Efficient and Accurate Mitosis Detection
A Lightweight RCNN Approach
Yuguang Li
, Ezgi Mercan
, Stevan Knezevitch
, Joann G. Elmore
and Linda G. Shapiro
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
Pathology Associates, Clovis, CA, U.S.A.
Deparment of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
Breast Pathology, Automated Mitosis Detection, Convolutional Neural Networks, Histopathological Image
The analysis of breast cancer images includes the detection of mitotic figures whose counting is important in
the grading of invasive breast cancer. Mitotic figures are difficult to find in the very large whole slide images,
as they may look only slightly different from normal nuclei. In the last few years, several convolutional neural
network (CNN) systems have been developed for mitosis detection that are able to beat conventional, feature-
based approaches. However, these networks contain many layers and many neurons per layer, so both training
and actual classification require powerful computers with GPUs. In this paper, we describe a new lightweight
region-based CNN methodology we have developed that is able to run on standard machines with only a CPU
and can achieve accuracy measures that are almost as good as the best CNN-based system so far in a fraction
of the time, when both are run on CPUs. Our system, which includes a feature-based region extractor plus
two CNN stages, is tested on the ICPR 2012 and ICPR 2014 datasets, and results are given for accuracy and
A mitotic figure is a cell undergoing mitosis (divi-
sion). In these actively dividing cells the chromo-
somes are visible by light microscopy. Instead of
a nucleus, the chromosomes are visible as tangled,
dark-staining threads. Counting of the mitotic fig-
ures is often used clinically as an indicator of tu-
mor aggression (Medri et al., 2003). In clinical prac-
tice, the mitotic count is performed manually by a
pathologist by carefully examining Hematoxylin and
Eosin (H&E) stained tissue slides at high magnifi-
cation using a microscope. This process is cum-
bersome and may contribute to inter-pathologist and
intra-pathologist variation in tumor diagnosis of up to
20% (Yadav et al., 2012) (Baak et al., 2009) (Meyer
et al., 2005) (Robbins et al., 1995) (Malon et al.,
2012). The automation of this process could reduce
time and cost and improve the comparability of re-
sults obtained from different labs (Malon et al., 2012).
Mitosis detection in histopathological analysis is la-
bor intensive. Mitotic figures evolve over a contin-
uum spanning four distinct phases during which a
cell nucleus undergoes various transformations. Each
phase is associated with a unique shape and texture.
Scanned images from a single slide may not show all
mitotic figures on the plane of focus, making their
recognition more difficult due to areas being out of
focus. Different regions may also mimic a mitotic
figure, requiring a trained pathologist to differentiate
between them. A low density of mitoses in histolog-
ical images makes this work more labor intensive for
a pathologist. In addition, differences in staining and
tissue artifacts (e.g., tissue folding, tears, etc.) com-
plicate this task.
Because of its importance in determining the
severity of the cancer, the development of automated
mitosis detection has become an active area of re-
search with the goal of developing decision support
systems to help pathologists. Contests have been
held to encourage research in this topic, including
the 2012 International Conference on Pattern Recog-
nition (ICPR12) Mitosis Detection Contest (Roux
et al., 2013), the Assessment of Mitosis Detection
Algorithms 2013 Challenge (AMIDA13) (Veta et al.,
2015) and the 2014 ICPR Mitosis Detection Chal-
Li, Y., Mercan, E., Knezevitch, S., Elmore, J. and Shapiro, L.
Efficient and Accurate Mitosis Detection - A Lightweight RCNN Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0006550700690077
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2018), pages 69-77
ISBN: 978-989-758-276-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
lenge (MITOS-ATYPIA-14) (Roux, 2014). Over the
years, the focuses have migrated from inter-group mi-
tosis detection (one set of histopathology images pro-
vided for both training and testing in the ICPR12 chal-
lenge) to different-group mitosis detection (one set
of histopathology images provided for initial training
and testing and a separate validation set withheld for
final testing in the ICPR14 challenge). Meanwhile,
compared with the ICPR12 datasets, more realistic
cases have been included in the ICPR14 datasets, in-
cluding cases with inconsistent staining, bad lighting,
tissue folding and inclusion of regions that look simi-
lar to texture of mitotic figures.
