DoMoRe – A Recommender System for Domain Modeling
Henning Agt-Rickauer
, Ralf-Detlef Kutsche
and Harald Sack
Hasso Plattner Institute for IT Systems Engineering, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
Database Systems and Information Management Group, Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Berlin, Germany
FIZ Karlsruhe & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
Domain Modeling, Recommender System, Information Extraction, Knowledge-based Modeling.
Domain modeling is an important activity in early phases of software projects to achieve a shared under-
standing of the problem eld among project participants. Domain models describe concepts and relations of
respective application fields using a modeling language and domain-specific terms. Detailed knowledge of the
domain as well as expertise in model-driven development is required for software engineers to create these
models. This paper describes DoMoRe, a system for automated modeling recommendations to support the
domain modeling process. We describe an approach in which modeling benefits from formalized knowledge
sources and information extraction from text. The system incorporates a large network of semantically re-
lated terms built from natural language data sets integrated with mediator-based knowledge base querying in
a single recommender system to provide context-sensitive suggestions of model elements.
Motivation. Model-driven engineering (MDE) pro-
poses systematic use of models as primary devel-
opment artifacts for software system construction
(Whittle et al., 2014). These models describe different
aspects of a system on a higher level of abstraction us-
ing particular modeling languages(e.g., UML, entity-
relationship diagrams, or domain-specific languages).
MDE aims at continuously refining models and gen-
erating source code. Consequently, the effort of man-
ually creating code with programming languages is
reduced and recurring tasks are automated.
An important activity in early phases of model-
driven software development is domain model-
ing (Evans, 2004; Fowler, 2010). Its goal is to create
models that reflect the conceptual structures of a busi-
ness domain. These models contain domain-specific
terms and their relations in order to improve the un-
derstanding of the problem field among stakeholders.
Domain modeling requires expertise in model-
drivensoftware development, such as finding the right
abstractions, creating metamodels and correct usage
of generalizations/specializations and aggregations.
Assuming that software engineers have these compe-
tencies, these techniques are usually applied to differ-
ent application areas and industrial sectors. The engi-
neers are required to have detailed knowledge of the
domain in order to build domain-specific models and
derive appropriate refined implementation models.
Assembling domain knowledge is a time-consuming
manual process (e.g., talking to domain experts and
reading specific documentation). Recent modeling
environments (e.g., Eclipse Modeling Project, Mag-
icDraw) provide sophisticated support with respect to
the correct usage of modeling languages and verifica-
tion of models, but assistance with regard to the actual
content and meaning of the model elements is very
limited (Segura et al., 2016; Kuhn, 2010).
Problem Statement. Domain modeling was and
still is a challenging task (Mylopoulos et al., 1990;
St¨orrle, 2010). It involves collecting a lot of pieces of
information delivered by different types of persons,
documents and other knowledge sources. Domain
modeling is a knowledge intensive process and re-
quires intensive collaboration between engineers and
domain experts. The automation of domain modeling
has been addressed by research (Reinhartz-Berger,
2010), but support of this activity is still an open is-
sue (Frank, 2014). The main challenges of domain
modeling and knowledge acquisition are as follows.
Solutions that build on reusable libraries with do-
main information, such as Domain Engineering, suf-
fer from a cold start problem. Reusable domain
knowledge will become only available if enough solu-
Agt-Rickauer, H., Kutsche, R-D. and Sack, H.
DoMoRe A Recommender System for Domain Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0006555700710082
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2018), pages 71-82
ISBN: 978-989-758-283-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tions have already been developed using that method-
ology while new projects already want to benefit from
this domain knowledge. In the end, domain models
frequently have to be developed from scratch (Frank,
Collaborations of technical stakeholders (model-
ing experts) and non-technical stakeholders (domain
experts) require a time-consuming learning phase dur-
ing a project (Ionita et al., 2015). Domain experts are
often not familiar with modeling notations, and mod-
eling experts usually have to develop a deeper under-
standing of the domain concepts and terms in order to
arrange them properly in domain models. The biggest
effort is at the modeler’s desk, because it is usually
more time-consuming to find, understand, and pro-
cess all available domain information than to learn a
few modeling concepts of a visual notation.
Domain information is contained in arbitrary
sources. Structured information sources (e.g.,
databases, XML documents, knowledge bases, mod-
els) may be available, but uniform access to all
sources is not available in most cases and may only
be facilitated by building additional search engines on
top of them. Unfortunately, the amount of structured
information sources is vanishingly small compared to
unstructured information. It is estimated that 80 per-
cent of existing data is unstructured
. Domain infor-
mation is often contained in natural language docu-
ments (e.g., text books, manuals, requirements speci-
fications). Relevant facts have to be manually located
first and then interpreted.
Finally, the availability of large conceptual knowl-
edge bases containing domain information is very
limited. Only a few handcrafted semantic databases
exist (e.g., WordNet, ConceptNet, Wikidata) that by
far do not cover the variety of possible domains.
Most approaches of information extraction (Banko
et al., 2007) and automatically created knowledge
bases (e.g., DBpedia, YAGO) focus on factual knowl-
edge on instance level that cannot be used for do-
main modeling on conceptual level. Additionally, the
core of many works (e.g., YAGO, BabelNet, DBpe-
dia) relies on a single source of information only: ex-
traction from Wikipedia’s structured parts (e.g., in-
foboxes, categories).
Contributions and Outline. In this paper, we
present a domain modeling recommender (DoMoRe)
system that incorporates a ready-to-use large-scale
knowledge base of domain-specific terms and their
data-challenges-might-not-even-know/ (Last accessed July,
relationships. DoMoRe also uses a set of exist-
ing knowledge bases to retrieve domain information
and is extensible with additional knowledge bases at
low effort. Connected knowledge sources are used
automatically during modeling to provide context-
sensitive suggestions of model elements. The recom-
mender system is integrated into a widely used mod-
eling tool, the Ecore Diagram Editor of the Eclipse
Modeling Project.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents the general approach and de-
tails the model refinement steps that our system sup-
ports. In Section 3 we describe how existing knowl-
edge sources are used and how the knowledge base of
related terms was created. Section 4 details the imple-
mentation of the recommender system and shows how
provision of contextual information and search-based
suggestions operate. In Section 5 we report on expe-
riences using DoMoRe in different domains and sce-
narios. Related work is given in Section 6, and Sec-
tion 7 concludes the paper and describes future work
In this section we introduce the concept of semantic
modeling support and detail our approach. Modeling:
The activity of creating and refining models. In our
case these models are domain models that focus on
concepts and relationships of various application ar-
eas. Support: Modeling activities are assisted with
context-sensitive pieces of information. Tool support
is completely automated in contrast to guidelines or
methodologies. Semantic: Modeling support focuses
on the domain-specific terms and their relationships
in domain models in contrast to syntactic modeling
language assistance.
General Support Procedure. The semantic mod-
eling support works as follows: (1) At some point
of time during domain modeling a manual change
in the model is made. This is usually referred to
as model refinement, the activity in which a devel-
oper creates, modifies or deletes a model element
(e.g., a new class). We concentrate on supporting
the modifications that add new content to the model.
All detailed scenarios are described in the next para-
graph. (2) Based on the current state of the model,
domain knowledge is acquired automatically. Knowl-
edge acquisition is based on the terms that are used
to name the elements (e.g., class names or associ-
ation names). We pursue two strategies: First, we
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
exploit existing structured knowledge sources to ac-
quire the required domain terms and their relations.
We employ mediator-based querying for a uniform
access to this knowledge. Secondly, it is a well known
problem (Colace et al., 2014) that existing knowl-
edge bases (often created manually) do not contain
enough information or do not exist at all for respec-
tive target domains. We address this issue by the au-
tomated creation of own semantic terminology net-
works from natural language datasets that cover a va-
riety of domains. Both approachesare detailed in Sec-
tion 3. (3) Acquired knowledge is transformed au-
tomatically into appropriate suggestions (e.g., related
classes, possible sub- or super-classes) and presented
to the user. It is the goal to present semantically re-
lated model elements that support the developer’s de-
cisions on what to include in the model and how to
connect the elements. After that the procedure starts
all over again.
Modeling Support Scenarios. Many opportunities
exist to create and manage domain models. Domain
modeling is not necessarily bound to using one spe-
cific modeling language. For example, UML class di-
agrams, ER models, and ontologies can be used. All
approaches have in common that the respective mod-
eling language is used to express conceptual struc-
tures of a domain using specific terms to improve un-
derstanding of the problem field. Since our seman-
tic modeling support concentrates on the terms in do-
main models, the methods presented in this paper are
applicable to several modeling languages. Neverthe-
less, we had to exemplarily choose one approach to
illustrate our work, namely UML-like class diagrams,
because they are the most widely used modeling
paradigm in industry (Reggio et al., 2014; Hutchin-
son et al., 2014).
During domain model development the user has
several options to change the model. In the following
we itemize for which modeling activities what kind
of support will be accomplished. We distinguish be-
tween two different kinds of support. First, contex-
tual information will be provided if an element of a
domain model is selected by the developer (Scenar-
ios 1 and 2). Context information includes possible
related model elements with all kinds of relationships
the modeling language offers. Second, if a new ele-
ment is created, automated suggestions will be pro-
vided on how to name the element (Scenarios 3 to 9).
The support depends on the type of connection be-
tween the new element and existing elements of the
Scenario 1 Selection of a class. The goal of pro-
viding contextual information is the recommenda-
tion of possible connected model elements together
with their types of relations for a selected domain
model element. In case a class is selected (c.f., Fig-
ure 1) possible generalizations/specializations, aggre-
gations (containers and parts), and associations are
shown. Related classes are either unconnected classes
or classes that are connected with an association that
has no name.
Figure 1: Contextual information for a selected class (Sce-
nario 1).
Scenario 2 – Selection of an association. If an asso-
ciation is selected, alternative association names, and
possible other connected classes for each association
end will be shown (c.f., Figure 2). Note that if nothing
is selected, contextual information for every element
of the model will be shown in a summarized form.
Figure 2: Contextual information for a selected association
(Scenario 2).
Scenario 3 Creation of a class (no connection).
Modeling tools usually offer the creation of new
classes in a model without any connection. Typi-
cally, this happens, when classes are added to the dia-
gram and the respective connections are drawn after-
wards (c.f., Figure 3). In this case, class name sug-
gestions are dependent on all existing class names in
the model. Particularly, in the list of suggestions class
names should appear that are related to all of the ex-
isting classes ordered by relevance.
Figure 3: Related class name suggestions while adding a
class without a connection (Scenario 3).
Scenario 4 – Creation of a sub class. A sub class will
be created, when the developer uses the specialization
link starting from an existing class to empty space in
the diagram (c.f., Figure ??). In this case, class name
suggestions are dependent on the linked super class.
In the example, different types of doctors are shown
(different kinds of medical specialists).
DoMoRe A Recommender System for Domain Modeling
Figure 4: Sub class name suggestions while adding a spe-
cialization (Scenario 4).
Scenario 5 Creation of a super class. Analogous
to the sub class creation, a super class will be cre-
ated when using the generalization link. The example
shows the recommendation of more general terms for
doctor (c.f., Figure 5).
Figure 5: Super class name suggestions while adding a gen-
eralization (Scenario 5).
Scenario 6 – Creation of an aggregated class. In case
the developer uses a composition or aggregation link
starting from an existing class, an aggregated class
will be created in the diagram. The example in Fig-
ure 6 shows possible parts of a hospital.
Figure 6: Aggregated class name suggestions while adding
an aggregated class (Scenario 6).
Scenario 7 – Creation of a container class. If the op-
posite direction of a composition or aggregation rela-
tion is used, a container class will be created. In the
example used in Figure 7, suggestions are provided
what a hospital can be part of.
Figure 7: Container class name suggestions while adding a
container class (Scenario 7).
Scenario 8 Creation of an associated class. An as-
sociated class will be created, if the developer draws
an association link from a class to empty space in
the diagram (a new class and an association without
a name will be created). Names for the new related
class will be recommended (c.f., Figure 8). This sce-
nario is very similar to Scenario 3, but the suggestions
are dependent on the linked class only.
Figure 8: Associated class name suggestions while adding
an associated class (Scenario 8).
Scenario 9 Creation of association. If the devel-
oper creates an association link between two classes,
association names (verbs) will be provided. The sug-
gestions are dependent on both class names. In case
the association does not have a direction, verbs are
suggested that apply to both directions.
Figure 9: Association name suggestions while adding an
association (Scenario 9).
Our intended modeling support requires a large body
of background knowledge in order to provide model
element suggestions for nearly every possible do-
main. Since the support focuses on the terms used
in the models, we concentrate on knowledge sources
that provide lexical information.
We pursue two strategies: First, we exploit ex-
isting structured knowledge sources to acquire the
required domain knowledge. Knowledge bases and
ontologies are automatically queried for terms of a
model to retrieve related terms. Secondly, we target
the lack of conceptual knowledge bases by the auto-
mated creation of a semantic network of terms from
natural language datasets.
Mediator-based Knowledge Base Querying. As
described in the introduction, only a few knowledge
bases exist that contain conceptual knowledge. Word-
Net (Fellbaum, 1998) is the most widely used lexi-
cal database for the English language. Other impor-
tant resources are BabelNet (Navigli and Ponzetto,
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
2012), a multilingual encyclopedic dictionary, and
Cyc (Lenat, 1995) and ConceptNet (Speer and
Havasi, 2012), both common sense knowledge bases.
Most of the other large publicly available knowl-
edge bases (e.g., DBpedia, YAGO, Wikidata) consist
of a relatively small ontology schema describing the
model of the data and a large body of factual knowl-
edge. Nevertheless, these schemata can be used for
modeling suggestions.
The greatest challenge in using these knowledge
sources is the unavailability of uniform access to lex-
ical information. Heterogenous data models prevent
querying the knowledge bases in a consistent way.
Lexical information of terms and their relationships
exist on schema level, intermediate proprietary data
models and on instance level.
Our approach proposes a mediator-wrapper solu-
tion. A mediator allows the interaction of a user or
system with heterogeneous data sources in a uniform
way. Knowledge bases remain as they are, a wrapper
is responsible for content translation, and the media-
tor provides a single point of access to the information
for the modeling recommendations. Figure 10 shows
the architecture of our approach. We differentiate be-
tween three different layers.
Base 1
Base n
Knowledge Base
Specific Layer
Specific Layer
Modeling Language
Specific Layer
Figure 10: Three layer mediator-wrapper architecture
to retrieve terminological information from heterogenous
knowledge bases.
In the modeling language specific layer the devel-
oper uses the modeling tool and interacts with the rec-
ommender. This layer deals with elements such as
classes and associations, and the recommender sug-
gests these types of elements depending on the con-
tent of a model.
The mediator and mapper are located in the ter-
minology specific layer. In this layer domain-specific
terms used in a model are relevant (e.g., noun terms
and their related terms). The mediator is responsi-
ble for translating from terminology specific content
to the modeling layer and vice versa. It also man-
ages a set of knowledge bases and their correspond-
ing wrappers and submits queries to them whenever
necessary. The mapper collects and integrates results
of the wrappers and provides the information to the
In the knowledge base specific layer the wrap-
pers communicate with the knowledge bases. Each
wrapper has to deal with different query languages
and formats (e.g., OWL, RDF, SPARQL, JSON)
and different ways of modeling (e.g., graphs, con-
cepts, synsets). We support the automated integra-
tion of three types of knowledge base data models
without the need of any development: (1) Ontol-
ogy schemata: concepts and relationships modeled
using OWL or RDFS classes and object properties,
(2) SKOS-based vocabularies: terms modeled with
concepts and broader/narrower/related relationships,
and (3) Knowledge bases using the lemon model: a
specific way of modeling lexicons of ontologies (Mc-
Crae et al., 2012).
In case none of these data models apply, we sup-
port any knowledge base that offers a SPARQL end-
point. The effort of adding a new knowledge base
to the system is comparatively low, it is only neces-
sary to specify a small set of queries for taxonomic,
part/whole, related and verbal relationships.
Extraction of Semantically Related Terms. We
apply natural language processing techniques on a
large text dataset to identify terms on conceptual level
and their relationships. The approach relies on syn-
tactical properties of sentences and statistical features
of text corpora to perform a domain-independent ex-
traction. Large text collections include a lot of redun-
dancy and paraphrasing (Banko, 2009). That means
equal facts are repeated in several documents and
are formulated differently. Additionally, natural lan-
guage has the property that certain lexical items tend
to co-occur more often than others. That implies that
words with similar meanings occur in similar con-
texts, known as the distributional hypothesis (Turney
and Pantel, 2010).
We exploit these features to automatically build
a large database of semantically related terms. We
processed the Google Books N-Gram Corpus (Michel
et al., 2011), a dataset derived from 5 million books
with over 500 billion words. It covers a wide range
of domains, because it contains scientific literature of
lots of areas as well as fiction and non-fiction books.
The dataset provides the information how often a
certain word or word sequence occurs within the orig-
inal text corpus (an n-gram is a sequence of n con-
secutive words). For example, ”the doctor and the
patient – 8,339 is one example of the 700 million 5-
grams in the dataset (c.f., Figure 11a). We apply part-
DoMoRe A Recommender System for Domain Modeling
of-speech (POS) tagging on all n-grams to identify
technical terms (Williams, 2013) and record how of-
ten concept terms in different contexts co-occur (e.g.,
doctor patient 418,711 times, c.f., Figure 11b).
We exclude proper nouns and named entities (e.g.,
city names, persons). Using this information, we are
able to obtain for every term a set of related terms
and their frequencies and construct a semantic net-
work (c.f., Figure 11c).
A detailed description of the construction is given
in (Agt and Kutsche, 2013). Several improvements
have been made in comparison to the original version.
The semantic network now covers verbal and ternary
relations in order to suggest associations in domain
models, several heuristics were applied to extend the
length of extracted terms, and a more sophisticated
ranking of terms was developed.
term rel. term freq.
doctor nurse 769,932
doctor patient 418,711
doctor degree 298,385
doctor hospital 202,729
doctor consult 173,786
doctor prescribe 120,267
hospital doctor 202,729
hospital patient 370,539
hospital admit 411,666
hospital leave 380,726
hospital discharge 134,348
(b) Term co-occurrences(a) N-grams frequencies (c) Semantic network
N-gram Freq.
was admitted to the hospital 40,066
admitted to the hospital for 18,594
discharged from the hospital . 12,158
a nurse at the hospital 1,989
the patient to the hospital 8,252
a patient in the hospital 5,243
the doctor and the nurse 4,827
the patient , the nurse 4,245
nurse assists the patient to 1,255
consult your doctor or pharmacist 4,156
the doctor and the patient 8,339
, call your doctor . 5,262
Figure 11: Information extraction procedure to construct a
large-scale semantic network from co-occurring terms in n-
gram natural language datasets (f absolute frequency, rf
relative frequency, npmi normalized point wise mutual
In essence, the semantic network is a large-scale
graph in which each term is a node and each di-
rected edge denotes a weighted relationship between
the terms. It comprises 5.7 million unique one-word
terms and multi-word expressions and 114 million re-
lationships. Each relationship is quantified with the
absolute co-occurrence frequency, a computed rel-
ative frequency, and the pointwise mutal informa-
tion (PMI) measurement (see Section 4 Ranking
for more details on this associativity score between
terms). While the extraction required sophisticated
hardware and runtime, the semantic network requires
just 7 GB disk space and thus is usable on standard
PC hardware.
In this section we detail the realization of the domain
modeling recommender (DoMoRe) system. We de-
scribe how the domain information of a set of knowl-
edge bases and a self-created semantic network of
terms is used and transformed to recommendations of
model elements according to our nine modeling sup-
port scenarios.
Essentially, the task of the recommender system
is as follows. For a given model element a set of re-
lated model elements has to be determined that are
connected with a specific type of relationship (e.g.,
all possible subclasses of the class ”Doctor” or all re-
lated classes of ”Doctor” and ”Hospital”). In the fol-
lowing we first discuss a mapping of semantic rela-
tionships across different knowledge representations.
After that, the architecture of the recommender sys-
tem is presented. Then, we detail the features of the
recommender system and describe how suggestions
are ranked by relevance.
Semantic Relationships. Domain models describe
concepts and relationships of an application domain
using the means of a modeling language. Although
there is an ongoing foundational discussion in the
conceptual modeling community (Henderson-Sellers
et al., 2015; Atkinson and K¨uhne, 2015) on how to
properly represent real-world concepts with modeling
languages, UML class diagrams are the most widely
used modeling paradigm in industry (Reggio et al.,
2014; Hutchinson et al., 2014). In this paragraph we
analyze the semantic relationships of UML class dia-
grams from a lexical viewpoint and their representa-
tions in other knowledge sources (c.f., Figure 10 for
the three layers).
We reviewed literature from database re-
search (Storey, 1993), linguistics (Maroto Garca and
Alcina, 2009; Chaffin and Herrmann, 1984), infor-
mation systems (Oliv´e, 2007; Guizzardi, 2005), and
semantic web research (Almeida et al., 2011; Huang,
2010) and relate the different types of relationships
to each other. Table 1 provides an overview, details
are given as follows.
Specialization and Generalization are hierarchi-
cal abstraction mechanisms in UML to refine abstract
classes to more specific ones and to group specific
classes to more abstract ones. In lexical semantics
these conceptual relationships are referred to as hy-
ponymy and hypernymy between words or phrases.
They are mapped to subClassOf-relationship (and its
inverse) in RDF/OWL ontologies and to the broader
term and narrower term relation in thesaurus specifi-
cation (e.g., based on ISO 25964).
Aggregation is used to specify a part-of relation-
ship between two UML classes. We subsume both
aggregation (parts can exist independently) and com-
position (parts cannot exist independently) under the
term aggregation. In linguistics part-whole relations
are referred to as meronymicrelationships (meronyms
being the parts and holonyms being the wholes). Part-
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Table 1: Corresponding semantic relationship types of dif-
ferent modeling paradigms.
Modeling Lan-
guage Relation-
Knowledge Source
Specialization Hyponymy Subclass,
Narrower Term
Generalization Hypernymy Subclass (inv.),
Broader Term
Meronymy HasPart (SPW)
Meronym (WordNet)
Holonymy PartOf (SPW)
Holonym (WordNet)
Object Property
(unnamed) or
group of classes
Related Term
whole relationships are neither directly supported in
thesaurus definition nor in RDF/OWL ontology spec-
ification. There is a W3C best practice specification
Simple Part Whole (SPW) with hasPart and partOf
relationships that we support. Nevertheless, there
are knowledge bases that contain part-whole relation-
ships but use a non-standard vocabulary (e.g., Word-
Association is the third kind of conceptual rela-
tionship we analyzed with respect to other represen-
tations. We differentiate between two types: un-
named associations to express a simple dependency
between two domain model classes and named as-
sociations further specifying the kind of association
(usually with a verb). In linguistics named dependen-
cies fall into the category of case relationships (Chaf-
fin and Herrmann, 1984), more specifically, in our
case, agent-action relationships. To some extent
RDF/OWL object properties with domain and range
restrictions can be compared to named associations.
In lexical semantics the unnamed association is re-
ferred to as semantic relatedness, an associative re-
lationship describing any functional relationship be-
tween two words. The related term relationship of
thesauri is mapped to this relationship. From a lexical
point of view the unnamed association is similar to a
set of classes grouped by the diagram itself.
Based on these mappings we are able to retrieve
related domain model elements from different knowl-
edge sources for all modeling support scenarios.
Components of the Recommender System. Fig-
ure 12 depicts the architecture of the DoMoRe rec-
ommender system. DoMoRe is integrated into the
Eclipse environment using a set of plug-ins. The
Model Listener observes changes in Ecore models
that are developed with the Ecore diagram editor.
Whenever a change in a model is made the current
content of the model is retrieved together with the
newly added or changed model element and its re-
lationships. The Recommender is notified and co-
ordinates all subsequent steps of modeling sugges-
tions. First, the domain model is transformed into
a lexical-semantic representation using the domain-
specific terms and semantic relationship mappings
(c.f., Table 1). Based on this representation the Se-
mantic Network is queried for related terms and di-
rectly delivers ranked lists of related terms to the rec-
ommender. The Ontology Connector manages the set
of connected knowledge bases and is queried as well.
It incorporates the mediator and mapper (c.f., Fig-
ure 10) and operates the translation of the termino-
logical queries to knowledge base specific queries and
the integration of results. The recommender controls
two components with which the user interacts. The
Model Advisor is a view in the Eclipse environment
that displays contextual information of the model el-
ements. It shows possible generalizations, special-
izations, aggregations, associations, and related ele-
ments. The developer can use this view to easily add
new content to a domain model by drag & drop of
suggested elements to the diagram. The appropriate
relationships will be created automatically. Semantic
Autocompletion is triggered in case a new element in
the model is named or the name of an existing element
is changed. This feature behaves like a search engine.
A context-sensitive pop-up list with names for the re-
spective element is displayed and the suggestions are
filtered while typing.
Eclipse Modeling
Figure 12: Architecture of the DoMoRe recommender sys-
Recommendation Generation. In this paragraph
we provide insights into the features of the recom-
mender system by means of examples. We demon-
strate the knowledge retrieval and recommendation
generation for Scenario 3: A new unconnected class
is created and names for that class are suggested. Fig-
ure 13a shows a small domain model example con-
taining two classes connected with a named associ-
DoMoRe A Recommender System for Domain Modeling
ation. After creating the new class the model lis-
tener triggers the recommender and the lexical rep-
resentation of the domain model is generated (c.f.,
Figure 13b). The information need depends on the
model refinement step. In this case, noun terms are
required that are semantically related to both Hospi-
tal and Doctor (c.f., Figure 13c).
Figure 13: Lexical preparation in the procedure of the rec-
ommendation generation.
In the following, the information need is decom-
posed to separate lexical queries for each term and
relationship type (c.f., Figure 14d). The main rea-
son for retrieving the information separately is that
practically no conceptual knowledge base exists that
contains n-ary relationships. In contrast, our semantic
network directly supports ternary relationships allow-
ing more precise results for term pairs, but for more
than two terms separate queries have to be executed
in any case. In the next step, the semantic network is
queried for each term (c.f., Figure 14e) and each con-
nected knowledge base is queried for each term (c.f.,
Figure 14f).
Figure 14: Retrieval in the procedure of the recommenda-
tion generation.
So far, for each term of the original domain model,
and for each relationship type, and for each knowl-
edge source separate lists of related terms have been
. First, results from the knowledge bases
are integrated based on the following principle. Per
term the distinct union of all intermediate results (e.g.,
related terms of ”doctor” from WordNet, BabelNet,
ConceptNet, etc.) is created it is recorded how often
each term occurred. The resulting lists have prelim-
inary order indicating more important terms appear
first (c.f., Figure 15g).
For example, if three classes exist in the model and
broader and narrower relationships have to be retrieved
from five knowledge sources, 30 intermediate result lists
will be generated.
Figure 15: Integration and ranking in the procedure of the
recommendation generation.
In the final step, the presorted knowledge base re-
sults are integrated into the semantic network results.
First, the knowledge base result and the respective se-
mantic network result for each term are joined using
the importance weight. It assures that terms found in
many knowledge bases receive more prominent posi-
tions in the final ranking. Secondly, one final list of
recommended terms is created. Separate results are
intersected and relative frequencies of common terms
are multiplied. The final list is divided into n seg-
ments: Terms that are related to n query terms appear
first. After that terms follow that are related to n 1
query terms, and so forth. Finally, a sorting by rel-
evance is achieved by applying the pointwide mutal
information score (c.f., Figure 15h). This measure-
ment is explained in the paragraph ”Ranking”.
Generated lists of ranked terms are directly used
in the Semantic Autocompletion feature of the recom-
mender system. Whenever the name of a class or as-
sociation is edited a context-sensitive pop-up list of
related terms is shown. It behaves like a search en-
gine and is filtered while typing (c.f., Figure 16).
Figure 16: Semantic Autocompletion of the recommender
system: Context-sensitive name predictions and infix
For the other scenarios preparation, retrieval, inte-
gration, and ranking is similar. They only differ in the
queried relationship type (e.g, subclasses/narrower
terms instead of related terms). To display contextual
information several relationship types are queried and
displayed in the Model Advisor view (c.f., Figure 17).
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Figure 17: Model Advisor of the recommender sys-
tem: Suggesting possible related classes, superclasses, sub-
classes, and aggregations.
Ranking. It is likely that queries to our semantic
network and the connected knowledge bases deliver
numerous related terms (up to a few thousand for
each query). The ranking implemented in the rec-
ommender component is responsible for presenting
the most relevant model elements first. Hence, if a
list of related terms is retrieved, it will be ordered
and the most important terms appear at the top. This
is achieved by combining different relatedness mea-
From the construction of the semantic network we
know absolute frequencies of co-occurring terms (c.f.,
Figure 11b). For each term in the network we com-
pute relative frequencies with respect to each con-
nected related term. This normalization allows to
compare the relatedness among different terms. Both
measures allow a basic ranking of terms, but they have
a shortcoming: very general terms (e.g., time, man,
year) that appear in almost all contexts are likely to
be ranked on prominent positions.
To overcome this disadvantage we implement an
information theoretic measurement: Pointwise mu-
tal information (PMI) and its normalized form (c.f.,
Equations 1). It measures the dependency between
the probability of coinciding events and the probabil-
ity of individual events (first introduced into lexicog-
raphy by (Church and Hanks, 1990)).
pmi(x, y) = log
p(x, y)
npmi(x, y) =
pmi(x, y)
log[p(x, y)]
Applying PMI to the semantic network means that
x and y are terms, and PMI relates the probability of
their coincidence p(x, y) with the probabilities of ob-
serving both terms independently p(x)p(y). PMI is
an associativity score of two terms taking into ac-
count their individual corpus frequency, thus, very
frequent and general terms receive lower scores. Un-
fortunately, this measurement also has a shortcom-
ing: Although very general terms are ranked lower,
very rare terms that co-occur only very few times with
other terms tend to receive high scores.
Finally, in order to achieve a balanced ranking our
recommender system uses the lexicographers mutual
information (LMI), which is the NPMI score multi-
plied with the absolute co-occurrence frequency (Mi-
lajevs et al., 2016).
In this section we summarize experiences of using
our recommender system in different settings and do-
mains. A first prototype of the system was used in the
context of the BIZWARE project (Agt et al., 2012;
Agt and Kutsche, 2013). BIZWARE investigated the
potential of domain-specific languages (DSLs) and
model-driven engineering for small and medium en-
terprises in different domains like healthcare, man-
ufacturing/production, finance/insurance, publishing
and facility management. The actors in the setting
were software engineers of the respective companies
aiming at the introduction of DSL-based workflowsto
improve their development tasks. Modeling experts
from research closely worked together with the soft-
ware engineers and provided the recommender sys-
tem. The companies planned to used DSLs in cus-
tomer projects, but in the course of the project it
turned out that using DSLs for modernizing own soft-
ware products and development infrastructures was
more effective. The software engineers had little ex-
perience with DSLs, therefore, DoMoRe mainly sup-
ported the domain analysis phase to determine and
agree on domain-specific terms that were later used
in metamodels of the DSLs. Especially, the sugges-
tions helped in the abstraction process to correctly dif-
ferentiate between class and instance level. Analysis
of the modeling sessions showed that the ranking had
to be improved (too general terms at top positions)
and the software engineers missed suggestions of re-
lations between domain-specific terms (extraction of
verbal relations was not available at that time).
DoMoRe was also used in the dwerft project (Agt-
Rickauer et al., 2016), a research collaboration to
apply Linked Data principles for metadata exchange
throughall steps of the media value chain. The project
successfully integrated of a set of film production
tools based on the Linked Production Data Cloud, a
technology platform for the film and tv industry to
enable software interoperability used in production,
distribution, and archival of audiovisual content. One
of the crucial tasks of the project was the develop-
ment of a common data model conveying all metadata
from the different production steps (e.g., film script,
production planning, on-set information, post produc-
tion, distribution). The actors in the setting were do-
DoMoRe A Recommender System for Domain Modeling
main experts of the respective tasks (most of them
with no technical background) and modeling experts
that built the domain models and metadata schemata.
A lot of interviews with domain experts had to be
conducted to collect domain-specific knowledge and
discuss drafts of domain models. DoMoRe mainly
supported subsequent modeling steps after the meet-
ings and preparation of interviews with more exten-
sive models that allowed a more efficiently agreement
on necessary metadata.
Currently, DoMoRe is used in the context of the
AdA project
, an interdisciplinary research group in
which film scholars work together with computer sci-
entists to support empirical film studies with tool-
supported semantic video annotation and automated
video analysis. The project objective is to reduce
the effort of elaborate, manual annotation routines to
accelerate the film-scientific analysis of audiovisual
movement patterns on the level of larger data sets. All
annotation data and analysis results will be published
as Linked Open Data using the project’s semantic vo-
cabularies. The collaboration with respect to domain
modeling is similar to the aforementioned project. We
expect similar support by using the recommender sys-
tem for the domain expert interviews.
Modeling Assistance. Systems for modeling assis-
tance provide additional information and features dur-
ing the modeling process to help the development
of models. They usually concentrate on two areas:
(1) Creation of model libraries or similar content and
(2) developing assistance frameworks and features
that use these libraries. Largest known model repos-
itory in the area of UML models and metamodels is
the GothenburgUML Repository (Hebig et al., 2016).
It contains over 20,000 models crawled from the web,
images, and from GitHub (only a collection of almost
1,000 models is publicly searchable). It is not sur-
prising, that the majority of the models are imple-
mentation models rather than domain models (e.g.,
a search for ”hospital” or ”doctor” returned 7 mod-
els while a search for ”interface” returned 90 mod-
els). Other important resources are ReMoDD (France
et al., 2012), MOOGLE (Lucr´edio et al., 2012), the
AtlanMod Metamodel Zoos
(altogether containing a
few hundred models).
The HERMES project a framework to build model
recommendation systems in order to support reuse of
software models (Dyck et al., 2014). Its main goal
is to provide tool support for building model libraries
and offering the implementation infrastructure to cre-
ate recommenders that use content of these libraries.
The EXTREMO assistant (Segura et al., 2016) is a
similar tool to facilitate metamodel development with
uniform model element search in a model repository.
We are sharing the same objectives, but both sys-
tems face a cold start problem: Reusable content will
become only available, if enough solutions have al-
ready been developed or converted to the repository,
but new projects already want to benefit from the do-
main knowledge. To some extent this challenge is ad-
dressed by using WordWeb/WordNet, which we also
use, but those databases contain roughly 150,000 con-
cepts in contrast to our semantic network with 5.7M
Knowledge-based Modeling. There are several
works on how model-driven engineering can ben-
efit from formalized knowledge. On the concep-
tual level there are approaches to unify ontologi-
cal and software modeling paradigms (K¨uhne, 2016),
approaches to adopt modeling concepts from each
other (Henderson-Sellers et al., 2015), and to extend
MDE languages with ontological foundations (Guiz-
zardi, 2005).
The OntoDSL framework (Walter et al., 2014)
leverages ontology technologies on metamodel level
(e,g, reasoning) to assist DSL users with detect-
ing inconsistencies on model level. The CoCoViLa
tool (Ojamaa et al., 2015) generates metamodels of
domain-specific languages from OWL descriptions
and an approach by (Tairas et al., 2008) use ontologies
in the analysis phase of DSL development, but both
works require manual development of the respective
Several knowledge sources from other research ar-
eas exist that can be exploited for domain modeling.
The most famous resource is WordNet (Fellbaum,
1998), a lexical database for the English language,
that most other knowledge-based approaches use (as
we do). It contains around 82,000 nouns synsets and
100,000 noun relationships. OpenCyc (Lenat, 1995)
is common sense ontology with around 230,000
classes and 300,000 relationships. ConceptNet (Speer
and Havasi, 2012) is a multilingual semantic graph
that contains approximately 415,000 English con-
cepts and 900,000 relationships. Linked Open Vocab-
is a dataset that stores vocabulary specifica-
tions. To the best of our knowledge BabelNet (Nav-
igli and Ponzetto, 2012) is the largest available se-
mantic dictionary with 3 million concepts. It is based
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
on WordNet, integrates several other dictionaries and
uses machine translation to achieve multilingualism.
Our DoMoRe recommender system uses all of them
to retrieve terms and domain information.
We presented DoMoRe, a recommender system that
automatically suggests model elements for domain
models. The system relies on a large-scale seman-
tic network of related terms that features 5.7 mil-
lion distinct nodes and 114 million binary and ternary
weighted relationships. DoMoRe additionally inte-
grates with several existing knowledge bases using
mediator-based information retrieval of lexical infor-
mation. This allows to provide context-sensitive in-
formation during domain modeling (Model Advisor)
and to suggest semantically related names for model
elements ordered by relevance (Semantic Autocom-
In our future work, we will address more mod-
eling support scenarios (e.g., suggestion of attributes,
operation names, relationship types) that require other
types of information extraction. We will also inves-
tigate how lexical information can be used to detect
semantic inconsistencies in domain models.
Currently, we are preparing a controlled experi-
ment to quantitatively measure the efficiency of our
recommender system in contrast to the qualitative
feedback we received earlier during the practical ap-
plication of DoMoRe. Participants will be introduced
to a modeling tool and asked to perform several do-
main modeling tasks. Subjects are randomly divided
into a treatment group using the tool with recom-
mendation support and into a control group model-
ing without the recommender system. It is planned
to measure the outcome variables time on task and
model completeness.
This work is partially supported by the Federal Min-
istry of Education and Research under grant number
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MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development