Utilization of Social Media as a Business Opportunity for Youth
Cultural Group
, Onan Marakali Siregar
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara Jl. Dr. Sofyan No. 1
Medan 20155 Indonesia
Keyword: social media , business opportunity, entrepreneurship
Abstract. Training utilization of social media to get business opportunities carried out to youth groups youth in the
village of Pulo Brayan Bengkel Workshop Medan. The easier the internet access and the many social media
applications make it easier for young people to actively do business. The purpose of this service is training
young people who join the youth group to be able to see business opportunities through various social media
applications commonly used by youth groups. The method is carried out through interactive discussions,
training or counseling and doing simple practicum by inviting trainees directly to selling through social media.
The result of this service is to increase the interest of members in youth youth groups towards business and
the enthusiasm to start a business by utilizing social. Began to emerge active youth to pursue various business
opportunities through social media.
The development of globalization that is happening at
this time, has led to the increasing advancement of
information and communication technology.
Information technology is a set of tools that help
people work with information and perform tasks
related to information processing. The advancement
of information and communication technology has
made people's lifestyles more consumptive and fast-
paced. Changes in a more consumptive lifestyle can
be seen from the tendency of the public to do
activities in cyberspace such as shopping online.
Increasingly sophisticated technology has led to
changes in the mindset of people who tend to be
traditionalistic to become modern. The rapid
development of information and communication
technology is marked by the widespread use of the
internet that can be accessed throughout the world.
The internet is one of the accesses that can be used
positively that can provide benefits or income to its
users and can open opportunities for businesses to
develop business activities through electronic media.
The internet provides an advantage for manufacturers
in introducing new products to prospective
customers, marketing their products quickly and
minimizing costs. As for consumers, the internet
makes it easier for consumers to get the desired
product quickly, can save time and effort and create
pleasure and comfort. Technology, the internet and
social media are interrelated or related and become
very important needs for the community currently.
The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in collaboration
with the Indonesian Internet Service Providers
Association (APJII) noted that the growth rate of
internet users in Indonesia by the end of 2016 was
132.7 million users or around 51.5% of the total
Indonesian population of 256.2 million. Most internet
users exist on the island of Java with a total user of
86,339,350 users or around 65% of the total use of the
Internet. When compared to Indonesian Internet users
in 2014 of 88.1 million users, there was an increase
of 44.6 million within 2 years (2014-2016).
The internet is an important need for society, because
almost half of Indonesia's population uses the internet
in their daily lives. The use of the internet encourages
a great potential for the creation of online shopping.
Based on the content most frequently visited, internet
users most frequently visit online web sites at 82.2
million or 62%. And the most visited social media
content is Facebook at 71.6 million users or 54% and
the second order is Instagram at 19.9 million users or
The opportunity to run an online business is more
open, not only for business people, all communities
Selwendri, . and Siregar, O.
Utilization of Social Media as a Business Opportunity for Youth Cultural Group.
DOI: 10.5220/0010104518611863
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches (ICOSTEERR 2018) - Research in Industry 4.0, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-449-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
can take advantage of this opportunity. Online
shopping makes consumers more easily shop without
spending time and effort. Because of this
convenience, online shops are increasingly in
demand. Through online shop buyers can see various
products offered through the web that are promoted
by sellers. Online shopping allows both buyers and
sellers to not face to face directly, so this allows the
seller to have the opportunity to get buyers from
abroad. In the beginning of 2014, the trend of online
shop was increasing, because it was more practical
and more comfortable. Items purchased will be sent
via goods delivery service after making payment at
the online shop for goods ordered through the website
provided by the online shop merchants.
Online product marketing can be done through social
media. Social media is the right place to promote
products to consumers. Social media allows market
participants to communicate with each other,
customers, and prospective customers. Social media
gives the brand identity or brand that is marketed and
helps to spread the message in a relaxed and
communicative manner. Companies can use social
media as a medium to promote their products such as
displaying advertisements, direct marketing, promos,
and product information. The use of social media that
previously only wanted to communicate with friends
on social media became aware of information about
one of the products displayed on their social
networking accounts.
Communities can utilize social media in
entrepreneurial activities. Social media is a tool or
interactive marketing tool, service, building
communication with customers and prospective
customers, and as a tool to sell and buy products
online. Social media can be accessed by anyone, any
class of society, as long as they have a device that can
be used to access the social media. All levels of
society can entrepreneurship through social media, be
it men, women, old, young, workers, housewives,
school children and even unemployed. Social media
can be used as a business opportunity for those who
want to be entrepreneurs and earn income. Therefore,
counseling is conducted on the use of social media as
an entrepreneurial opportunity among secondary
schools which aims to provide additional information
to high school students about the positive value of
using social media.
Pulo Brayan Bengkel Village is located in the
District of Medan Timur, a distance of 12 km from
the University of North Sumatra, which can be
reached in 45 minutes.
The total population of Pulo Brayan Bengkel Village
until 2017 totaled 12,659 consisting of 6,362 male
population and 6,297 female population. Pulo Brayan
Bengkel Village consists of 11 (eleven)
The main livelihoods for people in Pulo Brayan
Bengkel Village are employees, laborers, traders,
civil servants, and TNI / POLRI. The number of
residents in the village that received raskin amounted
to 553 households, received healthy terrain cards
totaling 2,248 households, and received 639
Based on observations made that many mothers from
poor family groups do not have jobs other than
housewives. Therefore the activities of this service
intend to carry out service by empowering
housewives of poor family groups to supplement their
income through training in making mini- cones. As
for what will be done is to conduct counseling and
training by giving demonstrations and direct practices
to make mini cones that will be useful to increase
income for housewives of poor family groups in Pulo
Brayan Bengkel Village, Medan Timur Subdistrict,
Medan City.Based on the description of the analysis
results above, it is known that partner problems
include: (1) Lack of youth interest in entrepreneurship
and (2) lack of information or knowledge about the
use of social media as a business opportunity.
To get maximum results, a method of activities that
can support the achievement of activities is needed.
The methods used in carrying out this community
service include; (1) Training / counseling, (2)
Interactive Discussion and (3) Simple practical
application of entrepreneurship.
This activity is a form of community service which is
part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education including
the University of North Sumatra to the community to
transfer knowledge, knowledge and insights that are
important and useful to the community. As a form of
concern for the community, this activity will have
links with the University of Sumatera Utara through
the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, the
community, especially the youth of Karang Taruna in
Pulo Brayan Bengkel Village Workshop.
The plan of activities to be carried out for problem
solving is the following stages:
Counseling is carried out to youth in
Karang Taruna Pulo Brayan Bengkel
Village Workshop. The socialization
material is about the development of the
ICOSTEERR 2018 - International Conference of Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Ramification Researches
internet and social media, social media as
a media for product marketing, social
media as an entrepreneurial opportunity,
and about entrepreneurial benefits.
After the extension activity, the next
activity was a discussion with the youth of
Karang Taruna in Pulo Brayan Bengkel
Village Workshop. Youth Taruna Youth in
Pulo Brayan Village Medan Workshop on
how to use social media as an
entrepreneurial opportunity.
Evaluation is carried out as long as the
service activities are carried out including
observing the devoted participants in their
activeness during the community service
activities which take place actively in
responding to each material presented,
active to ask questions and answer the
questions asked.
The results of community service in Pulo Brayan
Darat Village focused on the skills of empowering
participants to be proficient in creating online
business accounts through Facebook and Instragram
applications. This application was chosen because the
dedication team considered that this application was
the most widely used by the community .. On the
implementation of the service carried out by means of
counseling, the demonstration of making an online
business account application Facebook and Instagram
Preparation was carried out by the Dedication Team
together with partners. Preparation is carried out to
obtain agreement between the Service Team and
partners, including: schedule of activities and
activities. At the preparation stage it was agreed on
the time and place of the extension and the time and
place of the training in the Pulo Brayan village
workshop. This place was chosen based on a proposal
from Pulo Brayan Village Head, who wanted to
facilitate the implementation of this service well.
Community service implementation is carried out
through counseling, demonstrations starting from the
introduction of online business applications and
demonstrations on the creation of Facebook online
business applications and Instragram.
Extension Counseling aims to motivate partners to
have the spirit of entrepreneurship and have the skills
to create an online business application account for
Facebook and Instagram. Partners are also expected
to be able to maintain and manage and run online
business applications to start selling products online
through applications that are trained to
participants.The practice of making an online
application for the Community Service Team
consisting of lecturers and students explained the
steps taken in creating an online business application
account for Facebook and Instagram. The service
team is not difficult to practice because all
participants have gadgets that have Facebook and
Instagram applications. Some participants already
know the users of applications that are already very
well known in the community. Besides that, students
involved in community service are students who
already have direct experience in conducting business
through online applications. This provides motivation
for trainees.
Based on the results of community service regarding
the empowerment of youth groups in the village of
Pulo Brayan Bengkel, it can be concluded:
The training participants have very high
enthusiasm to have skills in running an online
business through Facebook and Instagram social
Karang Taruna in Pulo Brayan Bengkel
Village can be used as a container positive for young
people in the village, especially in the X
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Utilization of Social Media as a Business Opportunity for Youth Cultural Group