addition to that, agents’ knowledge bases were
reduced in size on average of about 2.5 times
(measured in step 500). This means that agents have
much less knowledge for creating opinions, but the
knowledge is of higher quality (clear profiling on the
good agent). The smaller knowledge base also
significantly contributed to the speed and efficiency
of agents’ activity.
This paper presents a multi-agent model simulating
the behavior of the heterogeneous group of (people-
like) entities in the process of creating their opinion
about the world on the basis of information acquired
through communication with other agents. The
reason for the constructing the model is to
investigate the dynamics of trust in an environment
with limited possibilities to verify the transmitted
information. Local metadata from previous contacts
with the partner are used for establishing trust as
well as the knowledge base of the agent. Presenting
techniques to evaluate this information and use it in
trust settings were presented as well. The model is
highly adjustable with global and agent-specific
The performed experiments were focused on
scenarios where the limited possibilities to verify the
information caused that the agent's knowledge base
could be built on completely incorrect information.
The results also showed that the later availability of
verified information changes the knowledge base
and hence the attitudes of the individuals very
slowly. It was also shown that forgetting older
clauses from the knowledge base leads to quicker
trust profiling of simple agents, and to accepting
knowledge primarily from the verified source.
The created model will be further developed and
tested especially on the basis of ideas from papers
cited in section 2. Future work should be
concentrated on analyzing the problem of dynamics
of the community structure. Special attention will be
laid on model validation, where it will be necessary
(due to specific model parameters) to collect real-
world data for deeper model validation.
This model could be increasingly used in the
future, depending on how individuals and companies
gradually discover the possibility of manipulating
information. Typical examples of applications can
be social systems where individuals can spread
unverified or false information and systems with
limited ability to verify information.
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Role of Trust in Creating Opinions in Social Networks