user story test cases. It shall also be relevant to
automate processes for TSL test case generation and
we consider the following transformations: generate
TSL test cases from equivalent RSL requirements
specifications; and directly from existant systems and
databases, namely adopting model-driven reverse
engineering techniques like we researched recently
(Reis and Silva, 2017). Futhermore, it shall be
important the automatic execution of tests namely
with their integration with external test frameworks.
At this point in time, the developed TSL State
Machine Support Tool generates test cases based on
a Switch-0 coverage, it would also be interesting to
implement algorithms based on other coverage
criteria (e.g., Switch-1 or Switch-2). Aside from that,
one could explore the possibility of more automated
processes, for instance: the generation of domain
analysis test data by combinatorial generation of
values for each attribute (e.g., constrains on possible
attribute values) and extraction of test scenarios based
on the varies flows expressed by Use Cases.
The generated tests specified in TSL can be
executed manually by a tester to exercise the SUT and
discover possible errors in the system. It would be
interesting for further research to explore the
integration of TSL files, of real developed systems,
with test frameworks to provide automatic execution
of those tests. For example, exploration of tools such
or Specflow
which enables the automatic
execution of tests in a plain-text language called
Gherkin. Cucumber is a popular tool employed in
various languages including Java, JavaScript, and
Python. Meanwhile, Specflow is an open source
solution for .NET projects. This way it would be
possible to provide an oracle for the tests, determining
whether they passed or failed.
This work was partially supported by national funds
under FCT projects UID/CEC/50021/2013.
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