Conversely, security in all aspects can not be
achieved without the welfare of the socio-economic
Problems encountered in border areas are not a
military threat of invasion or infiltration from
abroad, but ordinary crimes such as smuggling of
goods and crossing illegal borders, or land disputes
due to the disagreement of some segments of the
border by the state's youth, and border violations by
security officers resulting from the absence of such
agreement. Handling these issues requires police
expertise and other skills that are non-military and
should involve others with appropriate powers and
It is recommended to the Governments of and
Indonesia and Timor-Leste to establish a border
management apparatus with border guards only from
police individuals; proactive and provide
information to each of its citizens regarding the
development of defense and military relations by
both countries; every issue and answer related to the
border only with the system of peace and dialogue;
authorities from Indonesia and Timor-Leste along
the border to hold regular meetings in Dili-Jakarta,
Dili-Kupang, and in districts along the border.
The increase of the TNI on the Timor-Leste
border is no longer due to the real threat of Timor-
Leste, but rather the perception of Indonesia over the
border as a vulnerable area where there is a threat to
the unity of the Unitary State of the ndonesian
Republic. In order to support the optimization of the
handling of maritime border areas in the face of
problems, opportunities and constraints, the policy is
to optimize the handling of maritime border RI-
RDTL through the provision of basic facilities and
infrastructure of border areas and the application of
science and technology by utilizing the potential of
territory in order to maintain the integrity of NKRI
from all threats. TNI is the main actor in managing
security based on Law No. 34/2004 on TNI, which
states that TNI is in charge of securing border areas.
We would like to acknowledge with heartfelt
gratitude of The Simlibtamas Research Grant given
by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher
Education of Indonesia, Coordination of Private
Higher Education Region III (Kopertis III) in Fiscal
Year 2018, Research Institutions and Community
Service of Universitas Kristen Indonesia (LPPM
UKI) and Faculty of Economics and Business of
Universitas Kristen Indonesia.
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