variables (X1), psychological capital (X2), and
individual talents (X3) simultaneously on
entrepreneurial success intentions. The results of
this study support the previous research
conducted by Frese (2014) with the title "The
Psychology of Entrepreneurship" which gets
results that variable lifestyle, psychological
capital and individual talents partially and
simultaneously have a positive and significant
effect on the success of entrepreneurs. Based on
the distribution of respondents 'answers related
to the success of the entrepreneur (Y) there is an
accumulation of respondents' answers of positive
value (strongly agree) as much as 84% in the
distribution of answers that state that "I make
customer loyalty an important thing in doing
business". The results of this study support the
theory by Soetadi who states that successful
entrepreneurs must have a strong belief that
wherever their business is, they are able to run
and always have confidence that the business
will succeed. In addition, based on the
distribution of respondents 'answers related to
the success of the entrepreneur (Y) there is an
accumulation of respondents' answers with a
negative value (disagree) as much as 12% in the
distribution of answers that stated prioritizing
creativity and innovation in doing business.
Based on the results of the study and discussion, it
can be concluded as follows:
The partial test results explain that lifestyle
variables (X1) have a positive and significant
effect on the value of t count (3.859)> t table
(1.665) which means that lifestyle variables
affectsuccess entrepreneur. In addition, based
on the significance value that the sig value is.
(0.00) <0.05, the lifestyle variable has
significant effect on the success of
thevariable entrepreneur. So, hypothesis 1 is
acceptable, namely the existence of a partial
lifestyle influence onsuccess
The partial test results explain that the
variable psychological capital (X2) has a
positive and significant effect on the value of
t count (3.859)> t table (1.665), which means
that the variables of psychological capital
affect the success of entrepreneurs. In
addition, based on the significance value that
the sig value is. (0.00) <0.05, the
psychological capital variable has a
significant effect on the success variable of
entrepreneurs. So, hypothesis 2 is acceptable,
namely the influence of psychological capital
partially onsuccess intentions entrepreneurial.
The partial test results explain that individual
talent variables (X3) have a positive and
significant effect on the value of t count
(3.859)> t table (1.665), which means that
individual talent variables affect the success
of entrepreneurs. In addition, based on the
significance value that the sig value is. (0.00)
<0.05, the individual talent variables have a
significant effect on the success variable of
entrepreneurs. So, hypothesis 3 is acceptable,
namely the influence of individual talents
partially onsuccess intentions entrepreneurial.
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