Aplication of Creative Thinking Methods
in Forming Effective Work Culture
Emilia Ramadhani
Departement of Communication Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Dr. A Sofyan No.1
Medan 20155 ,Indonesia
Keywords: Creative Thinking, Audio Visual, Work Culture
Abstract: Within an organization, culture is the values and habits that are accepted as a shared reference that is followed
and respected. This habit becomes a work culture of human resources within the organization, and is often
called an organizational culture. In an increasingly competitive era, organizational culture needs to always be
developed by changing organizational culture. This is not a simple process, because the organization consists
of human resources with different backgrounds and levels. Thus, changes in organizational culture are carried
out first by changing the mindset of all human resources in it. One method that is trying to offer to change
this mindset is to provide a workshop activity that will deliver the participants (core organizational
implementers) to the creative thinking process through audio visual techniques. The interesting thing about
this method is its ability, in provoking the creative ideas of the organization's core implementers (managerial
and executives from various divisions), whose daily functions carry out decision making and implementation
of organizational policies in achieving the organization's vision and mission, to formulate
values organizations (companies) utilizing creative thinking and audio visual patterns are used as a medium
in creating effective work culture later.
The change is a phenomenon that always occurs in
the life of the Organization, many argue that the pace
and magnitude of change has increased significantly
in recent years. Research conducted The Institude of
Management the year 1991 showed that 90% of the
Organization to be more sleek and flat.
In 1992, it was reported that 80% of managers
responding to the changes by doing a restructuring of
the company in the last five years. Therefore, we see
that in a relatively short time, most organizations and
workers, has undergone a change in the substance of
what they do and how they do it (Burnes, 2000:250).
The way of management and the suitability of the
approach used, has many implications, especially in
the way of someone experiencing a process of change
and its perception towards the result. Many managers
reported about the level of dissatisfaction against the
results of the changes.
Burnes survey conducted in 1995 (Burnes,
2000:252) reveals that, as a result of organizational
changes, the Task Manager, the load becomes heavy
and far more of them should work for 15 hours in one
week. Many also reported that the increasing burden
of duties, has prevented them from providing enough
time for doing strategic planning or the needs of his
own training and development.
Changes can occur in a variety of form, size and
shape, making it difficult to get an accurate picture of
the level of difficulty faced by the Organization in
managing change successfully. However, there are
three types of important organizational changes that
need attention, namely, the introduction of new
technology in the year 1980 's; adoption of Total
Quality management in the last fifteen years; and
application of Business Process Re-engineering since
1990 's. The third type of these changes, at the time
respectively, expressed as a revolutionary approach to
improve performance and ability to compete.
Research shows, that the failure rate of the use of
new technologies in the range 40-70%. Meanwhile,
total quality management, which showed the total
effort every part of the Organization to improve
quality through; changes to the structure, practices,
systems and attitudes, does not indicate the
sustainability and 90% said failed. Business Process
Reengineering (BPR) which reflects the initiatives,
Ramadhani, E.
Aplication of Creative Thinking Methods in Forming Effective Work Culture.
DOI: 10.5220/0010104218511856
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
large and small, conservative and a radical
performance improvement organization through
business process efficiency and effectiveness, shows
that the results are lower than expected, between 60-
70% failed (Wibowo, 2011:245).
Therefore, although the third type of the change
initiative is equipped with information and assistance,
but there is no guarantee of success. Thus, managers
continue to consistently identify the difficulty of
managing change as one of the barriers to improving
the competitiveness of organizations. One of the
reasons why the success of the change is elusive
because of the many disputes about the frequency of
how often and how the level of change required. This
of course needs to be communicated with all the
existing members in the organization. And the role of
communication in change becomes very important
because this is what will be bridging between the
desire of the leadership of subordinate funds.
In the process of change, there was interaction
between the advocate, sponsors, agents, and the
target, so that when the entwined good
communication between them will be able to reduce
the chance of resistance. Communication is essential
for the management of change, and in some
situations, it is said that, change management is the
management of communication. Communication is
crucial to develop readiness and enthusiasm changes,
modify the way people think and behave, in the
education/training, also ensure the changes continued
to be maintained after the implementation.
