Currently, the use of wireless sensor networks is
a major need in various surveillance applications,
such as monitoring applications in; the environment,
battlefields, borders, forests, intelligent spaces, and
in the control of industrial and biological disasters.
The main objective of using of the wireless sensors
network is how to monitor with sufficient coverage
an area of interest with a fewer sensor nodes in a
longtime (cardie and Wu, 2004), (C.-F and Tseng,
2005).The guarantee of the perfect coverage leads
to guarantee the connectivity of the area of inter-
est (AoI). Coverage is difficult to control, measured
and guaranteed using a minimal number of sensors
nodes deployed on AoI; so, coverage is an optimiza-
tion problem. Deployment is one of the solutions
proposed to solve this problem. Deterministic de-
ployment is preferred in areas where human inter-
vention is possible to; replace, or to change sensor
nodes. On the other hand; random deployment is nec-
essary in the terrain that represents the danger and
the impossibility of the intervention of the human be-
ing. The treatment of the deployment-based cover-
age problem is extensively addressed using different
domains strategies as: using the scheduling process
between the Active / Passive states of the nodes in
the network (M. Zaied, 2003), using the geometric
angles and distances between the nodes (Aurenham-
mer, 2001), using the disjoint dominating setsand grid
strategies (Shen and Sun, 2006), using the Voronoi
diagram and the Delaunay triangulation (Aurenham-
mer, 2001), using the heuristics (M. Zaied, 2003), and
others technics . (Wen-Hwa Liao, 2001) Presents the
Glowworm Swarm Optimization (GSO) protocol; a
new system process based on random deployment to
improve of the nodes coverage. GSO protocol con-
siders each node as a single glowworms transmitter
and luminant substance like ”luciferin”. The luciferin
force considered as the link between the transmit-
ter node and its neighboring sensors. A sensor node
move to the low-density area if necessary. A cover-
age maximization was achieved when a sensor node
can move to the low-density area. The disadvantage
of GSM is that the nodes must provide by mobilizers
and a GPS position detection system, which quickly
depletes the network. (X. M. Guo, 2012) divides the
area of interest into grid and the selected sensor node
in the next round is there situated in the best case.
The goal behind this method is to select a smallest
set of nodes to guarantee the target coverage and de-
termine the precise positions for the deployed sensor
nodes in the network. This method is not efficient
in the area coverage and in the wide area where the
monitoring of each point is necessary. (Alduraibi Fa-
had and Younis, 2016) considers the coverage as an
optimization problem, where they dress the problem
with the deployment of a smallest set of nodes to
maximize the coverage. The authors propose three
models optimization models. The first is minimiz-
ing the sensor nodes number deployed into the area
of interest to attain the high reliability level detec-
tion. The second model based on the determination
of available nodes positions with nodes number con-
strain for attain perfect coverage. The third optimiza-
tion model is to minimize the nodes number deployed
in some locations that require low coverage and ad-
just the nodes number deployed in others locations
that require higher coverage. (O. Banimelhem, 2013)
the implementation of a genetic algorithm (GA). This
algorithm specifies the positions and the number of
sensor nodes to be deployed in the zone of interest
in order to achieve optimal coverage. The applica-
tion of this algorithm overloads the nodes by calcula-
tions that always leave the nodes in active state, the
thing that quickly exhausts the network. The remedy
proposed for this is the repetitive deployment of sen-
sor nodes in locations where coverage has reached a
minimal threshold, which is not always possible es-
pecially in danger zones. In (Shen and Sun, 2006),
the different strategies are used to maximize cover-
age in WSN. These strategies are classified into three
categories: (a) Force Based, (b) Grid Based, and
(c) Geometry Computational Based. Force-based de-
ployment strategies depend on the mobility of sen-
sor nodes, where; Sensor nodes are forced to move
away or approach each other until they reach the per-
fect coverage. The Force Based strategy uses a vir-
tual force as a repugnant and attractive force. The
study in (Howard and Sukhatme, 2002) considers
that AoI contains sensor nodes and objects that ex-
ert a virtual repulsive force to move the sensor nodes
away from the objects and also from each other so
that their surveillance areas do not overlap. The sen-
sor nodes will continue to move until they reach the
steady state in AoI. This strategy provides coverage
and connectivity on AoI, but it is extremely depen-
dent on mobility and complex computations, which
quickly depletes the network. The grid-based deploy-
ment strategy consists of determining the precise po-
sitions of the sensors. This is the strategy in which the
coverage is evaluated as the ratio between the points
of the covered grid and the total number of points of
the grid in the AoI. The accuracy of the assessment
is determined by the size of each grid, the smallest
in size is the most accurate in the assessment. (Shen
and Sun, 2006) mentions three types of grids used
in the deployment to provide the best coverage; (A)