Transfer Learning for Handwriting Recognition on Historical Documents
Adeline Granet, Emmanuel Morin, Harold Mouch
ere, Solen Quiniou and Christian Viard-Gaudin
LS2N, UMR CNRS 6004, Universit
e de Nantes, France
Handwriting Recognition, Historical Document, Transfer Learning, Deep Neural Network, Unlabeled Data.
In this work, we investigate handwriting recognition on new historical handwritten documents using transfer
learning. Establishing a manual ground-truth of a new collection of handwritten documents is time consuming
but needed to train and to test recognition systems. We want to implement a recognition system without
performing this annotation step. Our research deals with transfer learning from heterogeneous datasets with a
ground-truth and sharing common properties with a new dataset that has no ground-truth. The main difficulties
of transfer learning lie in changes in the writing style, the vocabulary, and the named entities over centuries
and datasets. In our experiment, we show how a CNN-BLSTM-CTC neural network behaves, for the task
of transcribing handwritten titles of plays of the Italian Comedy, when trained on combinations of various
datasets such as RIMES, Georges Washington, and Los Esposalles. We show that the choice of the training
datasets and the merging methods are determinant to the results of the transfer learning task.
Historical documents are more and more digitized to
preserve them and to ease their accessibility and dif-
fusion. Thus, information retrieval within historical
documents is a real challenge. Moreover, the quantity
of images is so large that manual information mining
remains a time-consuming task. Over the last decade,
historical data have become a principal target for clas-
sification (Cloppet et al., 2016), line detection (Mur-
dock et al., 2015), and keyword spotting (Puigcerver
et al., 2015). Standard end-to-end text recognition
systems consist of three steps (Fischer et al., 2009):
manual labelling of data to create a ground truth; spe-
cific pre-processing operations such as denoising doc-
uments and segmenting them into blocks, lines, or
words; training of a dedicated recognizer using the
alignment between text images and manual labels.
In (Llad
os et al., 2012), the authors study the
problem of handwriting recognition (HWR) without
training data for historical documents. Using a non
dedicated dataset is ill-advised because there may be
several problems caused by significant differences in
terms of period and geographical area, which often
affect the script style. Finding a training dataset for
keyword spotting or handwriting recognition, meet-
ing the desired distinctive characteristics, is a com-
plicated task. However, some studies attempt to use
modern data spotting systems for historical docu-
ments, as (Frinken et al., 2010) which mixes differ-
ent resources to transcribe another resource based on
its target vocabulary: this approach is called Trans-
fer Learning. We are especially interested in Trans-
ductive Transfer Learning which focuses on domain
adaptation (Pan and Yang, 2010) by using various
source and target data for the same given task. We
want to use this method and to push it even further
by multiplying the number of annotated data used as
sources and by adding parameter transfer.
In this paper, we are studying a new resource (fi-
nancial records of the Italian Comedy) using a min-
imum amount of information and without a ground-
truth. This prevents the direct use of traditional meth-
ods of HWR (see section 2). That is why we want to
build a recognition system able to transfer knowledge
on unknown data, without annotating more data. To
overcome the lack of data, the Transductive Transfer
Learning seems to be a good alternative. The chosen
recognition system is a BLSTM-CTC system (Bidi-
rectional Long Short-Term Memory and Connection-
ist Temporal Classification) including a Full Convolu-
tion Network, among the current state-of-the-art sys-
tems; this avoids abstracting the specific extraction of
features. Three datasets are used during the training
step of the network, each dataset sharing at least one
feature with our Italian Comedy data.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We
present the state of the art on handwriting recogni-
tion systems in Section 2. Then, we describe our
HWR system, its structure, and its relevant post-
Granet, A., Morin, E., Mouchère, H., Quiniou, S. and Viard-Gaudin, C.
Transfer Learning for Handwriting Recognition on Historical Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0006598804320439
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2018), pages 432-439
ISBN: 978-989-758-276-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
preprocessing steps, in Section 3. The dataset we use
is presented in Section 4 and we report our experi-
ments and results in Sections 5 and 6.
At the end of the 90’s, Hidden Markov Models
(HMMs) had become a reference due to their abil-
ity to learn sequentially. Moreover, they could in-
tegrate knowledge in the form of lexicons and lan-
guage models to better label sequences (Bunke et al.,
1995). Rapidly, they were strengthened by neural net-
works and hybrid neuro-markovian systems further
improved the local and global representation of char-
acters (Koerich et al., 2002).
At the same time, neural networks evolved with
new types of neurons, namely recurrent neurons.
Contrary to a simple neuron, a recurrent neuron al-
lows a connection to itself. Thus, recurrent neu-
ral networks (RNN) store more information from
all inputs during training (Senior and Robinson,
1998). Then, the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
block (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) appeared
to solve the problem of the vanishing gradient. This
block allows the training of the network to converge.
Recently, multi-dimensional neural networks with
LSTM (MDLSTM) have outperformed traditional
networks. The first one was a bidirectional recur-
rent network with LSTM (BLSTM); it became a refer-
ence for HWR systems (Fischer et al., 2009). Nowa-
days, multidimensional recurrent neural networks
won competitions such as (Grosicki and El Abed,
2009). In (Graves and Schmidhuber, 2009), the mul-
tidimensional part of MDLSTM is made of four par-
allel layers across each direction on raw images. All
the context can thus be used without any restriction.
In HWR, all the previously introduced networks
cannot automatically align the input sequence with its
labels. So, (Graves, 2012) presented a connection-
ist temporal classification (CTC) layer which com-
putes a sequence of labels to avoid the segmentation
of the input sequence into characters or words. An-
other important step in HWR is feature extraction.
Although traditional methods such as HOG (Tera-
sawa and Tanaka, 2009) have proven their efficiency,
new methods integrating convolutional neural net-
works (CNN) have begun to replace them (Suryani
et al., 2016). Other fields like Visual Recognition
and Description also use methods based on CNN and
LSTM (Donahue et al., 2015). We can distinguish
two different approaches: the first one is a simple
CNN and includes at least one layer of full connected
neurons at the end of the network, and the second one
mainly uses convolution and max pooling layers.
Multilingual systems were developed in paral-
lel of MDLSTM. Some use identical configura-
tions on independent training datasets (Voigtlaen-
der et al., 2016), others dedicate one specific layer
for each language and for each task in a recurrent
neural network (Moysset et al., 2014) but few sys-
tems are trained on multilingual datasets at the same
time (Kozielski et al., 2014). Regarding monolingual
or multilingual HWR systems, it is common to use n-
gram language models at the word or character level,
and a dictionary closed on the training set to improve
the decoding step. In (Oprean et al., 2013), the au-
thors use Wikipedia to create a dynamic dictionary
for each word detected as out-of-vocabulary.
In our HWR systems, the concept of Transductive
Transfer Learning is performed through the training
and the validation of the weights of the neural network
on a set of three datasets. Then, the saved weights are
used either to perform tests directly on the new dataset
or to perform fine-tuning by initializing the new net-
work. Our neural networks are made up of two parts:
feature extraction and handwriting recognition.
The feature extraction part is directly integrated
in the HWR system with a fully convolutional neural
network (FCN). A graphical representation of the two
architectures that we are using in our experiments is
presented in Figure 1. The neural network takes an
input image with a fixed-height of 120 pixels and a
variable width denoted t. The common part of both
networks is composed of three layers of convolution
with a kernel size of 5x5 and same-padding (corre-
sponding to the gray part of Figure 1). Then, the first
network, called CNN 32, has 3 layers of convolution
with 32 filters, while the second one, called CNN 128,
has 3 layers of convolution with a filter number which
doubles: 64 and 128 filters. Each of the convolutional
layers is followed by several max-pooling layers. Fi-
nally, the last shape obtained has dimensions 32x1x
for CNN 32, and 128x1x
for CNN 128. This first
part is directly connected to the second part of the net-
work, aka the handwriting recognition system.
The second part of our neural networks respects
the initial structure of the BLSTM neural network
proposed in (Graves, 2012). The network is com-
posed of two hidden layers, forward and backward.
Both of them are made up of 100 LSTM blocks.
Through the training, these layers are independent,
one using the information following the time, and the
Transfer Learning for Handwriting Recognition on Historical Documents
(120 x t)
(120 x t x 8)
(60 x t x 16)
(30 x t x 32)
(10 x t/2 x 32)
(10 x t/2 x 64)
(5 x t/4 x 32)
(5 x t/4 x 128)
(1 x t/20 x 32)
(1 x t/20 x 128)
Figure 1: Graphical representation of the two architectures of the convolutional neural network part used for feature extraction.
The blue version is called CNN 32, and the pink one is called CNN 128.
other from the future to the past. LSTM blocks con-
trol the influence of long-term information across the
network; it is interesting for long images such as lines
of text. Then, the weighted sum of both hidden lay-
ers is provided to the output layer built with 75 soft-
max neurons. This corresponds to 52 lower and upper
characters, 10 digits, and some punctuation symbols.
At each time step, one output neuron represents one
character and an additional neuron acts as a “joker”,
called “blank” label. Finally, the CTC is applied to the
output in order to label the sequence. The provided
output can be decoded by several algorithms, such as
the Token Passing Algorithm, or the Prefix Search De-
coding that can include a language model. In our ex-
periments, the Best Path Decoding is used: at each
time step, the most active node is selected, which fi-
nally gives the most probable path (Graves, 2012). To
obtain the final sequence, all consecutive character la-
bels are deleted except the first one, as well as blank
labels. With this method, we stay in the framework
where we have no prior knowledge on the data.
This paper deals with transcription and information
extraction issues from historical documents with few
or no annotated data. Our research aims at providing a
handwriting recognition solution for documents of the
Italian Comedy, from the 18
century. They are pro-
vided by the BnF
eque nationale de France)
as part of the ANR project CIRESFI. This data con-
sists of more than 28,000 pages of financial records
covering one century. Several evolutions were noticed
within this dataset. The first one is related to the lan-
guage which switches from Italian (with several di-
alects) to French. The second one is a change in the
structure preserving the quantity of information. For
one day, we can find the date, titles of the plays, rev-
enues, expenses, actor names, and also some notes (as
shown on Figure 2) but this layout fluctuates over the
decades. Further works are in progress on the detec-
tion and segmentation of these fields for each page.
Figure 2: Example of a financial daily record for the Italian
Comedy with identification fields.
In this part of the project, our study focuses on the
title field. This can be explained by the large collec-
tion of play titles of the Italian Comedy. The title field
contains the list of plays that have been performed
that day. Sometimes, this list gives more information,
such as if it was a premiere, if it was played in special
places, or in front of the king’s court. An example
of such complementary information is shown in Fig-
ure 2. The title field explains that this was the first per-
formance of “Sophie ou le mariage cach
e” (“Sophie
or the secret marriage”) which was a comedy in three
acts, preceded by Arlequin toujours Arlequin” (“Ar-
lequin always Arlequin”). Sometimes, actor names
replace the names of their characters in the title. Thus,
our collection of titles can not be considered as a
ground truth but as a source of information.
The writing style is also an issue. At the beginning
of the century, Italian actors wrote the records them-
selves. From the mid-century, there was only one
writer for thirty years. Furthermore, there are differ-
ences as compared to the contemporary writing: spe-
cial characters, as the long form of s’ (Figure 3(a));
evolution of the spelling, like using ’i’ or ’j’ indis-
tinctly (Figure 3(b)); abbreviations such as “&c. for
“ etc ” or symbols such as ’ (Figures 3(c) and 3(d)).
Thanks to a participative annotation website
, we
were able to collect information on the position of
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(a) ”Rose” (b) ”Invisible”
(c) ”etc” (d) ”arlequin”
Figure 3: Special characters and abbreviations in the Italian
Comedy documents.
the fields in the pages as well as their transcription.
The algorithm of Seam Carving proposed by (Ar-
vanitopoulos and S
usstrunk, 2014) has been applied
to segment the blocks into title lines. Finally, we
have manually validated the collected transcriptions
of each block, each line, as well as the segmented
lines themselves. Thus, we collected 971 validated
lines with their transcriptions. To create the datasets
for training, validation and test, we paid attention to
distribute the lines of titles in both French and Ital-
ian among the various datasets. Moreover, title lines
coming from the same page were not separated.
The aim of our work is not to provide another
HWR method. Thus, we use CNN-BLSTM neural
networks with CTC to produce knowledge transfer at
two levels: from modern data to historical documents
based on (Frinken et al., 2010) and from at least one
language to another one (or more). We want to solve
two problems: the first one is related to the language
which is mainly in French; the second one is the old
style of our data. This is why we use two types of data
sources: the first one is data in French and the other
one is data from the same period.
5.1 Datasets
To apply transductive transfer learning, we need to
carefully choose the data used to train our systems.
To our knowledge, there are no available annotated
data meeting all our criteria: from the 18
in French and Italian, with a closed vocabulary on
the Italian Comedy. Thus, each selected dataset has
at least one characteristics in common with our data.
The descriptions of the datasets are shown in Table 1.
Georges Washington (GW). The GW dataset (Fis-
cher et al., 2012) contains 20 pages of letters from
George Washington to his associates during the 18
century. The writing style is very similar from letter
to letter. The images are binarized and normalized.
To be comparable to the state-of-the-art, the original
partition of the dataset in train, validation and test is
used in our work. In fact, as four partitions of the data
exist, we randomly selected one of these partitions.
Los Esposalles (ESP). The ESP dataset (Romero
et al., 2013) consists of 173 pages of old Spanish mar-
riage records. The whole pages are provided with
the segmentations and transcriptions of their words.
There is only one writer for these pages. The raw im-
ages are used with a normalization of the height of
120 pixels (like the GW images).
RIMES (RM). The RM dataset (Augustin et al.,
2006) is a French database used in several ICDAR
competitions. It is composed of 12,723 pages of ad-
ministrative letters written by 1,300 volunteers. The
gray scale images are used with the same height nor-
malization as the others. The official split for the IC-
DAR 2011 competition (Grosicki and El-Abed, 2011)
provides 12,111 lines (including 11,333 lines for the
training set) and 66,979 words (including 51,739
words for the training set). We keep this distribution.
Italian Comedy (CI). The CI dataset is a French and
Italian dataset describing play titles. It is composed of
151 play titles. The images were also standardized at
120 pixels high and in gray scale too.
From all datasets, we have removed characters in
the ground truth such as ’#’, ’/’ or ’$’ and replaced
them by a “joker” character because they could not
appear in the Italian Comedy. The accentuated char-
acters and also the tied letter in the RIMES transcrip-
tions are replaced by their simple form. Thus, we con-
sider that the
e’ character is one form of ’e’ like s’
has a long form and a short form in the 18
5.2 System Training
We have already detailed the architecture of our sys-
tem in section 3 as well as some parameters. We car-
ried out our experiments in successive stages. The
first experiment allowed us to optimize the architec-
ture of our system by evaluating it on two labeled
datasets. With the best parameters obtained, we re-
alized another experiment in order to select the best
pairing of the dataset and to test the word recogni-
tion task on the Italian Comedy data. These results
will be used for the third and final experiment which
involves directly testing the transfer learning and the
fine-tuning on our Italian Comedy data.
In transfer learning, the generalization capability
of the classifier must be maximized: the classical
technique of early stopping is used in order to se-
lect the best network. To avoid overfitting, training
Transfer Learning for Handwriting Recognition on Historical Documents
Table 1: The selected datasets. In the upper part, each common point with the Italian Comedy is shown in bold. In the lower
part, the data distribution on the training, validation and test sets is given as well as the name of the associated dataset.
Dataset Georges Washington Los Esposalles RIMES Italian Comedy
Language English Spanish French French (and Italian)
Period 18
century 18
century 21
century 18
Pixel value Binarized Grayscale Grayscale Grayscale
Train 2,402 (GW
) 45,102 (ESP
) 51,739 (RM
) -
Validation 1,199 5,637 7,464 -
Test 1,292 5,637 7,776 -
Train 325 (GW
) - 11,333 (RM
) 582 (CI
Validation 168 - 1,332 195
Test 163 - 778 194
continues until the Negative Log-Likelihood (NLL)
computed by the CTC is no longer decreasing during
20 epochs on all the validation datasets. One set of
weights of the neural network is backed up for each
validation dataset only if the NLL drops. The training
is realized through all the parts of the network: fea-
ture extraction with the FCN, handwriting recognition
with the BLSTM, and data labeling with the CTC.
Our first experiments on GW demonstrated that
the training is performed more efficiently on the line
images when it is gradually done. Hence, all images
in the training set are sorted in an ascending order ac-
cording to their label length. In this way, the training
step goes from isolated characters to words, and fi-
nally to long lines. First, experiments exclusively run
on the word datasets. Then, we extend them to the
lines. This allows an increase in the performance of
the BLSTM-CTC across all datasets.
To evaluate the performance of our system, we
used the recognition rate at the character level (CRR)
and at the word level (WRR). The CRR is defined by
N (S + D + I)
with N the number of characters in the reference im-
ages, S the number of character substitutions, D the
number of character deletions, and I the number of
character insertions. The WRR is computed similarly
on words. These two measures are case sensitive and
treat the space as a character into a line. For the de-
coding step, no dictionary or language models were
used on the three labeled datasets. Through our exper-
iments we aims at defining a simple system capable of
performing the transfer learning.
Previous experiments showed that the training phase
is more efficient when it is gradually realized. In the
learning from scratch on the lines of GW, after 100
epochs, the cost stays high and the recognition rate
is about 10.7%. Nonetheless, if the network is fine
tuned with the weights from the previous training on
the word images, the recognition rate reaches 77.3%
in 33 epochs. So, this gradual training has been used
for the following experiments.
6.1 Optimizing the System Architecture
This part presents the optimization of the system ar-
chitecture. Indeed, the parameters of each separate
part of our system (CNN and BLSTM-CTC) have an
impact on the quality of the transcriptions, as well
as on the transfer phase. Those experiments aim at
evaluating the various parameters that can influence
our system, i.e. the CNN size in terms of number of
extracted features and number of cells in the hidden
LSTM layers.
The GW
dataset is used more often for word
spotting (Rath and Manmatha, 2007; Fischer et al.,
2012; Frinken et al., 2012) than for HWR or word
recognition (Lavrenko et al., 2004). The latter uses
a HMM with a cross validation and 19 pages to train
the system. It achieves a CRR of 56.8% without the
out-of-vocabulary words. With only 15 pages to train
our system, we achieve a CRR of 28.7%. In order to
improve our results and deal with the limited amount
of data in GW
, we have paired it with the more ex-
tensive dataset RM
, for each experiment.
Table 2 presents the results obtained by four sys-
tems trained on the RM
training set and
tested on RM
and GW
test sets. The systems differ
from the number of features (32 or 128) and from the
number of cells in their two LSTM layers (50 or 100).
When the number of extracted features is set to 32,
we can see that increasing the number of cells leads
to a better rate on the characters. When the number
of features is increased to 128, the character recogni-
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 2: Results for several systems with the same training
set, RM
Features Cells Test CRR WRR
32 50
40.5 22.2
63.5 34.8
32 100
43.9 22.2
67.6 39.9
128 100
48.5 25.5
70.1 41.7
tion rate on GW
evolves from 40.5% to 48.5%. The
same observation can be made on RM
, where the
character recognition rate increases by 6.6%. How-
ever, the increase in the word recognition rate is not
as important on the two test sets. Finally, these results
allow us to conclude that the best configuration is ob-
tained with 128 feature outputs from the CNN and
with 100 LSTM cells, which was originally defined
by (Graves and Schmidhuber, 2009). These settings
will be kept for the rest of our experiments. We can
also conclude that the addition of a large dataset helps
to improve the results.
6.2 Optimizing the Word Datasets
Now that the architecture of the system has been set
up, we have to define the datasets that will be used
for training and testing our system. Among the three
datasets, two must be dedicated to training and the
third one must play the role of our CI data since we
only have a limited amount of CI data with a ground-
truth. The RIMES dataset must be part of the training
dataset because it is the only one French dataset that
we have here.
Table 3: Results obtain on word images for systems with
128 features and 100 cells for the LSTM layers.
Id Train Test CRR WRR
48.5 25.5
70.1 41.7
9.0 0.3
6.3 0.3
71.1 42.0
91.1 75.9
Among studies on the RIMES dataset, (Pham
et al., 2014) use a deep recurrent neural network com-
posed of MDLSTM and CNN. The authors vary the
number of LSTM cells from 30 to 200. They obtain a
84.9% character recognition rate with 50 cells, and a
84.2% character recognition rate with 100 cells. Pro-
gressively, our system (presented in Table 3) tends
to reach this state-of-the-art. The high recognition
rate obtained with RM and ESP on the words push
us to select them for the last series of experiments on
CI. These first experiments on transfer learning at the
word level shows that it is a difficult task.
6.3 Experimenting Transfer Learning
In the previous experiments, we were in a phase of
training and testing on labeled data. The last exper-
iments deal with the learning transfer process on the
line images, especially those of CI. It is interesting to
evaluate the impact that can have the addition or not of
target data during the training. Table 4 presents the re-
sult of three different experiments which include tests
on CI. Each of them uses the saved weights from an
experiment (indicated by an ID in the train column).
Table 4: Results for systems with 128 features, 100 cells
for the LSTM layers and fine-tuned with the saved weights
from the different experiences.
Id Train Test CRR
) CI
) CI
Our user case corresponds to the first line. With
the help of annotated data, we could achieve the re-
sults obtained on lines 2 and 3. At first, we add RM
while keeping ESP
and using the saved weights from
the last experiment E
on the words presented in Ta-
ble 3. In the experiments, we found out that fine-
tuning is only useful when the resources used to set
up the weights are still present because the system for-
gets. Then, these saved weights are used to perform
fine-tuning on CI
. This specialization of the network
on the target data during the learning allows to in-
crease the recognition rate of the characters by 15%.
Finally, in order to observe the impact of the “ space
character during the learning, the weights saved when
learning on E
are chosen to perform fine-tuning on
CI. It shows a 3.2% increase of the character recog-
nition rate with respect to the rate obtained when the
weights saved on E
were used.
Figures 4 and 5 show the curves obtained when
fine-tuning the learning on CI
, from RM
versus RM
. In addition to improving the
character recognition rate, we note that the learning
is faster, 38 epochs against 27 epochs, when using
instead of RM
. Furthermore, the initial vali-
dation NLL is twice as low with RM
and it quickly
reaches a stability level, when the “space” character
was learned before. With the fine-tuning on RM
, the
Transfer Learning for Handwriting Recognition on Historical Documents
Figure 4: Fine-tuning of CI
on E
: evolution of Log-Likelihood by epoch
Figure 5: Fine-tuning of CI
on E
evolution of Log-Likelihood by epoch
character recognition rate on the validation set grows
gradually. We can notice a sharp fall at the begin-
ning of the learning curve: it seems like the system
forgets part of what it has learned to better special-
ize to CI
. With RM
, the character recognition rate
curve behaves as the training continues as before the
fine-tuning. It is also interesting to note that, here,
the breakpoint on the validation NLL is just after the
best value reached for the character recognition rate.
Furthermore, we can see that, with just one iteration
on a small set of target data, the character recognition
rate already exceeds the first experiment we had con-
ducted by testing directly on CI
. Thus, a very sim-
ple system architecture without any language model
helps to successfully achieve the learning transfer.
We performed experiments on transductive transfer
learning for the task of handwriting recognition on a
new historical dataset. Firstly, we optimized the pa-
rameters of the system to obtain the simplest and most
performing system. Then, we defined the best pairing
of datasets to realize the transfer learning. Moreover,
it is necessary to pay attention to the balance of the
representation of words in a dataset because this has
a strong impact on the system. The last experiment
with the CI data shows that even if both measures of
recognition rate are low, we have a progression.
Our experiments allow us to conclude that HWR
systems quickly specialize on learning data. We have
found out that the addition of one or more resources
makes it possible to improve character recognition.
For now, it is still necessary to add a small amount
of target data in the learning, to achieve a minimum
recognition rate. In the long term, we want to build a
system based on capitalization of resources in order to
avoid those phases of annotation and manual valida-
tion. Our aim remains to be able to carry out transfer
learning on data without prior costly knowledge.
These results will guide our future experiments.
Besides the addition of resources and their balance
control, we can explore several orientations. We
will focus on solutions which do not require costly
ground-truth. For example, using unsupervised train-
ing can take advantage of thousands unannotated
available pages. This can be done by using an autoen-
coder for feature extraction layers instead of our FCN.
Another low cost resource are dictionaries which can
be collected from topic related corpus but this solu-
tion implies to add a language model post-processing
of the network outputs. Finally we can also set up
a deeper network with several LSTM layers as it is
often used in the state-of-the-art. However, increas-
ing the system size runs against the results presented
ICPRAM 2018 - 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
here to obtain a good recognition rate on data that are
not used during learning. There is still some works
to succeed in the recognition of new digitized docu-
ments from multilingual and multi-period resources.
Arvanitopoulos, N. and S
usstrunk, S. (2014). Seam carving
for text line extraction on color and grayscale histori-
cal manuscripts. In ICFHR, pages 726–731.
Augustin, E., Brodin, J.-m., Carr
e, M., Geoffrois, E.,
Grosicki, E., and Preteux, F. (2006). RIMES evalu-
ation campaign for handwritten mail processing. In
Bunke, H., Roth, M., and Schukat-Talamazzini, E. G.
(1995). Off-line cursive handwriting recognition us-
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Transfer Learning for Handwriting Recognition on Historical Documents