An Ontological Context Modeling Framework for Coping with the
Dynamic Contexts of Cyber-physical Systems
Jennifer Brings
, Marian Daun
, Constantin Hildebrandt
and Sebastian Törsleff
paluno The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Automation Technology Institute, Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg, Germany
Keywords: Cyber-physical Systems, Collaborative Systems, Context, Context Modeling, Dynamic Context.
Abstract: Cyber-physical systems are highly collaborative by nature. At runtime these systems collaborate with each
other to achieve goals that a single system could not achieve on its own. For example, autonomous vehicles
can dynamically form convoys at runtime to facilitate higher traffic throughput and a reduction in CO2
emissions. While the importance of context documentation and analysis in system development is well known,
current model-based engineering approaches struggle with the size and complexity of cyber-physical systems’
contexts. This is due to high variety and dynamicity of the contexts to be considered. For example, a convoy
to be formed at runtime may consist of different numbers of participating vehicles. Additionally, it may face
different neighboring, not partaking context systems (e.g., non-equipped vehicles, equipped but not
participating vehicles) and situations (e.g., speed limits, road construction sites, emergency vehicles). This
paper proposes a context ontology to cope with highly dynamic contexts of cyber-physical systems by
explicitly differentiating between not only the system and its context but also between the cyber-physical
system network the system participates in, as well as the system networks context.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are closely integrated
in their contexts. Not only by monitoring context
measurements by means of sensors and influencing
their context by means of actuators, but also with one
another by means of direct communication devices or
the future internet (Wolf, 2009). In doing so, cyber-
physical systems form collaborating system networks
to achieve common goals (Broy and Schmidt, 2014).
For example, a network of transport robots can
optimize costs and time used for transporting goods.
This might involve single systems deviating from
their local optima (e.g., taking a longer route) in order
to contribute to the global optimization goal (e.g.,
minimizing the total distance travelled of all transport
robots involved).
The context of a CPS is an important driver for
the functionality and behavior the system exhibits.
Furthermore, the existence of other context objects,
such as barriers, people, or the number and position
of production belts influences the actual behavior of
the system. Hence, context aspects need to be taken
into account during the engineering of cyber-physical
systems. For example, the context is explicitly
elicited during requirements engineering (Nuseibeh
and Easterbrook, 2000), it is considered during safety
analyses such as the FMEA (Stamatis, 2003), and the
systems’ architecture is designed to allow for context
awareness at runtime (Whittle et al., 2009).
Since model-based engineering can be seen as the
standard approach to cope with today’s challenges in
cyber-physical system development (Broy, 2013),
context models are heavily relied upon (Fouquet et
al., 2012). However, current approaches do not take
into account the two-sided nature of the context, when
it comes to modeling CPS networks. For CPS
networks, parts of the context behave like a system on
their own, namely the cyber-physical system under
development and other cyber-physical systems in its
context, which together form a system network to
achieve common goals, create emergent
functionality, and exhibit an aligned behavior. Hence,
the model-based documentation must not only
distinguish between the system and its context, but
furthermore, between the system and the system
network, as well as between the system network and
its context. It is important to note that the system, the
system network and their contexts are partly
overlapping. This must be explicitly taken into
Brings, J., Daun, M., Hildebrandt, C. and Törsleff, S.
An Ontological Context Modeling Framework for Coping with the Dynamic Contexts of Cyber-physical Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006603403960403
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2018), pages 396-403
ISBN: 978-989-758-283-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
account when it comes, among others, to safety
analyses. For example, each CPS must prevent unsafe
behavior of the system network it is partaking in and
unsafe context conditions identified from a system
network perspective must be taken into account for
each single system as well.
In this paper, we contribute an ontological context
modeling framework for collaborating cyber-physical
systems. The framework explicitly differentiates
between the system under development, the system
network under consideration (that the system under
development belongs to) and their contexts.
Furthermore, overlaps and mutual relations are
identified and reflected in the modeling framework to
enable advanced model-based analysis approaches to
take advantage of this.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
briefly introduces the state of the art and previous
work the ontological context modeling framework
builds upon. Section 3 introduces the core principles
of the ontological context framework and the frame-
work itself. Finally, Section 4 concludes the paper.
In the software engineering field many approaches
have been suggested for using contextual information
as well as for explicitly documenting the system’s
context, which is especially important in
requirements engineering (Gause, 2005). To this end,
various approaches to document context information
in requirements models have been suggested. For
instance, goal-oriented approaches (e.g., (Yu, 1996;
Ali, Dalpiaz and Giorgini, 2010)), refine top-level
goals considering context knowledge elicited during
requirements engineering. By doing so, goal
fulfillment either depends on the system itself, on
subsystems, or on entities in the context, such as
external systems or human users. Common
requirements engineering approaches typically take
context information into account, but do so from the
perspective of a single system, not considering the
system network the system is part of or other systems
attached to the system network.
In component-based development (e.g., (Cechich,
Piattini and Vallecillo, 2003; Karsai et al., 2003)), a
system is refined across several layers of abstraction.
Every subsystem can be considered a system in a
shared context (i.e., the overall system), such
approaches assume that only one overall development
process is in place, which sequentially traverses the
emerging subsystem tree and does not consider
concurrent engineering processes. Ontology-based
context modeling approaches, which have been
proposed in the past (e.g., (Strang, Linnhoff-Popien
and Frank, 2003)), focus on the documentation of
context information of a single system under
development. These approaches mostly rely on state-
based behavior and do not take other types of context
information into account, like static-structural or
functional dependencies.
In order to document context information
explicitly, some approaches (e.g., (Bergh and Coninx,
2006; Dhaussy et al., 2009)) extend existing
modeling languages such as the languages of the
UML. Explicit documentation of context information
is a prerequisite for various quality assurance and
analysis approaches, such as model checking of
development artifacts (e.g., (Dhaussy et al., 2009)) as
well as impact analysis of context changes (e.g.,
(Alfaro and Henzinger, 2001)).
A more generic view on the meaning of context in
system development is given in context theory. For
example, in (Gong, 2005), the distinction is made
between context subject, i.e., the system, for which
the context is being considered, and context objects,
i.e., the entities that are within the context subject’s
context. By selecting the context subject, the scope is
clearly defined: In principle, everything that is part of
the context subject can be changed during
development, whereas context objects are beyond the
scope of development and cannot be changed.
Context theoretic approaches such as (Jackson, 1995;
Jin and Liu, 2006), place particular emphasis on the
distinction between the system, the system’s context,
and the effect of the system onto its context. In this
paper, we build on these approaches by extending
them with the distinction between system and system
network as well as their contexts and the resulting
implications of this extension.
In previous work, we introduced an ontology for
modeling the context of embedded systems (Daun,
Tenbergen, et al., 2016). Thereby, clearly
distinguishing between the context of knowledge
(Daun et al., 2014), which places emphasis on
identifying and documenting knowledge sources as
needed in requirements engineering, and the
operational context, which describes the context the
system will be operating in at runtime. In this paper,
we will focus on the operational context, for which
the ontology provides the basis for various automated
context analysis approaches (Daun et al., 2015) and
facilitates the concurrent engineering of interacting
systems. (Daun, Brings, et al., 2016). In this paper,
we extend this context ontology to account for
systems in the same system network and the
dynamicity of such system networks.
An Ontological Context Modeling Framework for Coping with the Dynamic Contexts of Cyber-physical Systems
This chapter introduces the proposed context
modeling framework for cyber-physical system
networks. The framework is based on five principles:
(1) the separation between system and context, (2) the
consideration of different context subjects and their
overlapping contexts (3), the differentiation between
individual CPS and the CPS network, (4) the
differentiation between different types of context
objects, and (5) the dynamic nature of the context to
be considered. A detailed description of these
principles is given in Sections 3.1-3.5. Section 3.6
introduces the resulting context ontology.
3.1 Principle 1: Separation between
System and Context
In software engineering the dividing line between
system and context is traditionally drawn between
what can be changed and what cannot be changed
during development (e.g., (Nature Team, 1996)).
While the system can be changed as needed, the
context comprises all objects that are of relevance to
the system and its development, but cannot be
influenced during development and are thus seen as
given. For example, during the development of an
automotive traffic sign assistant, the object
recognition functionality can be implemented as
desired. The street signs to be recognized, however,
cannot be changed or influenced, but they do have an
impact on the object recognition functionality
implemented in the system.
The system and its context are separated by the
system boundary.
Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between the
system, its context and the irrelevant environment.
Everything within the system boundary is part of the
system and subject to the development process, while
everything outside is considered as given. Not
everything outside the system boundary, however, is
of relevance for the system and its development
process. A car’s engine, for example, is of no
relevance to the aforementioned traffic sign assistant
and thus not part of the traffic sign assistance’s
context but part of the irrelevant environment.
While the context also includes aspects that
mainly influence system development and not the
system’s runtime behavior (e.g., road traffic licensing
regulations), this paper focuses on the operational
context, i.e., the part of the context that the system
interacts with at runtime.
System Boundary
Context Boundary
Figure 1: Context.
3.2 Principle 2: Consideration of
Different Context Subjects and
Their Overlapping Contexts
To cope with the complexity of modern systems,
systems engineering frameworks utilize abstraction
layers that allow for decomposing systems into sub-
systems (e.g., (Böhm et al., 2016)). Figure 2
illustrates this in a simplified fashion for the traffic
sign assistant. On the second abstraction layer, the
system is decomposed into the three components
camera, electronic control unit (ECU), and user
interface. The ECU is further decomposed into an
object recognition component and a system
management component on the third abstraction
Traffic Sign
Camera ECU User Interface
User Interface
Abstraction Layer 1
Abstraction Layer 2
Abstraction Layer 3
Abstraction Layer 2
Figure 2: Decomposition of a Traffic Assistant.
From the traffic sign assistant’s point of view all
three components are part of the system. From the
ECU’s point of view, however, the camera and the
user interface are part of its context. Similarly, from
the camera’s point of view, the ECU and the user
interface are part of the camera’s context and both the
ECU and the camera are in the user interface’s
context. This relation between the different systems
and their context is illustrated in Figure 3. As can be
seen in Figure 3, the distinction between system and
context depends on the development subject and,
hence, must be seen as variable.
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
< Context>
< Context>
< System>
User Interface
< Context>
< System>
< Context>
User Interface
< System>
< Context>
< Context>
User Interface
< Context>
< Context>
< System>
User Interface
< Context>
< System>
< Context>
User Interface
< System>
< Context>
< Context>
User Interface
< Context>
< Context>
< System>
User Interface
< Context>
< System>
< Context>
User Interface
< System>
< Context>
< Context>
User Interface
Figure 3: Exemplary mutual relationships between different CPS and their context objects.
For example, during the engineering of the traffic
assistant on a high-level of granularity all three
subsystems, i.e., ECU, camera and user interface,
must be considered as part of the system. In contrast,
on a more detailed level, the subsystems will be
engineered within different engineering paths. In
consequence, the user interface and camera must be
viewed as context when engineering the ECU; ECU
and user interface are part of the context of the
camera; and ECU and camera are context objects for
the user interface. In context theory, the system,
subsystem, function, software, or whatever the
context is defined for, is typically referred to as the
context subject.
3.3 Principle 3: Differentiation between
System and System Network
CPS form networks to achieve a common goal. For
instance, a network of transport robots can negotiate
an optimized strategy for transporting goods from A
to B. To this end, each robot in the network adjusts its
behavior accordingly, which may require it to select
a suboptimal route and load for itself. Figure 4 (1)
illustrates how a network of transport robots moves
goods from A to B.
Considering a system network of autonomous
transport robots as the context subject, the context
objects comprise goods to be transported, the goods’
current positions and destinations as well as obstacles
in the room. An important characteristic of system
networks that consist of CPS is that they are usually
not designed as a whole, but rather piece by piece, i.e.,
each system separately without explicitly defining all
possible system networks which it can be part of.
Therefore, it is reasonable for a single transport
robot (e.g., R2) to be considered as the context
subject. This, in contrast, leads to the other robots
being context objects. In other words, from the point
of view of a single robot the context comprises the
other robots within the system network as well as the
context objects that are outside the system network
(goods, obstacles etc.). Both points of view are
illustrated in Figure 4 (2) and Figure 4 (3)
From the point of view of a single CPS, the
context consists of the system network as well as
other objects outside the system network. In the
transport robot example, there might not be the one
transport robot as context object but rather different
robots of different types. For instance, R2 and R3
might be of the same type, while the other six robots
are from four different manufacturers.
As can be seen for CPS networks, it can be
differentiated between the CPS and its context and the
system network and its context. Table 1 summarizes
the two different manifestations of context subjects
and context objects that are relevant to CPS.
Table 1: Different Definitions of Context Subject and
Context Objects for System Networks.
System network
CPS perspective
System network
CPS within a system
Relevant objects
outside the system
Other CPS in the
system network and
relevant objects
outside the system
Treating collaborative systems in the system
network as context objects, however, ignores the fact
that unlike context objects in the conventional sense,
these other systems often are not predefined at design
time. In fact, many system networks will consist only
in part of systems existent at design time.
3.4 Principle 4: Differentiation between
Collaborative Context Objects and
Non-Collaborative Context Objects
Systems collaborating in a system network
emergently create some kind of overall functionality
to achieve super goals that the individual systems
cannot achieve on their own. Hence, there is a
significant difference between context objects that
An Ontological Context Modeling Framework for Coping with the Dynamic Contexts of Cyber-physical Systems
CPS Network of
Transport Robots
CPS Network of
Transport Robots as
the Context Subject
A Single CPS
(Transport Robot) as
the Context Subject
Illustration of
Collaborative and
Context Objects
Illustration of
Dynamicity (R9
changed from Non-
Context Object to
Context Object
Figure 4: Illustration of a System Network of Transport Robots.
R1 R2
Robots of
vendors and
Context Subject
R1 R2
R1 R2
R1 R2
Context Object
Context Object
R1 R2
Context Object
Context Object
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
collaborate with the system under development (i.e.,
the context subject) to achieve such a super goal and
context objects that do not collaborate.
Therefore, there is a need to distinguish between
different context object classes. We choose to label
them as Collaborative Context Objects and Non-
Collaborative Context Objects. Figure 4 (4)
illustrates the separation of collaborative and non-
collaborative context objects for the transportation
robot example.
Collaborative and non-collaborative context
objects both belong to the relevant context. Since CPS
provide their functionalities to a system network, the
system network can achieve goals that a single system
would not be able to achieve on its own. Therefore,
objects that cooperate actively in achieving a goal
through providing their functionalities belong to the
collaborative context. For instance, the collaborative
context of robot R2 contains all CPS that R2
collaborates with in order to achieve a common goal,
i.e., transporting a good from A to B, optimized
regarding time and cost.
All objects in the collaborative context of a
system under development (i.e., the context subject)
are able to actively communicate certain information
(e.g., states, properties, parameters) about themselves
that are necessary for evaluating how to achieve this
goal. On the other hand, non-collaborative context
objects participate only passively in achieving the
system networks goal. As long as a transported good
does not engage in a negotiation process with the
robots (e.g., negotiation of transportation price and
duration), it remains a non-collaborative context
3.5 Principle 5: Dynamicity of CPS
CPS networks change at runtime (Broy, 2012).
Therefore, CPS that are part of such a network have
to cope with a dynamic context. Considering our
running example, new robots might be introduced to
the system network over time, or an individual robot
might receive an upgrade that enables it to carry
higher loads. In principle, whether a given context is
dynamic depends on the time-span considered,
respectively the observation horizon. Coming back to
the transport robots, robot R2 might be considered the
context subject. If the observation horizon is chosen
to be infinitely short, there will be no change in the
collaborative context as well as in the non-
collaborative context of robot R2. If instead the
observation horizon is chosen to be longer, for the
context subject R2, several changes are possible:
New objects may enter the relevant context. This
can be collaborative objects, e.g., a new robot is
introduced to the fleet (see Figure 4 (5)), or non-
collaborative objects, e.g., a new good has to be
transported. Similarly, context objects may leave the
context and become part of the irrelevant
environment. Again, these can be collaborative
context objects, e.g., a robot leaves the fleet because
it is not working profitably any more, or non-
collaborative context objects, e.g., a transported good
reached its final destination. Furthermore, objects
may change their context class, e.g., a transported
good is equipped with software that enables it to
participate in a price negotiation with the robots,
resulting in a change of the context objects class from
non-collaborative to collaborative object.
3.6 Context Ontology
The context ontology shown in Figure 5 is based on
the five principles introduced in sections 3.1-3.5 and
illustrates the different concepts and their
relationships. The environment is split into the
irrelevant environment and the context, which are
separated by the context boundary. The context itself
is comprised of various context objects (e.g., the
traffic sign, the precipitation) and separated from the
context subject (e.g., the traffic sign assistant) by the
subject boundary. The context subject can be a system
network, an individual system, a subsystem, software,
or hardware. The context ontology further
distinguishes between two types of context objects;
non-collaborative context objects (nCCO) and
collaborative context objects (CCO). The nCCOs do
not participate in a collaboration with the context
subject. This could be a traffic sign, which does not
communicate with the traffic sign assistant, but is
nevertheless part of the context. A CCO would be a
traffic light, which is able to communicate with the
context subject (i.e., the cars traffic sign assistant) in
order to change from red to green when the car is
approaching. The dynamicity (Dynamic) of the
context objects relies on the chosen observation
horizon, which can be illustrated by two extremes.
Having an infinitesimal short observation horizon,
there would not be any change in any context object
at all. Having an infinite long observation horizon,
there can be many changes. All the described
concepts are generic and not tied to a specific domain.
As part of our future research we will develop
domain-specific extensions for these concepts.
An Ontological Context Modeling Framework for Coping with the Dynamic Contexts of Cyber-physical Systems
Figure 5: Context Ontology.
In this paper, we discussed the need to not only
document and analyze the context of a CPS under
development, but also the context of the collaborative
system network the individual CPS takes part in. To
this end, we presented a context ontology, which not
only distinguishes between system and context, but
also takes mutual relations between different CPS, the
differentiation between individual systems and system
network, the distinction between collaborative and
non-collaborative objects, as well as the dynamicity of
the context for collaborative CPS into account.
First evaluation results in industry are promising.
However, future work will have to deal with a thorough
investigation of the proposed methodological context
framework. Furthermore, future work will deal with
the instantiation of the context modeling framework
for specific purposes, such as behavioral modeling,
documenting the logical architecture of CPS networks,
applying model verification techniques.
This research has partly been funded by the German
federal ministry for education and research under
grant no. 01IS16043U and grant no. 01IS16043V.
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An Ontological Context Modeling Framework for Coping with the Dynamic Contexts of Cyber-physical Systems