Feature Engineering for Depression Detection in Social Media
Maxim Stankevich, Vadim Isakov, Dmitry Devyatkin and Ivan Smirnov
Institute for Systems Analysis, Federal Research Center ”Computer Science and Control” of RAS,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Depresion Detection, Social Media, Classification, Machine Learning.
This research is based on the CLEF/eRisk 2017 pilot task which is focused on early risk detection of depres-
sion. The CLEF/eRsik 2017 dataset consists of text examples collected from messages of 887 Reddit users.
The main idea of the task is to classify users into two groups: risk case of depression and non-risk case. This
paper considers different feature sets for depression detection task among Reddit users by text messages pro-
cessing. We examine our bag-of-words, embedding and bigram models using the CLEF/eRisk 2017 dataset
and evaluate the applicability of stylometric and morphological features. We also perform a comparison of
our results with the CLEF/eRisk 2017 task report.
It is a known fact that mental health is a crucial com-
ponent of public health. Depression is one of the lead-
ing causes of disability worldwide. According to the
results from the World Health Surveys, millions of
people around the world are suffering from depres-
sion and this number is growing (Moussavi et al.,
2007). This mental disorder is often hidden by their
carriers, which can make the early detection task of
depression very difficult.
Popular social networks can serve as a tool for
dealing with this problem. Text messages published
in this networks contain a lot of hidden information
about their authors. In this paper, we consider the
classification task of Reddit users by processing their
text messages in order to detect depression. We eval-
uate various baseline features (tf-idf, embeddings, bi-
grams) as well as more complex features like mor-
phology and stylometric and compare our results with
the performance of CLEF/eRsik 2017 participants.
We present word embeddings model, which has not
previously tested on the depression task before.
It is worth noting several works related to the problem
of depression detection in social media.
One of the research related to the described
task (De Choudhury et al., 2013) investigated the po-
tential of using Twitter as a tool for depression de-
tection and diagnosing. Their gold standard contains
text messages of Twitter users who were reported be-
ing diagnosed with clinical depression, using a stan-
dard psychometric instrument. They revealed fea-
tures that indicate individuals with depression: low-
ered social activity, greater negative emotion, high
self-attentional focus, increased relational and medic-
inal concerns, greater expression of religious involve-
ment, and high level of social interaction with other
depressed users.
Another related work (Wang et al., 2013) pro-
posed a depression detection method based on the
subject-dependent sentiment analysis of the micro-
blog. They argue that negative emotions and a lack
of positive emotions are important symptoms that in-
dicate the presence of depression. They used 10 fea-
tures of depressed users derived from psychological
research: quantity of emoticons, interaction features
(how users interact with each other), behavior features
(frequencies of the posting, active period).
We also should note that there are several in-
teresting approaches, presented by teams who re-
port thier classification models for CLEF/eRisk 2017
task (Losada et al., 2017).
A lot of works (Malam et al., 2017; Trotzek et al.,
2017; Sadeque et al., 2017; Almeida et al., 2017) use
lexicon features that indicate usage of specific words
like emotional words, sentiment words, and specific
terms related for medication or diagnosis. This words
usually are taken from pre-defined dictionaries.
Stankevich, M., Isakov, V., Devyatkin, D. and Smirnov, I.
Feature Engineering for Depression Detection in Social Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0006598604260431
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2018), pages 426-431
ISBN: 978-989-758-276-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Several works present features based on bag-of-
words and n-grams (Trotzek et al., 2017; Almeida
et al., 2017; Farıas-Anzald
ua et al., 2017). In terms
of F1-score, such approaches show best results in the
shared task.
In some works (Trotzek et al., 2017; Almeida
et al., 2017), authors used features based on part-
of-speech tags: the number of nouns, pronouns, and
other parts of speech.
There are two works (Trotzek et al., 2017; Sad-
eque et al., 2017) that use recurent neural network and
one work (Villatoro-Tello et al., 2017) that presents
graph-based model for CLEF/eRisk 2017 task.
The goal of our work is to examine bag-of-words,
bigram and embedding models on CLEF/eRisk 2017
dataset, evaluate the applicability of morphological
and stylometric features, compare our classification
results with CLEF/eRisk 2017 participants. We want
to note that approach based on embeddings was pre-
viously untested on depression detection task.
This work is based on the
CLEF/eRisk 2017 (Conference and Labs of the
Evaluation Forum: early risk prediction on the Inter-
dataset, which was provided as the part of the
pilot task of early risk detection of depression. The
dataset consists of 887 Reddit users examples, 135
of them have been identified as belonging to a risk
case of depression (Losada and Crestani, 2016). Each
example of the dataset contains all text messages of
the user for a certain period of time. The time interval
between first and last message for each instance is
different, as well as the total number of messages.
The smallest of the examples contains only 10 mes-
sages, and the largest one is 2000 messages. Overall,
the dataset consists of 15% of positive examples (risk
case of depression) and 85% of negative examples
(non-risk case, taken from Reddit users randomly).
CLEF/eRsik 2017 task dataset consists of 486 train
examples (83 positive samples and 403 negative
samples) and 401 test examples (52 positive samples
and 349 negative samples).
It is important to note, that we can com-
pare our results with other models reported on
CLEF/eRisk 2017 task only with some restrictions.
Originally, CLEF/eRisk 2017 organizers sent 10% of
all messages (10 chunks for all data) for every test
example each week and allowed participants to send
their decision on every example (depressed class /
non-depressed class) before all 100% of the data were
submitted. But CLEF/eRisk 2017 organizers noted
in their task review (Losada et al., 2017) that the
most of the models made decisions only on the last
chunks and some models made decisions only when
all chunks were submitted.
Classification of the Reddit users proceeds to the clas-
sification of their texts, represented as messages. We
examine various sets of features and use 3 of them as
different baselines. The first one relies on term fre-
quencies of all words used by examples. The second
approach is based on averaging of users word em-
beddings. The last feature set contains bigram fea-
tures. We also investigate stylometric and morpho-
logical features as additional feature sets.
We used FreeLing (Padr
o and Stanilovsky, 2012)
for word tokenization and part-of-speech tagging.
4.1 TF-IDF
The first feature set is based on bag-of-words (BoW),
which is used to set tf-idf values for each word in the
dataset, except those that appear in the whole docu-
ments collection only once. After this, tf-idf vectors
are used as features for classification.
The idea behind this approach consists in the
fact that some words occur in different groups (posi-
tive examples / negative examples) with different fre-
quencies. For example, the word depression occurs
1,686 times in depressive texts and 1,233 times in
non-depressive texts. On average, 9.04 usages per
depressed user and 0.92 usages per non-depressed
user (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Usage count of word depression user.
Feature Engineering for Depression Detection in Social Media
4.2 Word Embeddings
The second feature set contains 100-dimensional
word embeddings. The embeddings were trained on
Twitter messages (Pennington et al., 2014) and are
suitable for the classification of social media texts. To
produce feature vector, we averaged embeddings of
850 most informative (sorted by tf-idf ) unique words
for every user. Each word embedding before aver-
aging was multiplied by the number of usage of this
It is also possible to consider another count of
words for averaging. We examined different counts
of words (from 50 to 1000) and evaluated classifica-
tion results on training part of the dataset by cross-
validation. Best result achieved with 850 words.
We used the technique called ‘t-SNE’ (t-distributed
Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) (Maaten and Hin-
ton, 2008), which helps to visualize high-dimensional
data by giving each datapoint location in the two-
dimensional map. Results of t-SNE on the data il-
lustrated on Figure 2.
Figure 2: 850 words embeddings converted by t-SNE into
2-dimensional map.
4.3 Bigrams
The last feature set consists of n-grams. N-gram is
a contiguous sequence of items. The items can be
phonemes, syllables, letters, words or base pairs. N-
gram models are widely used in statistical natural lan-
guage processing for language modeling, sentiment
analysis (Pak and Paroubek, 2010), authorship attri-
bution (Ke
selj et al., 2003), question answering, rela-
tionship extraction, and much more. In this study, we
used bigrams as elements consisting of two symbols.
4.4 Additional Features
During the study, it was noted that positive and neg-
ative examples have a difference in an average num-
ber of words and sentences per each text message. It
seems that persons in depressed class usually write
longer sentences than non-depressed ones (see Ta-
ble 1). We considered to use them as additional fea-
tures for classification. The tests showed that Red-
dit users from depressed class use slightly less unique
words in their speech than another, so we used lexicon
size as a feature too.
We also noted that depressed and non-depressed
Redditors use different parts of speech in different
proportions. The average percentage of various parts
of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) are showed
in Table 2. We applied usage proportion as the fea-
tures for classification.
Another assumption was examined that depressed
class has a tendency to post their messages at the night
time more often than non-depressed class, but Fig-
ure 3 shows that there is no significant contrast be-
tween classes.
Figure 3: % of messages in different hours.
In this paper, we examined how tf-idf, embedding
and bigram features work with additional ones. The
following labels are used for different feature sets (see
Table 3). Stylometric features include lexicon vol-
ume, users averaged numbers of words per message,
sentences per message and words per sentence. Mor-
phology features contain parts of speech usage pro-
We tested various models with tf-idf, embeddings and
bigrams approaches and decided to use Support vec-
tor machine algorithm (SVM) for classification. Ran-
dom forest also showed decent performance with our
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Averaged values for stylometric features.
Averaged values Positive examples Negative examples
Words in message 41.39 ± 19.94 27.77 ± 13.98
Sentences in message 2.89 ± 1.20 2.01 ± 0.68
Words in sentence 14.77 ± 3.82 13.09 ± 3.36
Table 2: Usages of different parts of speech in %.
Part of speech PE,% NE,%
Nouns 19.36 25.18
Verbs 22.04 20.26
Pronouns 13.55 10.00
Adjectives 6.70 7.81
Articles 7.82 8.80
Adverbs 13.69 12.12
Conjunctions 3.60 2.93
Table 3: Feature sets.
Feature set Label
Tf-idf values tf-idf
Bigrams bigram
Embeddings emb
Stylometric features stl
Morphology features mrph
feature sets so we included it in the report. Param-
eters and hyperparameters for classification were set
up by grid-search and 5-fold cross-validation. In this
work, we used sklearn realization of classification al-
gorithms (Pedregosa et al., 2011).
It is worth mentioning that we used the same ex-
amples for train and test parts as it was managed in
the CLEF/eRisk 2017 task. We also calculated recall,
precision and F1-score with respect to the minority
class (Positive examples). It is the same way as it
was computed in CLEF/eRisk 2017 task (Losada and
Crestani, 2016). Table 4 demonstrates the results of
the models.
Overall, SVM model with the tf-idf+stl+mrph
feature set achieves the best F1-score (63.36%) in
our experiments. SVM also shows highest re-
call score (84.61%), and decent result for F1-
score (61.53%) on embeddings with stylometric fea-
tures. Tf-idf with random forest reaches best preci-
sion on the test data (79.41%). Bigram sets obtain
worse results than other models but still show compa-
rable F1-score (58.71%). It is also notable that ran-
dom forest achieves best results with morphological
features for all three sets.
Our tf-idf model with morphological features
shows high precision on the test data (79%). The best
precision score reported on the CLEF/eRisk 2017 task
is 69% (Losada et al., 2017). The embedding model
shows high recall score (84.61%) which is not best re-
call score on the task but this model also has decent
F1-score (61.53%). The best CLEF/eRsik 2017 F1-
score is 64% and highest F1-score in our experiments
is 63%.
In this paper, we explored different sets of features
for the task of depression detection in social me-
dia. In order to classify Reddit users, we worked
with the text of their messages and investigated how
bag-of-words, word embeddings and bigrams work
with CLEF/eRisk 2017 data. We considered some
additional sets of features (stylometric and morphol-
ogy) and evaluated their applicability. Our research
showed that in the most cases additional features
improve classification results. Tf-idf with morphol-
ogy set achieves best results on the test data with
63% F1-score. Embedding features always obtain
better recall score than tf-idf but accuracy and pre-
cision score is less. We assume that high recall
with embedding features might be consequence of the
fact that embeddings contain additional information
about word co-occurrences (Pennington et al., 2014).
We achieved decent results in comparison with the
CLEF/eRisk 2017 task report.
In the future work, we want to apply semantic role
labeling to explore additional features and test differ-
ent classification models to obtain better results. We
are also going to apply our research of the problem
for the messages in different languages.
The reported study was funded by RFBR according to
the research project 17-29-02225.
Feature Engineering for Depression Detection in Social Media
Table 4: Classification results.
Sets Recall score, % Precision score, % F
score, % Accuracy score, %
tf-idf 57.69 63.83 60.61 90.27
tf-idf + stl 63.46 61.11 62.26 90.02
tf-idf + mrph 63.46 56.89 60.02 89.02
tf-idf + stl + mrph 61.53 65.31 63.36 90.77
emb 84.61 47.31 60.68 85.78
emb + stl 84.61 48.35 61.53 86.28
emb + mrph 80.76 46.66 59.15 85.53
emb + stl + mrph 78.84 43.15 55.78 83.79
bigram 65.87 53.80 57.38 86.30
bigram + stl 61.62 51.40 53.30 84.66
bigram + mrph 54.12 61.34 50.42 84.44
bigram + stl + mrph 52.23 59.06 47.80 83.76
Random forest
Sets Recall score, % Precision score, % F
score, % Accuracy score, %
tf-idf 51.92 72.97 60.67 91.27
tf-idf + stl 51.92 77.14 62.06 91.77
tf-idf + mrph 51.92 79.41 62.79 92.01
tf-idf + stl + mrph 51.92 77.14 62.06 91.77
emb 55.76 53.70 54.71 88.02
emb + stl 57.69 53.57 55.55 88.02
emb + mrph 61.53 56.14 58.71 88.77
emb + stl + mrph 57.69 54.54 56.07 88.27
bigram 64.42 45.50 53.30 85.36
bigram + stl 63.88 45.32 52.99 85.30
bigram + mrph 69.54 44.07 53.92 84.58
bigram + stl + mrph 68.35 43.72 53.31 84.46
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Feature Engineering for Depression Detection in Social Media