An Approach for Publication Sentiment Analysis
Dominique Mercier
, Akansha Bhardwaj
, Andreas Dengel
and Sheraz Ahmed
Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Scientific Document Analysis, Citation Analysis, Sentiment Analysis, Machine Learning.
With the rapid growth in the number of scientific publications, year after year, it is becoming increasingly
difficult to identify quality authoritative work on a single topic. Though there is an availability of scientometric
measures which promise to offer a solution to this problem, these measures are mostly quantitative and rely,
for instance, only on the number of times an article is cited. With this approach, it becomes irrelevant if an
article is cited 10 times in a positive, negative or neutral way. In this context, it is quite important to study the
qualitative aspect of a citation to understand its significance. This paper presents a novel system for sentiment
analysis of citations in scientific documents (SentiCite) and is also capable of detecting nature of citations
by targeting the motivation behind a citation, e.g., reference to a dataset, reading reference. Furthermore,
the paper also presents two datasets (SentiCiteDB and IntentCiteDB) containing about 2,600 citations with
their ground truth for sentiment and nature of citation. SentiCite along with other state-of-the-art methods for
sentiment analysis are evaluated on the presented datasets. Evaluation results reveal that SentiCite outperforms
state-of-the-art methods for sentiment analysis in scientific publications by achieving a F1-measure of 0.71.
Sentiment analysis is the process of computationally
categorizing and identifying opinions present in a tex-
tual document or images. As a field, sentiment anal-
ysis has been gaining a lot of interest from the scien-
tific community in recent years. Though some work
has been done on various kinds of documents and text
genres (Pang and Lee, 2004; Whitelaw et al., 2005;
Godbole et al., 2007; Pak and Paroubek, 2010; Agar-
wal et al., 2011; Kouloumpis et al., 2011; Bahrainian
and Dengel, 2013; Wu et al., 2015), the focus of these
approaches is on reviews, tweets, comments etc.
The main motivation for this work comes from
the author’s observation that there is an unavailabil-
ity of a system capable of automatically analyzing
the sentiment present in citations of scientific publica-
tions. Despite an immense need for such a qualitative
approach, the existing scientometric approaches are
quantitative and focus only on the number of times a
paper is cited. The issue with such quantitative ap-
proaches is that they do not perfectly reflect the sen-
timent of a citation, i.e., if a paper is cited for its con-
tribution or, as a bad example of research. In this
context, sentiment analysis helps to identify relevant
scientific publication. Though there are already few
approaches existing in the field of sentiment analysis
(Athar, 2011; Xu et al., 2015; Ma et al., 2016; Yu,
2013), none of them have defined an approach that
focuses on the combination of sentiment in citations
along with the nature of references. This is quite im-
portant as it can help researchers in determining the
quality of a document for ranking in citation indexes
by an inclusion of sentiment in a weighted approach
based on nature of references as well. The presented
work promises to fill the gap in current research ap-
proaches. The presented approach is adaptable to sci-
entific documents from other venues like ACM, IEEE,
Springer etc. as well. For other areas the approach
needs a more generalized training set.
SentiCite is capable of analyzing a complete
scientific publication, extracting locations of cita-
tions/references in the publication, and then associ-
ating sentiment to every citation in the paper based
on the text where it is cited, provides information
about the number of times a paper is referred posi-
tively, negatively or neutrally and identifies the na-
ture of citation i.e., the motivation with which a paper
was cited, e.g., a citation is made with an intention of
dataset reference, further reading, information refer-
Mercier, D., Bhardwaj, A., Dengel, A. and Ahmed, S.
SentiCite - An Approach for Publication Sentiment Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0006587604220429
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 422-429
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ence, or usage reference. Detecting nature and sen-
timent of citation helps in analyzing the publication
from different dimensions simultaneously.
Furthermore, this paper also presents two datasets
(SentiCiteDB and IntentCiteDB) for both of the
above-mentioned tasks i.e., Sentiment analysis of ci-
tation and nature of citation. The datasets contain
about 2,600 citations along with their ground truth
for sentiment and nature of citation. Also, we com-
pare existing sentiment analysis approaches and ana-
lyze the nature of citations, i.e., finding the intent with
which a paper is cited.
The remaining paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents existing approaches available for sen-
timent analysis. Section 3 explains the proposed ap-
proach. Section 4 presents the created datasets. Sec-
tion 5 presents an evaluation of the proposed method
including a comparison with other state-of-the-art
sentiment analysis systems. Section 6 is the conclu-
This section provides an overview and a comparison
of existing approaches available for sentiment analy-
sis. For each approach, the work-flow and the used
dataset is presented.
Pang and Lee (Pang and Lee, 2004) proposed sen-
timent analysis of movie reviews, which is based on
minimum cuts in a graph to classify text and make use
of the information that two sentences which are next
to each other may share the same sentiment. There-
fore, they created formulas for the individual score
of the text piece and the associated score and made
cuts for each class. In contrast to this paper they used
movie reviews and only two classes.
Whitelaw et al. (Whitelaw et al., 2005) address the
issue that most of the sentiment analysis approaches
rely on the ‘bag of words’ or the ‘semantic orienta-
tion’ and proposed the need for a semantic analysis of
attitude expressions. This was done using a taxonomy
of attitude types and appraisal groups which express
an attitude. They used a lexicon based approach for
the adjectives and performed a two class classification
on a movie dataset. SentiCite uses a lexicon as well.
Godbole et al. (Godbole et al., 2007) proposed
a sentiment analysis approach for News and Blogs.
In contrast to other automated approaches, they used
synonym and antonym queries with respect to the
same polarity to expand their lexicon. Therefore, a
function that decreases the significance if the distance
between two words is larger and a function that cal-
culates a trust score if there are flips of positive and
negative sentiment in a path was introduced.
Pak and Paruoubek (Pak and Paroubek, 2010) pro-
posed a sentiment analysis approach for a twitter cor-
pus. For the feature extraction, they used the presence
of an n-gram as a binary feature. For the classification
task, a multinomial Naive Bayes classifier was used.
In common with the presented approach this was a
three class classification task but with a very different
Agarwal et al. (Agarwal et al., 2011) performed
sentiment analysis on a twitter corpus where they used
Part of Speech(POS) specific features and a tree ker-
nel for their system. The proposed system used an
emoticon dictionary and an acronym dictionary. Also,
SentiCite uses POS features.
Kouloumpis et al. (Kouloumpis et al., 2011) intro-
duced an algorithm that uses linguistic features. They
used different features like sentiment scores of a sen-
timent lexicon, part-of-speech features, unigram and
bigram features and micro-blogging features to train a
classifier. They used a twitter dataset and a emoticon
Bahrainian and Dengel (Bahrainian and Dengel,
2013) proposed a hybrid polarity detection system
as well as an unsupervised polarity detection system.
The aspect detector module used a list of words as in-
put to get the aspects of the target and deleted com-
petitors. The polarity detection module had a pre-
processing module, a feature generator and an SVM
classifier. They performed a two class classification
on twitter data. Also, the presented approach uses a
SVM classifier.
Wu et al. (Wu et al., 2015) presented a sentiment
approach that labels short text pieces with the help
of probabilistic topics and similarities. The similarity
was computed with a similarity function that summed
up the probability for each word to appear on each
topic. Their approach was done with headlines.
Table 1 shows the results of different approaches.
The best performance on movie reviews was reached
by Whitelaw et al. (Whitelaw et al., 2005) and the
best score for twitter data was reached Bahrainian
and Dengel (Bahrainian and Dengel, 2013). The fol-
lowing paragraph contains work which is close to the
work presented in this paper with respect to the data
Table 1: Comparison state-of-the-art.
System Results Dataset
(Whitelaw et al., 2005) Acc: 90.2% movie
(Pang and Lee, 2004) Acc: 86.4% movie
(Godbole et al., 2007) R: 0.69, P: 0.84 WordNet
(Wu et al., 2015) Acc: 41.1% news
(Bahrainian and Dengel, 2013) Acc: 89.78% tweets
(Kouloumpis et al., 2011) F-score: 0.62 to 0.83 tweets
(Pak and Paroubek, 2010) Acc: 0.62 to 0.8 tweets
(Agarwal et al., 2011) Acc: 57% to 61% tweets
SentiCite - An Approach for Publication Sentiment Analysis
on which the work was done.
Athar and Teufel (Athar and Teufel, 2012) did
work which is close to this paper. They used a support
vector machine to classify the sentiment of different
citations and further introduced a corpus for sentiment
analysis on scientific papers. However, they mention
that the distribution of the classes in not even.
Also, Abu-Jbara et al. (Abu-Jbara et al., 2013)
did research on the question how to get a qualitative
measurement instead of the count to classify the im-
portance of a paper. They addressed that there is the
need of a citation purpose to get a better understand-
ing of the importance of a citation as well as a polarity
Di et al. (Di Iorio et al., 2013) provided results
in the area of the citation purpose. Their system clas-
sified the different text pieces into categories which
reflect their nature. However, their system had much
more classes than the presented and only a few classes
were dominant.
Xu et al. (Xu et al., 2013) described a method to
use extra textual features to classify citations which
helps to find the relevant citations and discard less
important. Also, this approach calculates a strength
value based on the additional feature.
Ding et al. (Ding et al., 2014) in their paper dis-
cuss the importance of the citation motivation and a
value for different papers to get a better understand-
ing of the impact a paper has on the community. They
state that the deeper knowledge about the citations is
useful to decide which papers are good because the
number of publications increases very fast.
A different approach was presented by Wan et al.
(Wan and Liu, 2014) in which their system does not
classify the sentiment but gets strengths values for the
citation to understand the impact of the citation on the
Furthermore, Mohammad et al. (Mohammad
et al., 2016) in their paper described their approach for
stance detection which is close to the sentiment anal-
ysis topic. The stance detection tries to find out if the
author of a text is in favor or against the target. There-
fore, there is a relation between the sentiment and the
stance but also a difference. The sentiment tries to
find out the opinion of the author and the stance tries
to find out the favorability.
This section provides details on the presented system,
SentiCite, for analyzing scientific documents. Sen-
tiCite classifies the references/citations in a scientific
Figure 1: Complete workflow for SentiCite.
publication into positive, neutral and negative classes
and identifies the nature of references on a sentence
level of the document.
Figure 1 shows the four general steps and the cor-
responding sub-steps. SentiCite starts with a raw
document and performs preprocessing to extract sen-
tences. The extracted sentences are later filtered. Fi-
nally, a feature extraction and classification is per-
Furthermore, SentiCite also provides a visualiza-
tion engine to show a multi-dimensional view of all
citations in the paper with the detected sentiment of
each citation and its nature.
3.1 Preprocessing
The first step of the SentiCite is to convert the scien-
tific documents into a clean textual format by remov-
ing images, figures, and glyphs as these data has no
influence on further processing steps. The next step
is a ‘tokenization‘ of the text followed by a sentence
splitting method. This is done because the proposed
method performs a sentence-level classification and
these two steps are the basis for each further step.
3.2 Filtering
The purpose of this step is to filter the detected sen-
tences. A sentence is filtered out if it does not have
any citation/reference. It would be possible to use
the neighbor sentences to validate the sentiment of the
sentence with the citation but in this approach this is
not done because it was assumed based on the man-
ual labeling that the sentences with the citation con-
tain the information that is mandatory for the senti-
ment assignment. This might be only the case because
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
of the scientific area for which the approach was de-
signed. The filtering is done in three sub-steps using
regular expressions to identify the relevant informa-
tion. These three steps identify the references, the
sentences with references and the token within such
3.3 Feature Extraction
The purpose of the feature extraction step is to get a
meaningful set of features to train the classifiers. Be-
sides the string of the tokens, three additional feature
extraction modules were used. The POS tagger as-
signs different features e.g., type of the token, length
or capitalization. The type of the token helps to indi-
cate the importance of the token e.g., an adjective is
more relevant than an article or nouns. Furthermore,
additional features e.g. hypernyms or synonyms to
cluster words are assigned with the help of wordNet
The last module is a stemming tool for a more gen-
eralized representation of the different tokens. Table
5 shows evaluation of different features. This pro-
cedure was done for the sentiment and the nature of
citation. Furthermore, it has to be mentioned that fea-
tures like n-gram, hyponyms, hypernyms and others
were tested but the performance of these features was
not sufficient.
3.4 Classification
To finally classify sentences based on the extracted
features, two different classifiers (i.e., Support Vec-
tor Machine (SVM) and a perceptron) are used,
which leads to two different version of SentiCite i.e.,
SentiCite-SVM and SentiCite-Paum. It is important
to mention that, for each classifier it was tested which
subset of the features performs the best. An initial
analysis showed that both versions are making differ-
ent mistakes. Therefore, the results of both classifiers
are fused to get SentiCite-Fusion method. This en-
ables the combination of the results from both classi-
fiers to achieve a more stable result. The performance
increase obtained after using the SentiCite-Fusion ap-
proach is presented in the evaluation section in Ta-
ble 11. This fusion approach checks both sentiment
scores and decides based on a priority for the single
classifiers which assignment is more likely to be cor-
rect this approach is called weighted fusion. The con-
crete technical background is that based on the perfor-
mance of the classifiers during the evaluation of a sub-
set a priority was created with the f-score of the clas-
sifiers. Therefore, the results of Table 8 were used.
3.5 Visualization
This paragraph provides an overview of SentiCite Vi-
sualization interface. Figure 2 shows an analysis of a
scientific publication with 10 references in the refer-
ence section. Each reference from the reference sec-
tion is numbered in the middle. It is possible to get
detailed information if the user hovers over the cor-
responding rectangle. The additional information in-
cludes the different sentences in which the given pa-
per is referred and its corresponding sentiment and
nature. In addition, the edges between the left column
and the middle column show the number of positive,
neutral and negative references if the user hovers over
them. The width of the edges represents the count as
well. Finally, the right column shows the nature of the
references. Besides the visualization of the results as
a chart, the user can also view extracted reference sen-
tences, the references of the bibliography, the nature
of each sentence and the sentiment of each sentence
in the graphical interface of the system.
This section provides details on the two new datasets
introduced in this paper, i.e., SentiCiteDB and In-
tentCiteDB. These datasets were manually created for
the evaluation of the SentiCite and have been com-
pared with state-of-the-art algorithms.
4.1 SentiCiteDB
SentiCiteDB is a dataset of publication sentiment
analysis which is created using Scientific publications
from International Conference on Document Analysis
and Recognition (ICDAR) 2013. Sentences with cita-
tion are manually extracted from the publication and
Figure 2: Visualization of the system with sentiment and
nature of references.
SentiCite - An Approach for Publication Sentiment Analysis
their manual ground truth is created. In total, Sen-
tiCiteDB contains about 2100 citations with 210 pos-
itive, 1805 neutral and 85 negative sentiment scores.
Out of these, 50 citations from each of the three
classes of sentiment are used for training of SentiCite.
The statistics of the SentiCiteDB are shown in Ta-
ble 2. This dataset includes references from differ-
ent sections of the document to make sure that the
proposed method does not learn the sentiment classi-
fication for one specific section. The training set was
selected with the same number of references for all
classes to ensure that the classifier learns the classes
in a sufficient way. Providing a real-world distribu-
tion a training set resulted in bad results for negative
and positive labels. A major challenge in the creation
of this dataset was to find an equal number of sen-
tences for each class because scientific documents in-
clude many more neutral references. For the testing of
the classifier, 30 documents and their references were
annotated manually. This reflects the real-world dis-
tribution of the different reference sentiments where
papers have a huge number of neutral references and
only a few are positive or negative. According to this
real-world distribution the classes are not equal dis-
In addition to this dataset, different subsets were
created with different numbers of references. These
subsets include sets with an even distribution for the
sentiment classes to evaluate the performance of the
classifier for each class. Furthermore, a subset was
created to compare the performance of the AYLIEN
sentiment system and the SentiCite. The developers
state that the AYLIEN system is a state-of-the-art sen-
timent system.
To get a better understanding of the created
datasets the structure of the test set was analyzed and
a distribution of the classes is presented in Table 3.
This analysis presents a general behavior for this re-
search area based on the dataset. This shows that the
negative references are often in the evaluation section
of a paper because the methods, in general, get out-
performed by the proposed systems. In contrast to
this, the positive references occur frequently in the
proposed method section because authors adopt ap-
proaches which work well.
Table 2: SentiCiteDB.
Total Train set Test set
Positive 210 50 160
Neutral 1805 50 1755
Negative 85 50 35
Overall 2100 150 1983
Table 3: Distribution of positive and negative references in
different sections of publications.
Section Positive Negative
Introduction / Motivation 0.22 0.28
Information / Background 0.2 0.06
Related Work 0.11 0.06
Approach / Method 0.3 0.1
Evaluation / Experiments 0.17 0.5
4.2 IntentCiteDB
The same procedure was adopted for detecting the na-
ture of references. IntentCiteDB was created the same
way and in total contains 512 citations with five differ-
ent classes: The Usage label describes a reference in
which the cited authors algorithm is used. The Read-
ing label is used if the author refers to that paper for
further information about something. The Dataset la-
bel refers to references that are datasets which were
used in the publication and listed. The Reference la-
bel is used for the bibliography. The Rest was used as
a default label.
It is possible to divide these classes into more
meaningful subclasses but, in that case, a different
training set would be required. As for the senti-
ment, each class has 50 training samples. The detailed
statistics of this dataset and the class distribution ac-
cording to the real-world distribution are shown in Ta-
ble 4. Like SentiCiteDB, the IntentCiteDB also con-
tains references from all sections. For the testing, a
subset of the used documents with 261 citations was
used. This subset reflects the real-world distribution.
This section presents the results of the proposed
approach and a comparison to state-of-the-art ap-
proaches. The experiments include results for the
overall performance as well as for the different classes
and the distribution of these classes.
Starting with the evaluation of the sentiment, the
best F-score for the SentiCite-SVM was 0.7221 and
0.8327 for the SentiCite-Paum. To get these results
Table 4: IntentCiteDB.
Total Train set Test set
Usage 67 50 17
Reading 57 50 7
Dataset 65 50 15
Reference 160 50 110
Rest 162 50 112
Overall 511 250 261
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 5: Evaluation of different features for SentiCite (SC).
Label SC-SVM SC-Paum
Only POS 0.7241 0.7336
Combination 0.7260 0.8154
Table 6: Evaluation of different test corpus size for Sen-
tiCite (SC).
Approach 5 docs 10 docs 20 docs 30 docs
SC-SVM 0.7111 0.7091 0.7141 0.7203
SC-Paum 0.5727 0.7795 0.8218 0.8221
the corpus of all 30 documents was used.
It is important to note here, that, a classifier can
often perform well on the neutral classes and bad on
the positive and negative classes but, it can still result
in a good overall accuracy because of the dispropor-
tionate ratio of neutral and positive or negative refer-
ences in a scientific document. For more meaningful
results further experiments were performed. Another
interesting finding was that a combination of differ-
ent POS, stemming and WordNet features performed
very close to the POS features as shown in Table 5.
Furthermore, it has to be mentioned that other
simple classifiers like a naive bayes, decision tree
and a k-nearest-neighbor approach were tested too but
not included in the evaluation section due to the bad
performance compared to the support vector machine
and the perceptron.
In the next experiment, the impact of the corpus
size was tested. Therefore, the results are shown in
Table 6. The results show that for the SVM the f-
score is almost the same for each run and that the cor-
pus size has no impact. In addition, it shows that the
perceptron performance increased in the beginning.
In addition to that, the impact of the training sam-
ples was calculated. Therefore, different numbers of
references were used to train the classifiers. Table 7
shows that the results on a given test corpus are almost
close for each of the training set sizes.
Finally, to validate that the results of the approach
are correct a cross validation was done. The cross
validation was done with the training corpus to have
a balanced number of all classes. Therefore, the clas-
sifier was trained with a subset of the training cor-
pus and evaluated on the remaining documents. This
procedure as repeated 10 times with different splits.
Also, this was the reason why the performance de-
creased because there was less training data. This was
done because the training corpus was very large and
the test corpus has for some labels only a few exam-
ples which was the case because of the distribution of
the documents. The cross-validation was done exclu-
sively with the training set which was split into two
sets one for training and one for testing. This proce-
Table 7: Evaluation of different training corpus size for Sen-
tiCite (SC). The number of references is the overall number
and the class distribution is the real-world distribution.
Approach 25 refs 50 refs 75 refs 100 refs
SC-SVM 0.6679 0.6775 0.6746 0.6603
SC-Paum 0.7412 0.7659 0.7564 0.7621
Table 8: Evaluation of different sentiment classes.
Label SC-SVM SC-Paum SC-Fusion
Positive 0.6173 0.3827 0.5556
Negative 0.8333 0.7667 0.8333
Neutral 0.4020 0.6471 0.4314
Overall 0.5446 0.5634 0.5352
dure was used ten times and the results in table 9 show
that the performance is still good.
To get a better understanding of the results, Ta-
ble 8 shows the performances of the classifiers for the
different classes on a collection of examples for each
class. The results show the different performance of
the algorithms for each class. For example, the SVM
classifier performs well on the negative samples but
the performance is worse on the neutral samples. The
SentiCite-Paum performs quite well on the negative
as well and slightly better on the neutral samples.
Table 10 shows the different nature of the ana-
lyzed references. As the numbers indicate, the clas-
sification of the different nature of references is not
equally hard for the classifiers. The important labels
have a good performance with scores around 0.667
for the datasets and up to 1.0 for the references.
Finally, a comparison of the classifiers and state-
of-the-art methods is shown in Table 11. The label
shows the correct assignments of the classifiers for
each label. For example, SentiCite-SVM assigned
11 positive references out of 23 in a correct way.
It clearly shows that state-of-the-art systems like the
and the GoogleNLP only works for some
classes and cannot deal with that scientific style of
the citations. Furthermore, the results show that the
state-of-the-art algorithm especially AYLIEN assigns
neutral to almost every sample. An evaluation of the
overall F-score shows that the proposed system’s per-
formances on this set were about 0.65 and 0.63. The
AYLIEN software performance was 0.36. The same
holds for the Google-NLP
API which was not able
to classify the negative sentences and scored about
0.4. Most of the assignments produced by the Google-
NLP were slightly positive or neutral. The best per-
formance of this evaluation was 0.71 which was pro-
duced with the SentiCite-Fusion multi-classifier ap-
SentiCite - An Approach for Publication Sentiment Analysis
Table 9: Ten run k-fold cross-fold for SentiCite (SC).
Algorithm F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 Overall
SC-SVM 0.47 0.6 0.53 0.67 0.6 0.47 0.47 0.6 0.4 0.53 0.53
SC-Paum 0.4 0.53 0.47 0.6 0.6 0.67 0.53 0.53 0.4 0.6 0.53
Table 10: Different nature of citation classes.
Label SC-SVM SC-Paum #refs
Usage 0.5294 0.8325 17
Reference 1.0 0.9455 110
Reading 0.7143 0.8571 7
Rest 0.4533 0.4602 112
Dataset 0.667 0.667 15
Overall 0.7075 0.7099 261
Table 11: Comparison different classifiers and classes.
Method Pos Neg Neu F-Score
SentiCite-SVM 11 9 18 0.65
SentiCite-Paum 8 9 20 0.63
SentiCite-Fusion 12 10 19 0.71
AYLIEN 0 2 23 0.36
GoogleNLP 13 0 16 0.4
Correct values 23 12 25
Table 12 and Table 13 show results of the senti-
ment and the nature of references assignment. Table
12 shows short snippets of some reference sentences
of the corpus, the human and the automatic annota-
tion. The same holds for the Table 13 which shows
the results for the nature of references snippets.
This paragraph gives a summary of the findings
presented in the evaluation section. The findings show
that the use of part-of-speech features for a citation
analysis is crucial and other features like a lexicon
can increase the performance but that is not always
the case. Therefore, a good selection of the features
is important. The next finding was that the results
for different classifiers differ for the different classes.
Furthermore, the results show that a fusion approach
can increase the overall performance and makes the
system more robust. The third finding was the distri-
bution of positive and negative sentiment in scientific
papers which shows that positive citations are more
likely to be in the method section and negative more
likely to be in the evaluation section. Also, the clas-
sification of citations works with the nature of cita-
tions and finally the comparison with two state-of-
the-art systems indicated that the proposed method
which was trained on scientific papers outperformed
the other systems on this specific task.
The evaluation results show that sentiment analysis of
scientific documents depends on a good preparation
and feature selection for the input. Some methods like
the POS tagger, the removal of specific terms and the
management of negations increase the performance of
SVM classifiers. The SentiCite method shows that
analyzing the sentiment of scientific papers with an
SVM or a perceptron can produce good results. In ad-
dition, a multi-classifier approach based on SVM and
perceptron can increase the performance. Further-
more, the SentiCite classifiers outperform all com-
pared existing state-of-the-art methods. Classification
of the nature of the references is also possible with
the same approach. This shows that sentiment anal-
ysis can be done on an objective text as well and the
results depend on the quality of the data and the pro-
The information provided by the presented
method has the potential to help the community to
identify meaningful references and fill the gap in cur-
rent citation indexes approaches. It is possible to clas-
sify scientific citations in a way that does not only de-
pend on the number of citations and helps to get a
better understanding of how important a citation is.
A measurement that takes into account this informa-
tion does not rely that strong on the number of cita-
tions and can rank new papers that have fewer cita-
tions higher than old ones.
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These preprocessing steps have been described in greater detail in our prior work[7]. Pos Neu
The recent state-of-the-art of signature verification is summarized in [3]. Pos Pos
experiments with a context independent HMM-based system that uses a sliding window [4]. Neu Neu
In [12], authors propose an SVM based active learning that utilizes the support vectors . Neu Pos
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SentiCite - An Approach for Publication Sentiment Analysis