tions evaluated in this workstrongly differ in their per-
formance. Results show that preprocessing has a high
impact on classifier performance and that basic edge-
enhancing methods allow the best class separability,
outperforming direction-sensitive approaches such as
the Sobel-of-Gaussian or Gabor Filters. An interest-
ing fact is that the per-image classification rate gen-
erally remains constantly high and is generally robust
towards drops in the patch-wise classification perfor-
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uated a solution for the fully automated detection of
faulty weft threads in automated weaving machines
using computer vision. First, we developed a robust
multi-camera setup capable of capturing the entire
shed area with high resolution. The resulting images
were divided into small patches and each patch was
classified independently. We described and evaluated
a number of methods for preprocessing, feature ex-
traction and feature-based classification. Parameter
variations of the extraction and classification methods
were analyzed and optimized settings were reported.
Finally, we introduced a maximum-a-posteriori-based
method for the final defect classification of a whole
image based on the detection distributions in positive
and negative test images. Results have shown that
our presented methods allow a reliable error detec-
tion with high classification rates, making the system
suitable for future industrial applications.
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ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods