2.2 Procedures
Treatments were arranged in Non Factorial
Randomized Block Design with five replications. The
treatment is variety J1 = Jahe gajah, J2 = Jahe emprit,
V3 = Jahe merah. Parameters observed was plant
height at 2-4 week after planting (WAP).
The planting area to be used is cleaned from
weeds, then made drainage beds and ditches, and
crate are arranged on beds. The planting medium used
is top soil: manure: husks (3: 1: 1). The media is
mixed evenly and loosened using a hoe, then put into
a basket that has been arranged on the bed. Ginger
seeds are prepared which are ready for sowing. The
seeds are soaked in Dithane M-45 solution about 1
hour to control the fungus, then drained and the seeds
are cut into pieces according to the segment and the
seeds are ready to be sown. Seedlings are planted at
the nursery. Nursery media are compost and sand in a
ratio of 3: 1. The media is distributed evenly, then the
prepared seeds are arranged on a stretch of the
planting medium with the buds going above.
Seedlings that have been sown and old enough are
moved into the crate. Each crate is planted with 5
seeds. After the seeds are planted, the crate is
sheltered with paranet to avoid direct sunlight.
Watering is done every morning and evening
according to weather conditions, while the change of
damaged plant is done no later than 2 weeks after
planting (WAP). Sprouting is done so that the plant
does not fall easily, by making a mound of soil around
the plant, started at 2 WAP when the clump has
formed with 4-5 tillers.
2.3 Data Collection and Data Analysis
The growth parameters were determined at 4, 6, 8, 10
and 12 weeks after planting (WAP). The parameters
essentially determined were; plant height which was
measured from the base of the plant to the apex using
measuring tape. Number of leaves was measured by
counting manually. Number of tillers was taken at the
middle of each bed by counting at 12 WAP. Data
were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) for
comparison of means. Means were separated using
Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at the 0.05 probability
3.1 Plant Height
The ginger of jahe emprit and jahe gajah, generally
has the higher of plant height 2-12 WAP than jahe
merah. Increasing the plant height of jahe gajah and
jahe empritat 2-12 WAP is almost similar, while the
growth of plant height of jahe merah is lower. The
plant height increase of jahe emprit and jahe gajah at
4-10 WAP increased sharply, but the plant height of
jahe merah at 4-12 WAP increased (Table 1).
The growth phase of ginger is divided into 4
phases, i.e. (1) the budding phase, (2) the seedling
phase, (3) the growth and development phase, and (4)
the sleep rhizome phase. The phase of growth and
development in the ginger plant is divided into two
phases, namely the rapid growth phase (active phase)
and the phase of the development of the rhizome (the
stage of rhizome expansion). Phase growth and
development needs 70-80 days after the seedling
phase. Lijiu who mentions the fast growth phase is the
price of 110-130 day after planting (DAP), while the
development phase of the rhizome is 130-160 DAP.
(Hapsoh., 2008 ; Li., 2010)
3.2 Number of Leaves
Based on Table 2 it can be seen that generally the
ginger of jahe emprit and jahe gajah has the higher of
number of leaves 2-12 WAP than jahe merah.
Increasing thenumber of leaves of jahe gajah and jahe
emprit at 8-10 WAP is almost similar, while the
growth of number of leaves of jahe merah is lower.
The plant height increase of jahe emprit and jahe
gajah at 4-10 WAP increased sharply, but the number
of leavesof jahe merah at 4-12 WAP increased