data-driven strategies in competitive settings are stud-
ied by, e.g., Serth et al. (2017), using an interactive
simulation platform.
In most existing models strong assumptions are
made: (i) sales probabilities are assumed to be of a
highly stylized form, (ii) the competitors’ inventory
levels are assumed to be observable, and (iii) com-
petitors adjust their prices at the same point in time.
While many papers concentrate on (the existence of)
equilibrium strategies, we look for applicable solution
algorithms that allow to compute effective response
strategies in more realistic settings: Demand proba-
bilities are allowed to generally depend on time as
well as the prices of all market participants. Inven-
tory levels do not have to be mutually observable. As
in many practical applications, we assume sequential
mutual price reactions with some delay. We consider
a discrete time model which is based on the infinite
horizon model by Schlosser, Boissier (2017). We ex-
tend their model by limited inventory levels as well as
a finite horizon setting.
The main contribution of this paper is threefold.
We (i) derive optimal pricing strategies when the com-
petitor’s inventory level is observable, (ii) derive near-
optimal pricing strategies for the case that the com-
petitor’s inventory level is not observable, and (iii)
we present a heuristic for the case that competitors’
strategies are not known.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
we describe the stochastic dynamic duopoly model
for the sale of a finite number of perishable goods. We
allow sales intensities to depend on the competitor’s
price as well as on time (seasonal effects). The state
space of our model is characterized by time and the
current competitors’ prices. The stochastic dynamic
control problem is expressed in discrete time.
In Section 3, we consider a duopoly competition,
in which the inventory level of the competitor is ob-
servable. We assume that both competitors act ratio-
nally. We set up a firm’s Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman
equation and use recursive methods (value iteration)
to compute both firms’ value functions. Finally, we
are able to compute optimal feedback prices as well as
expected profits of the two competing firms. By using
numerical examples, we investigate typical properties
of optimal pricing policies.
In Section 4, we analyze response strategies for
cases where the inventory level of the competitor is
not observable. Using a Hidden Markov Model, we
show how to compute efficient pricing strategies and
how to evaluate expected profits. Our proposed solu-
tion approach is based on the results of the full infor-
mation model introduced in the previous section. The
key idea is to let the competing firms mutually esti-
mate their competitor’s remaining inventory level. In
Section 5, we show how to derive applicable dynamic
pricing heuristics for cases in which the competitor’s
inventory level as well as its pricing strategy are com-
pletely unknown.
Finally, in Section 6, we compare the different
strategies derived in this paper. Conclusions are of-
fered in the final section.
We consider the situation in which a firm wants to sell
a finite number of goods (e.g., airline tickets, hotel
tickets, etc.) on a digital market platform. We assume
that a second seller competes for the same market. In
our model, we allow customers to compare prices of
the two different competitors.
The initial number of items of firm 1 and firm 2 are
denoted by N
and N
, respectively, N
∞. We assume that items cannot be reproduced or
reordered. The time horizon T is finite, T < ∞. If
firm k sells one item shipping costs c
have to be
paid, k = 1, 2. A sale of one of firm k’s items at price
a leads to a net revenue of a −c
. Discounting is also
included in the model. For the length of one period we
use the discount factor δ, 0 < δ ≤ 1..
Due to customer choice the sales probabilities of
a firm should depend on its offer price a and the com-
petitor’s price p. We also allow the sales probabilities
to depend on time.
The (joint) probability that between time t and
t +∆ firm 1 can sell exactly i items at a price a, a ≥ 0,
while firm 2 can sell j items at price p, p ≥ 0, is de-
noted by, 0 ≤ t < T , i, j = 0,1,2,..., ∆ > 0,
(i, j, a, p)
Without loss of generality, in the following, we
assume Poisson distributed sales probabilities, i.e.,
(i, j, a, p) :=
(a, p)
· e
· e
, (1)
where Λ
(a, p) :=
(a, p)ds, k = 1,2, a, p ≥
0; the sales intensity of a firm k’s product is denoted
by λ
. In our model, the sales intensity of firm k,
k = 1, 2, t = [0,T ], a ≥ 0, p ≥ 0,
(a, p) (2)
is a general function of time t, offer price a, and the
competitor’s price p. The random inventory level
ICORES 2018 - 7th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems