region. Third, local financial efficiency
illustrates the comparisons between the amount of
costs incurred for income generation and the
realization of received revenues.
2.1.3 Moderating Variable
A moderating variable has a role to strengthen or
weaken the relationship between independent
variables and dependent variable. This study argues
that balancing fund will strengthen or weaken the
relationship between local financial independence,
local revenue effectiveness, and local financial
efficiency with capital expenditure.
2.2 Research Model
This study applies a multiple regression model to test
the effect of independent variables on dependent
variable. Then, the role of moderating variable is
tested using the residual analysis model. The final
sample of this study is 33 regencies in the period of
2014-2016. Thus, the total of study observation is 99.
2.3 Data Collection
This study uses a quantitative data. Source of this
research data is secondary data from budget report of
state revenue and expenditure and its realization
report in province of Sumatera Utara. The data can be
accessed from the website of Directorate General of
Fiscal Balance of Ministry of Finance
3.1 Descriptive Statistic
Table 2: Descriptive statistic.
N Min Max Mean
99 2.27 3.72 3.13
99 0.71 4.58 2.24
99 3.03 5.39 4.60
99 4.39 4.91 4.60
Note: Capital expenditure (CE); Local financial
independence (RLFI);
Local revenue effectiveness
(RLRE); Local financial efficiency (RLFE); Valid N (list
The Effects of Local Financial Independence, Local Revenue Effectiveness and Local Financial Efficiency on Capital Expenditure with
Balancing Fund as Moderating Variable: Empirical Study at Province of Sumatera Utara
3.2 Classical Assumption Testing
3.2.1 Normality Test
Table 3A: Normality test.
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
99 99
Mean 3.1309 2.1426
.29932 .58752
Most Extreme
0.072 0.051
0.028 0.039
-0.072 -0.051
orov-Smirnov Z 0.714 0.504
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.689 0.961
Table 3B: Normality test.
le Kolmo
orov-Smirnov Test
99 99
Mean 4.6099 4.5940
.37680 .08285
Most Extreme
0.126 0.116
0.082 0.112
-0.126 -0.116
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.251 1.154
. Si
0.088 0.140
Normality test result shows that the value of Asymp.
Sig. (2-tailed) of all variables is greater than the
expected value of significance of 0.05. It means that
this data is normally distributed.
3.2.2 Multicollinearity Test
The result of multicollinearity test shows the
tolerance value of all independent variables are
greater than 0.1. In addition, the value of Variance
Inflation Factor (VIF) is below 10. Thus, there is no
multicolinearity problem in this study.
Table 4: Multicollinearity test.
Model Collinearit
Tolerance VIF
0.951 1.051
0.876 1.142
0.892 1.121
a. Dependent Variable: CE
3.2.3 Autocorrelation Test
The test shows that Durbin Watson value is 1.904,
which the value is located between 1.736 to 2.264
(see Table 5). It means there is no autocorrelation
Table 5: Autocorrelation test.
Model 1
R .676
R Square 0.456
Adjusted R Square 0.439
Std. Error of the Estimate 0.22413
Durbin-Watson 1.904
a. Predictors: (Constant), RLFI, RLRE, RLFE
b. Dependent Variable: CE
3.3 Result of Multiple Regression
Table 6: Regression result model 1-2.
Model 1 Model 2
(constant) -5.076
(-2.135) **
F-value 26.590 26.590
Sig 0.000 0.000
This research uses multiple regression analysis to
test the effect of local financial independence, local
revenue effectiveness, and local financial efficiency
on capital expenditure. Table 6, model 1 shows a
significant positive relationship between local
revenue effectiveness and capital expenditure
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
(β=0,351. Sig = 0,000). This study also finds the
effect of local financial efficiency on capital
expenditure is positive and significant (β=1,444. Sig
= 0,000). This study concludes that local revenue
effectiveness and local financial efficiency bring a
positive role in increasing the government capital
expenditure. However, this study finds that the
coefficient of local financial independence is not
significant. Further, Table 6, model 2 shows that there
is moderation effect of balancing fund. It can be
concluded that the effects of local financial
independence, local revenue effectiveness, and local
financial efficiency on capital expenditure are
different in these two situations: high balancing fund
versus low balancing fund.
The result of this study indicates that a regional
government that achieves revenue realization is
higher than the target set, can be said to be an
independent region in managing the potential and
financial management of the region. This region with
high local revenue effectiveness has a high capital
expenditure as well. Furthermore, this research also
finds that a region where the implementation of their
work has achieved good output with the lowest input
(high local financial efficiency) show a large capital
expenditure. And, this study finds that the situations
explained above (the positive influence of local
revenue effectiveness and local financial efficiency
on capital expenditure) are different in both
conditions: region with high balancing fund and
region with low balancing fund).
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Halim, A 2008, Akuntansi Keuangan Daerah. Salemba
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Kuncoro, M 2004, Otonomi dan Pembangunan Daerah:
Reformasi, Perencanaan, Strategi, dan Peluang.
Erlangga, Jakarta, 8th edition.
Mahmudi, 2010, Manajemen Keuangan Daerah, Erlangga,
Ministry of Finance Indonesia, 2018, Directorate General
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Paul, H & Kenneth, B 1988, Management of organizational
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Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri, 2006, Peraturan Mentri
Dalam Negeri Nomor 13 Tahun 2006 tentang Pedoman
Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah Pasal 53.
The Effects of Local Financial Independence, Local Revenue Effectiveness and Local Financial Efficiency on Capital Expenditure with
Balancing Fund as Moderating Variable: Empirical Study at Province of Sumatera Utara