Multiple mitosis detection systems have been de-
veloped for these competitions and afterwards, using
the data provided by the contests. In all cases, the
top competitors have been deep neural networks. Mo-
tivated by these and by the object recognition work
of Girschick (Girshick et al., 2016) that uses region-
based convolutional neural networks to increase the
efficiency of deep-neural-net-based machine learning,
we have developed a region-based convolutional neu-
ral network (RCNN) system for mitosis detection in
breast cancer images. Our system consists of three
stages: 1) a feature-based random forest classifier that
locates regions of interest in an image, 2) a candidate
extractor stage that inputs the regions of interest from
stage 1 to a CNN and filters out those that are not
likely to be mitoses, and 3) a final predictor stage that
inputs regions that remain after stage 2 and performs a
scanning operation starting at their centers, using the
same CNN to look for strong evidence of a mitotic fig-
ure. We have tested our system on both the ICPR12
and ICPR14 contest data sets and will show that it is
much faster than the best reported system (Chen et al.,
2016) while achieving accuracy measures (recall, pre-
cision, F-measure) that are almost as good. Our sys-
tem would be more suitable for use in practice, since it
can be run by practicioners in a medical environment
without the use of GPUs.
Because of the above contests, there have been a
number of systems developed for mitotic figure de-
tection in breast cancer images. Sertel et al. (Ser-
tel et al., 2009) developed a computer-aided system
based on pixel-level likelihood functions and 2-step
component-based thresholding for mitotic counting in
digitized images of neuroblastoma tissue. Roullier et
al. (Roullier et al., 2010) proposed a multi-resolution
unsupervised clustering method driven by domain-
specific knowledge. In the 2012 ICPR contest, a va-
riety of approaches were developed and proven ef-
fective for the task (Roux et al., 2013). Irshad et
al. (Irshad et al., 2013) proposed the framework of
segmenting nuclei and finding mitotic regions among
them, using selected block-wise color and texture fea-
tures (e.g. co-occurrence features and run-length fea-
tures) from the segmented area. Ciresan et al. (Cire-
san et al., 2012) (Ciresan et al., 2013), whose work
originally inspired our own, proposed an approach
to sample from the original histological images and
trained two separate multi-column deep learning neu-
ral networks. The same model has also been proven
accurate in detecting mitoses from the AMIDA13
challenge. Their multi-column neural network (Cire-
san et al., 2012) is an automated model to generate
the optimized image descriptors and classify the input
image patches with massive image training samples.
The image descriptors generated from trained DNNs
were proven to be helpful in object detection. Simo-
Serra (Simo-Serra et al., 2005), Irshad (Irshad et al.,
2013) and Wang (Wang et al., 2014) developed two
different methods that merge DNN image descriptors
and handcrafted features and improve the detection
In microscopic images, mitoses are not frequently
observed. Background tissues and mitotic regions
have very distinguishable differences in color and
texture. Differentiating between these two regions
is usually as hard as detecting nuclei from the im-
ages. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for
high-accuracy classification, however, are much more
computationally expensive compared with regular nu-
clei detection algorithms. As a result, it is more
computationally efficient to apply pre-processing to
quickly eliminate most of the non-mitotic regions. A
high-accuracy convolutional neural network can then
be applied only to the difficult regions. Chen and
Hao (Chen et al., 2016) proposed a two-stage mi-
tosis detection pipeline, which improves the perfor-
mance of both speed and accuracy. The pipeline first
used a coarse retrieval model, a three-layer end-to-
end Fully Convolutional Network (FCN), to segment
mitosis candidates. It was followed by a fine dis-
crimination model, a CaffeNet (Jia et al., 2014), to
classify the selected patches. This model improves
the F-measure of mitosis detection from the dataset
of MITOS-ATYPIA-14 (Roux, 2014) by 13%. The
pipeline takes around 0.5 seconds for each input im-
age of 1000 × 1000 pixels with GPU and 31 seconds
with an optimized CPU implementation. Wu pro-
posed a fused fully-connected convolution neural net
approach where the features from different layers are
fused that outperforms the winner of the ICPR2014
mitosis detection challenge (Wu et al., 2017).
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Compared with deep learning neural networks,
pixel-wise classification with handcrafted image fea-
tures is still cheaper and simpler for object segmen-
tation. The FCN models introduced in previous re-
search were initially proposed to handle image seg-
mentation of more complicated subjects, for example
20 classes including vehicles and humans from Im-
ageNet. These models, therefore, are not efficient
in selecting mitotic candidates. On the other hand,
small-sized multi-column neural networks proved to
be very useful in detecting mitoses (Ciresan et al.,
2013). Larger-scale neural nets such as CaffeNet
(Chen et al., 2016) might potentially cause over-
fitting considering the complexity of the mitosis de-
tection task. Smaller neural network models, there-
fore, have their advantages in higher test accuracy,
lower training requirements and higher testing speed.
In this paper, we develop a lighter-weight model and
compare its results to those of Chen and Hao, who
did not compete in the ICPR 2014 contest but beat
the winners of that contest in 2016.
Figure 1: Architecture of our RCNN-based mitosis detec-
tion pipeline. Each of the three stages produces a binary
map in which the 1-pixels (white) indicate potential centers
of mitotic figures at that stage of the process.
Our RCNN-based mitosis detection pipeline has
three stages as shown in Figure 1. The original whole
slide image feeds into Stage 1: the Coarse Candidate
Extractor (CCE). The CCE module extracts pixelwise
features of several different scales at each pixel of
the image and classifies each pixel as possibly mi-
tosis (positive) or not (negative), producing a binary
map the same size as the original image. The binary
map is the input to Stage 2: the Fine Candidate Ex-
tractor (FCE). The FCE module uses a Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN) that quickly checks a fixed
size region centered at each of the positive pixels in
the map and decides if that region contains a possible
mitosis (positive) or not (negative). It then outputs a
second binary map that will, in general, have less pos-
itive pixels than the first one. The second binary map
is input to Stage 3: the Final Mitosis Predictor (FMP).
The FMP also begins with a fixed size region centered
at each of the positive pixels in the map and uses the
same CNN (with a higher threshold), but it checks
multiple pixels and multiple rotations as described in
Section 3.3.
3.1 Coarse Candidate Extractor
Distinguishing between mitotic-like pixels and back-
ground pixels is not as challenging as mitosis classi-
fication and can be performed using color and texture
features of small regions about each pixel of the orig-
inal color image. Our stage-1 feature extraction and
classification step can quickly extract mitotic candi-
date pixels that will be sent to our relatively more
expensive stages 2 and 3 CNN classifiers. Previous
studies have proven that color, edge, and texture de-
scriptors are very effective in segmenting regions like
nuclei (Xing and Yang, 2016). Precision is not the
priority in this stage, since we are aiming to quickly
eliminate as many irrelevant pixels as possible and in-
clude all mitoses in our mitotic candidate regions.
Features: We began with 37 multi-scale features
including color features (pixel values in Gaussian-
smoothed color images), edge features (Gaussian
Gradient Magnitude, Laplacian of Gaussian and Dif-
ference of Gaussian) and texture features (Structure
Tensor Eigenvalues and Hessian of Gaussian Eigen-
values) of the three color channels (R, G, B) as our
initial features. We used the feature selection method
of Peng et al. (Peng et al., 2005) to reduce the number
of selected features from 37 to 10. Table 1 lists the 10
selected features, their channels, and their scales.
Classification: A random forest classifier is trained
to label pixels as mitotic candidates or not, given the
above 10 features. The classifier has six trees, and its
maximum number of features is four. The threshold
for accepting a pixel as a possible mitosis at this stage
is θ
r f c
. See the Experiments section for details.
Efficient and Accurate Mitosis Detection - A Lightweight RCNN Approach
Table 1: Selected 10 low-cost pixel-wise features.
Number Feature Name Scale Channel
1 Smooth Pix Val 3.5px R
2 Gauss Grad Mag 0.7px R
3, 4 Gauss Grad Mag 1.0px R,B
5, 6 Gauss Grad Mag 1.6px R,G
7 Struc Tens Eig 0.7px B
8, 9 Struc Tens Eig 3.5px R,B
10 Struc Tens Eig 10.0px G
3.2 Fine Candidate Extractor
The Fine Candidate Extractor uses a Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN) model that is trained using
ground truth training data that were provided by the
organizers of the ICPR12 and ICPR14 contests and
that we color normalize according to the color trans-
fer method described in Reinhard et al. (Reinhard
et al., 2001). Each pixel of each training image is
labeled as either mitosis (pixel of mitotic region and
within 8µm distance to the centroid of the mitosis) and
non-mitosis (elsewhere). For the ICPR14 data set, in
which mitoses were labeled with probabilities, only
those mitotic regions with certainty above 0.6 were
included in our training samples. Non-mitosis sam-
ples include regions with a certainty < 0.6 and regions
outside the officially labeled regions. We applied the
two-stage sampling techniques discussed in (Ciresan
et al., 2013) to build our final training image sample
set. Data sets are discussed in Section 4 under Exper-
The CNN has five convolutional layers with the
architecture shown in Table 2. It takes raw input im-
age patches from the RGB image centered at the pix-
els identified by the stage-1 classifier and of fixed
size 101 × 101 pixels as its inputs and produces a
probability value between 0 and 1, which is later
thresholded with a threshold θ
(see Experiments)
to produce an output binary image with pixels that
are clearly not mitosis removed. As shown in Table 2,
the convolutional layers are followed by rectified lin-
ear units (RELU) to improve model convergence and
then max pooling layers. The model is trained with
back-propagation implemented in the open-source li-
brary Caffe (Jia et al., 2014). The training starts
with a learning rate of 0.01, which is reduced by 10
times every 20 iterations until the end of iteration
60. A dropout technique is also applied to each layer
in every iteration to prevent inter-dependencies from
emerging between nodes and to improve the robust-
ness of the model.
Table 2: Architecture of our 5-layer CNN Classifier Model
for Color-normalized patches.
Type Neurons Filter Size
Input 3 ×101 × 101 −−
Conv 16 × 100 × 100 2 × 2
Relu 16 × 100 × 100 −−
MaxPool 16 × 50 × 50 2 × 2
Conv 16 × 48 × 48 3 × 3
Relu 16 × 48 × 48 −−
MaxPool 16 × 24 × 24 2 × 2
Conv 16 × 22 × 22 3 × 3
Relu 16 × 22 × 22 −−
MaxPool 16 × 11 × 11 2 × 2
Conv 16 × 10 × 10 2 × 2
Relu 16 × 10 × 10 −−
MaxPool 16 × 5 × 5 2 × 2
Conv 16 × 4 × 4 2 × 2
Relu 16 × 4 × 4 −−
MaxPool 16 × 2 × 2 2 × 2
FullyConn 100 −−
FullyConn 2 −−
3.3 Final Mitosis Predictor
Stage 3, the Final Mitosis Predictor, inputs the binary
image produced by Stage 2 and uses the same trained
CNN, but in a sequence of scans of multiple different
pixels of the input image. The idea is that each pixel
that passes Stage 2 should lead to a detailed search of
a region around it for evidence of a mitotic figure. A
spiral scan path, as shown in Fig 2, carries out this de-
tailed search. Specifically, the pixels that pass Stage
2 become the centers for the first ”scan” in Stage 3,
which is looking for 101 x 101 regions that pass this
stage by a threshold of θ
. If the first point does not
satisfy this threshold, it keeps ”scanning”, moving by
a distance I
to the next point in the scan path (Fig
2) and making that point the center of a new 101 x
101 region to be tried. If one of these succeeds at the
threshold, the system goes into a finer scanning
mode (yellow path in Fig 2) in which the distances
between points to try are smaller and the threshold is
f inal
, the final threshold for calling a region a mitotic
figure. If it finds one, it succeeds, else it continues
on this yellow path till that path runs out, then returns
to the green path it was on. If it totally finishes the
green path, it fails. Threshold values are given in the
Experiments section.
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 2: Scan path of final mitosis classifier.
Experiments were performed on a 3.30GHz Intel
X5680 CPU with and without a NVIDIA
GeForce GTX 1080 graphics processing unit (GPU).
In order to compare our light-weight CNN to the CNN
of Chen and Hao (Chen et al., 2016), simulated ex-
periments were run on the same machine. Their Caf-
feNet stage is given the same region proposals that our
RCNN gets from our Stage 1, and execution times of
the two systems are thus directly compared.
4.1 Datasets
We used the ICPR 2012 and ICPR 2014 contest data
sets. We discovered errors in the ground truth of the
AMIDA13 data set and so chose to omit it from our
4.1.1 2012 ICPR Mitosis Dataset
We evaluate our method on the public MITOS dataset
(Roullier et al., 2010) including 50 images corre-
sponding to 50 high-power fields (HPF) in 5 differ-
ent breast cancer slides stained with Hematoxylin &
Eosin. A total of 300 mitoses are visible in MITOS.
Each field represents a 512 × 512 µm
area, and is
acquired using three different setups: two slide scan-
ners and a multispectral microscope. Here we con-
sider images acquired by the Aperio XT scanner, the
most widespread and accessible solution among the
three. It has a resolution of 0.2456 µm per pixel, re-
sulting in a 2084 × 2084 RGB image for each field.
Expert pathologists manually annotated visible mi-
toses. However, the annotated mitoses are those for
which pathologists agreed with each other. So there
might be some mitosis-like regions unannotated in
these images. Our training and testing splits are the
same as those provided in the contest. There are 100
mitoses from 15 images (3 images from each slide) in
our training set and 200 mitoses from 35 images (7
images from each slide) in our testing set. Every mi-
totic pixel is labeled as such. For this dataset, θ
r f c
0.5, θ
= 0.2, θ
= 0.4, and θ
f inal
= 0.8. Thresh-
old values were chosen to maximize F-measure on the
training set.
4.1.2 2014 ICPR Mitosis Dataset
The 2014 ICPR Mitosis dataset include a total of 1200
training images from 16 different biopsies and 496
testing images from 5 different biopsies of 40X mag-
nification. The images are, however, much smaller
than those from ICPR 2012: 1539 × 1376 pixels. The
mitoses are marked by probability values of 1.0, 0.8,
0.6, 0.2 or 0. The labels were made by two differ-
ent pathologists with the criteria described in (Roux,
2014). Compared with 2012 ICPR Mitosis dataset,
the 2014 ICPR Mitosis dataset includes many more
variations in tissue appearance, which are affected by
different conditions from tissue acquisition process,
including staining, lighting conditions, tissue folding
and the inclusion of many mitotic-like non mitosis re-
gions. In addition, the training and testing images of
the 2014 ICPR Mitosis dataset are taken from differ-
ent biopsies, whereas the aim of the 2012 ICPR chal-
lenge is to train and test mitotic detection algorithms
in the same group of images. For this dataset, θ
r f c
0.5, θ
= 0.1, θ
= 0.25, and θ
f inal
= 0.5. Thresh-
old values were again chosen to maximize F-measure
on the training set.
For the 2014 ICPR Mitosis dataset, we perform
tests separately on their “in-group”, which is the data
set for which they provide ground truth for compari-
son and on their “out-group”, which is the data set for
which the ground truth is withheld and for which the
results must be sent to the contest organizers for eval-
uation. During in-group experiments, we randomly
split images of each slide in the training set into 60%
for training and 40% for testing. Since our model
works on images with normalized color, we did color
alignment with a selected reference image from the
2012 ICPR Mitosis dataset before training, and we
used the prediction map from the model pre-trained
with the 2012 ICPR Mitosis dataset as the sampling
map to build training samples from the 2014 ICPR
Efficient and Accurate Mitosis Detection - A Lightweight RCNN Approach
Mitosis dataset. In our out-group experiment, we took
our training patches from the entire official training
dataset. The predictions on the testing set were sent
to the organizer of the 2014 ICPR Mitosis dataset con-
test for scoring.
4.2 Quantitative Evaluation Metrics
According to the criteria of the 2014 ICPR Mito-
sis Detection Challenge, a detected mitosis would be
counted as correct if its centroid is localized within
a range of 8µm of the ground truth region. Multiple
separate regions of the same cell (e.g. mitosis after
Metaphase in cell division) are counted as a single
mitosis. The evaluation metrics are defined as: recall
R = N
+ N
), precision P = N
) and F
measurement F
= 2 P R/(P + R),
where N
, N
and N
are the number of true posi-
tives, false negatives and false positives, respectively.
4.3 Results
We report results in both accuracy and time. Our goal
in this work was to design a light-weight network that
could achieve similar performance to the network of
Chen and Hao (Chen et al., 2016) but would execute
much faster and thus be able to run in a medical envi-
ronment with no GPUs available.
4.3.1 Accuracy
We first tested our RCNN model on the test sets for
the 2012 ICPR mitosis contest. Accuracy results are
reported in Table 3. Our F-measurements are compa-
rable to, but slightly lower than, the F-measure from
CaffeNet (Chen et al., 2016) (our F-measure is 0.784,
and theirs is 0.788). We then tested our model on the
2014 ICPR mitosis test sets: both the in-group and
the out-group. For the in-group test, we achieved an
F-measurement of 0.659; Chen and Hao did not re-
port results on the in-group. For the out-group, we
achieved an F-measure of 0.427 compared to Chen’s
0.482, which while not as good, is in the same ball
park. As we have discussed above, the 2014 ICPR mi-
tosis dataset includes more challenges, such as more
complicated background tissue appearance and more
color/pattern variations from mitoses. This accounts
for why these F-measurements are lower than those
from the 2012 ICPR mitosis datasets. However, by
including more training images from more biopsies
with different color and texture variation on mitoses,
we should be able to achieve higher classification ac-
Table 3: Preliminary Results on ICPR 2014 test datasets.
Chen & Hao Ours
Precision 0.80 0.78
ICPR12 Recall 0.77 0.79
F-Measure 0.788 0.784
Precision not rep. 0.654
ICPR14 Recall not rep. 0.663
in group F-Measure not rep. 0.659
Precision 0.46 0.40
ICPR14 Recall 0.51 0.45
out group F-measure 0.482 0.427
4.3.2 Computation Time
Computation time in mitosis detection is always a
very important factor in clinical applications (Veta
et al., 2015). In the meantime, the accessibility to
a high performance computer with a GPU proces-
sor has been an important factor in mitosis detec-
tion system design. Our RCNN-based mitosis de-
tection pipelines are designed to reduce redundant
computation and reduce processing time for scanning
each slide, and are compatible with computers with
only CPU. Our pipelines are mainly implemented in
Python and C++. The feature-based step is imple-
mented by ilastik (Sommer et al., 2011), and the deep
learning model is implemented in the Caffe library.
The details of computational efficiency are listed in
Table 4.
For a 4Mpixels high-power field (size 2048 ×
2048) image from the 2012 ICPR Mitosis dataset, the
whole pipeline takes a total of 6.93s with GPU sup-
port and 12.13s without GPU support per image. All
of our experiments running on CPUs are executed on
a single CPU thread. In practice, different steps could
be executed with different threads running in parallel.
The random forest classifier could also be optimized
with GPU processing.
4.4 Comparison to Chen and Hao
Our 3-stage system achieves accuracy similar to Chen
and Hao’s CaffeNet (Chen et al., 2016) on the ICPR
2012 data set and almost as good on the ICPR 2014
data set, but it is smaller and faster. Our RCNN is
a smaller model of 5 convolutional layers with only
16 kernels in each layer, while CaffeNet is also com-
posed of 5 layers, but with 96-384 kernels in each
layer. This enables our model to be tested with a
regular GPU or only CPU with reasonable processing
time, whereas CaffeNet requires large GPU memories
and much more computation. Table 5 shows details
about the comparison on computational cost between
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 4: Computational time of our RCNN on the ICPR 2012 and ICPR 2014 mitosis datasets. Time is in seconds per image.
Note that ICPR 2014 times are smaller due to the smaller image size.
proc Number Number CNN
Dataset time of CNN time
CPU regions calls GPU CPU
Coarse Candidate Extractor ICPR12 3.24s - 0 0 0
Coarse Candidate Extractor ICPR14 0.91s - 0 0 0
Fine Candidate Extractor ICPR12 1.27s 987 987 0.45s 3.31s
Fine Candidate Extractor ICPR14 0.41s 266 266 0.14s 0.90s
Final Mitosis Extractor ICPR12 1.59s 11.8 756 0.38s 2.72s
Final Mitosis Extractor ICPR14 0.34s 2.4 198 0.10s 0.72s
our RCNN model and CaffeNet, where FLOP indi-
cates the number of floating point operations required
for the inference time of each neural network. The
time comparisons are for inference time on a 101 x
101 patch of an image.
Table 5: Performance comparison between our RCNN
model and Chen and Hao’s CaffeNet. Times are per 101 ×
101 pixel regions.
Chen & Hao Ours
FLOPs (million) 720.32 8.47
Memory (MB) 3.251 0.949
Parameters (million) 56.87 0.0097
Inf. time on GPU (ms) 1.56 0.46
Inf. time on CPU (s) 0.1381 0.0032
In order to compare them on the same machine,
we performed a simulated experiment to compare
the RCNN stages of our 3-stage method with the
CaffeNet-based method (Chen et al., 2016). Compu-
tational performance comparison details can be found
in Table 6. In this experiment, we assume that
CaffeNet receives the same region proposals gener-
ated from stage 1 as our RCNN model does. Thus
a 4Mpixels HPF ICPR12 image includes an aver-
age of 987 proposed regions. As the prediction on
each mitotic-like region is computed from the aver-
age probability of three CaffeNet models of differ-
ent fully connected layers on 10 image variations,
the combined fine discrimination model from (Chen
et al., 2016) takes an average of 4.62s with GPU sup-
port and 408.91s without GPU support in total for its
final prediction on each full image. This prediction
stage is equivalent to stage 2 and stage 3 from our
pipeline, which only takes 0.83s and 6.03s, respec-
tively, in total to produce its final prediction. The sim-
ulated experiment on CaffeNet was conducted on the
same computer in which our own experiments were
run. The computation time reported above is only
for neural network inference time after the stage-one
region-finding phase. The stage-one processes of the
two systems are quite different, since ours is a simple
feature-based classifier and theirs is a neural network
of three convolutional layers; they are not compara-
Notice the striking difference in CPU inference
time between our RCNN system and the CaffeNet
system. Our pipeline provides a 67.81 times speedup
over theirs. This is critical for medical applications
in which a large number of images must be routinely
Table 6: Performance comparison between Stages 2 and 3
of our pipeline and the fine discrimination model of Chen’s
pipeline (Chen et al., 2016) for inference on a full image.
Numbers shown below are taken as the average on 4Mpixels
HPF images from the ICPR12 dataset.
Chen & Hao Ours
CNN calls 2961 1743
GPU inference time 4.62s 0.83s
CPU inference time 408.91s 6.03s
Automatic mitosis detection from breast cancer his-
tology images can help to improve the accuracy
and efficiency of breast cancer diagnosis. In this
paper, we have proposed a hybrid mitosis detec-
tion pipeline, which combine efficient handcrafted-
feature-based pixel classifiers and 5-layer neural net-
works in multi-stage pipelines. Compared to the state-
of-the-art methods, our approach reduced the com-
putation amounts and hardware requirements, which
makes it more practical in clinical applications. Fu-
ture work includes optimizing CPU implementation
of normalization layer in neural network model and
optimizing our random-forest based coarse mitotic
candidate extractor with GPU implementations.
Research reported in this publication was sup-
ported by the National Cancer Institute awards R01
Efficient and Accurate Mitosis Detection - A Lightweight RCNN Approach
CA172343, R01 CA140560 and RO1 CA200690.
The content is solely the responsibility of the authors
and does not necessarily represent the views of the
National Cancer Institute or the National Institutes
of Health. We thank Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.
(Tucson, AZ, USA), a member of the Roche Group,
for the use of iScan Coreo Au™ whole slide imaging
system, and HD View SL for the source code used to
build our digital viewer. For a full description o f HD
View SL, please see http://hdviewsl.codeplex.com/.
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Efficient and Accurate Mitosis Detection - A Lightweight RCNN Approach