Answering What-type and Who-type Questions for Non-task-oriented
Dialogue Agents
Makoto Koshinda, Michimasa Inaba and Kenichi Takahashi
Hiroshima City University, Hiroshima, Japan
Non-task-oriented, Dialogue Agent, Question Answering.
In this study, we propose a method for responding to what-type and who-type questions with no single fixed
response handled by a non-taskoriented dialogue agent using Wikipedia as a language resource. The proposed
method extracts nouns from a provided question text and then extracts an article from Wikipedia containing
most of those nouns in its title. Next, words are extracted from the extracted article, and the degree of similarity
between the extracted words and nouns extracted from question text is calculated. Words with a high degree
of similarity are then acquired as response candidates. Next, the response candidates are ranked using the
Wikipedia article structure and the text within the article, and the rst-place response candidate is used for a
response. According to the evaluation experiments, it was confirmed that the proposed method is capable of
relatively natural responses in comparison to a baseline.
In recent years, there has been vigorous research into
dialogue agents, which often take the form of com-
puters that converse with humans. Dialogue agents
consist of two types: task-oriented dialogue agents
that hold dialogue with people for the purpose of mak-
ing ticket reservations or providing sightseeing infor-
mation, for example, and non-taskoriented dialogue
agents that do not perform a specific task and engage
in daily conversation or chatting with users. Non-
taskoriented dialogue agents are gaining attention not
only for their use in entertainment, but they are ex-
pected to be used in various settings such as alleviat-
ing dementia and counseling (Sugiyama et al., 2013).
Some known non-taskoriented dialogue agents in-
clude ELIZA (Weizenbaum, 1966), A.L.I.C.E (Wal-
lace, 2008), and Microsofts Xiaoice
. Recently, there
has been vigorous research into response generation
by non-taskorienteddialogue agents using deep learn-
ing (Sordoni et al., 2015; Shang et al., 2015; Vinyals
and Le, 2015). However, even with the use of deep
learning, current non-taskoriented dialogue agents do
not really have the same conversational capabilities
as an actual person and thus require improvement in
many areas.
One of these areas is responding to questions
asked by users. The problem with past non-
taskoriented dialogue agents is that they were of-
ten unable to properly respond to user questions and
would fail in conversation. One possible method to
solve this problem of failed conversation due to an
inability to properly respond to the question is to set
rules for questions and responses. However, when at-
tempts are made to create rules for the most frequently
occurring question text, very high costs are incurred
Additionally, improved dialogue agent performance
is reportedly limited even if rules are increased (Hi-
gashinaka et al., 2015). Therefore, in this study, we
propose a method for properly responding to ques-
tion texts with responses automatically acquired from
Wikipedia. The method proposed in this study facil-
itates proper responses by using the similarity of re-
sponse candidates extracted from Wikipedia articles
to question text, and the structure and text of articles
for which titles match response candidates.
Several types of questions exist: what-type questions
about objects like “What game do you like?” who-
type questions asking people “Who do you respect?”
why-type questions asking for reasons like “Why do
you like tomatoes?” and how-type questions asking
about means or methods like “How do you take good
Koshinda, M., Inaba, M. and Takahashi, K.
Answering What-type and Who-type Questions for Non-task-oriented Dialogue Agents.
DOI: 10.5220/0006517102870294
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 287-294
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
pictures?” Studies have been conducted on how to
properly respond to these questions.
For example, a study by Sasaki et al. (Sasaki
and Fujii, 2014) researched responses to how-type
questions. This study proposed a method for solv-
ing problems with existing methods, such as selecting
responses that commonly appear for all questions, or
selecting Ask someone else” as a response. Specif-
ically, it proposed a method in which a document
search is conducted of question text, and the inverse
document frequency of the documents appearing as
search results is calculated. This results in a reduced
search score for response candidates such as Ask
someone else, which are likely to appear as the re-
sponse to many questions, or as a lack of response
to a specific question. Based on the results of com-
paring existing methods and their performance, the
highest percentage of correct responses appears for
the top 100 response candidates. Additionally, they
report that based on the results of verifying the effec-
tiveness of multiple proposed methods for solving the
problems in existing methods, combining all of the
proposed methods produces better results than other
In a study of why-type questions, Fukumoto et al.
proposed a method using manually created expression
patterns of “because of and “by reason of (Fuku-
moto, 2007). However, the problem here is that when
an attempt is made to extract response candidates us-
ing such manually created patterns, it is not possible
to accommodate keywords other than these patterns
(ex: “for the sake of . . . etc.), and when an attempt
is made to accommodate many key phrases manu-
ally, the cost of creating patterns increases. There-
fore, Higashinaka et al. proposes a corpus-based
method for reducing dependency upon manually cre-
ated key phrases (Higashinaka and Isozaki, 2008). In
this method, sections tagged with a “cause” within
a corpus are extracted, and then cosine similarity is
used to calculate the similarity of question text and
response candidates. Then, the response candidates
are ranked according to prepared characteristics, and
then a response is given. According to the results
of comparing multiple methods, including this one,
compared to other methods, the results show a high
percentage of questions that may be responded to
within the top nth positions. In addition, of the several
prepared characteristics, the characteristics prepared
using the “cause” tag and the similarity characteris-
tics are reportedly bound to the functions of the pro-
posed methods in particular. Verberne et al. proposes
a system for responding to why-type questions us-
ing Wikipedia as a response resource (Verberne et al.,
2010). In this system, performance is improved in
comparison to existing question and response systems
as a result of considering keywords such as “because”
and words overlapping with the Wikipedia articles
serving as a response resource. Additionally, Ver-
berne et al. report improved ranking performance as a
result of considering the structure of articles, such as
the titles of Wikipedia articles, which suggests the ef-
fectivenessof using Wikipedia as a response resource.
Other than this study, there are other studies
(Clarke et al., 2010) of what-type and who-type ques-
tions by Clarke et al. They use pre-provided seman-
tic information in question texts such as “What is
the largest state that borders Texas?” and data from
a set of responses to question text for learning pur-
poses. Then, they predict semantic information in
question texts inputted from results and determine the
responses based on the semantic information. Fur-
thermore, a method using a recurrent neural network
(RNN) (Iyyer et al., 2014) has recently been pro-
posed. However, these studies are of a single response
to a question. In chatting, there are many questions
with different responses depending upon the person,
such as “What foods do you like?” or “What sports
do you like?” Therefore, in the present study, we pro-
pose a method for responding to “What” and “Who”
questions in which a single response is not decided
for a question.
The proposed method provides proper word output as
a response to arbitrary what-type or who-type ques-
tions. For example, if the question “What sports do
you like?” is asked, the response may be “Tennis” or
The following is a rough procedure of the pro-
posed method:
1. Extract words from question text and acquire arti-
cle from Wikipedia
2. Extract words with hyperlinks to articles different
from acquired article
3. Calculate degree of similarity between words ex-
tracted from words in question text and article
4. Based on the results in 3), use 10 words close
in meaning to words in question text as response
candidates and extract an article from Wikipedia
in which the article title consists of response can-
5. Search for text containing many question text
words in articles with titles consisting of response
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
candidates and then weigh the response candi-
dates according to where in the article the text is
6. Calculate the degree of similarity between text in
article used for weighing in 5) and question text
7. Score the product of the weight calculated in 5)
and the degree of similarity in 6), rank the re-
sponse candidates according to this score, and
then respond with the first-place response candi-
The ranking of words extracted from Wikipedia
through such a procedure makes it possible to acquire
words thought to be close in meaning to question text
by filtering them by the degree of similarity between
words in question text and extracted words. Next, as a
result of filtering, words close in meaning to question
text are used as response candidates, and then an arti-
cle in which the title consists of response candidates
is extracted from Wikipedia. If text in an extracted
article contains many of the words in question text,
then response candidates containing this text within
the article are relevant to question text; furthermore,
it is felt that the relevancy is even greater if the text
resembles question text.
3.1 Extraction of Response Candidates
using Word2Vec
In the proposed method, response candidates are ex-
tracted according to the degree of similarity between
words in a Wikipedia article and the nouns in question
text. Thus, it is possible to acquire from Wikipedia
words that are close in meaning to words in question
textin other words, words that may serve as responses.
For example, when the question text is “What sports
do you like?” words are acquired from an extracted
article in response to the noun “sports” in the ques-
tion text. For example, “tennis,” “soccer,” “Italy” and
“Internet” are words that may be called up for their
relevance to “sports, and then, in this case, “tennis”
and “soccer” would be acquired as response candi-
dates. To calculate the degree of similarity between
words, Word2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013b; Mikolov
et al., 2013a) proposed by Mikolov et al. is used in
the present study.
First, all nouns are extracted from initially pro-
vided question text. Next, using the words inside
of this extracted question text, the article contain-
ing most of these words in its title is obtained from
Wikipedia. Then, all words with hyperlinks to other
articles in Wikipedia are extracted from the article.
Next, all word vectors inside question text vectorized
with Word2Vec are summed up and the respective co-
sine degrees of similarity of these vectors and each
word vector within Wikipedia are calculated. Lastly,
nth words within Wikipedia in order of highest cosine
degree of similarity, that is, the ones considered the
most similar to words within question text, are taken
to be response candidates. In evaluation experiments,
n is set to be 10.
3.2 Weighing of Response Candidates
using Wikipedia Article Structure
In this section, we will explain a method in which a
Wikipedia article is obtained with a title that consists
of response candidates acquired in the preceding sec-
tion, and then the article structure is used to weigh the
response candidates.
A Wikipedia article first has a lexical definition
that is the subject of the article, followed by a sum-
mary, and then a detailed explanation of the origin or
history of the subject. Hence, if there is a text con-
taining many words in question text in the definition
and summary, then the relevance between the words
and question text is considered high. Therefore, in
this study, we always use text in articles close to the
top that also contain the most words within question
text and then find the weight W of each response can-
didate with Formula (3.2) below.
W = (a(1
The symbols pos
, pos
and pos
represent at
what number a section containing text contains the
most words from question text appearing within an
article, at what line it appears within a section, and
at what line it appears in the article overall. In addi-
tion, N
, N
respectively represent
the total number of sections within an article, the total
number of lines within a section, and the total number
of lines within an article. That is, W is large in value
when a section containing a text containing the most
words within question text is at the top of the article,
and furthermore, the text is at the start of a sentence
within the section and in the article overall. Further,
a, b, and c are respective parameters for setting im-
portance, and in the experiment described below, we
used a = 1.5, b = 1.2 and c = 0.8. These values were
empirically determined.
3.3 Similarity between Sentences in
Wikipedia Article and Question
For response candidates weighed in section 3.2, we
calculate the degree of similarity of the text that is
Answering What-type and Who-type Questions for Non-task-oriented Dialogue Agents
the basis for weighing in Formula (3.2), that is, the
text containing the most words within question text
and provided question text. If the degree of similar-
ity is high, it is because the text is close in meaning,
and the relevance of the response candidates to ques-
tion text is considered higher. If a list of the nouns
respectively appearing in each of the texts is created
for this calculation, then text vectors are created: “1”
if the words in the list are used in the text and “0” if
the words in the list are not used in text. Then, using
these vectors, the cosine similarity is calculated for
the degree of similarity between the baseline text and
question text. For example, nouns A and “B” are
contained in question text, and nouns A, “C, and
“D” are contained in the text in Wikipedia contain-
ing the most words in the question text. When this
happens, the question text vector is v
= (1, 1, 0, 0),
the Wikipedia text vector is v
= (1, 0, 1, 1), and the
cosine similarity of the two vectors is the degree of
similarity of the text.
The degree of similarity s
of the text thus de-
rived is applied to the weight W found using Formula
(3.2), and a score is calculated using Formula (2).
score = W × s
4.1 Settings
In this experiment, the proposed method was manu-
ally evaluated. A total of 10 evaluators each eval-
uated the suitability of response candidates for 100
lines of question text. The evaluators were recruited
on crowd-sourcing site CrowdWorks
In addition, for the 100 lines of question text
used in this experiment, a request for question text to
be prepared was made with CrowdWorks separately
from the experiment, which was then collected. Table
1 shows an example of the questions used for evalua-
For subjects, multiple response candidates were
provided for one line of question text, and then an
evaluation was provided on the following three-point
G (Good). Response candidates are suitable question
text responses
A (Average). Response candidates are not necessar-
ily unsuitable as question text responses, but they
feel awkward
P (Poor). Unsuitable as question text responses
Table 1: Example of question text evaluated in an experi-
What movie do you like?
What is your favorite animal?
What is your most recent impulse purchase?
What games do you play?
Which politicians do you respect?
What TV programs do you frequently watch?
What snacks do you like with your drinks?
What sports do you do?
What job do you do?
Any modern artists you like?
4.2 Comparing Methods
In this experiment, we used three methods: word de-
gree of similarity, article structure, and article struc-
ture + degree of similarity for comparison.
4.2.1 Word Degree of Similarity
The word vectors described in section 3.1 were used
for word degree of similarity, calculating the degree of
similarity between words extracted from a Wikipedia
article and words extracted from question text with
the cosine similarity. With this method, response can-
didates were ranked from largest to smallest degree of
4.2.2 Article Structure
The degree of similarity was calculated between
words within question text described in Section 3.1
and words extracted from a Wikipedia article, and
then 10 words extracted from the Wikipedia article
with a high degree of similarity to words in ques-
tion text were used as response candidates. With this
method, an article was acquired with a title consisting
of response candidates described in Section 3.2, then
the article structure was used to weigh the response
candidates according to where they were located in
the article text containing many words from question
text, and then they were ranked from the largest to
smallest value of weight W.
4.2.3 Article Structure + Degree of Similarity
Article structure + degree of similarity is a method
combining all of the methods proposed in Chapter 3.
Specifically, for response candidates weighed using
the article structure described in Section 3, the degree
of similarity was calculated between texts containing
many words in question text used for weighing and
question text. The weighed value was applied to the
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Accuracy rate of each method.
Method G G + A
Word degree of similarity 0.41 0.63
Article structure 0.43 0.67
Article structure + 0.47 0.68
degree of similarity
degree of similarity, and then they were weighed from
largest to smallest score.
4.3 Evaluation Method
We evaluated each method by the percentage of
proper responses in first place (accuracy rate) and
mean average precision (MAP).
First, with the percentage of proper responses in
first place (accuracy rate), we assume it was possi-
ble to properly respond to questions if response can-
didates that had been assessed as accurate by the ma-
jority of subjects were ranked in first place.
MAP is an index indicating how much accurate
response candidates are appearing in the top nth of
ranked tasks. In this experiment, similar to accuracy
rate, if response candidates were assessed as accurate
by a majority of subjects, then the response candidates
were considered accurate, and we calculated MAP.
Table 2 shows the results of calculating the accuracy
rate of each method. According to the results in Table
2, the accuracy rates when only G was considered ac-
curate, and when both G and A were considered accu-
rate, confirmed that a combination of all the methods
proposed in Chapter 3 had the highest accuracy rate.
Next, Fig. 1 and 2 show the respective results of
each method when rank n during calculation of MAP
was changed to first to tenth place. Furthermore, Fig.
1 shows the results when only G was considered ac-
curate, and Fig. 2 shows the results when both G and
A were considered accurate.
Based on the above, when only G was considered
accurate, and when both G and A were considered
accurate, the best results other than first place were
when using article structure. First, from the results in
Fig. 1 and 2, article structure was often used when
accurate response candidates were ranked at the top
from second place on down.
Based on this, we found that using a Wikipedia ar-
ticle structure to weigh where texts containing many
words in question text are appearing within an article
with a title consisting of response candidates is effec-
Figure 1: MAP when G is considered accurate.
Figure 2: MAP when G and A are considered accurate.
tive in raising the rank of appropriate response can-
didates to question text. Additionally, we found that
the degree of similarity between question texts and
texts containing many words in question texts serving
as the basis for weighing should be considered in se-
lecting the most appropriate response to question text
from among the top response candidates listed by us-
ing Wikipedia article structure. However, the results
in Fig.1 and 2 confirm that the MAP is larger for arti-
cle structure than article structure + degree of similar-
ity in nonfirst place cases. These results are discussed
in the following section.
5.1 Discussion
The results in Table 2 confirm that article structure
+ degree of similarity is better than using the rank-
ing of words for which only the degree of similarity
between words extracted from an article and words
within question text have been extracted. We shall
compare and discuss the results obtained as to why it
was possible to raise the accuracy rate in this manner.
Table 3 shows one set of the results obtained.
Answering What-type and Who-type Questions for Non-task-oriented Dialogue Agents
Table 3: Results of ranking the question, “What was the first toy you ever bought?”.
Rank Word degree of similarity Article structure + degree of similarity
1 Toy Educational toy
2 Educational toy Plush doll
3 Plush doll Model train
4 Lego Plarail
5 Tomica Building blocks
6 Model train Transformation belt
7 Plarail Furniture
8 Building blocks Dress-up doll
9 Transformation belt Stationary
10 Furniture Nanoblock
Table 4: Results of ranking the question, “You want to change to a single lens reflex camera, but which manufacturers are
Rank Word degree of similarity Article structure + degree of similarity
1 Nikon Video camera
2 Single lens reflex camera Rodenstock
3 Camera Camera
4 Digital camera Wide angle lens
5 Pentaflex Pentflex
6 Epson Single lens reflex camera
7 Rodenstock Nikon
8 Speedlite Digital camera
9 Wide angle lens Mirror single lens reflex camera
10 Video camera Epiphone
From the results in Table 3, under word degree of
similarity, “Toy” is in first place, while under article
structure + degree of similarity, “Educational toy” is
in first place. Such results are also seen with ques-
tions such as “Previously, what sort of diets have you
tried?” In this example, under word degree of sim-
ilarity, “Reducing weight” was in first place, while
under article structure + degree of similarity, it was
“Low sugar diet. Hence, under word degree of simi-
larity, a word indicating the same meaning as a word
contained in question text is in first place, while un-
der article structure + degree of similarity, a response
candidate related to words in question text is in first
place. From this, it is felt that the relevancy of re-
sponse candidates and question text can be considered
by using Wikipedia article structure, then a search can
be made for text containing a lot of words in question
text from an article with a title consisting of response
candidates, and then the degree of similarity of this
text and question text can be calculated.
Additionally, from the results in Fig. 1 and 2,
methods with the largest MAP other than first place
were ones that carried out weighing using the article
structure in Section 3.2, instead of article structure +
degree of similarity. Therefore, we surveyed response
candidate articles and the results of ranking question
text, which tended to be higher with methods that car-
ried out weighing in which article structure was used
for the MAP of obtained questions.
The results of ranking obtained with the ques-
tion, “You want to change to a single lens reflex cam-
era, but which manufacturers are recommended?” are
shown in Table 4. Among the response candidates,
those in first place were from methods using article
structure, while we found articles with the response
candidate “Nikon” in sixth place with methods using
article structure + degree of similarity. As a result,
we found that in an article on “Nikon,” texts contain-
ing the most nouns in question text had a long text
length and contained many nouns. That is, when a
vector was made to calculate the degree of similarity
of text between the article text and question text, the
Wikipedia text vector was large in dimensionality, and
most of its elements were 1. The question text vector
becomes a vector in which most of its elements are 0.
Consequently, we found the degree of similarity be-
tween these two vectors to be small. Otherwise, the
same trends were seen in the results for question text
“What to you is a scary disaster?” and the results for
other question text. Namely, if the number of nouns
contained in Wikipedia text used to calculate the de-
gree of similarity between texts is large, then the de-
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
gree of similarity is inversely proportional and tends
to be small.
However, from the results in Table 2, high accu-
racy rate results were obtained when the cosine degree
of similarity was calculated between texts containing
many question text words from an article with a title
consisting of response candidates and question text.
Accordingly, it is felt that calculating degree of sim-
ilarity between text containing many words in ques-
tion text from a Wikipedia article and question text is
effective in responding with an appropriate response.
However, since there are cases in which this has a neg-
ative impact, as in this example, calculation of degree
of similarity requires study of methods for compen-
sating for the impact of the number of words in future.
In this study, we proposed a method for respond-
ing to what-type questions like “What sports do you
like?” and who-type questions like “Who do you re-
spect?” using Wikipedia as a language resource. The
proposed method first extracted words from question
text and then extracted an article containing most of
these words in its title from Wikipedia. Next, words
were extracted from the extracted article, the degree
of similarity between the extracted words and words
extracted from question text was calculated, and then
words extracted from the article thought closest in
meaning to the words in question text were acquired
as response candidates. Furthermore, an article with
a title consisting of response candidate words was
acquired from Wikipedia and, using the structure of
the obtained article, the response candidates were
weighed. Then, the degree of similarity between texts
containing many words in question text in the arti-
cle with a title consisting of response candidates and
question text was calculated, values applying weights
calculated using article structure to the degree of sim-
ilarity were used as scores for response candidates,
and a response was made with the first-place response
candidates. We found that a method combining all of
the proposed methods, compared to other compared
methods, can respond to questions with a high accu-
racy rate. Additionally, the method is effective for
considering the use of Wikipedia article structure and
the degree of similarity between article text and ques-
tion text.
As part of future work, we would like to review
methods of calculating the degree of similarity be-
tween article text and question text and evaluate the
proposed method by applying it to a non-taskoriented
dialogue agent and conducting actual dialogues with
a person.
This study received a grant of JSPS Grants-in-aid for
Scientific Research 16H05880.
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