zones, which help to understand allowed and
forbidden information flows within and between
these zones. We call the resulting model a DFDsec.
The model enables a threat analysis on
interconnections, especially between the identified
security zones, in order to determine operational
nodes which are most endangered by the threat of
losing confidentiality, availability or integrity. We
discussed an initial approach for quantifying the
security importance of all nodes, based on the given
DFDsec structure. This helps to rank and prioritize
operational nodes in their importance for necessary
security improvements and mitigation efforts. This
approach can be used already in the early phase of
the development phase which helps reducing costs.
The DFDsec methodology is work in progress.
Future work will focus on the further analysis of
structural properties in the data flow representation.
We also aim for a quantitative analysis approach,
where data flow edges are parametrized with attack
potentials. This would allow an even more precise
identification of vulnerable operational nodes.
Another future topic is the application of the
methodology in a practical context, such as the
German armed forces IT infrastructure.
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ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy