Splitting-merging Clustering Algorithm for Collaborative Filtering
Recommendation System
Nabil Belacel
, Guillaume Durand
, Serge Leger
and Cajetan Bouchard
National Research Council, Information and Communication Technologies, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
National Research Council, Information and Communication Technologies, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Information Filtering, Recommender Systems, Collaborative Filtering, Clustering, Splitting-merging
Collaborative filtering (CF) is a well-known and successful filtering technique that has its own limits, espe-
cially in dealing with highly sparse and large-scale data. To address this scalability issue, some researchers
propose to use clustering methods like K-means that has the shortcomings of having its performances highly
dependent on the manual definition of its number of clusters and on the selection of the initial centroids, which
leads in case of ill-defined values to inaccurate recommendations and an increase in computation time. In this
paper, we will show how the Merging and Splitting clustering algorithm can improve the performances of
recommendation with reasonable computation time by comparing it with K-means based approach. Our ex-
periment results demonstrate that the performances of our system are independent on the initial partition by
considering the statistical nature of data. More specially, results in this paper provide significant evidences that
the proposed splitting-merging clustering based CF is more scalable than the well-known K-means clustering
based CF.
In general, recommendation systems use mainly three
types of filtering techniques: content based filtering
(CBF), collaborative filtering (CF) and hybrid filte-
ring (the combination of content based filtering and
collaborative filtering)(Burke, 2002). The CBF re-
commendation technique recommends specific items
that are similar to those that have been already positi-
vely rated in the past by the active user. CBF uses only
the content of the items in order to make a recommen-
dation (Pazzani and Billsus, 2007). The CF recom-
mendation technique recommends items that were
preferred in the past by similar users to the active user.
CF techniques make the assumption that the active
user will be interested in items appreciated by simi-
lar users. Finally, the hybrid based filtering techni-
ques recommend items by combining CF and content-
based filtering (Burke, 2002). CF is widely used in the
fields of e-commerce (Linden et al., 2003), e-learning
(Bobadilla et al., 2009), e-government (Shambour and
Lu, 2011), TV programs (Zhang et al., 2013), music
(Cohen and Fan, 2000) and books (Benkoussas et al.,
2014). Methods in CF can be either memory-based
or model-based. Memory-based algorithms operate
on the whole user-item rating matrix and make re-
commendations by identifying the neighborhood of
the target user to whom the recommendations will
be made based on his preferences (Herlocker et al.,
1999). The memory based filtering algorithms are
easy to implement and they perform very well in
many real world applications (Lu et al., 2015). Ho-
wever, they face important problems limiting their ap-
plications with sparse and/or large data. Data spar-
sity is common when users rate only a small number
of items creating a very sparse user-item matrix (Su
and Khoshgoftaar, 2009). On the scalability side, the
memory based filtering algorithms do not scale satis-
factory when the users and items in ratings database
increase (Lu et al., 2015). To solve this last scala-
bility issue, model-based techniques were proposed.
Model based techniques use machine learning algo-
rithms on users-rating training data to learn a mo-
del and to make predictions on the users-rating test
data or on real data. Several algorithms have been
used for model based CF. Among the machine lea-
ning algorithms used, let’s list Bayesian networks (Su
and Khoshgoftaar, 2006), matrix factorization (Bokde
et al., 2015), probabilistic latent space models (Hof-
mann and Puzicha, 1999), neural networks(Feng and
Huiyou, 2006) and clustering methods(Salah et al.,
2016). Clustering methods using K-means algorithm
Belacel, N., Durand, G., Leger, S. and Bouchard, C.
Splitting-merging Clustering Algorithm for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006599501650174
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 165-174
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
have been widely used in model based CF because
of K-means simplicity and low complexity. Howe-
ver, the usability of K-means is limited by the fact
that the clustering results are heavily dependent on
the user defined variants, i.e., the selection of the ini-
tial centroids and the number of clusters. In practice,
K-means algorithm configuration difficulties can ea-
sily lead to inaccurate recommendation and drama-
tic computation time increases. To avoid the shortco-
mings of the K-means algorithm and at the same time
to solve scalability but also sparsity in CF, we propose
to use an automatic clustering approach. The propo-
sed clustering method can automatically determine a
pseudo-optimal number of clusters according to the
statistical nature of data so that the initial centroids
seeds are not critical to the clustering (Guan et al.,
2003b); (Guan et al., 2003a). This paper proposes a
recommendation method that alleviates the scalability
difficulty of CF and improves the K-means CF-based
recommendation approaches proposed in literature by
performing extensive experiments using three diffe-
rent data sets classified as small, medium and large
from MovieLens(Harper and Konstan, 2015). To the
best of our knowledge, this is the first time that large
data with 10 millions entries were used in clustering
based CF. The rest of the article is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents related works on traditional
CF as well as different algorithms including the clus-
tering methods used. Section 3 describes the propo-
sed approach to automatic clustering for CF. Section
4 provides experimental results and Section 5 outlines
conclusions and future work.
CF relies on past users items ratings. It predicts user
preferences on items that have not been seen yet based
on the historical preference judgments (rating values)
from a community of users. The preference judg-
ments are usually structured as a user-item rating ma-
trix. Note that user rating can be either implicit or ex-
plicit (Jawaheer et al., 2010). CF approach uses only
the past users’ behaviors and does not require any user
profile. It has the advantage of not requiring any ex-
ternal data such as demographic information hence
reducing the time consumed by the recommendation
process ((Su and Khoshgoftaar, 2009)). Techniques
used in CF can be either memory based or model ba-
sed (Su and Khoshgoftaar, 2009).
2.1 Memory based Filtering
Memory based filtering uses the entire user-item data
to generate a prediction. Based on some similarities,
the algorithms find a set of users with similar tastes
or preferences, called neighbors, to target user. These
neighbors have a history of agreeing with the target
user.They rate different items similarly. Once neig-
hbors of users are found, the algorithms predict the
preferences on new items for the target user. These
algorithms are known as nearest-neighbor CF.
General Approach of k-nn based CF
The most prevalent algorithms used in collabora-
tive filtering are k nearest neighbor CF. It was
the first automated CF system introduced by Grou-
pLens(Resnick et al., 1994). The k nearest neighbor
for collaborative filtering follows three phases to ge-
nerate a recommendation:
2.1.1 Phase 1: Similarity Weighting
The first step in k-nn based CF is to weight all users
with respect to similarity. The similarity reflects the
correlation, distance or weight among users. Various
approaches have been proposed to compute the simi-
larity sim(a, v) between users a and v based on ratings
of items that both users have rated. Different simila-
rity measures have been proposed and evaluated in the
literature. Among these measures we can list: Cosine
vector, Pearson correlation, Spearman rank correla-
tion, mean squared difference and these are few simi-
larity measures used in CF among others (Al-Shamri,
2014), (Liu et al., 2014). Popular approach for simi-
larity weighting in CF is Pearson correlation. As a
result, we used Pearson correlation in the proposed
modeled based filtering algorithm. In many research
works the Pearson correlation tends to lead to better
results (Ekstrand et al., 2011). The Pearson correla-
tion between the active user a and v is given as fol-
sim(a,v) =
where I is the set of co-rated items by the two users a
and v. r
and r
refer to the rating of the target item
i by the user a and v respectively. ¯r
and ¯r
are the
average rating of the co-rated items of the users a and
v respectively. Pearson correlation can be a problem
when it computes similarities between users who have
rated only few items. To alleviate this difficulty some
researchers propose an improved Pearson correlation
by adding a significance weighting factor that would
devalue similarity weights based on a small number of
co-rated items (Herlocker et al., 2002). Some experi-
ments have shown a threshold value of 50 to be useful
in improving prediction accuracy. The threshold can
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
be applied by multiplying the similarity function by
|/50,1}, where |I
| is the number of
co-rated item by the users a and v (Ekstrand et al.,
2.1.2 Phase 2: Neighborhoods Selection
As shown in different analysis (Herlocker et al.,
1999), a number of k neighbors between 20 and 50
is usually a reasonable starting point in CF. In our ex-
periments we used the best k selected technique. We
tried different number of neighborhood on training set
to find the best one.
2.1.3 Phase 3: Prediction
After that the similarities between the active user with
other users are computed and that k neighbors are se-
lected, the CF system combines the items rating from
those k users to predict the user’s preferences for an
item. The formula used to generate prediction is the
weighted average of deviation from the neighbor’s
mean, using the similarity calculated in Eq. (1):
= ¯r
) sim(a,v)
where p
represents the prediction for the active user
a on the target item i. k is the selected number of
neighbors and sim(a,v) is the weighted similarity cal-
culated by Eq. (1). Herlocker et al. (Herlocker et al.,
1999) found that the weighted average deviation of
neighbor’s rating from that neighbor’s mean rating
performs significantly better than the non-normalized
ratings approach. In our experiment we chose to use
eq. (2).
2.1.4 Challenges of Memory based
Collaborative Filtering
Memory based CF have been very successful due to
their simplicity and their good performances. Howe-
ver, and as previously mentioned, they suffer from
limitations such as scalability and data sparsity. In
practice recommender systems are used for large
numbers of user-items data. Hence, memory based
CF has difficulty scaling for systems such as ama-
zon.com or e-bay e-commerce. These systems con-
tain millions of users and items. In this paper we pro-
pose an approach that can deal with this scalability
issue, and we test it on millions of users and items.
In addition, most recommender systems dealing with
millions of items have active users rating only a small
number of them (sparsity) resulting in a poor recom-
mendation accuracy. Another illustration of the spar-
sity case is when a new user or item occurs, making
difficult to find similar neighbors as there is no in-
formation available on them. More details on me-
mory based collaborative filtering challenges can be
found in ((Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005);(Su and
Khoshgoftaar, 2009); (Lu et al., 2015). To overcome
these difficulties researchers have proposed model ba-
sed filtering approaches.
2.2 Model based Filtering
Model based filtering first builds a model on the trai-
ning set (offline data set) to predict the items for the
active users on the test set (online). Since the model is
built offline, the system uses less memory and the pre-
diction time decreases ((Darvishi-Mirshekarlou et al.,
2013), (Gong et al., 2009)). The model based CF pro-
vides more accurate predictions for sparse data and
addresses scalability problems as shown in (Huang
and Yin, 2010), (Birtolo et al., 2011) and (Birtolo and
Ronca, 2013). Several popular model based filtering
approaches are based on probabilistic latent semantic
CF and clustering techniques (Su and Khoshgoftaar,
2009). The goal of the latent semantic analysis is to
discover latent features that explain observed ratings
(Koren, 2010). Techniques of latent semantic analysis
count probabilistic latent space models (Hofmann and
Puzicha, 1999), neural network (Salakhutdinov et al.,
2007) and latent Dirichlet allocation or based on to-
pic modeling (Wilson et al., 2014). The clustering CF
techniques are extensively used to address the scala-
bility and sparsity problems. Researchers including
(Huang and Yin, 2010), (Birtolo et al., 2011), (Roh
et al., 2003) and (Birtolo and Ronca, 2013) show
in their experiments that clustering CF provide more
accurate predictions for sparse data than memory ba-
sed filtering while addressing the scalability issue as
well as the items cold start problems. In the next sub
section, we give an overview on clustering methods
for CF.
2.2.1 Clustering based CF
In CF, the clustering techniques can be used to group
either the items into clusters that have same users’
preferences or users into clusters with similar items
ratings. In users’ CF, users who have same items’ pre-
ferences are grouped in restricted clusters. Therefore,
when a new user is identified as similar to a user clus-
ter, items liked by that user group are recommended
to the new user ((Tsai and Hung, 2012), (Sarwar et al.,
2002)). In their clustering methods, Ungar and Fos-
ter ((Ungar and Foster, 1998)) clustered users and ra-
ted items separately using variations of K-means with
Expectation Maximization (EM) and Gibbs sampling
Splitting-merging Clustering Algorithm for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System
(Geman and Geman, 1984). Their experiments sho-
wed that the results of EM clustering based CF on
real data were not very promising but when they used
the repeated K-means with Gibbs sampling their re-
sults got better. Moreover, their model could be ea-
sily extended to much complex models and it may
handle clustering with multiple attributes. However,
Gibbs sampling is computationally expensive ((Un-
gar and Foster, 1998)). Kohrs et al. (Kohrs and Me-
rialdo, 1999) applied hierarchy clustering using the
top down approach for CF with sparse rating matrix.
