2.1 Preparation of Plant Extract
The leaves of S. vulcani were obtained from the
forest of Sintongmarnipi, Toba Samosir, North
Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The leaves are picked,
cleaned, and separated from the petiolus, then dried
in open air for about one week. The dried leaves are
powdered into fine flour using an electric blender.
The extraction process was carried out by maceration
method using ethanol as a solvent. The maceration
results obtained are then filtered and the solvent was
evaporated using a rotary evaporator at 40 ° C
(Sitorus, 2015).
2.2 Experimental Animals
The experimental animals used were mice (Mus
musculus L.), male, healthy, aged ± 3 months,
weighing 25-30 grams. Animal experiments were
obtained from and maintained in animal cages
Department of Biology FMIPA USU Medan. Mice
are kept in a special cage for experimentation, given
pellet feed and drinking water (tap water) on an ad
libitum basis. The animals were adjust to a new
environment by kept them in the cage for two weeks
before experimentation.
Induction of diabetes in mice was carried out by
giving a single injection of alloxan (100 mg/kg body
weight) intraperitoneally. Mice were fasted 12 hours
before the injection. Selection of mice was done 72
hours after the alloxan injection. Only mice that have
a blood glucose level (BGD) >200 mg/dl are included
in the experiment.
The experiment was designed in completely
randomly designed (CRD).Thirty diabetic mice (BGL
>200) were randomly assigned to three treatment
groups of 10 mice each. The treatment groups were:
normal mice as control (NM groups), Non-Treated
Diabetic Mice (NTDM groups), and Treated Diabetic
Mice (TDM groups) that received S. vulcani leaves
extract 200 mg/kg body weight. The treatment was
given daily by oral gavage for 21 days.
2.3 Blood Glucose Level and Body
Blood glucose level was measured on blood removed
from the tail of the mouse. BGL determination is
performed with a glucometer (EasyTouch). BGL
measurements were carried out on day 0 (baseline) at
the time of alloxan injection, then 72 hours after the
injection, and then on the 7th, 14th, and 21st days.
About 5 mm the tip of the mouse's tail was cut with
scissors, then the blood was left to drip to a special
test strip for glucose and after about 10 seconds the
BGL number will appear on the glucometer screen.
The body weight was weighed on the same day
as the BGL determination day by using an electronic
2.4 Tissue Preparation
Animals were sacrificed at the end of the experiment.
Pancreatic organs were isolated and fixed in
formaldehyde. Tissue section was prepared by the
paraffin method. Eight μm thick tissue sections were
stained with HE and used for pancreatic island
2.5 Statistic Analysis
Parametric data were analyzed with ANOVA, the
Duncan 'test post hoc was apllied for all ANOVA
significant result. The differences between means
were considered significant at p<0.05.
Results from ANOVA showed that at the time of
alloxan injection (baseline, day 0) blood glucose level
(BGL) between treatment groups was not
significantly different (p>0.05). In the group of
normal mice (NM) the BGL baseline was around 100
mg/dl. This level was stable in NM group until the
end of the experiment.
Significant differences in BGL between
treatments began to be seen in observations 72 hours
after alloxan injection, whereas mice injected with
alloxan increased their blood glucose levels up to>
200. In figure 1, BGL in the NTDM group continued
to increase to> 250 mg/dl. The increasing level of
BGL in NTDM group was believed due to the
development of diabetic condition. In contrary, the
BGL in the TDM group was dropped after the animal
received S. vulcani leaves extract. The BGL
decreases was detected on day-7, but the significant
different to NTDM group (p<0.05) started on day-14.
The level continues to decrease until it reaches a level
that is not significantly different from the control
(NM group) at the end of the study (p>0.05).