SentiMozart: Music Generation based on Emotions
Rishi Madhok
, Shivali Goel
and Shweta Garg
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, India
Department of Information Technology , Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, India
LSTM, Deep Learning, Music Generation, Emotion, Sentiment.
Facial expressions are one of the best and the most intuitive way to determine a persons emotions. They
most naturally express how a person is feeling currently. The aim of the proposed framework is to generate
music corresponding to the emotion of the person predicted by our model. The proposed framework is divided
into two models, the Image Classification Model and the Music Generation Model. The music would be
generated by the latter model which is essentially a Doubly Stacked LSTM architecture. This is to be done
after classification and identification of the facial expression into one of the seven major sentiment categories:
Angry, Disgust, Fear, Happy, Sad, Surprise and Neutral, which would be done by using Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNN). Finally, we evaluate the performance of our proposed framework using the emotional Mean
Opinion Score (MOS) which is a popular evaluation metric for audio-visual data.
It was only a few decades ago that Machine Learning
was introduced. Since then the phenomenal progress
in this field has opened up exciting opportunities for
us to build intelligent computer programs that could
discover, learn, predict and even improve itself given
the data without the need of explicit programming.
The advancements in this field have allowed us to
train computer not only to mimic human behavior but
also perform tasks that would have otherwise required
considerable human effort.
In our paper we present two such problems. First,
we try and capture the emotions of people from their
images and categorize the sentiments into 7 major
categories: Angry, Disgust, Fear, Happy, Sad, Sur-
prise and Neutral using Convolutional Neural Net-
work (CNN).
Second, we try to generate music based on these
emotions.Music composition, given its level of com-
plexity, abstractness and ingenuity is a challenging
task and we aim to generate music that not necessar-
ily approximates to the exact way people play music
but one which is pleasant to hear and is appropriate
according to the mood of the situation in which it is
being played.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
A challenge accompanied with music generation
is that music is a flowing melody in which one note
can be followed by several different notes, however,
when humans compose music they often impose a
set of restrictions on notes and can choose exactly
one precise note that must follow a given sequence
of notes. One music pattern cant repeat itself for-
ever, apart from adding a local perspective to our
music generation algorithm, global view must also
be considered. This shall ensure correct departure
from a pattern at the correct instant of time. Magen-
tas RL Tuner (Jaques et al., 2016) is an advancement
in this direction however more concentrated effort is
required for overcoming such difficulties while de-
veloping a near-to-ideal music generation algorithm
based on rule discovery. Music experts and machine
learning enthusiasts must work hand in gloves with
each other so as to create complete orchestral compo-
sitions, orchestrating one instrument at a time. An-
other challenge is the development of flexible pro-
grams. Extensive training with large number of iter-
ations and epochs tend to produce more accurate re-
sults but there is a need of periodically updating and
adding additional information to our program so as to
get a better understanding of music composition and
artificial intelligence.
So far, fusion of analyzing sentiments from im-
ages and generation of music on the basis of that
hasn’t been explored much. Previous work done in
Madhok, R., Goel, S. and Garg, S.
SentiMozart: Music Generation based on Emotions.
DOI: 10.5220/0006597705010506
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 501-506
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
this field includes (Sergio et al., 2015) in which the
author analyses the image using the HSV color space
model. The author converts the RGB format image
to HSV format and then scans the image to find the
dominant colors in certain patches of the image. This
results in the generation of a color map which is then
directly mapped to musical notes which were calcu-
lated using the harmonics of a piano. This notes map
is then used to generate music. The problem with this
approach is that it does not work for a dataset in which
every image is a face of a person. The most domi-
nant color every time, would be similar in all the im-
ages namely the skin color hence the same set of notes
would be generated.
Our model can be incorporated as a feature in var-
ious social networking applications such as Snapchat,
Instagram etc. where when a person is uploading
his/her Snapchat story, depending on the image ob-
tained from the front camera of the electronic device,
a sentiment analysis of the image can be done which
can then be used to generate music for the user which
the user can add to his/her Snapchat story. For exam-
ple, we would generate a party type peppy melody for
a happy expression and a soft romantic melody for a
sad expression.
In this paper, we discuss the previous work done
in the field of music generation in the next section
Section II. Section III describes the proposed model
and the details of the training of the model, which
is then followed by the analysing of the results ob-
tained in Section IV. We use the Mean Opinion Score
(MOS) approach to showcase our results. We finally
conclude our paper in Section V.
