
containing digits. Thus, the learned model is showed
to be transferable to real handwritten documents,
without any preprocessing.
On unlabeled historical RECITAL documents, our
model detected most of the word/number structures.
However, we showed that the model hardly distin-
guish word from number structures in calligraphic
structures. Also, the model seems to miss few num-
ber structures, mainly due to the confusion between
”1” and ”l” structures.
Despite these limitations, considering the high
variability of the RECITAL documents, in terms of
shape, structure and handwriting style, we observed a
good transferability of our model.
To improve the classification performance of our
model on unlabeled data, future work will focus on
adding more variability of handwriting styles and
structures in the generation of artificial documents.
Then, this classification map will be embedded in a
larger document analysis system.
Source codes for the artificial document generator
and for the structure detection system are available at
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Transfer Learning for Structures Spotting in Unlabeled Handwritten Documents using Randomly Generated Documents