F− measure =
2Recall× Precision
Recall + Precision
Precision is the relevance ratio. The higher the value,
the less is the false detection of the foreground. Recall
signifies the ratio of foreground that is not detected.
F-measure is a harmonic mean of precision and re-
call, providing an evaluation of both false detection
and detection of foreground. We calculate the preci-
sion, recall and F-measure for each test image. The
final scores are acquired by averaging over all the test
4.2 Effectiveness of Two-step Transfer
We investigated the effectiveness of two-step trans-
fer learning for plant segmentation. The LSC dataset
consists of the training dataset and the test dataset.
However, the ground truth is not given for the test
dataset. For this reason, we decided to filter out the
test dataset. Instead, we divided the original training
dataset into two subsets; 104 images in A1, 7 images
in A2, and 5 images in A3 for the training, and the
rest of the images for the testing.
We compared the proposed two-step transfer
learning with other conditions of direct adaptation
from the source domain to the target category and/or
skipping the training the source domain. In each con-
dition, we fixed the number of training epochs as 150,
even if domain adaptation was not applied. We named
each condition in terms of the dataset used for the
training. The details of each condition are summa-
rized as follows.
• Random
A1. The FCN parameters were ini-
tialized with random values. Then the FCN is
trained by the major category (A1) in the target
domain. In this condition, no transfer learning is
• ImgNet
A1. The FCN parameters were ini-
tialized with the parameters trained ImageNet
dataset. Then, the domain adaptation is performed
by the major category (A1) in the target domain.
• Random direct A2, Random direct A3. The
FCN parameters were initialized with random val-
ues. In both the steps of domain adaptation and
category adaptation, we transferred no knowledge
from the source domain to the target category. In
other words, no transfer learning is conducted.
The training data in the target category with fewer
samples (A2 or A3) are directly used for the FCN
• Random
A1 A2, Random A1 A3. The FCN pa-
rameters were initialized with random values. In
the step of domain adaptation, we transferred no
knowledge from the source domain to the major
category. In the step of category adaptation, we
apply transfer learning from the major category
(A1) to the minor category (A2 or A3).
• ImgNet
direct A2, ImgNet direct A3. The
FCN parameters were initialized with the param-
eters trained ImageNet dataset. Then, the domain
adaptation is skipped and A2 or A3 samples are
directly used for one-step transfer learning.
• ImgNet
A1 A2, ImgNet A1 A3. The following
is the proposed approach. The FCN parameters
were initialized with the parameters trained Im-
ageNet dataset. In the step of domain adaptation,
we apply transfer learning from the source domain
to the major category (A1) in the target domain.
In the step of category adaptation, we apply trans-
fer learning from the major category (A1) to the
minor category (A2 or A3).
The segmentation results are illustrated in Fig-
ure 3. The green, red and purple color pixels denote
true positive, false negative and false positive pixels,
respectively. Overall, the proposed two-step trans-
fer learning approach generated accurate segmenta-
tion results, as shown in the 5th column in the figure.
The evaluation results are shown in Table 1.
First, with regards to Table 1a, when we used the
ImageNet dataset for the initial training of the FCN,
the trained network provided higher precision, recall,
and F-measure. This result confirms the effectiveness
of the domain adaptation.
Second, in the case in which we did not use
transfer learning, i.e., Random
direct A2 , Ran-
dom direct A3, the evaluation scores were much
worse than the other conditions. The scores were
improved when we used the ImageNet dataset for
the initial training of the FCN and the adaptation to
the target category (A2 or A3) was performed (see
direct A2in Table 1b and ImgNet direct A3
inTable 1c).
Third, in the case of category adaptation only
without domain adaptation, i.e., Random
A1 A2 and
Random A1 A3, better results were obtained for both
A2 and A3. These results indicate that training with
the major category is effective to capture the abstract
features of plants, and the transfer learning worked
well to adapt to the minor categories.
Finally, the proposed approach, namely
ImgNet A1 A2 and ImgNet A1 A3, outperformed
the other conditions in every category. For instance,
for the A2 dataset, the F-measure criterion of pro-
posed approach was 0.953, which was 0.355 higher
than that of direct adaptation and 0.527 higher than