The results obtained showed that there were
variations in the characteristics of respondents based
on age, ethnicity and education.
It can be seen that out of 100 respondents, the
highest number is > 50 years old, with Javanese
ethnicity, Hight School education and generally
housewives (table 1). In general, someone with a
higher education will have a broader knowledge
compared to lower education (Notoatmodjo, 2005).
Table 2, shows that out of the 20 questions
given, the correct answers before the intervention
were 7 questions at 10 respondents and the most
were 16 questions in 6 respondents. After being
given intervention the questions correctly answered
became 17 questions in 3 respondents. Here it can be
seen that respondents education influences the
absorption of an intervention (Notoatmodjo, 2005).
The intervention by lectures and video screenings
interesting for them and become increase answered
Interventions on respondents are very useful.
This can be seen in table 3, where before the
intervention the level of knowledge was less good as
13%. After being given this unfavorable
intervention, there was no more, good knowledge
increased by 50% (before intervention 12 % and
after intervention became 62%). While the
knowledge moderate before intervention 75% were
reduced to 38%. Good and moderate knowledge was
influenced by several factors, such as information
sources and educational factors and environmental
factors.The more information was obtained, it would
influence the level of one's knowledge
(Notoatmodjo, 2005 and Notoatmodjo, 2007). From
table 3 it can also be seen that respondents have not
been aware and less concerned about the dangers of
mosquitoes as vector transmitters in their homes
before intervention.
The level of knowledge mothers as respondents at
community representatives before the intervention is
still not good and the most is the level of moderate
knowledge.After intervention,the level of knowledge
of mothers as respondents increased more well
compared to the moderate and there was no more
less good for mosquitoes as a vector of diseasese.
This study was part of Community Service
supported by the Community Service Universitas
Sumatera Utara from Grand NON
Universitas Sumatera Utara Number:
Ministry of Health Indonesia., 2015. Health
ProfileIndonesia. doi 351 077 Indonesia.
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