High Central Venous Pressure Associated with Mortality in ICU
B. Lubis
, P. Amelia
Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
H Adam Malik Central Hospital, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Central Venous Pressure, ICU, Mortality.
Abstract: Background : For decades Central venous pressure (CVP) has often been used as a measurement of
hemodynamics, medication and nutrition for critical patients. In Intensive care unit (ICU) we use APACHE
or SOFA score for prediction of mortality. We need a lot of time and procedure to get the prediction. Not
every hospital can apply this APACHE and SOFA in their hospital. Since CVP is widely use in ICU for
monitoring, we can use the value of CVP as predictor mortality. Method : A retrospective study conducted
at H Adam Malik Hospital in Medan. Samples are taken by recording CVP in ICU patients. Patients who have
a high CVP (> 8 mmHg) are recorded and seen whether the patient dies or can leave the ICU. Result : During
the study period, 100 patients were admitted. 52% were male with mean age 48.5±16.5 years old. The overall
mortality of 100 patients was 38%. There was association between high central venous pressure with
mortality in ICU (p=0.004). There is a significant relationship between high CVP and mortality. Conclusion
: High CVP is associated with mortality rates.
The mortality rate in critical patients is quite high.
Usually used SOFA, APACHE to assess the patient's
death rate (Armiati, 2014; Bello, 2017; Ozaydin,
2017; Bale, 2013; Jones, 2009).
Clinical assessment
of the severity of illness is an essential component of
medical practice to predict the mortality and
morbidity of critically ill patients, especially in the
intensive care unit (ICU) (Ozaydin, 2017; Bale, 2013;
Jones, 2009; Minne, 2008; Saleh, 2015).
The Acute
Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation
(APACHE), introduced in 1981, takes into
consideration various parameters, such as
physiological variables, vital signs, urine output, the
neurological score, age and co-morbid conditions,
which may have a significant impact on the outcome
of critically ill patients (Armiati, 2014; Bello, 2017;
Ozaydin, 2017; Bale, 2013; Jones, 2009; Minne,
2008; Saleh, 2015).
The APACHE II, formulated in 1985,estimates
the risk based on the worst variables available within
the first 24 h of admission (Armiati, 2014; Bello,
2017; Ozaydin, 2017; Bale, 2013; Jones, 2009;
Minne, 2008; Saleh, 2015).
widely used toquantify the severity of illness in the
ICU, and has been validated in many clinical trials
(Armiati, 2014; Bello, 2017; Ozaydin, 2017; Bale,
2013; Jones, 2009; Minne, 2008; Saleh, 2015).
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) uses
simple measurements of major organ functions to
calculate a severity score (Armiati, 2014; Bello, 2017;
Ozaydin, 2017; Bale, 2013; Jones, 2009; Minne,
2008; Saleh, 2015). The scores are calculated 24 h
after admission to the ICU and every 48 h thereafter.
The mean and the highest scores are most predictive
of mortality (Armiati, 2014; Bello, 2017; Ozaydin,
2017; Bale, 2013; Jones, 2009; Minne, 2008; Saleh,
2015). But it takes so much time to complete the
existing data.
CVP is a tool often used in ICU, the value of the
CVP is often interpreted as the adequacy of fluid in
critical patients (Damman, 2009; Boyd, 2011; Long,
2017; Williams, 2014; Eskesen, 2015; Bagshaw,
2008; Malbrain, 2014; Coredemans, 2012). In the
case of an increase in CVP it is usually predicted that
there has been an excess fluid in the patient. whereas
excess fluid is associated with increased mortality.
We can use the value of CVP as predictor mortality
(Damman, 2009; Boyd, 2011; Long, 2017; Williams,
2014; Eskesen, 2015; Bagshaw, 2008; Malbrain,
2014; Coredemans, 2012). From several study show
that CVP can be used to predict organ failure such as
kidneys (Damman, 2009; Boyd, 2011; Long, 2017;
Williams, 2014; Eskesen, 2015; Bagshaw, 2008;
Malbrain, 2014; Coredemans, 2012). And kidney
Lubis, B. and Amelia, P.
High Central Venous Pressure Associated with Mortality in ICU.
DOI: 10.5220/0010104109390941
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
failure is associated with increased mortality. To
predict mortality in the ICU, APACHE or SOFA
scores were used. However, not all hospitals can
measure APACHE and SOFA parameters in each
hospital. Therefore from several studies that have
high CVP also associated with high mortality rates
(Damman, 2009; Boyd, 2011; Long, 2017; Williams,
2014; Eskesen, 2015; Bagshaw, 2008; Malbrain,
2014; Coredemans, 2012). It is expected that a high
CVP can be one way to predict mortality other than
APACHE and SOFA score. And in the future it is
hoped that CVP can become a parameter for doctors
to take medical measures to prevent increased
A cross-sectional study was conducted from January
to December 2017 in ICU Adam Malik Hospital
Medan. Patients with age over 18 years admitted to
our ICU were included. The demographic data, CVP
value collected between survivors and nonsurvivors
Data were analyzed using SPSS version 18.0. The
quantitative variable was expressed as means and
standard deviations. The categorical variables were
described by their absolute (n) and relative (%)
frequencies. This study was approved by the Ethics
Committee of the University of North Sumatra
Medical School.
During the study period, 100 patients were admitted.
52% were male with mean age 48.5±16.5 years old.
The overall mortality of 100 patients was 38% (Table
1). There was association between high central
venous pressure with mortality in ICU (p=0.004)
(Table 2).
Table 1. Characteristics of subjects
Mean age (SD), months 48.5 (16.5)
Mean weight (SD),
57.8 (9.8)
Gender, n (%)
52 (52)
48 (48)
Mortality, n (%)
38 (38)
62 (62)
CVP, n (%)
58 (58)
42 (42)
Table 2. Association between high central venous pressure
and mortality
Central venous
Mortality P value
In this study we get overall mortality of 100 patients
was 38%. There was association between high
central venous pressure with mortality in ICU
(p=0.004). This is consistent with the research from
others (Damman, 2009; Boyd, 2011; Long, 2017;
Williams, 2014). Damman K correlated high CVP
with AKI and mortality. Long Y found that during
the first 24 hours of mechanical ventilation, patients
with high central venous pressure had worse
outcomes. William JB found that patients for every 5
mmHg increase CVP 6 hours postoperative was
strongly associated with in-hospital and 30 day
mortality. This increased mortality may be due to
organ failure such as the kidneys, heart, lungs and
brain (Malbrain, 2014).
High CVP is associated with venous congestion
(Damman, 2009). This congestion may be caused by
edeme tissue which ends with a compartement
(Malbrain, 2014). For example, polycompartments
that occur can cause excessive fluid administration
which makes oxygenation disrupted due to edema
(Malbrain, 2014). High CVP is a sign of the onset of
edema or excess fluid which has an impact on cell
oxygenation and perfusion. We hope that with the
monitoring of each organ such as the heart, lung,
kidney and brain compared to the CVP value can
prove that CVP can represent organ failure that
occurs in the same clinical value as APACHE and
SOFA score.
High central venous pressure is associated with
mortality in ICU patients, and it could be a simple
predictor in addition to APACHE and SOFA score.
This study received funding from the TALENTA
2018, which is sponsored by the University of
Sumatera Utara.
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High Central Venous Pressure Associated with Mortality in ICU