The process of change, done with the redesign of
processes and procedures, which enables customers
served by flexible. However, face many challenges in
its implementation and in some cases are still using
the old procedure. The problem occurs because in the
process of redesigning the changes, yet involves all
elements of the human resources required, so they
lack understanding and are not ready to implement.
Subordinates do not have the opportunity provide
opinion over changes to their jobs.
Communications must be made in the style,
format, media, and the appropriate timing for
subordinate groups. A lot of great work become
useless because of a lack of communication.
Communication is the management of expectations.
Good communication will enhance care and support
for the changes, and even the most unpopular changes
will happen more smoothly when the person is ready
to do so (Wibowo, 2011:292).
Communication enables certain changes can
occur. Communications can drive change by starting
a positive response. Once in understand and accepted
behavior, people will begin to be modified. Its main
organizational culture change program is about
modifications to performance management,
combined with appropriate communication and are
sustainable. Cultural change within the Organization
to become one important in change management.
Culture is the values and habits that are accepted
as a common reference that is followed and respected.
Within an organization, this habit becomes a work
culture of human resources within the organization,
and is often called an organizational culture. Reality
shows that, few executives use culture in their
strategy. If the organizational culture environment is
not managed properly, people will feel that change
will come with volume, momentum and complexity
greater than their ability to deal with it.
Organizations need to change the culture adopted
so far to be able to create a climate that encourages
the empowerment process. Values that are not in
accordance with the employee's work value will
cause the work ethic to decrease and result in an
increase in the intensity of employee cessation (turn
over). For this reason, it is necessary to redefine the
expected values so that all human resources within
them can be created so as to create an effective work
Recognizing the importance of reformulating
cultural values in the organization, this researcher
tries to offer a creative and innovative method in the
form of utilizing audio visual creativity during the
process of formulating organizational (corporate)
cultural values. This method is expected to be a
complement to the existing methods, namely
Organizational Management disciplines. The
interesting thing about this audio-visual method is its
ability, in provoking creative ideas of the core
organization implementers (managerial and
executives from various divisions), whose daily
functions carry out decision making and
implementation of organizational policies in
achieving the organization's vision and mission, to
formulate values value of organization (company).
This method is also a measure of whether the main
values that exist today are aligned with available
human resources, thus helping stakeholders to make
changes or alignment of organizational culture
Based on this background, the research problem is:
1. How to find a complementary method that can
create values that produce the most effective work
culture in an organization (company)?
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
2. What new values emerge that reflect the value held
by all leaders and staff as part of the organization?
The objectives of this study are as follows:
1. Found a method that can provoke creative ideas of
the company's core executives (managerial and
executives from various divisions), whose daily
functions carry out decision making and
implementation of company policies in achieving the
company's vision and mission, to jointly formulate
corporate values by utilizing creative thinking
patterns (creative thinking).
2. Found new values that will have an impact on the
work culture that they apply in the organization
A lot of literature explained that media literacy is
always associated with media education. The problem
is why does it become necessary to have a literacy
media? This is because our society is heterogeneous,
when viewed from ethnicity, religion, infrastructure,
education, knowledge, professional background,
geography and various other factors. Media literacy
is the ability to understand, analyze, and deconstruct
media image. The ability to do is needed so that
viewers as media users (including children) become
aware of how the media is constructed (made) and
Understanding of media literacy is one of the
concept to build media-user knowledge on the
pressures of media issues. Media literacy also gave
emphasis on each individual media user in the
community to control media content that might
influenced consumer culture. Potter emphasized this
and states: "without a good understanding of their
media messages, and the effects, people can develop
misunderstandings and misperceptions about their
world. Those who fail to develop their media literacy.
Will get the script a long in atide message (Potter:
2004: 20). Baran added that media literacy is a skill
we take for granted, but like all skills, it can be
improved (Baran: 2009: 26).
Organizational culture has an impact on the long-
term performance of the organization, perhaps even
an important factor in determining organizational
success or failure. Although it is not easy to change,
organizational culture can improve performance, so
that organizational productivity increases (Tan, 2002:
Organizations with a strong and positive culture
will enable people to feel motivated to develop, learn
and improve themselves. If people work in
organizations that are well managed, then the level of
motivation and satisfaction will be higher. Many
organizations are pressured to make changes to stay
competitive and survive. The organization is aware
that changes must be made due to external
competition pressure. So, it was decided to
immediately conduct training for staff to improve
competence and motivation. Staff are sent to take part
in training in a convenient place to discuss the
problems faced, develop new strategies to overcome
problems, build a spirit team and grow a sense of
friendship. However, after returning to his workplace
it did not show any change (Wibowo, 2011: 48).
Most changes are made with superficial habits.
They simply change the structure, process, strategy
and technology without paying attention to the
fundamental impulses needed for the organization.
The fundamental drive that is needed is to make
organizational culture. Efforts and results of change
will only be sustainable if the organization is able to
provide time to form organizational culture in
accordance with the desired changes, as what will be
done in this research later.
According to James C. Coleman and Coustance L.
Hammen, 1974 (Rachmat, 2016: 74), creative
thinking is "thinking which produces new methods,
new concepts, new understandings, new inventions,
new work of art." Creative thinking is needed, starting
from communicators who have to design the
message, engineers who have to design buildings, ad
experts who have to organize verbal messages and
graphic messages, to community leaders who must
provide new perspectives in overcoming social
Creative thinking must meet three conditions.
First, creativity involves a new response or idea, or
that is statistically very rare. But novelty is not
enough. We can overcome population density in the
city by building underground houses. This is new but
difficult to implement. The second condition,
creativity is, can solve problems realistically. Third,
creativity is an effort to maintain original insight,
assess and develop it as best as possible (MacKinnon,
1965: 485).
When people think creatively, there are several
types of thinking used, namely deductive, inductive,
or evaluative. And what is used most often is
analogical thinking. Inductive thinking is often used,
precisely because it is not "selogis" thinking
Aplication of Creative Thinking Methods in Forming Effective Work Culture
deductive. Evaluative thinking helps creativity
because it causes us to critically assess ideas.
Psychologists mention five stages of creative
1) Orientation: Problems are formulated, and aspects
of the problem are identified.
2) Preparation: The mind tries to gather as much
information as possible with the problem.
3) Incubation: The mind rests a little, when various
solutions face a dead end. At this stage the problem-
solving process continues in our subconscious soul.
4) Illumination: The Incubation period ends when the
thinker obtains a kind of insight that solves the
problem. This gives rise to Aha Erlebnis.
5) Verification: The final stage to test and critically
assess the problem solving proposed in the fourth
Creative thinking thrives when supported by
personal and situational factors. Creative people have
diverse temperaments. Wagner is arrogant and
arrogant; Tchaikovsky is shy, quiet and passive;
Byron hypersexual; Newton is intolerant and angry;
Einstein was humble and modest (Hunt, 1974: 455).
However, there are several factors that generally
mark creative people (Coleman and Hammen 1974:
1) Cognitive ability: Includes here above-
average intelligence, the ability to produce new ideas,
ideas that are in progress, and cognitive flexibility.
2) Open attitude: Creative people prepare
themselves to receive internal and external stimuli; he
has diverse and wide interests.
3) A free, autonomous, and self-confident
attitude. Creative people don't like being "herded";
want to present himself as best he can and at will; he
is not too attached to social conventions. Maybe this
is why creative people are often considered
Item number 3 brings us to situational factors
that foster creativity. Historians note that there are
times when creativity thrives; for example, Islam in
the Abasiyah era, Italy at the time of the Renaissance.
