Effect of Ultisol with Different Texture for Pakchoy (Brassica rapa L)
Wisna Wulandari
, Sumono
, Nazif Ichwan
, Ruli Purnomo Wibowo
Agricultural Engineering Department, Agricultural Faculty, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, North Sumatera,
Keywords: Ultisol soil, texture, sandy loam, sandy clay loam, pakcoy
Abstract. Soil water avaibility is one of the important factors for plant growth. Field capacity can be de determined by
different methods.The objective of this research is to study the levels of field capacity by among methods at
Ultisol texture with different soil texture and a response of pakcoy growth. This research was initiated with
field capacity measurement with free drainage method 24 hours, free drainage 48 hours, and pressure plate at
different soil textures, i.e. sandy loam and sandy clay loam. Furthermore, pakcoy planting with different
watering treatment based on field capacity of each mentioned methods was carried out in greenhouse.
Parameters that measured such as soil texture, field capacity, and weight of pakcoy. The results showed that
field capacity on sandy loam (32,94%) was lower than sandy clay loam (35,78%). Measurement with free
drainage method 24 hours produced the highest field capacity (37,63%) among the pressure plate method
(33,39%) and free drainage method 48 hours (32,06%). Watering treatment based on field capacity of each
method at different soil texture have significantly affect on fresh weight and dry weight of steams and leaves,
and significantly affect on fresh weight of roots, and not significantly affect on dry weight of roots.
Ultisol soil is marginal soil (Anikwe. 2015) and
usually used by rubber and palm oil plantation.
Ultisol soil has been used for horticultural cultivation
in green house laboratory but productivity is low.
Watering with different concentration affect bulk
density and particle density value (Sumono. 2018).
Availability of water is an important factor to
increasing yield production. Moisture and nutrition of
soil is affected by bulk density (Xu. 2016), particle
density (Martin. 2016; Schjonning. 2016) and soil
porosity (McGrath and Henry, 2016). Determination
of the field capacity water content (FC) needs to be
known. Several method that often can be used are free
drainage method and pressure plate method.
Field capacity water content also according to
texture of soil. ultisol soil as we know that consist of
various textures. Soil texture decided by soil fraction
such as sand, silt (loam) and clay. Soil particle and
pore structure affect the hydraulic properties of
unsaturated media, in example is soil water retention
(Ding. 2015). Therefore, the study about utilization
ultisol soil with different texture are needed to explain
characterize and the effect to horticulture crop, such
as pakcoy (Brassica rappa L).
The aims of this studies are to determine the field
capacity water content with different soil textures
using free drainage method and pressure plate
method; and effect of field capacity water content on
fresh weight and dry weight of Pakcoy (Brassica
rappa L).
The material used in this study is the ultisol soil, it is
used as the object under study, chemical reagent,
pakcoy plant seeds as material to be planted in the
soil, water as an ingredient for watering, polybags as
a container for soil. The tools used in this study were
ring samples, ovens, digital scale, erlenmeyers,
pressure plates apparatus, 10 mesh sieves and glass.
This research method uses the experimental
method in the greenhouse and soil analysis is carried
out in the research and technology laboratory of the
North Sumatera University agricultural faculty and
the soil physics and environmental faculty of
agriculture. The study used a completely randomized
design with 6 treatment and 4 replications, they are
Sandy clay texture with free drainage method (24
hours), sandy clay texture with free drainage method