This paper formalizes latency modelling and latency
measurements at different abstraction levels in an
MDE design flow. The principal contribution is the
establishment of a formal connection between the la-
tencies on the higher and lower levels of abstraction
followed by a validation by simulation of the soft-
ware part on a cycle-accurate model of a MP-SoC.
Our work makes it possible to detect incoherencies in
the models, backtrace results to the higher levels and
indicate when latency requirements are not met or di-
verge too strongly across different levels.
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Mueller et al., 2011; Sodius Corporation, 2009).
The complete backtracing phase, also containing
information on cache miss rate, cycles per instruction,
etc., obtained at the lower levels, will be fully auto-
mated in the future, a step towards a complete multi-
level Design Space Exploration environment.
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MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development