PERSEUS: A Personalization Framework for Sentiment Categorization
with Recurrent Neural Network
Siwen Guo
, Sviatlana H
, Feiyu Xu
and Christoph Schommer
ILIAS Research Lab, CSC, University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
AI Minds, Vianden, Luxembourg
Lenovo, Beijing, China
Sentiment Categorization, Opinion Mining, Personalized Memories, Neural Networks.
This paper introduces the personalization framework PERSEUS in order to investigate the impact of individ-
uality in sentiment categorization by looking into the past. The existence of diversity between individuals and
certain consistency in each individual is the cornerstone of the framework. We focus on relations between
documents for user-sensitive predictions. Individual’s lexical choices act as indicators for individuality, thus
we use a concept-based system which utilizes neural networks to embed concepts and associated topics in
text. Furthermore, a recurrent neural network is used to memorize the history of user’s opinions, to discover
user-topic dependence, and to detect implicit relations between users. PERSEUS also offers a solution for
data sparsity. At the first stage, we show the benefit of inquiring a user-specified system. Improvements in
performance experimented on a combined Twitter dataset are shown over generalized models. PERSEUS can
be used in addition to such generalized systems to enhance the understanding of user’s opinions.
Sentiment analysis is the task to recognize subjective-
ness in text and determine a polarity for a given sub-
ject (Nakov et al., 2016). Most existing methods treat
different sentiment holders as the same, and generate
a sentiment score for each document (Wiebe et al.,
2001), sentence (Meena and Prabhakar, 2007), or as-
pect of an entity (Cheng and Xu, 2008; Pontiki et al.,
2014). However, people are diverse while consistent
to a degree. They have various lexical choices in ex-
pressing sentiments which is caused by many factors,
such as preference organization, linguistic and cul-
tural background, expertise and experience. At the
same time, some consistencies can be observed in an
individual’s opinion towards a topic, as well as in the
relations of possessing an opinion between an individ-
ual and the public. With this background, the objec-
tive of this research is investigating the effectiveness
of considering individuality in sentiment analysis.
To examine the influence of such traits in senti-
ment categorization, we propose PERSEUS a per-
sonalization framework that considers the diversity
and individual consistency under the following as-
sumptions which are deduced from existing studies
and observations (Reiter and Sripada, 2002; Janis and
Field, 1956; Nowak et al., 1990):
Assumption I: Different individuals make different
lexical choices to express their opinions.
Assumption II: An individual’s opinion towards a
topic is likely to be consistent within a period of time,
and opinions on related topics are potentially influen-
tial to each other.
Assumption III: There are connections between an
individual’s opinion and the public opinion.
PERSEUS applies the long short-term memory
(LSTM) (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997), which
is one of the recurrent neural network (RNN) archi-
tectures, to leverage these assumptions. The potential
to fulfill this goal is based on LSTM’s ability of car-
rying valuable information over time regulated by a
set of structured gates. LSTM is widely used in nat-
ural language processing (Sundermeyer et al., 2012;
Sutskever et al., 2014). However, it is mostly used
to analyze relations between words inside documents
or sentences (Teng et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2016).
In contrast, our proposition implies that the learning
process needs to take cross-document relations into
Although the evaluation of the framework is done
with Twitter data, we expect PERSEUS to be data-
independent and adaptable to other corpora of similar
Guo, S., Höhn, S., Xu, F. and Schommer, C.
PERSEUS: A Personalization Framework for Sentiment Categorization with Recurrent Neural Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0006584100940102
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 94-102
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
user-oriented structure. In this work, a document cor-
responds to a tweet at a specific time point. We use the
term intra-document relation to describe the semantic
dependencies within a document, and cross-document
relation to describe the dependencies between docu-
ments of the same user. To deal with the issue of data
sparsity that comes with user-specific data, we take
inspiration from Johnson et al. (2016) where an addi-
tional token is added to the input sequence to indicate
required target language for multilingual neural ma-
chine translation. We add an individual neuron with
the user index to the input so that the individuality of
a certain user can be captured, while at the same time,
the relations between users can be learned automati-
cally. To the best of our knowledge, PERSEUS is the
first personalization framework that aims at discov-
ering long term dependencies between user behavior
and public behavior associated with topics.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 con-
tains discussions of related work. In Section 3, we
introduce the structure of PERSEUS and approaches
used in the framework. Section 4 presents the set up
of our experiments and the datasets used for evalu-
ation. Section 5 compares the proposed framework
with five baselines and reports evaluation results. Fi-
nally, Section 6 concludes our work and gives an out-
look of future research.
While the majority of academic publications do not
take individual sentiment holders into account (Saif
et al., 2012; Pak and Paroubek, 2010; Pang and Lee,
2005), there are a small number of studies that con-
sider user diversities in sentiment analysis. Some
academic publications set similar objectives and in-
clude such diversities in the model to improve intra-
document relation for document-level sentiment clas-
sification, but do not involve an explicit study for
cross-document relation (Chen et al., 2016a; Tang
et al., 2015).
Gong et al. (2016) present a framework where a
global model captures ‘social norms’, and personal-
ized models are adapted from the global model via
a series of linear transformations. The homogeneity
is achieved by applying the global model, while the
heterogeneity is achieved by applying the personal-
ized models. However, the correlation between users
and topics (e.g. restaurants, products) is not explicitly
modelled in this structure.
Chen et al. (2016b) focus on product reviews, and
use recurrent neural networks to generate user and
product embeddings, which are then incorporated us-
ing a traditional machine learning classifier. In ad-
dition, temporal relations of reviews are considered.
However, the embeddings of users and products are
trained in parallel in the sequence modelling, and
users are not modelled specifically. In this sense,
Chen et al. (2016b) propose an approach which is less
user-oriented than PERSEUS.
Song et al. (2015) utilize a modified latent fac-
tor model that maps users and posts into a shared
latent factor space to analyze individuality. Social
network user’s following information is also studied
to enhance representation of users by assuming that
followers and followees may share common interests.
Comparing to the existing works, the major difference
in PERSEUS is that we consider user’s opinions in the
past at a cross-document level and associate the opin-
ions with topics, while user-public relations are also
The personalization framework surveys and leverages
cross-document relation under the assumptions intro-
duced in Section 1.
3.1 Concept Representation
The level of granularity in text representation plays
an important role in understanding the text. There
are works based on characters (Dos Santos and Gatti,
2014), bag-of-words (Whitelaw et al., 2005), n-
grams (Bespalov et al., 2011), or concepts (Cambria
and Hussain, 2015). As an intra-document represen-
tation, we chose to use the concepts from SenticNet
which allow capturing implicit meaning of text using
web ontologies or semantic networks. The concepts
contain conceptual and affective information. For in-
stance, ‘It is a nice day to take a walk on the beach’
contains concepts nice, nice day, take, take walk, and
walk beach. At the first stage of PERSEUS, we sim-
plify the text representation to concentrate on the in-
fluence of additional user-related information for the
cross-document study.
To deal with the sparsity problem in representing
words or phrases, embedding methods are usually a
good choice. Similar to Word2Vec (Mikolov et al.,
2013) which generates word embeddings based on
the co-occurrence of the words, we use concepts as
the granular base, and place concepts at the input and
output of a shallow, fully connected network. Since
PERSEUS: A Personalization Framework for Sentiment Categorization with Recurrent Neural Network
Figure 1: A fragment of a t-SNE projection of the topic embeddings trained on the combined corpora (Section 4.2). Topics
with greater similarity (e.g. terms highlighted with red color) are located closer to each other.
posts from social networks are usually short messages
with small numbers of concepts and the order of the
concepts contains no extra information, a target con-
cept is fed to the output layer and its context in a
post placed at the input layer as one training sample.
Furthermore, the weights between the hidden layer
and the output layer are taken as the embeddings of
the concepts. The learned embeddings have the trait
that similar concepts are located closer to each other
in a high dimensional space. Another way of creat-
ing representation space can be found in academic
publications on sentiment analysis, which is to group
words by their sentiment orientation such as Affec-
tiveSpace (Cambria et al., 2015) and SSWE (Tang
et al., 2014). However, an objective representation
is much more desired considering the difference be-
tween the perspectives of an individual and the public.
Therefore, we use the embeddings based on semantic
relations instead of sentiment relations.
3.2 Topic Representation
Given the relationship between opinions and topics
introduced in Assumption II, we create embeddings
for appearing topics. Similar to the concept represen-
tation described in Section 3.1, we construct a shallow
network with topic as target and presenting concepts
as context to find embeddings for topics. The net-
work is built under the assumption that the more a
concept and a topic appeared together, the more de-
scriptive the concept is towards the topic. Alterna-
tively, the networks for learning embeddings of con-
cepts and topics can be merged for simplicity. Fig-
ure 1 illustrates a fragment of a t-SNE projection of
the topic embeddings. Related topics e.g. ‘google’,
‘microsoft’, ‘twitter’, ‘apple’, and ‘moto g’ are lo-
cated close to each other (upper right corner).
3.3 Structure of Input Sequence
As shown in Figure 2, the input sequence of the re-
current neural network consists of two parts. The first
part is the identifier of the user who published the
tweet. Instead of building a model for each user, a
user index x
is added at the end of the input sequence
and is encoded as a one-hot vector. This enables the
network to learn user related information and to com-
pare different users. For users with only one tweet, we
give them an identical index because there is no his-
torical relations that can be learned for such users. In
this way, these users are considered as one user that
acts aligned with the public with fluctuations. This
solution also saves the space for storing the user in-
dex for these users. In the situation that PERSEUS is
used upon another sentiment model, these users can
be excluded until there are at least two tweets from
the same user. For users with more than one tweet,
their sentiments towards different topics are learned
individually. This part is required to examine the ef-
fect of using Assumption I.
The second part of the input sequence corresponds
to the current and the past tweets of a user, and each
tweet contains four components: Concept embed-
dings of the tweet E
, topic embeddings of the
tweet E
, public opinion on the concepts P
and public opinion on the topic P
. In the current
version of PERSEUS, public opinions are pre-defined
and extracted from an external source as described
in 4.1. Concept and topic embeddings are used to in-
troduce Assumption II to the network. Assumption
III is included by applying the components of public
opinions P
and P
In practice, the required dimensions of the two
parts can be of different lengths. To keep a consistent
length for each input node, either more than one node
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Personalized recurrent neural network with two
types of neurones at the input layer: the user index (x
) and
the tweet of the user at a specific time point (x
) (Guo and
Schommer, 2017). The latter is represented by a concate-
nation of four components. A detailed explanation can be
found in the text.
is allocated to the user index or padding is performed
for the second part (the tweets). The latter is used in
our experiments to enhance the impact of tweets.
3.4 Personalized Recurrent Network
The personalized recurrent neural network is the cen-
tral of the PERSEUS architecture. It accomplishes
the goal of capturing individuality and understanding
the user’s perspectives. As shown in Figure 2, it has a
many-to-one structure, and is composed of three hid-
den layers (h
, and h
). Each of the hidden layers
contains a number of long short-term memory cells
which help to preserve and extract valuable informa-
tion from temporal / sequential data.
To utilize this network, the tweets are first sorted
by the user index, and then the creation time of the
tweets. Thus, the input sequence X is a matrix of
] where x
is the current
tweet, x
are the tweets published before it by the
same user x
, and n is the number of past tweets con-
sidered. Note that in current version of PERSEUS,
the different gaps between two successive posts x
and x
are not explicitly considered. For the user
with more than one but less than n + 1 tweets, a num-
ber of vectors with zeros are padded before the ear-
liest tweet of the user. The output y
is the sentiment
orientation of the current tweet, which can be positive,
negative, or neutral. Both x
and y
are vectors, and n
is a constant number. The LSTM cell used in this ar-
chitecture follows Graves et al. (2013), however with-
out using peephole connections. As reported in Greff
et al. (2016), there is no significant difference in the
performance using the peephole connections or other
tested modifications.
Let (i
, f
) denote respectively the input
gate, forget fate, cell memory, output gate, and hidden
states of the LSTM cell. The update of the cell state
is then described with the following equations:
= σ(W
] + b
) (1)
= σ(W
] + b
) (2)
= f
+ i
tanh (W
] + b
) (3)
where σ denotes the sigmoid activation function, k =
0 x
= user
id for the input node at the end of the
sequence, k = t for the previous input node indicating
the current tweet, and k = t for other input nodes
corresponding to the historical tweets. With the help
of the gates i
and f
, the cell k selects new informa-
tion and discards outdated information to update the
cell memory C
. For the output of the cell,
= σ(W
] + b
) (4)
= o
tanh (C
) (5)
where o
selects information from the current in-
put and the hidden state, and h
combines the in-
formation with the cell state. Moreover, x
is set for 6= 0 as intro-
duced in Section 3.3. Such concatenation of compo-
nents has been shown effective by Ghosh et al. (2016).
With this design, the network is able to recog-
nize a user index from the input sequence so that
the drifting distance between user opinions and pub-
lic opinions can be learned by accessing information
from the past. This approach offers a better alterna-
tive for implicit or isolated expressions. For instance,
the tweet ‘This totally changes my mind about Ap-
ple products. contains unclear sentiment orientation
that the expressed sentiment can only be determined
by knowing the past opinion of the user about ‘Apple
products’. For the tweets with no concepts extracted,
the network is able to make predictions by comparing
the topic of the tweet with other tweets that associ-
ated with the same topic. Similarly, for tweets with
new topics, the presenting concepts are considered.
Another distinction of long short-term memory is
that it does not suffer with vanishing or exploding
gradient problem like simple recurrent network does.
This works due to the implementation of an identity
function which indicates if the forget gate is open or
not and makes the gradient remain constant over each
time step. This trait of gated networks enables the
model to learn long-term dependencies of concepts
and topics over time.
PERSEUS: A Personalization Framework for Sentiment Categorization with Recurrent Neural Network
This section presents the implementation of
PERSEUS, the datasets used for the experiments, and
the baselines chosen for the model comparison.
4.1 Technical Setup
PERSEUS is trained for sentiment categorization
task with three classes: Positive, negative, and neu-
tral. The implementation is conducted using Keras
with Tensorflow
back-end. The embeddings net-
works contain 32 nodes at the hidden layer for top-
ics, and 128 nodes for concepts. Topics are given
by the datasets introduced below, and are 104 in to-
tal. Concepts are taken from SenticNet knowledge
base (Cambria et al., 2016). From 50,000 SenticNet
cocnepts in total, 10,045 occur in the datasets cho-
sen for this research. Public opinions on concepts are
set according to Sentic values from SenticNet which
are sentiment scores between -1 (extreme negativity)
and +1 (extreme positivity) investigated in terms of
four affective states (pleasantness, attention, sensitiv-
ity, and aptitude). They reflect a common understand-
ing of the associated terms. Public opinions on topics
are based on Sentic values as well and calculated by
averaging over posts with the same topic. The recur-
rent network includes three LSTM layers that the first
two layers contain 64 cells each, while the third one
contains 32 cells. Dropout is applied on inputs and
weights during the training phase to prevent overfit-
ting (Srivastava et al., 2014). The model integrates at
most 20 past tweets. The experiments are executed
5 times to avoid inconsistency of the neural networks
caused by randomly initialized weights, and average
results are shown in Section 5.
4.2 Datasets
Table 1: Statistics of the SemEval and Sanders datasets. The
datasets are labeled with three classes.
Polarity SemEval Sanders
Positive 6758 424
Negative 1858 474
Neutral 8330 2008
Total 16946 2906
PERSEUS is evaluated on Twitter datasets with
19852 tweets in total. We combine Sanders Twit-
ter Sentiment Corpus
with the development set of
SemEval-2017 Task 4-C Corpus
. The SemEval cor-
pus is comparatively more objective than the Sanders
corpus, because the annotation of SemEval is done
by crowd-sourcing while for Sanders, the classifica-
tion is done by one person. Furthermore, germane
labels are merged to three classes for the SemEval
corpus which is associated with a five-point scale.
The reasons to combine these two corpora are: 1.
They are both human-labeled data. 2. The indepen-
dence between a corpus and the use of concepts can
be verified: The SemEval corpus contains 100 topics,
while the Sanders corpus contains only four topics
that are ‘apple’, ‘google’, ‘microsoft’, and ‘twitter’.
As shown in Figure 1, ‘moto g’ is located very close
to these four topics because they are more correlated
than others, although it is from the other corpus. The
statistics of each dataset is in Table 1.
For training, we use a subset of the combined
dataset while the rest (30%) is reserved for testing.
The training set is further separated for development
and evaluation (30%). We do not use the test set pro-
vided by SemEval, because it contains only new top-
ics which are not suitable for examining topic depen-
dencies learned by the network. PERSEUS is able to
deal with tweets with unseen topics, but the relations
between the unseen topics and learned topics will be
lost and the system becomes topic-independent.
Twitter data contains highly informal text such as
word stretches ‘loooooovee’, neologisms ‘zomg’, and
symbol omissions ‘isnt’, which makes preprocessing
very difficult. After the preprocessing which consists
of text normalization and lemmatization, only a small
number of tweets can not be represented by concepts.
The highest number of concepts per tweet is 37. Since
SemEval contains more tweets than Sanders, we can
find a lager number of tweets per user in SemEval.
In average, tweet messages in SemEval contain more
extracted concepts (mode: 9) than Sanders (mode: 5),
thus SemEval can be better represented. For Sanders,
such concept representation may not be sufficient for
describing the information contained in the text.
4.3 Baselines
We compare the performance of PERSEUS with ve
baselines. The first one is purely the Sentic values as
mentioned in Section 4.1. The values are combined
for each tweet, after which the result together with the
number of concepts occurred in the tweet are fed to a
shallow fully connected network for training. This is
done in order to set up a baseline that demonstrates
the performance when no implicit connections of any
aspect are concerned.
We compare the neural network-based approach
with Support Vector Machine (SVM) which is a
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
prominent method for sentiment-related tasks. Two
SVM models are trained with different inputs using
scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011). One is a gen-
eralized model (Generalized SVM) trained with the
presenting concepts and the associated topic (no user
information attached), and the other is a personal-
ized model (Personalized SVM) trained with the in-
put of the generalized SVM together with user index
and public opinions. The radial basis function (RBF)
kernel, the value for the parameters C = 0.01 and
γ = 1/N f eatures are set by 10-fold cross-validation
on the training data.
We also perform an experiment with convolu-
tional neural network (CNN), which is a widely used
method in image processing (Krizhevsky et al., 2012;
Lawrence et al., 1997), and has been found to pro-
vide good performance for natural language process-
ing tasks as well. Kim (2014) uses the convolutional
neural network over static and non-static representa-
tions for several sentence classification tasks. They
show that a simple convolutional neural network is
able to offer competitive results compared to other
existing approaches. The structure we used as base-
line in the experiment is similar to Kim (2014) but
with the following modifications. First, each tweet is
represented by the concatenation of its N constituent
concepts, and then a convolutional network with two
convolutional layers is applied on the concept embed-
dings as explained earlier. This structure highlights
the inner relationship between concepts, especially on
their adjacent appearances in a message.
Finally, we use a generalized recurrent neural net-
work (Generalized RNN) to compare the performance
considering the dependence between the past and the
current tweets when no user related information is
used. We use the network proposed for PERSEUS
without attaching a user index in the input sequence,
and x
= [E
is set at the input nodes.
With such a network, E
and E
represent the
concepts and topics from a general view, thus P
and P
are no longer needed. The tweets are then
ordered by the creation time. With user information
removed, the network mainly learns by comparing the
presenting concepts and the associated topic from dif-
ferent time points.
In this section, we compare PERSEUS with the cho-
sen baselines. We evaluate the effectiveness of the
proposed system by constructing experiments from
different angles.
5.1 Model Comparisons
Table 2: Comparison of the performance between
PERSEUS and the chosen baselines.
Model Accuracy Avg. Recall
Sentic 0.3769 0.4408
Generalized SVM 0.6113 0.5847
Personalized SVM 0.6147 0.5862
CNN 0.5481 0.5360
Generalized RNN 0.6382 0.6587
PERSEUS 0.6569 0.6859
Table 2 shows the accuracy and average recall of
PERSEUS compared with the five baselines described
in the preceding section. The granular level for all
the models are concept-based to enable a consistent
intra-document representation. The Sentic model per-
forms the worst for it is a simple network for combin-
ing Sentic values. In PERSEUS, the Sentic values act
as public opinions that are not representative on their
own. They reflect a general understanding of the con-
cepts which is neither user related nor semantically
The SVM models provide reasonable results for
the given dataset. The performance of the generalized
SVM is slightly below that of the generalized recur-
rent network where the difference is mainly caused
by the trait of recurrent networks being able to con-
sider dependencies through time. The fact that there is
no significant improvement after adding user informa-
tion in the personalized SVM shows us that the SVM
model in its current form is not a suitable candidate
for the task of analyzing individuality in sentiment.
In the work of Kim (2014), the convolutional
neural network performs mapping by a sliding win-
dow over adjacent words which implies that the or-
der of words appeared in a sentence plays a signifi-
cant role, i.e., contiguous words have greater depen-
dence. However, for concepts such an interaction is
not obvious. The concept itself includes implicit con-
nections between words, therefore this network only
studies the co-occurrence of the concepts on the intra-
document level.
The generalized recurrent network works better
than the convolutional network because the connec-
tions to the past as well as between topics are stud-
ied. This model intents to capture the trends in public
opinions the information of public preference to-
wards a topic at different time is memorized and ana-
lyzed. This baseline shows the effect of Assumption
I and III in PERSEUS. By adding the user index in
PERSEUS, the performance is further improved (t-
test with p < 0.05), which indicates that considering
the diversity in lexical choices and an individual’s re-
lation with the public positively influence the predic-
PERSEUS: A Personalization Framework for Sentiment Categorization with Recurrent Neural Network
5.2 Effect of Associating with Topics
We evaluate the personalized framework on the com-
bined datasets without using the associated topics
in order to reflect the effect of topic-opinion rela-
tions in Assumption II. The setup of the network
is the same as before with one difference: x
is set at the input nodes before
the user index. The experiment shows an accuracy of
0.5536 and average recall of 0.5429, which is worse
than the performance of PERSEUS. This result indi-
cates the benefit of associating sentiment with topics
through the components E
and P
5.3 Effect of Personalization
A general view of the distribution of user frequency
in our dataset is shown in Table 3. Majority of the
users have only tweeted once, and only 51 users have
tweeted more than 5 times. The user with the highest
number of tweets has 113 posts.
Table 3: Performance of PERSEUS with users of different
numbers of tweets.
# Tweets per User # User Accuracy
> 5 51 0.7425
3, 4, 5 206 0.6671
2 714 0.6282
We take different intervals to show in this table
because we need a certain number of samples to pro-
vide meaningful results, e.g., no user has tweeted ex-
actly 13 times in the experimented data. The results
indicate that the more a user tweets, the more accu-
rately PERSEUS is able to predict for the user. Con-
sequently, a high level of personalization requires ad-
equate user data. By treating all the users who tweeted
once as one user, the system achieves an accuracy
of 0.6461 for this ‘one user’. The setting of the in-
put sequence for this group of users is the same with
the generalized recurrent network, however they are
trained together with other users so that the network
is enhanced by comparing between different users.
Therefore, we are confident to claim that the overall
performance will increase if most users have tweeted
more than 5 times, which is very likely in a real world
5.4 Effect of the Past
We conduct an experiment adding different numbers
of past tweets in the input sequence. Given the distri-
bution of user frequency in Table 3, there is no need
to consider more than 20 past tweets. Recurrent net-
works assume that recent events have more impact,
therefore more attention is given to close nodes. Nev-
ertheless, Table 4 shows that the network offers better
results when relating to a longer history.
Table 4: Performance of PERSEUS considering different
numbers of past tweets.
Number of Past Tweets Accuracy Avg. Recall
1 0.5680 0.5481
5 0.6216 0.6346
10 0.6305 0.6671
15 0.6461 0.6688
20 0.6569 0.6859
When considering only one previous tweet, the
performance is very poor because two consecutive
tweets may not be related and there is not enough
useful information from the previous tweet that can
be memorized and extracted for the current tweet.
When considering 10 past tweets, the system shows
competitive results compared to the generalized re-
current network which considers 20 past tweets (Ta-
ble 2). The maximum capability of this model can
be examined by a larger set of user data in a separate
study. These experiments show that a rich set of user
data and a network with a sufficient depth of input se-
quence are the major influential factors of the system.
We have introduced PERSEUS a personalized
framework for sentiment categorization on user-
related data. The framework provides a deeper un-
derstanding of user behavior in determining the sen-
timent orientation. The system takes advantage of a
recurrent neural network with long short-term mem-
ory to leverage the assumptions as mentioned in Sec-
tion 1. Evaluated with Twitter text, our experiments
have shown the implication of integrating user prefer-
ences on lexical choices and topics, the effectiveness
of the components used in the system, and a promis-
ing future research that PERSEUS can be adapted to
offer a better performance.
In the current version, the framework is simplified
to concentrate on the cross-document relation. Such a
simplification is efficient for observing the effective-
ness of our system, but does not provide a competitive
performance globally since intra-document relation is
also a very important aspect of sentiment categoriza-
tion. Intra-document relation can be learned more ef-
fectively to compensate the information missed by the
concept representation. A simple solution is to apply
the proposed framework as an additional tool on top
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
of other existing models that concern intra-document
relation to enhance user understanding. This solution
will allow us to compare the system embedded with
PERSEUS to state-of-the-art methods so that more
profound evaluation can be shown.
There are several aspects where PERSEUS can be
extended. First, for the sake of simplicity, we treat
public opinions as static in the current version. How-
ever, public opinions change over time and a mecha-
nism should be designed to include the evolvement
in the framework. Second, an attention model can
be combined with the recurrent neural network to en-
able a more explicit concentration on the information
that is related to the current tweet. Such a combina-
tion is more beneficial to the task compared to using
the recurrent network alone, since recurrent networks
tend to emphasize the information that is happened
recently. Moreover, the model can be trained with a
larger dataset in order to enhance the embeddings for
the concepts and topics, to discover the transferabil-
ity across domains, and to determine an upper bound
for influential historical data. Last but not least, ob-
serving the performance implemented on automati-
cally labeled dataset may provide clearer indications
of user perspective.
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adapted following an endorsement of personaliza-
tion in an artificial companion (Guo and Schommer,
2017). In a multi-user scenario, such an adaptation
is realized to improve user experience of communi-
cation and interaction by designing user-tailored re-
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