Their approach was more efficient than other traditio-
nal CF when applied to few users and provided high
prediction values even for users who rated only a li-
mited number of items. Hierarchical clustering is par-
ticularly efficient in providing recommendations for
new users who rated only few items. Xue et al. (Xue
et al., 2005) applied the K-means algorithm to clus-
ter users before analyzing the clusters obtained and
choosing an adequate cluster for the active user. They
applied the smoothing strategies to the unseen items
using the same idea used in natural language proces-
sing (Brown et al., 1992) where the cluster is used as
topic in order to alleviate the sparsity difficulty. They
showed that their approach outperformed other CF
approaches on small data sets. Sarwar et al.(Sarwar
et al., 2002) addressed the scalability issues by users
clustering and used the user cluster as the neighbor-
hood. (Ma et al., 2016) showed the efficiency of their
newly proposed clustering based CF in rating pre-
dictions with addressing the data sparsity and cold
start problems. Rong et al. (Hu et al., 2013) proposed
a clustering method for CF. Their approach was divi-
ded into two phases: clustering and CF. The clustering
method was based on K-means used as pre-processing
for CF. By using clustering techniques, the data size
was reduced so that the online computation time of
CF algorithm decreased significantly. One could ar-
gue that the results of their approach depends strongly
on the number of clusters. Unfortunately this number
of clusters is initially unknown. These recent studies
point out that a clustering algorithm computing auto-
matically the cluster numbers could further improve
the performance of the recommendation. This moti-
vated us to develop the CF approach presented in the
next section.
The main contribution of this paper is to propose a
recommendation method that alleviates the scalabi-
lity and sparsity difficulties of CF by introducing the
splitting and merging clustering based on K-means+
algorithm and by performing extensive experiments
using three different data sets classified as small, me-
dium and large from MovieLens data sets (Harper and
Konstan, 2015). Generally, CF using clustering algo-
rithm is based on the following steps:
step 1: Cluster users u U in K clusters using any
clustering algorithm
step 2: Evaluate the distance between active user
and centroids
step 3: Choose the closest cluster for the active
step 4: Select the n nearest neighbor from the cho-
sen active user’s cluster
Step 5: Predict items’ active user preferences.
In this paper the clustering methods used in step 1
for CF are K-means and splitting merging K-means+
clustering algorithm as detailed in the two following
3.1 K-means Clustering Algorithm for
K-means clustering is the most well-known and com-
monly used partitional clustering method. It is very
simple, fast and straightforward. Many researchers
show that K-means is very efficient for model based
CF ((Dakhel and Mahdavi, 2011), (Xue et al., 2005)).
Algorithm 1 presents the different steps of K-means
clustering method.
Algorithm 1: K-Means algorithm.
Input:U : training users; K: the number of clusters
Output: K centroids, {C
Step 1: Initialization: Randomly select K users uni-
formly at random from U, as initial starting points. Cal-
culate centroids as the means value of the users for each
Alternate steps
Step 2: assign each user to the cluster with nearest
Step 3: update the centroid clusters, i.e., calculate the
mean value of the users for each cluster
until (no user changes its cluster membership or any ot-
her stopping condition is satisfied)
K-means is relatively scalable when processing
large data sets as its complexity is O(
× K × t),
where t is the number of iterations, |U| is the total
number of users and K is the number of clusters. It
can also converge to local optimum in a relatively
small number of iterations. However, the usability of
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
K-means is limited since clustering results are hea-
vily dependent on the user defined variants, i.e., the
selection of the initial centroids seeds and the num-
ber of clusters. Consequently, these shortcomings
lead to inaccurate recommendation and increase the
computation time of collaborative filtering. To over-
come the K-means algorithm issue and in the same
time to solve both problems scalability and sparsity in
CF, we applied K-means+ ((Guan et al., 2003a),(Guan
et al., 2003b)). K-means+ can automatically deter-
mine a pseudo optimal number of clusters according
to the statistical nature of the data. The initial cen-
troid seeds are not critical to the K-means+ clustering
((Guan et al., 2003b), (Guan et al., 2003a), (Huang
et al., 2005)). K-means is sensitive to outliers and
noise in data since a small number of such data can
substantially influence the mean value. The resulting
cluster centroids may not be excellent representatives
of their cluster. However, K-means+ can handle noise
and outliers in the data. The clusters with outliers in
K-means+ can be split depending on the data distri-
bution of the cluster. In a sparse matrix as in the case
of CF, data contains outliers that are not appropriate
for clustering algorithms like K-means. In such situa-
tion, K-means can end up with several empty clusters
to which no data points are allocated during the assig-
nment step. Two approaches are proposed to handle
empty clusters: (1) deleting the empty clusters or (2)
replacing the empty cluster with newly created non-
empty clusters. The second approach chooses the
point that is farthest away from its current centroid,
replaces it as the centroid of the empty cluster, and
then perform the re-clustering. This strategy as propo-
sed by (Hansen and Mladenovic, 2001) eliminates the
farthest point that contributes most to the total sum of
squared errors. In our experiments, in case of empty
clusters situation, K-means+ follows the first appro-
ach by removing the empty clusters using a splitting
and merging strategy. The second approach was dee-
med too complicated and computationally expensive.
3.2 Proposed Splitting Merging
Clustering Approach for CF
Our proposed collaborative filtering model is based
on K-means+ and is characterized by exploiting the
statistical nature of the data to adjust autonomously
the number of clusters K. K-means+ partitions the
data into an appropriate number of clusters without
requiring an adhoc fixed number of clusters like K-
means. K-means+ considers the statistical nature of
data distribution. By splitting and merging clusters,
it self-adjusts the number of clusters K. If the initial
value of K is too small, the splitting strategy is used to
increase the number of clusters; likewise the merging
strategy reduces the number of clusters in case it is
too large. Algorithm 2 presents the general steps of
the clustering method k-means+ ((Guan et al., 2003a),
(Guan et al., 2003b)).
Algorithm 2: Splitting and merging clustering algorithm.
Input:U : training users; K: the initial number of clusters
Output: K0 clusters of users; K0 centroids,
0; K0 is the adjusted number of clus-
Step 1: Initialization: arbitrarily choose K users uni-
formly at random from U, as initial starting points. Cal-
culate centroids as the means value of the users for each
Apply K-means;
Search for an empty Cluster
if (there are empty clusters ) then
delete the empty clusters
end if
hasOutlier true
/*Splitting Steps*/
while (hasOutlier) do
search all the clusters
if (there is an outlier) then
hasOutlier true
remove the first found outlier
Create a new cluster with this deleted outlier
Apply K-means with centroids of new clusters as
initial solution
Search for an empty Cluster
if (there are empty clusters ) then
delete the empty clusters
end if
hasOutlier f alse
end if
end while
/*merging steps*/
for i = 1 to K0 1 do
for j = i + 1 to K0 do
if (cluster
and cluster
can be merged) then
group cluster
and cluster
(Reassign users
in cluster i and users in cluster j to the same cluster)
end if
end for
end for
The algorithm 2 first performs k-means on a
random number between 2 and n. The outliers are
detected and removed by a confident area d1 with ra-
dius of five standard deviation σ of each cluster. In-
deed, the data points that are far beyond the threshold
d1 = 5σ are considered as outliers and they are remo-
ved from each cluster. Then the removed data are as-
signed as centroids of a new clusters. Once this split-
ting phase is done the adjacent clusters whose overlap
is over the threshold d2 = 1.414(σ
) are merged.
The threshold d2 represents the correlation coefficient
Splitting-merging Clustering Algorithm for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System
between two different clusters. Hence the clustering
results are not sensitive to the initial partitions and
to the number of clusters. Consequently, the effect
of outliers in K-means+ is well handled. More de-
tails on the significance of the two thresholds d1 and
d2 can be found in (Guan et al., 2003a) and (Guan
et al., 2003b). Our proposed clustering based CF met-
hod proceeds into two phases. The first phase (offline
phase) is done on the training set or on the historical
users-items ratings data. In this phase users are clus-
tered in different groups such that users with similar
preferences are grouped in the same cluster. In the se-
cond phase (online phase on testing set), the nearest
neighbor based CF is applied on the active user into
two steps. The first step aims at choosing the closest
cluster for the active user by calculating the distance
between the active user and the centroid of the classes.
Therefore, the cluster of the active user is determined
by the closest distance between the active user and
the centroid of the corresponding cluster. The second
step of this phase applies the k-nearest neighbor ba-
sed CF filtering as presented in section 2.1 on active
user’s cluster only (do not include all users data) as in
the classical CF technique. Consequently, the online
execution time (or the testing time) of collaborative
filtering is reduced as well as the resulting sparsity
4.1 Datasets
In the experimentation we considered three data
sets from the movie rating application MovieLens.
More details on the different MovieLens data sets
can be found in (Harper and Konstan, 2015). The
first data set used is MovieLens 100,000 ratings,
we called it SML. It contains 100,000 ratings
provided by 943 users for 1682 movies. Movies are
rated on an integer scale going from 1 (bad) to 5
(excellent) with 0 for not rated movies. The second
data set called MML in the paper is a medium size
MovieLens data set. MML contains slightly more
than 1 million ratings and 209 ratings rated by 6040
users on 3900 movies using the same integer scale
as SML. The third data set called LML is a large
MovieLens data set. LML contains 10 millions and
5 ratings applied to 10681 movies by 71567 users of
the online movie recommender service MovieLens
10m-README.html. The ratings of LML data set
is different from SML and MML. Rates in LML are
made on a 5-stars scale and with half-star increments.
As a result there is 10 rates possibilities ranged from
0.5 to 5 with 0 standing as a not rated item.
4.2 Metrics
To evaluate the quality of our CF algorithm, we used
the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) because of its versa-
tility in CF literature ((Breese et al., 1998), (Herlocker
et al., 2004), (Zahra et al., 2015)). The MAE calcula-
tes the average absolute deviation between predicted
rating provided by CF algorithm and true rating as-
signed by user in the testing data test. It is defined
where n is the total of ratings provided by the test set,
is the predicted rating provided by the CF algo-
rithm and r
is the actual rating assigned by user to
item i. The lower the MAE, the more accurately the
recommendation engine predicts user ratings.
4.3 Evaluation Methodology
In this study, we used 5 fold cross validation techni-
que to evaluate the developed algorithms for collabo-
rative filtering on SML and MML data set; 20% of
the users were randomly selected to be test set and
the 80% remaining were used for training. From each
user in the test set, ratings for 20% of items were wit-
hheld, and rating predictions were computed for those
withheld items. Finally, the average results on the five
folds including the MAE cluster numbers and the exe-
cution time were reported. For LML data set we have
divided the data set into two folds. One fold with 80%
of users was used for training and the 20% remaining
were used for testing.
To compare the performance of the different algo-
rithms in terms of scalability, we calculated the pre-
dictive accuracy using, as previously mentioned the
MAE but also the execution time to get a prediction
on the test data set. We tested this way the three al-
gorithms: the nearest neighbor based CF, the k-means
(k > 3) clustering based CF and K-means+ clustering
based CF. In this comparative study, different num-
bers of clusters ranging from 3 to 150 have been used
as initial condition for clustering methods. The clas-
sical collaborative filtering is designated in the graph
as k-nn CF with a number of clusters equal to one.
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The results over SML dataset in figure 1 show that
the CF based on splitting and merging clearly out-
performs the CF based K-means algorithm when the
number of clusters is greater than 20 and it is slightly
better with a smaller number of clusters. As shown in
figure 1, the performances obtained by the classical
CF is slightly better than our proposed clustering ba-
sed CF and much better than k-means based CF spe-
cifically when the number of clusters is greater than
20. The results over MML dataset in figure 2 show
that K-means+ outperforms K-means while slightly
not being as good as classical CF. However, it is two
times faster than the classical collaborative filtering
when the initial number of clusters is 150 as presen-
ted in figure 3. The results over LML data set in table
1 show that K-means+ and K-means based CF have
the same performances as the traditional CF based k-
nn while being faster. As shown in table 1, the online
prediction by K-means based CF is two times faster
than traditional CF and the online prediction by K-
means+ is three times faster than traditional CF and it
is almost two times faster than K-means based CF. As
we mentioned in related work, the CF algorithms suf-
fer from the scalability problem. However, K-means+
based CF is less time consuming than traditional CF
method. As seen in figure 3 and table 1, our proposed
K-means+ based CF algorithm outperforms K-means
based CF and has almost the same prediction time on
MML data sets. It is also faster than both classical CF
and K-means based CF methods. Our proposed met-
hod with K-means+ takes about one fifth of the tradi-
tional CF average prediction running time. As shown
in figure 4, on average, the final number of clusters
obtained by K-means+ is decreased. For example,
considering the initial number of cluster K=150, on
average the final number of clusters is about K=7.
This could explain why the performances of CF ba-
sed K-means+ is better than CF based on K-means.
However, the CPU time for online prediction will in-
crease a little bit because the closest cluster to the
target user will have more users than it would with
K-means. For very large data set (LML), the propo-
sed K-means+ based CF has less online computatio-
nal time on testing data with a comparable prediction
accuracy as shown in table 1.
Figure 5 summarizes our results using different
initial centroids approaches. In this experiment we
have tested two approaches, the first one selects K
users from training set uniformly and randomly and
the second one, splits the users in K subsets and then
calculates centroids as the means value of the users
for each subset. As shown in figure 5, the propo-
sed CF based K-means+ algorithm provides almost
same predictions with different initial centroid seeds
Figure 1: MAE for varying number of clusters on SML data.
Figure 2: MAE for varying number of clusters on MML
Figure 3: Online time in seconds for varying number of
clusters on MML data set.
Figure 4: The average number of clusters obtained by K-
means+ on training set (MML data).
approaches. As a result, CF based K-means+ appro-
ach seems more robust and stable to the initial cen-
troid seeds than K-means.
Splitting-merging Clustering Algorithm for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System
Table 1: Comparative results on LML data set with initial number of clusters K = 100.
K-means K-means+ k-NN CF
Average MAE 0.656199389 0.656794361 0.654921579
Average online time on testing data in seconds 2.211 1.542 7.020
Online prediction time per item in seconds 0.00568455 0.00396411 0.018059
Figure 5: The average MAE of different initial centroids
selection approaches on K-means and K-means+ over the
SML test sets with K=150.
Recommender systems have become an essential
functionality for many E-commerce Web applicati-
ons. Many systems use k nearest neighbor based CF
algorithms that are very efficient in filtering interes-
ting items to users. However, k nearest neighbor ba-
sed CF algorithms have difficulties to scale. To ad-
dress this scalability issue, we investigated the appli-
cation of a clustering method based on a splitting and
merging heuristic for model based collaborative fil-
tering. We considered an aspect that is usually ig-
nored in CF, the statistical nature of the data. The
experimental results obtained show that the recom-
mendation method based on splitting and merging
heuristic is a viable approach for scalable collabo-
rative filtering. The comparative results have shown
that splitting-merging clustering algorithm has a lo-
wer prediction error compared to K-means clustering
method especially for large amount of data with high
dimensional space. Moreover, the experimental re-
sults we obtained on Movielens data illustrate the ro-
bustness of the K-means+ clustering algorithm and
the fact that initial centroid seeds are not critical to
the clustering results as they are for K-means. In our
study we considered only user collaborative filtering
but it would be interesting to investigate the applica-
tion of our proposed clustering method to item based
collaborative filtering and to compare the results with
user based collaborative filtering. More precisely, we
will, in future works, apply our proposed clustering
method to the item based filtering method. Once the
items are clustered and the closest cluster to the new
item is determined, the item based CF will be applied
to produce the recommendation to the target user. Be-
sides, we will investigate the application of other type
of Splitting and merging algorithms for CF. Among
the algorithms we would like to test are (Laplante
et al., 2015) and (Wang and Belacel, 2008).
This work is part of the National Research Council
Canada program Learning and Performance Support
Systems (LPSS), which addresses training, develop-
ment and performance support in all industry sectors,
including education, oil and gas, policing, military
and medical devices.
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