It is well known in totalitarian countries that
creativity in science is brought to life, but creativity
in literature or social sciences is hindered. Creative
thinking only develops in an open society, is tolerant
of "strange" ideas, and gives everyone the
opportunity to develop themselves.
Audio-Visual Media is a medium that has sound
elements and image elements. This type of media has
better capabilities, because it includes both types of
media, namely Media Audio and Visual Media.
According to Sutikno (2009) Audio Visual Media
is "Modern instructional media in accordance with
the times (the advancement of science and
technology) covering media that can be seen and
Audio visual media is one method that is often
used in the learning process. The main emphasis in
audio-visual teaching is on the value of learning
obtained through concrete experience, not only based
on mere words. The next development was the
emergence of the audiovisual communication
movement that occurred in the 1950s. In the late
1950s communication theory began to influence the
use of audiovisual aids, so that in addition to being a
media aid it also functioned as a channel for messages
or learning information. From that moment on
audiovisual equipment is not only seen as a teacher's
tool, but also as a means of channeling messages or
media. This theory is very important in the use of
media for the activities of learning programs.
According to an expert in communication and
education media, Rudy Breatz, the educational media
has the main characteristics and has 3 main elements:
Voice, Visual and motion. The oldest technology
used in the learning process is printing that works on
the basis of mechanical principles, then Audio-Visual
technology was born which combines mechanical and
electronic discoveries for learning purposes.
As a learning medium in education and teaching,
audio-visual media has the following characteristics:
• Ability to improve perception
• Ability to improve understanding
• Ability to increase learning transfer.
The ability to provide reinforcement or
knowledge of the results achieved.
• Ability to increase retention.
The characteristics of Audio-Visual media are having
sound and elemental elements. This type of media has
better capabilities, because it covers both the first and
second types of media, namely audio and visual
media. (Miarso: 1986,34).
Audio-Visual Media consists of:
1. Audiovisual Silence
That is media that displays sound and still
images such as:
a. Sound frame film (sound slide)
b. Sound Series Movie (Film Strip)
c. Voicemail page
2. Audiovisual Motion
That is media that can display moving sound
and image elements such as:
a. Sound film
b. Television film
c. Film Bracelet (Loop Film)
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
In terms of its condition, audiovisual media is divided
Pure audiovisual namely sound elements and
elements of images coming from a source
such as audio cassette film / video.
Impure audiovisual, ie the sound and image
elements come from different sources, for
example sound frame films whose image
elements are sourced from the projector slide
and the sound element comes from a tape
And judging from the power of its coverage, the
media is divided into, First, media with wide and
simultaneous coverage. The use of this media is not
limited by place and space and can reach a large
number of students at the same time. Second, media
with limited coverage by space and place. This media
in its use requires special space and places such as
films, sound slides, coupling films, which must use
closed and dark places.
This type of research is qualitative descriptive
analysis using participant observation methods. The
initial stage needed to do this research is to design
training forms with audio visual methods by creating
training modules or guidelines in accordance with the
standards of the National Professional Certification
Agency (BNSP). This research was carried out in
March 2018, taking place at the BKKBN Office of
North Sumatra Province. The study was conducted by
carrying out a workshop which was attended by 15
participants consisting of all Heads of sub-sectors,
Personnel Analysts, Widyaswara, and several staff
members. For data analysis used qualitative
descriptive analysis techniques.
To design a training or workshop activity, a training
module or guideline is needed which describes the
stages of training implementation, the competencies
that will be produced and measurable feedback.
The stages in this training are as follows: (1)
Introduction and regulations that must be obeyed; (2)
Explanation of values; (3) Start trying to recall the
preferred characters or antagonists along with the
reasons, to provoke participants' creative thinking
abilities; (4) Explain the value contained in the
corporate culture; (5) Watching audio-visual shows in
the form of advertisements that are deliberately
chosen to show the values contained in the
advertisement, either from the side of the image or the
behavior of the characters in the advertisement, to the
sound of the music that accompanies it; (6) Test the
creativity of thinking by listening to the music of the
advertisement with your eyes closed and the
participants were asked to write down what values
they tried to communicate through the music; (7)
Group practice, to find out what values are
communicated through the next advertisement
screened, then presented to all participants; (8) The
second group practice is to find out what values are
communicated through the next advertisement
screenplay, then re-present it to all participants; (9)
Group practice, began designing the BKKBN
advertisement by pouring ideas as creatively as
possible to communicate what values were contained
in the organization, which were expressed through
player characters, storyline-methapora, and
background music in the form of story board audio
shows visual and present it to all participants; (10)
Feedback from participants in the form of questions
related to participants' understanding of the value and
course of the training process.
There are two groups that must present the results
of the discussion. The results of Group I are audio
visual shows about the daily lives of BKKBN
employees starting from going and going home from
work. The selected background music is a song that
is quite cheerful from Armada with the title going
early in the morning. The show began with a BKKBN
employee who rode a motorcycle to his place of work
by always smiling and looking happy. Meeting with
the leader admonished greetings, met with friends and
also reproved greetings full of warmth. Work and
coordinate with teammates while joking. When it
comes to prayer, both pray together. All activities
from going home to work are nuanced simplicity. The
value to be communicated in the story board of this
audio-visual program is honesty, kinship,
responsibility, cooperation, coordination, integrity,
respect, fun, intelligence and simplicity.
The results of group II are audio visual shows on
how to work with PLKB (Family Planning Field
Officer). The selected background music is a song
that is quite cheerful from Santa Hoki with the title of
a harvest party. For the values that must be owned by
the PLKB officials are reported to a farmer who
always works hard and is full of enthusiasm. But 2-3
months the results are not yet visible. Many problems.
Land stretcher and rarely rain. Rice becomes infertile.
Seeing this, the farmers did not despair, kept working
hard and finally there was an idea to invite other
Aplication of Creative Thinking Methods in Forming Effective Work Culture
farmers, how to change the soil to become fertile.
Conduct a joint evaluation, whatever is wrong. In the
end the land became fertile because of cooperation
and got ideas from other farmers. Rice thrives and
they celebrate it with a harvest party. Rejoicing
together welcomed the abundant harvest. Likewise, a
family planning field officer should have values such
as the farmer. The values that want to be
communicated in the story board of this show are the
values of integrity, mutual cooperation and work
Creative thinking method using audio visual
shows is a new method that is very effective to be able
to recognize and feel what value is. Similarly, the
values contained in an organization that we are
familiar with organizational culture. Most of the
values contained in organizational culture are only
jargon where values are derived from previous
This of course causes people who work in the
organization to feel that they are not part of the
organization. Even the values they profess in
themselves do not understand it. Especially having to
adjust personal values with the values that exist
within an organization. For this reason, a creative and
innovative method is needed to re-formulate what
values are actually contained in the organization.
From the results of the training conducted by the
participants, they realized about the importance of the
meaning of a value because it will have an impact on
their work culture. Through audio visual shows
participants can feel the meaning of a value directly
and without realizing it they actually have these
values. There is no directing process in this training.
All new values that emerge are the result of the
participants' thinking through audio visual techniques
that make participants more creative in finding value.
With the discovery of new values, it is hoped that it
can provide freshness in work and will certainly have
an impact on the formation of an effective work
culture in the organization.
From the results of the study it can be concluded that:
1. Creative thinking method through audio visual
techniques is very effective in provoking the
creative ideas of the organization's core
implementers in reformulating the values
embraced by the organization, which
reflects the values adopted by each member
in the organization. With the right value
formulation process, it is expected that it
will have an impact on the creation of an
effective work culture.
2. The new values that emerge in this
organization are honesty, kinship,
responsibility, cooperation, coordination,
integrity, respect, fun, ability, simplicity and
the last is the work ethic which reflects the
value possessed by all leaders and staff as
part of the organization
3. To find a creative and innovative method, it
requires courage, intelligence and accuracy
in combining several methods from different
sub-disciplines in order to be able to provide
freshness in a study.
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ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches