A hierarchical human activity recognition model that
recognizes human activities by the combinations of the
basic actions and involved objects has been proposed
in order to realize an easy-to-deploy activity recogni-
tion system. Unlike conventional activity recognition
models, the proposed model does not need retraining
for recognizing a new activity if the activity is repre-
sented by a combination of predefined basic actions
and basic objects. Two wearable sensors, namely Myo
armband sensor and ETG, have been utilized for the
action recognition and object recognition, respectively.
The experimental results have shown that the accuracy
of both basic modules are reasonably high, and the
proposed model could recognize 3 types of activities
with precision of 77% and recall rate of 82%. The
future works include expansion of target activities as
well as enhancing the basic modules.
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Hierarchical Model for Zero-shot Activity Recognition using Wearable Sensors