
of other existing models that concern intra-document
relation to enhance user understanding. This solution
will allow us to compare the system embedded with
PERSEUS to state-of-the-art methods so that more
profound evaluation can be shown.
There are several aspects where PERSEUS can be
extended. First, for the sake of simplicity, we treat
public opinions as static in the current version. How-
ever, public opinions change over time and a mecha-
nism should be designed to include the evolvement
in the framework. Second, an attention model can
be combined with the recurrent neural network to en-
able a more explicit concentration on the information
that is related to the current tweet. Such a combina-
tion is more beneficial to the task compared to using
the recurrent network alone, since recurrent networks
tend to emphasize the information that is happened
recently. Moreover, the model can be trained with a
larger dataset in order to enhance the embeddings for
the concepts and topics, to discover the transferabil-
ity across domains, and to determine an upper bound
for influential historical data. Last but not least, ob-
serving the performance implemented on automati-
cally labeled dataset may provide clearer indications
of user perspective.
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adapted following an endorsement of personaliza-
tion in an artificial companion (Guo and Schommer,
2017). In a multi-user scenario, such an adaptation
is realized to improve user experience of communi-
cation and interaction by designing user-tailored re-
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PERSEUS: A Personalization Framework for Sentiment Categorization with Recurrent Neural Network