Sentence and Word Embedding Employed in Open Question-Answering
Marek Medved’ and Aleš Horák
Natural Language Processing Centre, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University,
Botanická 68a, 602 00, Brno, Czech Republic
Question Answering, Word Embedding, Word2vec, AQA, Simple Question Answering Database, SQAD.
The Automatic Question Answering, or AQA, system is a representative of open domain QA systems, where
the answer selection process leans on syntactic and semantic similarities between the question and the an-
swering text snippets. Such approach is specifically oriented to languages with fine grained syntactic and
morphologic features that help to guide the correct QA match. In this paper, we present the latest results
of the AQA system with new word embedding criteria implementation. All AQA processing steps (question
processing, answer selection and answer extraction) are syntax-based with advanced scoring obtained by a
combination of several similarity criteria (TF-IDF, tree distance, ...). Adding the word embedding parameters
helped to resolve the QA match in cases, where the answer is expressed by semantically near equivalents. We
describe the design and implementation of the whole QA process and provide a new evaluation of the AQA
system with the word embedding criteria measured with an expanded version of Simple Question-Answering
Database, or SQAD, with more than 3,000 question-answer pairs extracted from the Czech Wikipedia.
Open domain question answering (QA) systems do
not pose any limit on the content of the question, they
rather aim to serve as “next generation” search sys-
tems (Etzioni, 2011). The capabilities of QA sys-
tems are, of course, limited by their actual informa-
tion source either a (form of a) knowledge base or
a (set of) text document(s)/corpora. A knowledge
base is formed by structured data that contain ad-
ditional information which is added by either man-
ual or automatic annotation. Known representatives
of this group are Knowledge Graph (Singhal, 2012),
DBpedia (Lehmann et al., 2015) and WikiQA (Yang
et al., 2015). A QA text corpus comprises generally
plain text data (possibly with linguistic annotations
of words) separated to questions and answers (see
e.g. SQuAD (Rajpurkar et al., 2016)). Such text cor-
pus usually first needs to be processed by text mining
techniques to obtain all available information from the
text to be able to build an underlying (structured) data
source containing all candidate answers.
Most of the recent QA systems in both cate-
gories (Fader et al., 2014; Sun et al., 2015; Yih et al.,
2014; Xiong et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017) are
based on data resources related to the mainstream lan-
guages, usually English. They offer the best coverage
of questioned topics either in the form of large cu-
rated knowledge bases or huge corpora (Pomikálek
et al., 2012) offering invaluable statistics on multi-
word contexts and computational semantics models.
However, the dependence on such resources means
that the system capabilities are not fully transferable
to less-resourced languages without a substantial de-
crease in the final system accuracy.
In the following text, we present the details of
a new version of question answering system named
AQA (Automatic Question Answering) (Medved and
Horák, 2016), which was designed for languages that
have the advantage (in this case) of rich flectional
and morphological structures providing extra guid-
ance for question-answer selection. AQA introduces
new techniques that aim to improve QA over these
less-resourced languages. The system is developed
currently for the Czech language, but the employed
syntax-based techniques apply to many other mor-
phologically rich languages, e.g. most languages from
the Slavonic language family.
In this paper, we describe the design and imple-
mentation of the whole QA process of the AQA sys-
tem and provide an evaluation of applying new crite-
ria for the answer selection and extraction based on
word embeddings. We also present a new version
of QA evaluation database SQAD (Simple Question-
Answering Database (Horák and Medved’, 2014))
Medved’, M. and Horák, A.
Sentence and Word Embedding Employed in Open Question-Answering.
DOI: 10.5220/0006595904860492
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 486-492
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
word/token lemma tag
Jak jak k6eAd1
se sebe k3xPyFc4
jmenuje jmenovat k5eAaImIp3nS
e sv
e k6eAd1
ejší rozší
rený k2eAgFnSc1d3
hra hra k1gFnSc1
na na k7c4
hrdiny hrdina k1gMnPc4
? ? kIx.
b) Dungeons & Dragons
c) Nejrozší
ejší sv
e hranou RPG hrou na hrdiny pak je Dungeons & Dragons.
Figure 1: SQAD Q/A example: a) the analyzed question of Jak se jmenuje svˇetovˇe nejrozšíˇrenˇejší hra na hrdiny? (What
is the name of the world’s most spread role-playing game?), b) the answer, c) the answer sentence of “Nejrozšíˇrenˇejší svˇetovˇe
hranou RPG hrou na hrdiny pak je Dungeons & Dragons. (The world’s most widely played RPG role-playing game is then
Dungeons & Dragons.), and d) the Wikipedia document containing the answer.
with more than 3,000 question-answer pairs extracted
from the Czech Wikipedia. In this version, the under-
lying texts were expanded to full texts of the respec-
tive Wikipedia articles reaching 6 million tokens. The
previous version contained reduced answer contexts
with about 280,000 tokens. The expanded SQAD
dataset is then used for evaluation of the new AQA
In the following text we describe the AQA system
modules that are employed in extracting a concrete
answer to a given question. We mainly focus on the
Answer selection module where the word and sen-
tence embedding features are exploited.
2.1 Question Processor
The first phase in the QA processing by the AQA sys-
tem is denoted as the Question processor (see Fig-
ure 2). First, the input texts (both the question and
candidate answers) are processed by the Czech mor-
phological analyser Majka (Šmerk, 2009; Jakubí
et al., 2011) and disambiguated by the DESAMB tag-
ger (Šmerk, 2010). An example of a question en-
riched by lexical and morphological information is
presented in Figure 1.
In further processing, several question features are
extracted from the text the question syntactic tree
(using the SET parser (Ko
r et al., 2011)), the ques-
tion type, the question main verb/subject, named en-
tities, birth/death dates and birth/death places
lowing the structure of the question syntactic tree, see
Figure 3).
The SET parsing process is based on pattern
matching rules for link extraction with probabilistic
tree construction. For the purposes of the AQA sys-
tem, the original SET grammar was supplemented by
special rules for question type recognition.
The question processor of the AQA system recog-
nizes these question types:
Functional word questions are all non Wh*
questions that usually start with verb.
When questions focus on an exact time or a time
Where questions focus on a place.
Which questions where the focus lies on the noun
phrase following the "Which" word.
Who questions ask about some entity.
Why questions want to find out the reason or ex-
How questions ask for explanation or number
(“how much/many”).
Birth/death date and birth/death place are features of
specific sentences where the birth/death date and birth/death
place are present in the text just after a personal name, usu-
ally in parentheses.
See e.g. (Li and Roth, 2002) for detailed discussion on
question classification.
Sentence and Word Embedding Employed in Open Question-Answering
Named entities
Question type, subject and verb
Question syntactic tree
Question reformulation
Question processor
Tree similarity weighted score
Word2vec weighted score
Answer selection
Answer extraction
Syntactic tree
TF-IDF weighted score
Document selection
Figure 2: The AQA system modules.
What questions for general questions.
The answer scoring methods employ named entity
recognition (NER) to be able to match the respective
questioned entity types with factual data in the under-
lying texts. The AQA system recognizes three named
entity types: a place, an agent and an art work. In the
current version, AQA uses the Stanford Named Entity
Recognizer (Finkel et al., 2005) with a model trained
on the Czech Named Entity Corpus 1.1 (Šev
et al., 2014) and the Czech DBpedia data.
These features are essential in the answer selec-
tion and extraction parts.
2.2 Answer Selection
In this section, we describe the exploitation of the
word and sentence embeddings approach used to ex-
tract a correct sentence(s) from the knowledge base.
The decision process uses a list of sentences ordered
by the resulting confidence score denoting the prob-
ability of a successful match between the question
and the sentence answer. The score is computed as
a weighted sum of attribute similarities between the
question and the answer.
The extraction of a possible answer sentence is di-
vided into two steps:
Document Selection: after the system has ob-
tained all the possible pieces of information about
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
question type: What
subject: otec
main verb: jmenuje
phrases: Jiˇrího Mouchy (noun phrase, genitive, singular, masculine, capitalized)
spisovatele Jiˇrího Mouchy (noun phrase, genitive, singular, masculine)
otec spisovatele Jiˇrího Mouchy (noun phrase, nominative, singular, masculine)
Figure 3: Syntactic tree of the sentence “Jak se jmenuje otec spisovatele Ji
rího Mouchy?”(What is the name of the father of
rí Moucha, the writer?) with the question type, the question main verb/subject, named entities and phrases.
the question, it can focus on the selection of the
best answering document among all the docu-
ments in the database. For this process, we em-
ploy the TF-IDF implementation from the gensim
library (
rek and Sojka, 2010). The system
creates a similarity matrix among all documents
in the database (document term matrix). The most
promising document is then selected by cosine
distance between the question and the best doc-
ument from the similarity matrix.
Answer Sentence Selection: for this subtask, we
have implemented two sentence similarity scor-
ing computation methods based on the gensim
modules of the word embedding Word2Vec tech-
nique (Mikolov et al., 2013) and the phrase em-
bedding Doc2Vec technique (Le and Mikolov,
2014). The sentence similarity scoring distances
then help to order all possible answer sentences.
Doc2Vec (document/sentence embeddings) mod-
ifies the word2vec algorithm to unsupervised
learning of continuous representations for larger
blocks of text, such as sentences, paragraphs or
entire documents.
The Doc2Vec module was used to train a model
of sentence vector space where each sentence is
represented by one vector. Before the training,
the sentences are lemmatized (each word is sub-
stituted by its base form) and stop-words
are re-
The stop-word list was extracted from a large corpus
of Czech, cztenten (Jakubí
cek et al., 2013), and is used to
The final Doc2Vec module compares the embed-
ding vector of the question (also lemmatized and
filtered by the stop-word list) to all candidate sen-
tence embedding vectors to identify the best an-
swer sentence. However, according to the evalu-
ation results, this method was not the most accu-
The second method is based on a combination of
individual word embeddings (by Word2Vec) based
on syntactic structure of the respective sentence.
The vector space model in this case is trained with
all words in the documents except stop-words.
These sentence scores are then computed by the
following steps:
a) for each phrase in the sentence and the question
create a phrase vector by sum of its word-vector
representations (example in Figure 4),
b) for each question phrase calculate the cosine
similarity with each answer phrase and find the
maximal cosine similarity value (illustration in
Figure 5),
c) the average of the maximal cosine similarities
between question and answer phrases forms the
final sentence score.
In the final step, the sentence similarity score is
combined with tree distance score which com-
putes tree distance mappings between each words
pair in question-answer noun phrases. The system
remove the most frequent words, which are not important
for semantic representation of a sentence.
Sentence and Word Embedding Employed in Open Question-Answering
sentence Jak se jmenuje otec spisovatele Jiˇrího Mouchy?
word word vector
otec 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
spisovatele 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
rího 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Mouchy 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
phrase phrase vector
rího Mouchy 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
spisovatele Ji
rího Mouchy 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
otec spisovatele Ji
rího Mouchy 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Figure 4: Phrase vectors of the sentence “Jak se jmenuje otec spisovatele Ji
rího Mouchy?”(What is Ji
Moucha father’s
Figure 5: Maximal cosine similarity value between the
question and a candidate sentence.
resulting score identifies the best scored sentence
as the most probable sentence containing the an-
To the best of our knowledge this approach
of transformation of word vectors and syntactic
structure into a phrase vector representation has
never been introduced in previous work.
According to the evaluation (see Section 3), this
method outperforms the Doc2Vec approach.
2.3 The Answer Extraction Module
The final step of the AQA processing is accomplished
by the Answer extraction module where a particular
part of each sentence is extracted and declared as the
final answer. This part of the system works on the best
scored candidate answer sentences that were picked
up by the Answer selection module.
The final answer for the asked question is ex-
tracted according to the following three factors:
Answer Named Entities: within the knowledge
base creation process, AQA extracts the supported
named entities of three types, i.e. Place, Agent
and ArtWork. The Answer extraction module then
maps the question focus to the extracted answer
named entities. In this process, AQA also ex-
cludes named entities that are present in the ques-
tion to avoid an incorrect answer. This is the first
attempt to get a concrete answer.
Answer Numeric Quantity: as a special case of
named entity, numeric quantities are identified in
the answer texts and serve as the extracted an-
swer for question classes that require (or allow)
numeric result.
Answer Noun Phrases: in case the previous step
fails to find an answer, the system selects one
phrase from the phrase list as the answer accord-
ing to the Question focus.
Within the evaluation process, we have used both the
SQAD v1.0 database (Horák and Medved’, 2014) and
its new expanded version, denoted as SQAD v1.1.
Both SQAD versions contain the same number of
3,301 entries of a question, the answer to this ques-
tion and the answer text. The previous version used
a rather small set of answer sentences as the knowl-
edge database for the answer selection process, the
answer sentences were chosen as the minimal con-
text from which the answer can be derived. The
current expanded version v1.1 uses the whole set of
Wikipedia documents used in the SQAD preparation
phase rather than just the closest-context paragraphs
that have been used in SQAD v1.0. The SQAD
knowledge database, which is searched in the answer
selection process, has thus been substantially enlarged
see the statistics of sentence and token numbers in
Table 3.
In the evaluation, the AQA knowledge database
was built from all the answer texts from SQAD, and
all 3,301 questions were answered by the AQA sys-
tem. There are three possible types of a match be-
tween the AQA answer and the expected answer:
At the beginning, each question is classified by a ques-
tion type according to the sentence structure and the words
present in the question. The question type then determines
what is the actual focus of the question in terms of expected
entity type.
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Evaluation of the AQA system on the expanded SQAD v1.1 database.
a) syntax oriented Word2Vec sentence representation
Answer extraction
in %
Match 1,257 38.08 %
Partial match 270 8.18 %
Mismatch 1,774 53.74 %
Total 3,301 100.00 %
b) gensim Doc2Vec trained on sentences
Answer extraction
in %
Match 875 26.51 %
Partial match 184 5.57 %
Mismatch 2,242 67.92 %
Total 3,301 100.00 %
Table 2: Evaluation of the AQA system on the SQAD v1.0
database (syntax oriented Word2Vec sentence representa-
Answer extraction
in %
Match 1,645 49.83 %
Partial match 322 9.75 %
Mismatch 1,334 40.41 %
Total 3,301 100.00 %
a (full) Match – the first provided answer is equal
to the expected answer;
a Partial match the provided answer is not an ex-
act phrase match, some words are either missing
or redundant;
a Mismatch – incorrect or no answer produced.
For the results on the original SQAD v1.0 database
see Table 2, for the results on expanded SQAD v1.1
database see Table 1a). The SQAD v1.0 results are
presented for a comparison with the best evaluation
published in (Medved and Horák, 2016). The num-
ber of correct answers using the current method has
increased by 9.63 %. In the evaluation of the ex-
panded SQAD 1.1, the system has to identify the an-
swer sentence in a much larger number of sentences
(60× more), which is the main reason for a lower pro-
portion of correct answers (38 %) in this case.
The presented best results are based on the sec-
ond method using sentence scores obtained by syn-
tax motivated combinations of word embeddings (see
Section 2.2). As a comparison, the Table 1b) shows
the same evaluation of the system using the Doc2Vec
method. We can see that in same settings our syn-
tax motivated approach outperforms the Doc2Vec ap-
Table 3: Numbers of sentences and tokens (words and
punctuation) in SQAD v1.0 and the expanded version
SQAD v1.1.
database SQAD v1.0 exp. SQAD v1.1
Sentences 4,442 279,921
Tokens 97,461 6,185,697
proach by 11.57 % in the full match category.
In this paper, we have presented the latest devel-
opment of the AQA syntax-based question answer-
ing system which introduces new techniques for less-
resourced languages based on rich flectional and mor-
phological structures.
We have performed an evaluation of two ap-
proaches to exploitation of sentence vector represen-
tations, or sentence embeddings, within the answer
selection part of the QA process.
The results show that our syntax motivated ap-
proach using Word2Vec phrasal combinations out-
performs the general Doc2Vec model by 11.6 % and
show that the embeddings based on syntax knowledge
are more adequate for syntactically rich languages.
We have also presented a new expanded version
of the Simple Question-Answering Database (SQAD
v1.1), which now includes 6 million tokens of un-
derlying texts formed by full Wikipedia documents
related to the set of questions. The current version
of AQA is evaluated both with the SQAD v1.0 and
the expanded SQAD v1.1 for comparison showing an
expected but not radical decrease from 49 % to 38 %
while searching through 60× larger knowledge base.
For future work, we plan to incorporate more tech-
niques for flectional and morphologically rich lan-
guages into AQA to improve question-answer selec-
This work has been partly supported by the Grant
Agency of CR within the project 15-13277S.
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