We also plan to provide a toolbox of Attacker
Models, to provide the designer with some templates
or example attack scenarios, such as DDoS attacks,
replay attacks, brute-forcing of keys, etc., that he/she
can then further enhance. While our current security
prover ProVerif has limited support for mathematical
operations, we plan to integrate safety and security
verification to allow formal evaluation of plausibil-
ity and coherence checks that we currently perform
with simulation. We may find a different security
prover, or integrate security reasoning into our reach-
ability graphs. Furthermore, we’d like to better con-
nect analysis and implementation, such as connect-
ing Requirements Diagrams with implemented coun-
termeasures, etc. Our ultimate goal will be a com-
prehensive methodology for systematic modeling and
verification of security.
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MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development