2.1 Music Generation
Since last many years a lot of work has been done
in generating music. (Graves, 2013) uses the Recur-
rent Neural Network (RNN) architecture, Long Short
Term Memory (LSTM) for generating sequences such
as handwriting for a given text. (Chung et al., 2014)
extend this concept to compare another type of RNN
which is Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) with LSTM for
music and speech signal modeling. Inspired by this
approach our model uses LSTM architecture to gen-
erate music. (Boulanger-Lewandowski et al., 2012)
introduce a probabilistic approach, a RNN-RBM (Re-
current Neural Network Restricted Boltzmann Ma-
chine) model which is used to discover temporal de-
pendencies in high space model. The authors intro-
duce the RBM model so that representation of the
complicated distribution for each time step in the se-
quence is easily possible where parameters at a cur-
rent time step depends on the previous parameters.
Currently, the Google Brain Team is working on its
project Magenta which would generate compelling
music in the style of a particular artist. While ma-
genta also generates music, our model does it based
on emotions (facial sentiments). Magentas code has
been released as open source as they wish to build a
community of musicians, coders and machine learn-
ing enthusiasts. (Jaques et al., 2016).
2.2 Music Playlist Generation
Our work shares the high-level goal of playing music
based on emotions with (Zaware et al., 2014) how-
ever while we aim to generate music, they present a
playlist of songs to a user based on the users current
mood. They converted images into a binary format
and then fed into a Haar classifier for facial detection.
Important features were then extracted such as eyes,
lips etc. to classify the emotion of the person. (Hirve
et al., 2016) use the same thought for generating mu-
sic as done by (Zaware et al., 2014), they use a Viola-
Jones algorithm for face detection and Support Vec-
tor Machine (SVM) for emotion detection. While the
work by these authors provide music based on a per-
sons emotion, they present a list of songs as a playlist
which is a recommender system rather than generat-
ing new music.
2.3 Mapping Colors to Music
Similar work also includes the research project by
Gregory Granito (Gregory, 2014) that links colors
used in the image with music. The author uses a
method to calculate the average color value of the
image, searches for areas of high concentration of a
color and of major changes in hue, this is then used to
associate certain colors to motions such as the Yellow
color invokes a cheerful emotion in a person. (Ser-
gio et al., 2015) analyses image using the HSV color
space model. The author scans the image and gener-
ates a color map for the image which is then used to
obtain the notes map and music is subsequently gen-
erated. While this direct mapping approach is very
popular, it has a shortcoming we cannot use this for
music generation based on peoples facial expressions
because each image in the dataset focuses only on the
face of a person and hence would generate the same
dominant color for every image.
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2.4 Speech Analysis and Hand Gestures
to Generate Music
Apart from using images, music has previously been
generated by many other ways such as after doing
the sentiment analysis of speech of a person or by
making use of hand motions. (Rubin and Agrawala,
2014) is one such example in which emotion labels
on the users speech are gathered using methods such
as hand-labeling, crowd sourcing etc. which is then
used to generate emotionally relevant music. A novel
application for generation of music was introduced by
(Ip et al., 2005) in their work in which they make use
of motion-sensing gloves to allow people even non-
musicians to generate melodies using hand gestures
and motions.
