Studio2Shop: From Studio Photo Shoots to Fashion Articles
Julia Lasserre
, Katharina Rasch
and Roland Vollgraf
Zalando Research, Muehlenstr. 25, 10243 Berlin, Germany
Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Fashion, Item Recognition, Street-to-shop.
Fashion is an increasingly important topic in computer vision, in particular the so-called street-to-shop task
of matching street images with shop images containing similar fashion items. Solving this problem promises
new means of making fashion searchable and helping shoppers find the articles they are looking for. This
paper focuses on finding pieces of clothing worn by a person in full-body or half-body images with neutral
backgrounds. Such images are ubiquitous on the web and in fashion blogs, and are typically studio photos, we
refer to this setting as studio-to-shop. Recent advances in computational fashion include the development of
domain-specific numerical representations. Our model Studio2Shop builds on top of such representations and
uses a deep convolutional network trained to match a query image to the numerical feature vectors of all the
articles annotated in this image. Top-k retrieval evaluation on test query images shows that the correct items
are most often found within a range that is sufficiently small for building realistic visual search engines for the
studio-to-shop setting.
Online fashion is a fast growing field which gene-
rates massive amounts of (largely unexplored) data.
The last five years have seen an increasing number
of academic studies specific to fashion in top confe-
rences, and particularly in the computer vision com-
munity, with topics as varied as article tagging (Chen
et al., 2012; Bossard et al., 2013; Chen et al., 2015),
clothing parsing (Wang and Haizhou, 2011; Yamagu-
chi et al., 2012; Dong et al., 2013; Yamaguchi et al.,
2013; Liu et al., 2014), article recognition (Wang and
Zhang, 2011; Fu et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2012b; Ka-
lantidis et al., 2013; Huang et al., 2015; Liu et al.,
2016b), style recommenders (magic mirrors or clo-
sets) (Liu et al., 2012a; Di et al., 2013; Kiapour et al.,
2014; Jagadeesh et al., 2014; Vittayakorn et al., 2015;
Yamaguchi et al., 2015), and fashion-specific feature
representations (Bracher et al., 2016; Simo-Serra and
Ishikawa, 2016). Our company Zalando is Europe’s
leading online fashion platform and, like other big
players on the market, benefits from large datasets and
has a strong interest in taking part in this effort.
Street-to-shop (Liu et al., 2012b) is the task of re-
trieving articles from a given assortment that are si-
milar to articles in a query picture from an unknown
These authors contributed equally.
This paper is best viewed in colour.
(a) Full-body
with occlusion
(b) Full-body (c) Half-body
(d) Detail (e) Title
Figure 1: Examples of images in our dataset. Image types
(a-d) are query images featuring models, image type (e) re-
presents the articles we retrieve from.
source (a photo taken on the street, a selfie, a professi-
onal photo). In this study, we follow the exact-street-
to-shop variant (Kiapour et al., 2015), where query
images are related to the assortment and therefore the
exact-matching article should be retrieved. In particu-
lar, we focus on a setting we call studio-to-shop where
the query picture is a photo shoot image of a model
Lasserre, J., Rasch, K. and Vollgraf, R.
Studio2Shop: From Studio Photo Shoots to Fashion Articles.
DOI: 10.5220/0006544500370048
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2018), pages 37-48
ISBN: 978-989-758-276-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Overview of street-to-shop studies. CV stands for classical computer vision, CNN for convolutional neural network.
domain 1 domain 2
dataset focus background assumptions focus background assumptions method
Street-To-Shop (Liu et al., 2012b) Street-To-Shop half + full yes body-part detector half + full no body-part detector CV
upper vs lower upper vs lower
Where-To-Buy-It (Kiapour et al., 2015) Exact-Street-To-Shop half + full yes category of item half + full + title no CV
bounding box
DARN (Huang et al., 2015) DARN dataset half, frontal view yes upper clothing half + title, frontal view yes+no upper clothing siamese CNN
frontal view frontal view
clothing detector to crop clothing detector to crop
Wang et al (Wang et al., 2016) Exact-Street-To-Shop half + full yes none half + full + title no none siamese CNN
AliBaba shared lower layers
DeepFashion (Liu et al., 2016a) In-Shop half + full + title no landmark (training) same as domain 1 single CNN
DeepFashion (Liu et al., 2016a) Consumer-To-Shop half + full + title yes landmark (training) same as domain 1 single CNN
Studio2Shop Zalando half + full no none title no none siamese CNN
second input as features
wearing one or several fashion items in a controlled
setting with a neutral background, and where the tar-
get is an article of our assortment. Such images are
ubiquitous on the web, for example in fashion maga-
zines or on online shopping websites, and solving our
task would allow our customers to search for products
more easily. In addition, this setting can have many
internal applications such as helping trend scouts ma-
tch blog images with our products, or annotating all
our catalogue images with all contained articles auto-
Recognising fashion articles is a challenging task.
Clothing items are not rigid and usually undergo
strong deformations in images, they may also be par-
tially occluded. They vary in most of their physical
attributes (for example colour, texture, pattern), even
within the same category, and can contain details of
importance such as a small logo, so that recovering a
few basic attributes may not always be enough. Our
query images contain a wide variety of positions and
views, with full-body and half-body model images, as
well as images of details (see Figures 1(a-d)).
In the literature, street-to-shop is typically ap-
proached as an isolated problem, taking pairs of
query/target images together with optional article
meta-data as input. So far, both query and target
inputs have had the same form, namely a feature
vector or an image. By putting forward our model
Studio2Shop, we propose instead to build on exis-
ting feature representations of fashion articles, and
to use images for queries and static feature vectors
for targets. Indeed, many online shops, including Za-
lando, already have a well-tuned feature representa-
tion of their articles that can be used across a wide
array of applications, including recommender sys-
tems and visual search. Moreover, such features are
also publicly available (e.g. AlexNet’s fc6 (Krizhev-
sky et al., 2012), VGG16’s fc14 (Simonyan and Zis-
serman, 2014), fashion in 128 floats (Simo-Serra and
Ishikawa, 2016)).
Breaking the symmetry between query and target
allows us to use more complete feature representa-
tions, since static features have usually been trained
on massive datasets. The representation we use in
this study was trained on hundreds of thousands of
articles, including categories of articles that are not
directly relevant to our task, and on more attributes
than we could process with an end-to-end framework.
Note that only title images were used during training,
i.e. images of the article without any background as
shown in Figure 1(e), and no model images were seen.
The contribution of our work is three-fold:
We naturally handle all categories at hand and
make no assumptions about the format of the mo-
del image (full body, half body, detail), nor do
we require additional information such as the ca-
tegory, a bounding box or landmarks.
We show that in our setting, end-to-end approa-
ches are not necessary, and that using a static fea-
ture representation for the target side is effective,
especially when combining it with a non-linear
query-article matching model.
We show that we can achieve reasonable results
on an extra (publicly available) dataset with simi-
lar properties, without even fine-tuning our model.
The remainder of this paper is organised as fol-
lows: we review the related work in Section 2, des-
cribe our dataset and approach in detail in Sections 3
and 4, and evaluate our approach in Section 5.
Data. The street-to-shop task was defined in (Liu
et al., 2012b) and formulated as a domain transfer pro-
blem. Since then, many groups have contributed their
own dataset with their own set of assumptions. There
is a lot of variation in the literature regarding types of
street (query) and shop (target) images. In order to
reduce background, street images are often assumed
to be cropped around the article (Kiapour et al., 2015;
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(a) siamese
(b) static
(c) ours
Figure 2: Variations of street-to-shop architectures in the literature. θ represents the joint set of parameters of the two legs. (a)
The most common architecture in recent studies, based on image pairs. (b) Only static features, as found in (Kiapour et al.,
2015). (c) Our approach.
Huang et al., 2015) and sometimes come with the in-
formation of the category of the article (Kiapour et al.,
2015). Shop images vary across and within datasets,
often mixing full-body model images, half-body mo-
del images and title images. In some works, shop ima-
ges resemble high quality street images (Huang et al.,
2015; Liu et al., 2016a). We classify the state-of-
the-art in Table 1 following the types of images used
in both domains according to three factors: focus of
the image (full-body model image, half-body model
image and title image), background (yes/no), and the
assumptions made. Note that images from domain 2
are typically professional, while images from domain
1 that contain background can be amateur shots.
Approaches. Early works on street-to-shop or more
generally article retrieval (Wang and Zhang, 2011; Fu
et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2012b; Kalantidis et al., 2013;
Yamaguchi et al., 2013) are based on classical compu-
ter vision: body part detection and/or segmentation,
and hand-crafted features. For example, (Liu et al.,
2012b) locate 20 upper and 10 lower body parts and
extract HOG (Dalal and Triggs, 2005), LBP (Ojala
et al., 2002) and colour features for each body part,
while (Yamaguchi et al., 2013) use clothes parsing to
segment their images. In recent years, attention in the
fashion-recognition domain has shifted towards using
deep learning methods. Multiple recent studies fol-
low a similar paradigm: the feature representation of
both types of images is learnt via attribute classifica-
tion, while the domain transfer is performed via a ran-
king loss which pushes matching pairs to have higher
scores than non-matching pairs (Huang et al., 2015;
Wang et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2016a; Simo-Serra and
Ishikawa, 2016). In this context, siamese architectu-
res seem quite natural and have given promising re-
sults (Huang et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2016). When
no domain transfer is needed, i.e. when query images
and assortment images are of the same kind, a single
network for the two branches performs just as well
(Liu et al., 2016a).
Images. Our dataset contains images of articles
from the categories ”dress”, ”jacket”, ”pullover”,
”shirt”, ”skirt”, ”t-shirt/top” and ”trouser” that were
sold roughly between 2012 and 2016. The distribu-
tion of categories is 35% t-shirts/tops, 20% trousers,
14% pullovers, 14% dresses, 12% shirts, 3% skirts
and 2% jackets. Note that our data is restricted to the
categories aforementioned not because of limitations
of our approach, but because the selected categories
contain the most samples and are likely to be visible.
As an example, most of our shoes and socks have no
dedicated model images and socks are not visible on
other model images.
We have approximately 1.15 million query ima-
ges in size 224x155 pixels with neutral backgrounds
of the type shown in Figures 1(a-d). About 250.000
of those are annotated with several articles, while the
others are annotated with one article only, even if se-
veral articles can be seen. In addition to these query
images, our dataset contains approximately 300000
title images in size 224x155 pixels (see Figure 1(e)).
These 300000 images represent the assortment we
want to retrieve from.
FashionDNA. FashionDNA (fDNA) is Zalando’s
feature representation for fashion articles. These fe-
atures are obtained by extracting the activations of a
hidden fully connected layer in a static deep convolu-
tional neural network that was trained using title ima-
ges and article attributes. In our case, these activations
are of size 1536, which we reduce to 128 using PCA
to decrease the number of parameters in our model.
fDNA is not within the scope of this study, but full
details about the architecture of the network and the
attributes used are given in Appendix.
Because our article features are based on title
images, we are slightly different to the other papers
which allow model images in their shop images. Our
task involves complete domain transfer, while their
Studio2Shop: From Studio Photo Shoots to Fashion Articles
Table 2: Variations of the main architecture, the features used, and the matching method in our evaluation.
global architecture features query-article-matching loss inspiration
static-fc14-linear static fc14 linear none
static-fc14-non-linear static fc14 non-linear cross-entropy (Kiapour et al., 2015)
fc14-non-linear ours fc14 non-linear cross-entropy
fDNA-linear ours fDNA linear cross-entropy
fDNA-ranking-loss ours fDNA linear triplet ranking
all-in-two-nets siamese learnt linear triplet ranking (Huang et al., 2015; ?)
+ attributes cross-entropy
Studio2Shop ours fDNA non-linear cross-entropy
task is more related to image similarity, especially in
the case of (Liu et al., 2016a). This makes compari-
sons rather difficult. Nevertheless, it was possible to
isolate title images in two external datasets which we
used as additional test sets.
Attributes. The siamese method implemented in
this study requires article attributes. We used category
(7 values, available for 100% of articles), main colour
(82 values, 100% coverage), pattern (19 values, 53%
coverage), clothing length (12 values, 50% coverage),
sleeve length (9 values, 32% coverage), shirt collar
(27 values, 30% coverage), neckline (12 values, 23%
coverage), material construction (14 values, 20% co-
verage), trouser rise (3 values, 14% coverage).
4.1 Studio2Shop
Building on Existing Feature Representations.
Most recent deep learning approaches to street-to-
shop (Huang et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2016; Liu et al.,
2016a) can be summarised by Figure 2a. In a forward
pass, the left leg of the network processes query ima-
ges I
(query-feature module), the right leg processes
target images A
(target-feature module), and a query-
article-matching submodel matches the two feature
vectors produced. Both inputs are images, and the
two legs are trained with varying amounts of weights
shared between them (0% sharing for (Huang et al.,
2015), 100% for (Liu et al., 2016a)). On the other
end of the spectrum, (Kiapour et al., 2015) use static
features on both sides, as sketched in Figure 2b.
In contrast, Studio2Shop builds on top of existing
feature representations of fashion articles, for exam-
ple fDNA. This means that the right leg of the net-
work, as shown in Figure 2c, takes as input the pre-
computed features of the articles given their title ima-
Non-linear Matching of Query Features to Arti-
cle Features. Most street-to-shop methods relying
on an architecture of the type shown in Figure 2a use
a triplet ranking loss directly on the feature vectors
produced (Huang et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2016; Liu
et al., 2016a).
In contrast, Studio2Shop follows (Kiapour et al.,
2015) and uses a more sophisticated submodel. We
concatenate the two feature vectors, add on top a ba-
tch normalisation layer followed by two fully con-
nected layers with 256 nodes and ReLU activations
and one logistic regression layer. We have not come
across this combination of a feature learning module
and a deep matching module in the literature.
Details of the Query-feature Submodel. In the left
leg of our network, for the CNN denoted in Figure 2c,
we use as a basis the publicly available VGG16 (Si-
monyan and Zisserman, 2014) pre-trained on Image-
Net ILSVRC-2014 (Russakovsky et al., 2015), but
only keep the 13 convolutional layers. On top of these
layers we add two fully connected layers with 2048
nodes and ReLU activations, each followed by a 50%
dropout. We finally add a fully connected layer of
size 128 which outputs the fDNA of the input query
image. All details are given in Appendix.
Backward Pass. Approaches of the type shown in
Figure 2a (Huang et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2016; Liu
et al., 2016a) use article meta-data or attributes on
each side of the two-legged network. θ denotes the
joint set of parameters of the two legs. On top of the
layer generating the feature vector f (.|θ) sits, for each
attribute, a sub-network ending with softmax activati-
ons. A categorical cross-entropy loss is used for each
attribute-specific branch. Finally a triplet ranking loss
joins the two feature representations.
In contrast, we disregard attributes and use a
cross-entropy loss for our query-article-matching sub-
model. The loss is given in Equation 1, where N is
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
the number of query images, M the number of arti-
cles, p
i j
the output of the model given the input query
image I
and target article A
, and y
i j
is the ground
truth label: 1 if the target article A
belongs to the
query model image I
, 0 otherwise. Note that the loss
is back-propagated to all layers of the network, even
to layers that were pretrained on ImageNet.
L =
i j
log p
i j
+ (1 y
i j
)log(1 p
i j
) (1)
For practical reasons, we split our query images
in mini-batches of size 64, and compare them with 50
articles only. These 50 articles contain the (at least 1)
annotated matching articles and (at most 49) articles
drawn randomly without replacement and temporarily
labelled as negative matches. The negative articles are
constantly resampled (for each query image in the ba-
tch, for each batch, and for each epoch), which en-
forces diversity. Our images are not fully annotated
and some of the data supplied might be erroneously
labelled as negative, however with so many articles
available and so few articles actually present in query
images, the probability that such an incorrect nega-
tive label occurs is relatively low. The loss over a
mini-batch is shown in Equation 2, where c(i) is the
query image in the batch, and c(i, j) the j
for this image in the batch.
L =
c(i)c(i, j)
log p
c(i)c(i, j)
1 y
c(i)c(i, j)
1 p
c(i)c(i, j)
4.2 Other Approaches
We compare ourselves with several alternatives, some
of which are inspired by the literature.
As an alternative to fDNA, we also use features
extracted from layer fc14 of a VGG16 network
pre-trained on ImageNet with their dimensiona-
lity reduced to 128 by PCA for comparability (de-
noted fc14), and from (Simo-Serra and Ishikawa,
2016) (denoted 128floats).
We implement the architecture variations mentio-
ned in Figure 2.
We implement several alternative query-article-
matching and loss strategies. The various com-
binations are listed in Table 2.
In this study, the triplet ranking loss is given by
i jk
= σ
f (I
( f (A
|γ) f (A
where I
is a
query image, A
an article present in I
, A
an article
which is not known to be present in I
, θ the set of
parameters of the model, γ is θ for a siamese model
and empty otherwise, f (.|.) the feature vector of an
image given parameters and σ the sigmoid function.
For each query image of each batch, one positive arti-
cle is sampled as A
, and 50 negative articles are sam-
pled as A
, giving 50 triplets at a time. The 50 losses
are summed, as shown in Equation 3, where c(i) is the
query image in the batch, c(i, +) the sampled posi-
tive article for this image, and c(i, j) the j
L =
c(i)c(i,+)c(i, j)
In our all-in-two-nets model, the right leg has
the same architecture as the left leg described in
Section 4.1 and is also pretrained on ImageNet, but
no parameters are shared between the two legs, as in
(Huang et al., 2015). All layers are trainable, even the
pretrained ones.
5.1 Retrieval on Test Query Images
Experimental Set-up. We randomly split the data-
set into training and test set, with 80% of query ima-
ges and articles being kept for training. Many of our
full-body images are annotated with several articles
that may be shared across images, making a clean
split of articles impossible. To avoid using training
articles at test time, we discard them from the retrie-
val set, and discard query images that were annotated
with such articles. As a result, our pool of test queries
is slightly biased towards half-body images.
We run tests on 20000 randomly sampled test
query images against 50000 test articles, which is
roughly the number of articles of the selected cate-
gories at a given time in Zalando’s assortment. For
each test query image, all 50000 possible (image, ar-
ticle) pairs are submitted to the model and are ranked
according to their score.
Retrieval Performance. Table 3 shows the perfor-
mance of the various models (a plot of these results
can also be found in Figure 8 in Appendix). We use as
performance measure top-k retrieval, which gives the
proportion of query images for which the correct arti-
cle was found at position k or below. We add a top-1%
measure which here means top-500, so that research
groups with a different number of articles may com-
pare their results to ours more easily. Average refers
Studio2Shop: From Studio Photo Shoots to Fashion Articles
Table 3: Results of the retrieval test using 20000 query images against 50000 Zalando articles. Top-k indicates the proportion
of query images for which the correct article was found at position k or below. Average and median refer respectively to the
average and median position at which an article is retrieved. The best performance is shown in bold. A plot of these results
can also be found in Figure 8 in Appendix.
top-1 top-5 top-10 top-20 top-50 top-1% average median
static-fc14-linear 0.005 0.015 0.022 0.033 0.054 0.166 13502 8139
static-fc14-non-linear 0.030 0.083 0.121 0.176 0.271 0.609 1672 258
fc14-non-linear 0.131 0.317 0.423 0.539 0.684 0.926 230 15
128floats-non-linear 0.132 0.319 0.426 0.540 0.677 0.909 274 15
fDNA-ranking-loss 0.091 0.263 0.372 0.494 0.660 0.933 177 20
fDNA-linear 0.121 0.314 0.423 0.547 0.700 0.936 178 15
all-in-two-nets 0.033 0.115 0.181 0.277 0.438 0.838 620 69
Studio2Shop 0.238 0.496 0.613 0.722 0.834 0.970 89 5
Figure 3: Random examples of the retrieval test using 20000 queries against 50000 Zalando articles. Query images are in
the left-most column. Each query image is next to two rows displaying the top 50 retrieved articles, from left to right, top to
bottom. Green boxes show exact hits.
to the average position (or rank) at which an article is
retrieved. We expect the distribution of retrieval po-
sitions to be heavy-tailed, so we include the median
position as a more robust measure. All our models
are assessed on the exact same (query, article) pairs.
Studio2Shop outperforms the other models, with
a median article position of 5, mostly because of the
non-linear matching module. In general, fc14 with
our architecture performs surprisingly well with a me-
dian index of 15 and would already be suited for
practical applications, which supports our one-leg ap-
proach. It is surpassed however by fDNA, indica-
ting that having a fashion-specific representation does
help. 128floats is pretrained on ImageNet and finetu-
ned using a fashion dataset, but this dataset seems too
limited in size to make a difference with fc14 on this
A second observation is that learning our feature
representation from scratch does not perform as well
as a pre-trained feature representation. The reason is
two-fold. Firstly, fDNA was trained on many more ar-
ticles than we have in this study, including articles of
other categories such as shoes for example, or swim-
ming suits. Secondly, having a pre-trained feature
representation heavily reduces the model complexity,
which is desirable in terms of computational time, but
also in the presence of limited datasets. Extensive ar-
chitecture exploration may lead to a siamese architec-
ture that outperforms Studio2Shop. We do not con-
clude that siamese architectures are not performant,
only that a one-leg architecture is a viable alternative.
A third observation is that a ranking loss does not
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 4: Results of the retrieval test on DeepFashion In-Shop-Retrieval (Liu et al., 2016a) using 2922 query images against 683
articles, and on LookBook (Yoo et al., 2016) using 68820 query images against 8726 articles. Top-k indicates the proportion
of query images for which the correct article was found at position k or below. Average and median refer respectively to the
average and median position at which an article is retrieved.
top-1 top-5 top-10 top-20 top-50 top-1% average median
DeepFashion fc14-non-linear 0.159 0.439 0.565 0.689 0.838 0.475 32 6
Studio2Shop 0.258 0.578 0.712 0.818 0.919 0.619 17 3
LookBook fc14-non-linear 0.009 0.031 0.050 0.078 0.134 0.181 1657 797
Studio2Shop 0.013 0.044 0.070 0.107 0.182 0.241 1266 466
seem necessary. In our case, it performed worse than
the cross-entropy loss. It is also slower to train as it
requires triplets of images instead of pairs and, be-
cause it is trained to rank and not to predict a match,
the scores produced are meaningless.
The total time needed for (naive) retrieval using
Studio2Shop is given in Figure 9 in Appendix. While
features generated by the query-feature submodel
can be pre-computed for efficiency, the query-article-
matching submodel still needs to be run and its non-
linearity could be a limitation in a realistic scenario. A
possibility could be to use fDNA-linear (which achie-
ves the second-best performance and is extremely fast
since only a dot product is needed) to identify a subset
of candidate articles on which it is worth running the
non-linear match of Studio2Shop.
Article Retrieval. Figure 3 shows randomly se-
lected examples of retrievals, with the query image
shown on the left, followed by the top 50 articles.
Even if the article is not retrieved at the top position,
style is conserved, suggesting that the model has in-
deed generalised beyond simple attributes. Moreover,
we are able to find more than one category when they
are sufficiently visible, for example similar trousers
are also found early in the upper two images, and in
the top image t-shirts also appear, though there seems
to be some degree of confusion as to which colour
belongs to which garment.
5.2 Results on External Datasets
The Datasets. To assess the usability of our model,
we run tests on two external datasets, namely Deep-
Fashion In-Shop-Retrieval (Liu et al., 2016a), which
is the closest to ours and contains 683 title images
and 2922 matching shop images, and LookBook (Yoo
et al., 2016), which contains 8726 title images and
68820 matching shop images with backgrounds. For
both datasets, the background is different to ours, and
the aspect ratio of the people in query images may
also vary due to image resizing. As a result, the
image distributions deviate from ours, both for que-
ries and for targets. Note that publicly available da-
tasets such as Exact-Street-To-Shop (Kiapour et al.,
2015) or DeepFashion (Liu et al., 2016a) have a mix-
ture of image types as targets and can therefore not
be used directly. Nevertheless, for DeepFashion In-
Shop-Retrieval and Lookbook, it was easily possible
to isolate title images and to restructure the dataset for
our needs.
LookBook was originally not meant for street-to-
shop, many articles have more than one ID and are
treated as different so we are not rewarded for finding
them with the wrong ID. The images are very diffe-
rent from ours and we do not really expect any good
results, but we use it to test the boundaries of DeepAr-
Retrieval Test. We compute the static features of
the title images using the pre-existing feature repre-
sentation of interest (fc14 or fDNA) and simply ap-
ply our model to their query images. It is criti-
cal to note here that our model is not fine-tuned to
this new data. The results are shown in Table 4.
Figures 4 and 5 show the retrieval outcomes for 5
randomly selected query images from DeepFashion
In-Shop-Retrieval and LookBook respectively. Note
that, in DeepFashion In-Shop-Retrieval, where full
bodies can be seen, more than one category can be
retrieved. LookBook has the added difficulty of con-
taining backgrounds. However, when these remain
understated, our model can find adequate suggestions.
Finding Similar Articles in Zalando’s Assortment.
While the previous tests allow us to assess perfor-
mance, in practice we would like to suggest articles
from our own assortment. We run qualitative tests on
query images from DeepFashion In-Shop-Retrieval
and LookBook using our own test articles as retrieval
set. Figures 6 and 7 show the retrieval outcomes for 5
randomly selected query images from DeepFashion
In-Shop-Retrieval and LookBook respectively, and
indicate that our model can make very appropriate
Studio2Shop: From Studio Photo Shoots to Fashion Articles
Figure 4: Random examples of outcomes of the retrieval test on query images from DeepFashion In-Shop-Retrieval (Liu
et al., 2016a). Query images are in the left-most column. Each query image is next to two rows displaying the top 50 retrieved
articles, from left to right, top to bottom. Green boxes show exact hits.
Figure 5: Random examples of outcomes of the retrieval test on query images from LookBook (Yoo et al., 2016). Query
images are in the left-most column. Each query image is next to two rows displaying the top 50 retrieved articles, from left to
right, top to bottom. Green boxes show exact hits.
suggestions for DeepFashion In-Shop-Retrieval, and
to a certain extent for LookBook when background is
We have presented Studio2Shop, a model for arti-
cle recognition in fashion images with neutral back-
grounds. Instead of solving the problem from scra-
tch as most recent studies have done, Studio2Shop
builds on top of existing feature representations for
fashion articles, and projects query images onto this
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 6: Random examples of outcomes of the retrieval test on query images from DeepFashion In-Shop-Retrieval (Liu et al.,
2016a) against 50000 Zalando articles. Query images are in the left-most columns. Each query image is next to two rows
showing the top 50 retrieved articles, from left to right, top to bottom.
Figure 7: Random examples of outcomes of the retrieval test on query images from LookBook (Yoo et al., 2016) against
50000 Zalando articles. Query images are in the left-most columns. Each query image is next to two rows showing the top 50
retrieved articles, from left to right, top to bottom.
fixed feature space using a deep convolutional neu-
ral network. We show that our approach is most of-
ten able to find correct articles within a range that is
sufficiently small for building realistic visual search
engines in the studio-to-shop setting.
Our method is easy to implement and only requi-
res article features and matches between query ima-
ges and articles. We find that we achieve satisfactory
results without having to use additional meta-data for
our query images or articles, and that, in the absence
of specific features such as FashionDNA, the publicly
available features fc14 or 128floats are already quite
While our dataset does not contain street images,
many of the obstacles in computer vision for fashion
such as occlusion and deformation remain, yet our re-
sults are very promising. We are currently working on
extending our approach to street images, making use
Studio2Shop: From Studio Photo Shoots to Fashion Articles
of state-of-the-art image segmentation techniques and
external datasets.
The authors would like to thank Sebastian Heinz and
Christian Bracher for their help with FashionDNA.
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FashionDNA: Implementation Details
fDNA features are extracted from the deep convoluti-
onal neural network described in Table 5. This net is
trained on title images to predict a number of article
attributes, summarised in Table 6. Training is done
via multiple categorical cross-entropy losses, one for
each attribute.
Table 5: Architecture of the network used for the fDNA
features of title images.
name type kernel activation output size # params
InputLayer 256x177x3 0
Conv2D 11x11 ReLU 62x42x96 34.944
MaxPooling2D 31x21x96 0
LRN 31x21x96 0
Conv2D 5x5 ReLU 31x21x256 614.656
MaxPooling2D 15x10x256 0
LRN 15x10x256 0
Conv2D 3x3 ReLU 15x10x384 885.120
Conv2D 3x3 ReLU 15x10x384 1.327.488
Conv2D 3x3 ReLU 15x10x256 884.992
MaxPooling2D 7x5x256 0
Flatten 8960 0
fDNA Dense ReLU 1536 13.764.096
Dense ReLU 1024 1.573.888
commodity Dense softmax 1448 1.484.200
Dense ReLU 890 1.367.930
article number Dense softmax 445 396.495
Dense ReLU 160 245.920
silhouette Dense softmax 80 12.880
Dense ReLU 1024 1.573.888
brand Dense softmax 3719 3.811.975
Dense ReLU 306 470.322
target group Dense softmax 153 46.971
Dense ReLU 40 61.480
pattern Dense softmax 19 779
Dense ReLU 72 110.664
material Dense softmax 36 2.628
Dense ReLU 244 375.028
main colour Dense softmax 122 29.890
Dense ReLU 140 215.180
second colour Dense softmax 70 9870
Table 6: Attributes used for training FashionDNA. Com-
modity group, statistical article number and silhouette all
describe article categories on different levels of granula-
rity. The target group attribute describes combinations of
age and gender.
attribute # values coverage [%]
commodity group 1448 100
statistical article number 445 76
silhouette 80 100
brand 3719 98
target group 153 100
pattern 19 1
material 36 1
main colour 122 100
second colour 70 7
Studio2Shop: From Studio Photo Shoots to Fashion Articles
Architecture of Studio2Shop
Table 7: Architecture of Studio2Shop.
name type activation output size # params
query-feature submodule
query input InputLayer 224x155x3 0
VGG16 7x4x512 14,714,688
Flatten 14436 0
Dense ReLU 2048 29,362,176
Dropout(0.5) 2048 0
Dense ReLU 2048 4,196,352
Dropout(0.5) 2048 0
fDNA Dense 128 262,272
query-article-matching submodule
article fDNA InputLayer 128 0
query fDNA InputLayer 128 0
Concatenate 256 0
BatchNorm 256 512
Dense ReLU 256 65792
Dense ReLU 256 65792
Dense sigmoid 1 257
Top-k Retrieval Results
Figure 8: Top-k results of the retrieval test using 20000
query images against 50000 Zalando articles. The top-k
metric gives the proportion of query images for which the
correct article was found at position k or below.
Figure 9 shows the time needed, both for a CPU (Intel
Xeon processor with 3.5 GHz) and for a GPU (Nvi-
dia K80), to test query images against 50000 articles
with a fixed batch size of 64, which is rather small
but common. First, the features of a query image
are extracted using the query-feature submodel, then
the query-article-matching submodel is applied to all
images against all the articles, using 50 articles at a
time. These two steps (query-feature + query-article-
matching) are part of the calculation, however model
loading and image resizing are not. These numbers
are rough but are averaged over 10 repetitions and are
meant to give an order of magnitude.
Figure 9: Time needed to test query images against 50000
articles with a fixed batch size of 64 and using 50 articles
at a time. Model loading is not part of the time calculation.
The experiments are run from scratch (apart from model
loading) for each number of images and averaged over 10
repetitions. To process only one image, it takes about 5s on
a CPU and 8s on a GPU.
To process only one image, it takes about ve se-
conds on a CPU, 8 on a GPU (the difference is ex-
plained by the overhead inherent to GPU calculations
that becomes very quickly negligible as the number
of images increases). Note that our implementation is
not optimised for speed. For example, there is no pa-
rallelisation. Moreover, we use the exact same archi-
tecture as for training and therefore only test against
50 articles at a time. For production, retrieval time
could be substantially decreased by testing instead
against hundreds of articles at a time. Further speed-
ups could be achieved by increasing the batch size
when running on a GPU.
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods