developers maintain the software. Using entropy
principle, Gaudan, et al (2008) present a measure
method of OO software reliability, and the method
misses important OO concepts such as associations.
Moreover, Yu, et al (2008) present an approach to
measuring the component cohesion based on
structure entropy and Zhang, et al (2011) analyze
system coupling by measuring the entropy of
modules. The later two works apply entropy to
measure systems, but they aim at component and
entity respectively, not metaclass.
For large and complex the UML metamodel, the
paper presents an approach to analyzing its evolution
to make certain its structure mechanism by using
statistics, complex network, and information entropy
The study of the paper can provide the guides to
develop, measure, and refactory not only the UML
metamodel but also other metamodels like the UML
metamodel, and lays a foundation for further
exploring the structure mechanisms of large and
complex the metamodels like the UML metamodel
with good quality.
The paper analyses the basic components and
structure of the UML metamodel, and reveal only
some structural properties. This means that further
analysis is needed.
The work supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (No. 61672046).
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Analysis of the Evolution of the UML Metamodel