In this paper a novel modeling approach for CPS fol-
lowing the SMARDT methodology was evaluated.
Therefore, a self-driving vehicle controller for driv-
ing on a track in TORCS was developed. Using
formal SysML diagrams and the MontiCAR mod-
eling language it was possible to hierarchically de-
sign the system and evaluate its performance. Novel
language elements such as component and connec-
tor arrays proved to enhance component decoupling
and reuse, e.g., by allowing the evolutional param-
eter tuner to connect to arbitrary many PID compo-
nents. The strong type system supporting units en-
abled efficient component integrity checks. The mod-
ular architecture description enabled the developers
to experiment with many different variants and con-
figurations of the system. Thereby, a suitable control
strategy could be found and evaluated in an efficient
manner. Finally, the models were used to generate a
working system. Hence, it was shown that MontiCAR
is a homogeneous development framework for mod-
eling, verification, testing, and generation of CPS.
This research was supported by a Grant from the
GIF, the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Re-
search and Development, and by the Grant SPP1835
from DFG, the German Research Foundation.
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Model-Based Development of Self-Adaptive Autonomous Vehicles using the SMARDT Methodology