3.1 Research Methodology
The proposed framework consists of two models, the
first is the Image Classification model and the second
is the Music Generation model. The former model
classifies the image of the person into one of the seven
sentiment class i.e. Angry, Disgust, Fear, Happy, Sad,
Surprise and Neutral and the latter model then gener-
ates music corresponding to the identified sentiment
In the Image Classification model, a Convolu-
tional Neural Network (CNN) is used. The input to
the CNN is a 48X48 grayscale image which is then
passed onto the first Convolutional layer consisting of
64 filters of size 3X3 each. The output of this layer is
then passed onto the second convolutional layer con-
sisting of 128 filters of size 3X3 each. After these
two layers, the feature maps are down sampled us-
ing a Max Pooling Layer having a window size of
2X2. These set of layers are repeated again with the
same specification of layers and filter sizes as shown
in Figure 1. Following the second Max Pooling layer,
the output is now passed onto the Fully Connected
Layer or the Dense Layer having 7 nodes, one for
each sentiment class. The output of this Dense lay-
ers goes through a Softmax layer at the end, which
then finally predicts the sentiment of the image. More
details about this model are explained in the section
In the Music Generation Model, a Doubly Stacked
LSTM Architecture is used as shown in Figure 1. A
doubly stacked LSTM architecture is essentially an
architecture in which one LSTM layer is stacked over
the other LSTM layer and outputs from the first layer
is passed onto the second layer. After the Image Clas-
sification task, a vector of length 7 is obtained in one
hot encoded form, whose each value corresponding to
respective sentiment class. This vector is then con-
verted to a new vector of length 3 for Happy, Sad
and Neutral classes respectively to choose the dataset
for the Music Generation Model as shown above in
the Figure 1 Certain classes are merged for the Mu-
sic Generation Task such as Fear, Disgust and Angry
were merged into the Sad Sentiment Class. Also, the
Surprise sentiment class was merged into the Happy
sentiment class. The dataset contains 200 MIDI files
for each sentiment class i.e. Happy, Sad and Neu-
tral. As there was no such dataset of MIDI files avail-
able for emotions, these MIDI files were labeled by
a group of 15 people. This is explained diagrammat-
ically in Figure 1 and more details about this model
are explained in the section below.
3.2 Image Classification Model
The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model
was implemented for the classification of images into
its respective sentiment class. The dataset was split
into 80% of the images used for training, and remain-
ing 20% used for cross validation. The model used
batch training with a batch size of 256, in which the
images were processed in batches of the given size.
Consequently, all the training samples were processed
similarly through the learning algorithm which com-
prised one forward pass. After finishing one forward
pass, a loss function, here categorical cross entropy
loss function, was computed which was minimized by
back propagating through all the images and updating
the weight matrices using the Adaptive Gradient De-
scent Optimizer(Adagrad), this comprised one back-
ward pass. One forward pass and one backward pass
comprise a single epoch. There were a total of 100
epochs with 1 epoch taking an average of 13 minutes
to run on a standard 2.5 GHz i5 processor. The CNN
Model had 6 hidden layers, with 4 convolutional lay-
ers and 2 max-pool layers which were alternated and
1 fully connected layer with 7 neurons each for the
respective sentiment class. Two dropout layers were
also added which helped to prevent overfitting.
3.3 Music Generation Model
A doubly stacked LSTM model is trained for the
Music Generation Model. The input given to the
LSTM is the one Hot Representation of the MIDI
files from a particular dataset belonging to a sentiment
class. The one hot representation of a MIDI file has
SentiMozart: Music Generation based on Emotions
Figure 1: SentiMozart Model.
a shape as (sequence length, Notes in MIDI) where
sequence length is the number of notes in the MIDI
file and Notes in MIDI is 129 (128 for each MIDI
Note number + 1 for EOS). Thus, the overall shape
of the dataset which is given as input to the LSTM is
(Num files, Max Sequence Length,Notes in MIDI)
where Num files is 200 MIDI files in the dataset,
Max Sequence Length is the maximum sequence
length of one of the files in the dataset and
Notes in MIDI is 129 as explained earlier.
The input is then passed through the first LSTM
Layer which outputs sequences, which are then
passed to the second LSTM Layer. The Second
LSTM layer then outputs a vector which is passed fi-
nally through the Fully Connected Layer having 129
nodes. After each layer except for the last layer,there
is a Dropout Layer which prevents overfitting of the
model. Categorical cross entropy is used as the Loss
function of the model and Adaptive Moment Estima-
tion (Adam), a variant of Gradient Descent is used as
the Optimizer of the model. The model is run for 2000
epochs following which a MIDI file is generated for
the particular sentiment.
3.4 Why MIDI?
The proposed model uses MIDI (Musical Instrument
Digital Interface) files to generate music. MIDI for-
mat is one of the best options present today to gen-
erate new music as the file contains only synthesizer
instructions hence the file size is hundreds of times
smaller than the WAV format (Waveform Audio For-
mat) which contains digitized sound and hence has a
very large size (hundreds of megabytes).
One advantage of WAV format over MIDI is that
the WAV format has a better quality of sound because
sound depends on the sampling rate and hence will be
same for different computers. This is not the case for
MIDI files, and hence the quality of sound is different
for different computers. Hence we have a trade-off.
4.1 Dataset Used
Dataset used for image sentiment classification was
the collection of 35,887 grayscale images of 48X48
pixel dimensions prepared by Pierre-Luc Carrier and
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Aaron Courville for their project (Goodfellow et al.,
MIDI files corresponding to all 7 categories of fa-
cial expressions could not be found. Hence, the fol-
lowing sentiment classes - sad, fear, angry and dis-
gust were merged into the sad sentiment class, happy
and surprise were merged into the happy sentiment
class and left neutral class as it is. Exploring better
evaluation metrics for judging emotion of generated
music remains a challenge. Self-prepared dataset of
200 midi files for each sentiment class - Happy, Sad
and Neutral was used for the training of music genera-
tion model. The music files were mostly Piano music
MIDI files and annotated manually by a group of 15
people. The MIDI files dataset is available by request
from the authors.
4.2 Result of Image Classification
The accuracy obtained in the proposed model was
75.01%. Figure 2 shows the gradual decrease in the
loss number obtained for each epoch in the Image
Sentiment Classification model till it finally tends to
converge after 100 epochs.
Figure 2: Loss Curve for CNN Model.
4.3 Evaluation Model
To evaluate the quality of our model we use emotional
Mean Opinion Score (MOS) which is a common mea-
sure for quality evaluation of audio-visual data. Since
we classify the songs based on three emotional cat-
egories, we choose a rating scale of 0 to 10, where
0 represents sad emotion, 5 represents neutral and 10
represents happy emotion. The rating scale is shown
in Figure 3.
30 people gave scores based on the rating scale
for 30 randomly chosen images (10 of each class) and
their corresponding music generated. The average of
the scores was taken and plotted on the graph shown
in Figure 4. The images and music was presented
before the participant in no particular order so as to
avoid any bias between the type of image shown and
the likeliness of music belonging to the same cate-
Correlation between the two curves was calcu-
lated to be 0.93. It is calculated according to the for-
mula given below. As expected this must be high as
the facial expression and the music generated must
express the same sentiment. During the experiment
we observed extreme scoring for facial data but con-
servative scoring for scoring generated music. Other
important observation was for both neutral images
and songs most participants tend to assign a perfectly
balanced score 5, while deviated the scores conserva-
tively for sad and happy emotion.
Where x is the Image MOS, y is the Music MOS
and r determines the correlation. The value of r is
always between 1 and 1. ¯x and ¯y are the means of the
x and y values respectively.
When we used upbeat and peppy songs in our
training set for the happy emotion, an output file with
a similar pattern of notes was generated. Also, when
slow and soothing melodies were used in the training
set for a sad emotion, consequently, a melody having
similar patterns was generated. The model generates
the type of songs it is supposed to, that is, depending
upon the emotion detected, for instance sad ones for
a sad expression and happy ones for a happy expres-
Figure 3: MOS Scale.
In this paper, the SentiMozart framework is presented
which generates relevant music based upon the fa-
cial sentiments of a person in the image. It is able
to do so by first classifying the facial expression of
the person in the image into one of the seven senti-
ment classes by using the Image Classification Model
and then it generates relevant music based upon the
sentiment of the person using the Music Generation
Model. Finally, we evaluated the performance of our
proposed framework using the emotional Mean Opin-
ion Score (MOS) which is a popular evaluation metric
for audio-visual data. The high correlation value and
the user analysis on the generated music files shows
SentiMozart: Music Generation based on Emotions
Figure 4: MOS Graph.
the self-sufficiency of the number of training samples
in the Music Generation Model.
Music is not just art and creativity but is also based
on a strong mathematical background. So, often com-
puter creativity is doubted in its ability to produce
fresh and creative works. New notions of computer
creativity can evolve by amalgamation of different
techniques, use of high performing systems and bio
Also, computer scientists and music composers
must work in synergy together. Making music com-
posers able enough to use the program by having a
basic understanding of the program and learning var-
ious commands would enable them to give construc-
tive feedback and radically change the process of mu-
sic composition, and consequently the way market
for music operates. Market opportunities would in-
clude incorporating such features in instant multime-
dia messaging applications such as Snapchat, Insta-
gram and any other application which deals with im-
We whole heartedly thank our mentor Dr. Rajni Jin-
dal, Head of Department, Computer Science Depart-
ment at Delhi Technological University for guiding us
through this project.
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ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence